Phil Robertson’s Advice To Gay Men: Marry A Woman

Posted by | March 24, 2015 21:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

That should be easy enough.

During a Friday prayer breakfast speech in Vero Beach, Florida, Robertson offered some more advice to gay men: marry a woman.

After telling men who are “shacked up” with their girlfriends to get married and “have it, she’s yours then,” Robertson said men in same-sex relationships should simply “call the dude, find you a woman and marry her.” “You’re not in a trap you can’t get out of,” Robertson said. “Come on!”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

166 responses to Phil Robertson’s Advice To Gay Men: Marry A Woman

  1. jybarz March 24th, 2015 at 21:46

    Disgusting looking man with a vile character and thoughts to go with. A human cockroach.

  2. labman57 March 24th, 2015 at 21:56

    My advice to self-righteous social conservatives:
    Grow a conscience.

    • Dwendt44 March 25th, 2015 at 00:30

      But a brain would be a great improvement too.

  3. bpollen March 24th, 2015 at 22:07

    “Because, if you’re like me, Phil, you get tired of sheep!”

  4. William March 24th, 2015 at 22:24

    I’ve never seen the show, but how is it these people are in any way the experts in anything as serious as relationships? Is there some Dear idiot column where goobers get advise on relationships? I truly do not understand. The Beverly Hillbillies were entertaining, but nobody was taking grannies grits and jowls recipe seriously, nor was the CIA taking notes from Jethro (double naught spy).
    I truly fear that something has gone horribly wrong with the DNA pool.

    • bluejayray March 24th, 2015 at 23:46

      I thought they were christians? Why are they performing an auntie pasta ritual to the flying spaghetti monster?

      The Beverly Hillbillies was actually a scripted comedy show and a spoof on the hoity-toity. These days they put on these “reality” shows which are made up and fake–but not scripted by professional writers. They must save a fortune–but you sure get what you paid for. Our last governor gave out piles of money to entice shows like this to film in our state. They brought in their own idiots and made us look like fools. Fortunately our new governor cut that off.

      • William March 25th, 2015 at 00:03

        True. Remember when Americans actually understood the difference between professional actors exercising their craft, and staged human tragedy? Buddy Ebsen was actually a very sophisticated actor and talented dancer. Now it seems audiences delight in the gaudy display of human jetsam.

        • rg9rts March 25th, 2015 at 03:14

          THAT is the change in a nutshell ….pitiful

      • Roctuna March 25th, 2015 at 07:44

        Looks like pastablasphemy to me

    • RandyRider March 25th, 2015 at 10:26

      Perhaps Godwin is a Pastafarian?

  5. Warman1138 March 24th, 2015 at 22:24

    Xyrophobia, fear of razors, like in shaving.

  6. Mark March 24th, 2015 at 23:11

    Isn’t this pseudo-Christian turd’s 15 minutes of fame up yet?

  7. nola878 March 24th, 2015 at 23:12

    Duck Dynasty is just another example of the gullibility of faux conservatives. The sons re- invented themselves from preppies to bearded good ‘ol boys and the rubes completely bought it. Is it any wonder why products such as gold line and survival seeds advertise so much on RW media?

    • William March 24th, 2015 at 23:38

      Yep. Pandering to the Rubes is solid gold. Sarah gets 100 large to spew word-slaw to the yokels. The Robertsons are just doing some good old fashioned goober fleecing

    • bluejayray March 24th, 2015 at 23:39

      They’d fit right in at a Romney family reunion.

    • John Schroeder March 25th, 2015 at 02:06

      perhaps “nola 878 should grow a beard!!!!??

    • Andromeda March 25th, 2015 at 02:20

      Those boys look GAY!!! They give “beard” that whole other meaning.

    • rg9rts March 25th, 2015 at 03:11


  8. bluejayray March 24th, 2015 at 23:36

    He’s not getting any smarter, is he.

