Ted Cruz Is Trying And Failing To Weasel Out Of His Obamacare Duplicity

Posted by | March 26, 2015 08:00 | Filed under: Bob Cesca Contributors Opinion Politics Top Stories

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is a master at what Al Franken used to call “weasel words” — talking points that are carefully constructed to sound legitimate but really aren’t at all. Come to think of it, Stephen Colbert famously referred to this sort of thing as “truthiness.” Cruz is especially on his game when the topic of the complicated Affordable Care Act comes up because even top-shelf reporters don’t quite grasp all of the ins and outs of Obamacare and, frankly, the administration hasn’t been very strong at educating the public about what the law covers. And Cruz is exploiting every square mile of this supercolossal Obamacare ignorance gap.

For the last two days or so, Ted Cruz has repeatedly said that 1) as a member of the Senate, he’s required to have an Obamacare policy, 2) in spite of this requirement he was on his wife’s insurance policy until just recently, and 3) Congress is exempt from Obamacare because of an illegal move by the president. So, Obamacare is mandatory now, but it wasn’t before, and it’s actually not any more because of the allegedly “illegal” Obama exemption.

On Wednesday, Cruz sat down with a reporter from an outfit called The Daily Signal and delivered this troika of nonsense once again.

1) First, Cruz again described how for two years he’s been on his wife’s insurance — not an apparently mandatory congressional Obamacare plan.

When I announced the campaign, my wife also decided to take an unpaid leave of absence from her job. We have been for the past couple of years covered on my wife’s health insurance. When she took an unpaid leave of absence, it means that she’s also losing her benefits. And so we’re gonna do what anyone else would do, which is take their health insurance from their employer. So, in all likelihood, we’ll go on the exchange.

2) After discussing so-called “Obama subsidies,” Cruz then described why Obamacare is a requirement for members of Congress… CONTINUE READING

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca is the managing editor at The Daily Banter (www.thedailybanter.com) and a Huffington Post contributor since 2005. He's worked in journalism since 1988 as a print writer/editor, a radio news anchor, a digital media columnist/editor, a book author and blogger. He's the co-host of the Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show podcast and a Thursday regular on the syndicated Stephanie Miller Show. He's appeared on numerous other radio shows including the John Phillips Show and Geraldo Rivera Show in Los Angeles. Bob has been a commentator/analyst on the BBC (TV and radio), MSNBC, Current TV, CNN and Sky News. Following him on Twitter: @bobcesca_go

13 responses to Ted Cruz Is Trying And Failing To Weasel Out Of His Obamacare Duplicity

  1. Larry Schmitt March 26th, 2015 at 08:09

    Franken even wrote a book about Cruz: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.

  2. Suzanne McFly March 26th, 2015 at 08:31

    This dirtbag also claimed to like classic rock but he did not approve of their response to 9/11 so he has listened to country everyday since. If this slob could wallow any lower I would be shocked. How does the right fall for this charlatan everyday?

    • rg9rts March 26th, 2015 at 08:45

      Whats he think of the Dixie-Chicks??

      • Suzanne McFly March 26th, 2015 at 09:39

        There was also a large rock concert in NYC, the db is just using assumptions to associate himself with his target audience. I don’t understand how they don’t see through his awful charades. He plays them for fools and you would think at some point they will resent his pandering.

  3. rg9rts March 26th, 2015 at 08:45

    An expert in FAUXINESS…the decimation of half-truths

  4. Obewon March 26th, 2015 at 09:19

    So the Cruz non-filibuster was really ‘all about Ted’ reading Green Eggs and Tea Party spam on TV! And then reaping the rewards of ObamaCare saving Ted up to 75% on his HC premiums paid by taxpayers! The ACA’s Mental HC treatment requirement should appropriately be renamed ‘Cruz control for wackadoodles!’

  5. granpa.usthai March 26th, 2015 at 10:17

    I haven’t seen his fake Hawaiian birth certificate yet, so as far as I’m concerned, he doesn’t qualify.
    CANADA is NOT a state.
    It’s a COUNTRY.
    A foreign COUNTRY.

    • William March 26th, 2015 at 10:40

      LOL. Watching their brains seize up is the fun part.

  6. arc99 March 26th, 2015 at 11:03

    The RNC will have a strong hand in selecting the moderators for their Presidential debates. I am suspecting that tough questions at these events next year will be as plentiful as lakes in the Sahara. If however they do select journalists who will refrain from asking questions along the lines of what is your favorite color, someone needs to add Sen. Cruz point blank, two very simple questions.

    1. You and your wife had other options such as COBRA for your health insurance but you chose Obamacare which you did not have to do. Why?

    2. After having your insurance for over a year now, what services in your wife’s previous plan are no longer available?

    In fact, any Congressional Republican who ends up running should be asked why they are not refusing their Congressional benefit and shopping for insurance on the open market. Most Republicans in Congress have not refused their benefit and obtain their insurance through the ACA exchange.

    How incredibly gullible must the TeaParty base be as they vote for these politicians who rail against the evils of Obamacare but in their private lives have no complaints about the insurance provided to their families.

  7. Foundryman March 26th, 2015 at 12:07

    Keep in mind that Cruz is an opportunist and a liar. Signing up to Obamacare could be just part of a plan to attempt to lie about it with “personal experience”.

    • pinballsdoll March 26th, 2015 at 12:38

      I agree, I feel suspicious about this

  8. William March 26th, 2015 at 12:16

    Well? So much for Ivy league education huh?

  9. mrbigstuff March 26th, 2015 at 16:22

    Don’t worry little fidel your wife will be back to work soon and you can get back on her Golden Insurance you won’t make it pass the first cut

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