  9. Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 01:46

    Well, there’s no such thing as being legitimately homosexual anyway. it is a choice kind of deal since it’s absolutely not genetic nor epigenetic nor anything remotely genetic whatsoever, so it’s some kind of emotionally based preference, based on screwed up understandings of trust relationships but whatever, I’d still rather not marry a dude that’s been having sex with another dude. Heck, I wouldn’t want to marry a dude who’d had sex with other ladies but since almost no guys actually respect themselves and certainly don’t respect women, I’d be stuck with a guy that’s had at least one other lady before marrying me, but having had sex with a dude makes him totally off the market, so to speak, from this lady’s point of view, so while I share his sentiments that it’s totally a choice, whether they are fully aware that they are subconsciously choosing it or consciously choosing it makes no difference, I’m NOT interested in a guy that has been doing any other guys or even thinking about doing other guys. Otherwise, I totally agree with this fella. And no one on EARTH could convince me this is inborn, because that’s freaking messed up when you read ACTUAL scientific evidence and not the floaty-spacey, “oh, lefties and hair swirls” indicate a genetic causal link. ppbbfft, then guess what? ALL lefties and people with weird hair swirls and the rest of the dumb list that pseudo-wannabe geneticist who is trying to pull off a really hokey, unsubstantiated mumbo jumbo mish-mash of would-be “tell-tale signs” would freaking be gay and heck, that would mean that if you are ambidextrous you are bisexual, LOLOLOLOL, anyway, yeah, no thank you to marrying a formerly gay dude. Gross. No offense. But yeah, GROSS.

    • Danielle Ni Dhighe March 25th, 2015 at 01:51

      You’re as ignorant as he is.

    • rg9rts March 25th, 2015 at 03:10

      You have a lot to learn…..

    • Larry Schmitt March 25th, 2015 at 04:54

      That last part you said? After hearing you express yourself for 30 seconds, I’m pretty sure that’s how most men would react to you.

    • fahvel March 25th, 2015 at 05:21

      ugghh, you are one sick kitty kat girl – who’d want you? – ooops, maybe big phil could fill your dream/nightmare.

      • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:06

        Obviously you are a female hater, but then most gay men are…

        • Dwendt44 March 25th, 2015 at 12:21

          Again that phony claim. Where’s your proof? Some place on FakeNews, or Limpball’s radio program?

          • William March 25th, 2015 at 12:34

            Hey now leave Rush out of this. He knows all about traditional marriage. Just ask his spouse and three former wives.

    • Roctuna March 25th, 2015 at 07:49

      I’m certain all gay men could not care less that you’ve formally taken yourself off the market. Where exactly did you learn all that gibberish in the 1st sentence, Bob Jones or Liberty U? Your paragraph suggests Mama Grizzly is trolling us under a pseudonym.

      • William March 25th, 2015 at 11:09

        She’s also taken herself off the market for non virgin guys. (according to her post)

        • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:07

          Some of us see sex as LOVE, not some roller coaster ride where we let everyone on that wants to ride…

          • Dwendt44 March 25th, 2015 at 12:20

            In which case you need an eye exam. Love and sex are two distinct and separate things.

          • William March 25th, 2015 at 12:33

            I’ll pass that along to my wife, my kids and my five grandchildren.
            But seriously I think you’re completely safe.
            Based upon what I’ve read so far, I think any guy who’ have sex with you is simply too lazy to masturbate.

            • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:22

              ^^^like x 10

            • Larry Schmitt March 25th, 2015 at 14:55

              She would just be used as a receptacle.

    • KJ March 25th, 2015 at 09:08

      Just because a definitive “genetic, epigenetic, or anything remotely genetic whatsoever” cause has not been identified, that does not mean that one does not exist.
      At best, you could claim that there is insufficient science at this time to substantiate a claim either way.
      But I’m sure that’s what you meant when you said “absolutely not.”

      • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:07

        I actually have read all the research and I actually have the IQ and education to understand it. Most people don’t. I can tell by your post, neither do you.

    • Heather Pantera Stevens March 25th, 2015 at 10:03

      Your jibber jabber there makes you sound like you took a class on publlc speaking from Sarah Palin.

    • Randy Rider March 25th, 2015 at 10:24

      You’re so full of sh1t, I bet you float. Homosexuality has been documented in 1,500 separate species, either as a permanent for part-time activity, sounds pretty “natural” to me. You say a lot to actually say nothing, odd. And after seeing your picture, I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about a gay man bothering you, except maybe to correct a few visual flaws.

    • William March 25th, 2015 at 11:06

      ” Heck, I wouldn’t want to marry a dude who’d had sex with other ladies”
      Good luck with your virgin guy search.

      • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:08

        Woman hating is common for homosexuals, and so is morality hating. Nice to know I’m not “labeling” you by saying so. You just spoke those very sentiments all by yourself.

        • William March 25th, 2015 at 12:26

          “Woman hating is common for homosexuals”
          I know a lesbian couple that would disagree with you
          But seriously, this is a hoax right? You’re from the onion right?

        • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:21

          “Woman hating is common for homosexuals”

          Proof of this assertion?
          I’ve known a few gay people in my time, and none of them seemed to hate women. In fact, they seemed to be surrounded by female friends.

        • Budda March 25th, 2015 at 15:45

          What a hate filled world you live in.

    • Sean Whitcomb March 25th, 2015 at 11:35

      I’m as straight as they come Tammy, so take it from me that you’re as safe from having sex with any intelligent heterosexual male as you are from a homosexual male. I think you’re chastity will remain intact and you have practically nothing to fear.

      • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:09

        Dude, no way on earth you are a heterosexual. You a) are a woman hater, and b) are a morality hater! LOL Watch you, you are ONE STEP away from having sex with dudes.

      • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:13

        And besides, maybe you are just NOT educated because you read the news which is largely controlled by gays anyway.

        • William March 25th, 2015 at 12:23

          ” because you read the news which is largely controlled by gays anyway”.

          • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 14:17

            You guys really need to look in a mirror. You’ve got “stupid” written all over you. Why?!!! Because you are followers. You follow the crowds and you DON’T think for yourselves. You want to “fit in” so badly, you jump on the rip people who don’t agree with you wagon so readily you are the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to discrimination and abusive behaviors. Well done!

            • whatthe46 March 25th, 2015 at 14:40

              “You want to “fit in” so badly, you jump on the rip people who don’t agree with you wagon…” you said that. here you are arguing against gays because they are not “fitting” into what you deem to be straight or normal or live their lives as you do. talk about irony and the pot calling the kettle black. what business is it of yours any damn way? how does their love for the same sex affect you on a daily basis? are you afraid there’s an invisible gay fairy peering at you when you take a piss? get your head examined.

            • William March 25th, 2015 at 14:41

              Here’s the thing. I’m not gay. Frankly I don’t even get it. Truth be told the idea of hooking up with a guy is repugnant to me. OK that said, guess what else I don’t get?
              Golf, Sushi, owning a mini van, light beer, cross fit, crocs, and Nickleback. Now just because I don’t like any of those things, doesn’t mean they are immoral, wrong, or worthy of my hostility. Ok maybe Nickleback…seriously that sh!t has no business being in civilized society.
              This is about basic civil rights. Who co-habitats with whom is not my concern, nor yours nor the Governments. If gay people aren’t effecting your life, then why do you even care? Nobody is forcing you, me or anyone else into a gay relationship. So why do you even care. That’s what puzzles me.

              • trees March 25th, 2015 at 15:26

                Societal impact.

                It’s why homosexuality has been historically rejected by society.

                • Budda March 25th, 2015 at 15:43

                  “Societal impact’…what the hell does that mean?

                  • trees March 25th, 2015 at 15:52

                    It means how society improves, or disintegrates, as a result of the societal acceptance of behavior/s.

                    • Budda March 25th, 2015 at 15:59

                      Myself and many others think it will impact society in a positive manner

                • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 18:17

                  Bigotry has a much more noxious and corrosive impact on society than tolerance does.

                  As a bigot yourself, you must be aware of how it affects your life negatively and the lives of those around you.

                • William March 26th, 2015 at 09:43

                  Other than traffic jams because of those stupid parades, please tell me how it impacts society.

            • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 14:57

              Discrimination and abusive behaviors? You’re the one who just said that the media is controlled by a secret cabal of powerful gays.

              Which sounds exactly like what Nazis used to say about Jews.

            • whatthe46 March 25th, 2015 at 14:58

              “You want to “fit in” so badly, you jump on the rip people who don’t
              agree with you wagon…” you said that. here you are arguing against
              gays because they are not “fitting” into what you deem to be straight or
              normal or live their lives as you do. talk about irony and the pot
              calling the kettle black. what business is it of yours any damn way?
              how does their love for the same &ex affect you on a daily basis? are
              you afraid there’s an invisible gay fairy peering at you when you take a
              pi&&? get your head examined.

            • OldLefty March 25th, 2015 at 15:03

              I think that that is EXACTLY what THEY say about YOU.

              Thou dost project too much, Methinks.

        • mea_mark March 25th, 2015 at 12:32

          Your comments are becoming very trollish in nature. If you want to keep leaving comments, please stop.

        • Bunya March 25th, 2015 at 14:12

          What??? The media is controlled by the gays??? Then Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell were right all along! The gays WERE responsible for 9/11 and tsunamis!
          When you accuse somebody of being NOT education, I surmise you’re speaking from experience? If not, you play a perfect moron.

    • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 11:37

      You might want to widen your horizons. And although I’m sure you’ve been asked before; if this is a decision – when did you choose to be straight?–Gay-Gene-/

      • Robert M. Snyder March 25th, 2015 at 11:59

        Maybe you should widen your own horizons, Carla. Sexuality has several dimensions, and people exist along a continuum. Who you have sex with is just one dimension. Not everyone is interested in sex. Many traditional couples have fulfilling, but sexless, marriages. If two men share a house and do everything that a traditional couple would do, except for having sex, are they homosexual? Isn’t it kind of a gray area? If a man is happily married to a woman and occasionally fantasizes about having sex with another woman, but does not act out that fantasy because he believes in monogamy, then we say that he chooses to be monogamous. If the same man occasionally fantasizes about having sex with another man, and chooses not to act out that fantasy, then he chooses to be heterosexual. Not every hetero person is repulsed by the idea of being intimate with someone of the same sex, and not every gay person is repulsed by the idea of being intimate with someone of the opposite sex.

        • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 12:48

          You’re directing this comment to Carla, when it should have been directed to Tamara Hussey Jewer. She is the one with a narrow-minded bigoted idea of what “natural” sex is supposed to be.

          • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 14:15

            Not biggoted. You are an idiot. At least I’m not that!

        • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 13:48

          Sexual orientation is not about having sex. Denying how someone feels, discounting who they are as a human as Tamara does is just being a terrible human being. It doesn’t affect her life but she is determined to pass judgement on them and make their life more difficult. I asked her to try and widen her horizons and I provided her with three science based links – her response to me was filled with judgement and wacko.

          If you wish to deny who you are as a person, if that’s how you wish to live out your life, fine. I have no problem with that – it’s your life.

          But to expect other’s to live out a life denying who they are to satisfy a third party’s bigotry or expectation? Fuck that.

          • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 14:15

            Passing judgement isn’t bad. Every day I judge breaking the law to be wrong. I judge stealing my friends’ husbands or boyfriends to be wrong. I also judge killing, gossiping and putting people down to be wrong. Obviously, you lack judgment. Maybe you should think about that one. Cuz if you don’t judge, you end up being a slut, used for sex by all sorts of people, and being confused and hurting and turning to same sex individuals because you can’t find what you “need” emotionally by doing what everyone else is doing. Oh, and guess what? LGBT people have the highest suicide AND mental health conditions on the planet of any other group. It isn’t because of prejudice because MOST people are nice and don’t say anything even if they do judge silently. They KNOW they are messed up and hurting and NOT finding happiness in the lifestyles they have chosen. That’s why there is more violence and less fidelity in those types of relationships than any others on the planet. Anyway, you lack judgment. That is your problem. I don’t. I judge the right way. I say that this is not right but they are free to choose as they please, provided they don’t tell everyone else that they have to believe it’s right and good. Because that’s freaking messed up.

          • Robert M. Snyder March 25th, 2015 at 14:29

            I am not advocating that anyone deny anything. Quite the contrary. Can you imagine yourself standing at a podium and espousing hardline conservative views to an audience? Does that thought make you feel a little queasy? Why is that? Do you have liberal genes, or are you choosing to be a liberal?

            Genetics influence everything. I am sure that a person’s genetic makeup makes them somewhat more likely to see the world from a liberal or conservative viewpoint. But are genes the major factor? If so, then you should never insult a conservative simply for being conservative. If it is genetically determined, then they can’t help it.

            So when did you choose to be liberal? Did you have a choice, or was it genetically determined? Do I have a choice? Could I choose to adopt a liberal world view? When did I choose to be a conservative?

            Most people do not consider themselves to be capable of adopting a different political viewpoint. They go through life acting as if liberalism or conservatism is part of their genetic makeup. By the same token, most people go through life believing that they are genetically heterosexual or genetically homosexual. Certainly genes play a role, but I think that role is very small. Most people do not have the courage to imagine themselves adopting a different political viewpoint or a different sexual orientation. But that doesn’t mean they are locked by their genetics into a fixed role.

            Most people are comfortable in the roles that they are taught in childhood. They learn gender roles, political viewpoints, and religious traditions. As long as these roles are comfortable, they see no need to change, and they cannot imagine themselves in a different role. Most Christians are repulsed by the idea of chanting :”God is dead”. Most liberals are repulsed by the idea of chanting “Get rid of unions”. Most heterosexuals are repulsed by the idea of engaging in homosexual acts. Being repulsed by something doesn’t mean that it is genetically determined.

            People make choices. If you open your mind to the concept of atheism, you may find aspects that appeal to you. If you open your mind to the concept of conservatism, you may find aspects that appeal to you. If you open your mind to the possibility of intimacy with people you are not normally intimate with, you may be surprised at how flexible the human mind can be.

            Genetics may influence our tendencies, but we choose to be who we are. Most men will tell you that genetics provides a strong desire to copulate with as many women as possible. If a man is monogamous, it is because he chooses to do so. It is not a question of who he is. It is a question of who he wants to be.

            • trees March 25th, 2015 at 15:06

              I am not advocating that anyone deny anything. Quite the contrary. Can you imagine yourself standing at a podium and espousing hardline conservative views to an audience? Does that thought make you feel a little queasy? Why is that? Do you have liberal genes, or are you choosing to be a liberal?

              Genetics influence everything. I am sure that a person’s genetic makeup makes them somewhat more likely to see the world from a liberal or conservative viewpoint. But are genes the major factor? If so, then you should never insult a conservative simply for being conservative. If it is genetically determined, then they can’t help it.

              So when did you choose to be liberal?

              This is a great post, hats off to Robert.

              The important aspect to identify in this conversation is, behavior.

              Is sex a behavior?

              If so, then to engage in it is to exhibit a behavior.

              We choose how to behave.

              Further, society determines which behaviors are acceptable to the group.

              If the defining characteristic of the behavior is considered to be love, and if the basis for the practice of this behavior is the expressed desire of the practitioners themselves, to define for themselves what constitutes love, and if this is coupled with an acceptance by society, then the standard is considered, normal…

              and a group objecting to the practicing of this behavior is labeled as being “bigoted”…..

              This is what’s known as subjective morality,

              If morality is subjective, then all morality is ultimately, subjective

              As a matter of consequence other sexual behaviors also become “normal”, and a matter of “individual freedom”, as the individuals practicing these behaviors have the liberty to be self-defining.

              A union becomes arbitrary, and open to self determination.

              No “good” argument can be made for the prohibition of polygamy, for example.

              • Robert M. Snyder March 25th, 2015 at 17:25

                What follows is just stream of consciousness…thinking out loud…in response to what you have written.

                When a child is in its formative years, he or she naturally incorporates a lot of beliefs and values expressed or demonstrated by the people he or she loves and respects. We model ourselves after the people we look up to. If a child is raised in a loving Muslim household and a loving Muslim community, that child comes to believe that there exists a supreme being called Allah. If another child is raised in a loving Christian household and a loving Christian community, that child comes to believe that there exists a supreme being called God. At the age of ten, most children do not question these beliefs, and in adulthood, most people continue to retain those beliefs as long as they are comfortable with them.

                My first job after college as in a research lab at a major university. I got to know a number of visiting scholars and grad students who grew up on other continents and in other religions. Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of Jewish people. These experiences caused me a considerable degree of discomfort with some of the Christian beliefs that I learned as a child. It was difficult to change these beliefs, and I got a lot of grief from my parents. It is still difficult for me to say aloud that I am not a Christian. If you love your parents, you never want to disappoint them. I think that is one of the chief reasons why so few people convert to a different religion. Many people fall away from the church, but to outright reject some of your parents’ key beliefs is very unsettling, if you love your parents.

                The most stressful time of all, for me, was when I converted from a Republican to a Democrat and voted for Obama in the 2008 primary. My father was livid. For a while there, he was barely able to speak to me. Eventually we patched things up, but not before I converted back to Republican and apologized to my parents. (They never asked for an apology. I just blurted it out one day, spontaneously.) I know a lot of people would say that I “wimped out”. But it’s not that simple.

                Changing one’s political or religious orientation is difficult. There are very strong societal pressures to stay with the “in-group”. I think it’s the same way with sexual orientation. Most people are comfortable with the political, religious, and sexual orientations that they incorporated as children. They see no need to change. But when something makes you feel uncomfortable, and you start to consider other points of view, it can be very unsettling. So there is a sort of invisible “gravity field” that pulls us back to the beliefs that we learned as children (assuming we had pleasant childhoods).

                I can’t stand the smell of licorice. It literally makes me feel queasy. I have no objection to other people eating licorice. But I do not want to see it, smell it, or taste it. Most people feel the same way about homosexuality. Most liberals feel the same way about conservatism. Most Christians feel the same way about Islam. Those feelings of revulsion are natural, but not in a genetic sense. They are a natural consequence of our childhood tendency to incorporate the beliefs and practices of our most-respected elders. If you are raised in a liberal household by loving parents, you learn to see the world through liberal eyes, and conservative ideas are repugnant to you. But there’s nothing genetic about it. At the age of ten, you are not really responsible for your beliefs. At the age of thirty, it’s a different story. By that age you should be starting to question some of the things you incorporated as a child. But this questioning is unsettling, especially if you do it out loud.
                Whether you keep all of your childhood beliefs or decide to change some of them, at the age of thirty you are responsible for those beliefs. It is a choice on your part. You do not have to conform to peer pressure. A liberal can consider and adopt a few conservative beliefs, and a conservative can consider and adopt a few liberal beliefs. Similarly, if a heterosexual has the courage to examine his own beliefs, I think many will discover that they are conforming to the gender roles that they learned as children. But most people never seriously consider whether they could be intimate with someone of the same sex. They are either afraid to consider the possibility, or they just see no reason to consider it because they are already comfortable in their current gender role.

                The human mind is incredibly flexible. I believe that nearly everyone is capable of killing. Almost everyone who is drafted into the military learns how to shoot at the enemy. So we are capable of killing, and sometimes we feel so threatened or abused by someone that we might seriously consider killing them. If we don’t, it is not because of our genetics. It is because we choose not to kill. If a man chooses not to commit adultery, it is not because of genetics. If a teenage couple choose not to have sex, it is not because of genetics. It is because they consciously RESIST what their genes have programmed them to do.

                So the things we learn as children from respected elders are usually what we consider to be wholesome, natural, normal, or good. This can obviously lead to biases. Questioning one’s beliefs is a healthy part of maturing into adulthood and through middle age (and beyond). It is healthy to question our own biases and seek to become better people.

                But is it possible to raise a child without biases, and would this be a good thing? have you ever met a young person who seemingly has no strong beliefs or values, and no opinions? Maybe it is healthier for a child to learn liberalism than to learn nothing at all and be totally neutral. By the same token, maybe it is better for a child to learn a specific gender identity than to have no gender identity at all. If I have a concept of myself as a liberal, then the thought of standing up and shouting “Death to unions” would be unsettling. I have a concept of myself as a heterosexual, so the thought of myself engaging in intimate acts with another man is unsettling. But I have on a few occasions had such thoughts. I do not cultivate those thoughts, and they are very rare, but they have occurred. I believe that I would be capable of cultivating those thoughts and acting on them, but I choose not to do so. It is a choice. I choose to be mostly conservative even though I see merit in and support some liberal positions. Does that make me “bi”, as in “bi-political”?
                Is a puzzlement!

            • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 16:02

              I was a conservative into my 40’s and only began leaning left about 13 years ago, but changing your mind about your political affiliation is not the same as your sexual orientation. Not in any way, shape or manner. Sexual orientation is in your brain, you can choose how you act on it – not how you feel.

              • Robert M. Snyder March 25th, 2015 at 16:20

                According to the American Psychological Association:

                “There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles”


                • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 16:41

                  Perhaps you should simply talk to someone that’s gay, ask them how they feel, how they’ve always felt. Chances are, one day it will be your child, your grandchild or great grandchild – statistically it’s going to happen if you live long enough, and they aren’t afraid to be honest with you.

                  • Robert M. Snyder March 25th, 2015 at 17:58

                    Paraphrasing your post:
                    “Perhaps you should simply talk to someone that’s MUSLIM, JEWISH, or CONSERVATIVE, ask them how they feel, how they’ve always felt. Chances are, one day it will be your child, your grandchild or great grandchild – statistically it’s going to happen if you live long enough, and they aren’t afraid to be honest with you.”
                    People choose to be Muslim, Jewish, or Conservative. But most people do not feel that they have a choice. They believe it is in their bones. Believing that you do not have a choice is not the same as not having a choice. If the American Psychological Association says there is no scientific consensus on what factors affect a person’s gender identity, then we can’t just assume that it’s all down to genetics and people have no choice. I can choose my feelings about things. A person in a bad marriage can choose to look on the bright side and give the other person another chance. A woman who has had a happy, fulfilling hetero marriage can have a lesbian partner later in life, even though at an earlier time they might have been disgusted by the idea. Our feelings stem from our thoughts. We can change our thoughts. We can change our feelings. Genetics play a role, to be sure. But the APA can’t say where Nature ends and Nurture begins. Are you smarter than they?

                    • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 18:38

                      Again, Muslim, Jewish or Conservative is a choice. Gay is not. You can’t just keep inserting different adjectives into the conversation and treat them equally – they’re not and frankly it’s offensive. Feeling conservative down to their bones is not the same as sexual orientation.

                      I know that you’ve it before, but maybe you’re not seriously considering having the show on the other foot. Have you ever been attracted to the same sex or have you always been heterosexual? Never, can’t imagine, can’t wrap your brain around such an attraction – how would you feel if it were the other way around? Honestly think about it. Do you really think that your heterosexuality was a choice?

                    • Robert M. Snyder March 25th, 2015 at 20:05

                      “Do you really think that your heterosexuality was a choice?”

                      Yes. I’m not going to go into personal details, but suffice it to say that I have on occasion envisioned myself with a guy and when the thought drifted into my head it seemed perfectly normal. I chose not to act on those thoughts, for a variety of reasons. Some time afterward, I had uneasy feelings about those thoughts. But at the time they did not weird me out. It was a person who I was close with over a period of many months. Nothing happened, but it might have. It didn’t happen because I chose not to go there. I have always believed that I have the potential to be intimate with people of both sexes.

                      You said yourself that sexuality is not just about sex. If I have a very close friendship with another man and we share our innermost thoughts, would physical intimacy suddenly put us into a whole different category? There are many dimensions to human relationships. Labels like hetero and homo are just that: labels. Life is far more complex. People don’t fit nicely into two or three bins.

          • trees March 25th, 2015 at 15:24

            Sexual orientation is not about having sex.

            Sexual orientation is what determines possible sexual partners.

            Denying how someone feels, discounting who they are as a human as Tamara does is just being a terrible human being.

            How do you feel about, say, polygamy? Would you be “ok” with one man having, oh, I dunno, let’s say…..5 wives

            Is it ok to have 5 wives?

            It doesn’t affect her life but she is determined to pass judgement on them and make their life more difficult.

            Would my having 5 wives affect you?

            But to expect other’s to live out a life denying who they are to satisfy a third party’s bigotry or expectation?

            So, I can have 5 wives. Yeah?

            • Budda March 25th, 2015 at 15:37

              Can Carla have 5 husbands?

              • trees March 25th, 2015 at 15:49

                Can 5 gay guys form one marriage??

                Why not?

                • OldLefty March 25th, 2015 at 16:01

                  For the same reason that 3 strait men and 3 strait women don’t.

                  Usually because the legal implications of terminating the contract, and/or custody is too much of a pain for the system.

                  The gay people only want you already have.

                  • trees March 25th, 2015 at 16:21

                    So, it’s “ok” to discriminate in the interest of lessening a legal burden.

                    The gay people only want you already have.

                    Polygamists want it too, but we’ll deny them legal recourse…..

                    Cause that would be an expensive waste of the court’s time

                    • OldLefty March 25th, 2015 at 16:27

                      Pretty much the way contract law works.
                      For the government to make a constitutional case for something be banned or illegal, it has to show that the state is harmed.

            • Bunya March 25th, 2015 at 16:50

              Sure. Have as many wives as you want. Mormons do it all the time. They take the first wife legally (state approved) and all subsequent “unions” are thru the church. I have no problem with this – EXCEPT when it becomes my problem.
              The additional wives, who are not legally married, receive welfare to support their kids. This is great for the polygamist “husband”. Not so good for the taxpayers.

            • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 16:51

              Yes. I am fine with polygamy among consenting adults. I know it’s not viable for me personally but that’s just due to my experience with my own jealousy. There are a number of multiple/mixed families in the US and it works fabulously for some of them. They’re done without the benefit of legal recognition but for most of these families, the legal aspect is not important to them. Logistically it works like a smaller, more efficient commune, a kind of co-op – relying on the individuals strengths. If there are five women out there that truly want be married to and form a family with you – I would absolutely fight for your right to do so.

            • Blogvader March 25th, 2015 at 16:54

              Yes, have five wives, as long as you’re all consenting adults.

              I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either.

      • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 12:10

        These are pseudo science claims. Nothing actually substantiated. All theories, nothing concrete and absolutely bogus to the max but they word it well so not so bright people fall for the rhetoric. By the way, this research proves it isn’t epigenetic, either.

        • Dwendt44 March 25th, 2015 at 12:17

          Maybe it’s YOUR claim that’s bogus. There is some evidence that homosexuality has a genetic basis. And even if it’s congenital, it’s still not a ‘choice’ who you are attracted to.

          • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 14:11

            not true. ALL attraction is actually choice. We know this because people divorce ALL THE TIME. People break up with people they were once highly attracted ALL THE TIME. And, gosh, people RESIST having sex with people they are attracted if they are in relationships with other people ALL THE TIME. Huh? Maybe you don’t have any self control, but I do…

            • KJ April 1st, 2015 at 11:58

              I thought it would be worth sharing that a new paper just came out in Nature Neuroscience on this subject.
              I have not read it yet, but I still thought it would be worth sharing.
              In case the link doesn’t work, the article is called “Brain feminization requires active repression of masculinization via DNA methylation”

        • JQNN March 25th, 2015 at 12:44

          I tried to Google your source

        • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 13:42

          Right. Scientists often use science based journals to post pseudo-science and mumbo jumbo but the fine folks at redflagnews – they’re the real deal.

          • Tamara Hussey Jewer March 25th, 2015 at 14:10

            Actually, Carla, I read the ACTUAL genetic report, which is no longer available online so this was the best I could do. It turns out the LGBT group has been systematically removing ALL data which would refute their claims. This is your fault for being so gullible, that you have to read it from a secondary source, because obviously you believe all those other nonsense sites, why wouldn’t you believe this one? LOL

            • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 17:11

              I realize you are unable to respond, but I feel it’s important to encourage you to seek help. I am not kidding or being snarky. Conspiracy sites like you rely on feed on fear and they do not offer verifiable supportive documentation. One day your kids will grow up and be afraid to come to you with a problem or be honest with you about who they are or who they love because you have already made it clear you will not accept them. Nothing good has ever come from an extreme view or intolerance.

            • KJ March 25th, 2015 at 19:02

              Your argument is a weird combination of amusing and sad.
              “I would have shown you the ACTUAL studies but THEN ALL THE GAYS SYSTEMATICALLY DELETED IT.”
              Yeah, that’s probably it.
              But I know, I’m just one of those gullible sheep in on the conspiracy. Keep fighting the good fight, man.

            • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:45

              LOL @ genetic report …

              Some conservatives just dont get:
              Subjectivism vs objectivism
              White crayons

    • JQNN March 25th, 2015 at 12:18

      Not everyone that disagrees with you is a gay woman hater. Did you ever stop to consider that you’re kind of a douche?

    • William March 25th, 2015 at 12:21 it’s good enough for Michelle Bachmann but not good enough for you eh?

    • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:06

      Even if it were a fact that there was no inborn or genetic link to homosexuality (the science may not be conclusive, but there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence), that would not be a persuasive argument against gay marriage.

      Why? Because there’s this little word that knuckle-dragging right-wingers like to grunt without fully understanding its meaning.

      The word is “FREEDOM”.

      People ought to be free to act in the private sphere in any manner they wish, as long as they don’t interfere in the rights and freedoms of others.

      So even if homosexuality is a choice (though i don’t believe it is), it’s a legitimate choice. You don’t have any right to forbid anyone from falling in love and marrying whosoever they please, as long as they don’t hurt anybody else in the process.

      Oh, by the way, it’s not true that most guys don’t respect women. People in general don’t respect YOU, because you seem to be a horrible human being. You generalize because that’s what you’re used to.

  10. Natalie March 25th, 2015 at 01:56

    Oh nooo. Those poor gay guys. Actually…MARRYING a woman, and having REAL sex and actually…making a wife become pregnant and all? Giving a child a biological mother and father?? SO WRONG!!

    • Andromeda March 25th, 2015 at 02:25

      “REAL Sex” , what exactly is “REAL Sex”? “Making a wife become pregnant and all”, All of what? All children have a biological mother and father, without both, there would be no child. You sound as idiotic as Phil Robertson, just go away.

    • Siright March 25th, 2015 at 03:08

      Aw so glad you are so willing to share your ignorance with the world… your mom must be proud…

    • fahvel March 25th, 2015 at 05:19

      Nat, go home, relax, let your mind roll along the empty biways of the vacancy between your ears.

    • RandyRider March 25th, 2015 at 10:20

      Well, Natalie. You know how you feel when you think about having sex with a woman? Well, that’s exactly how I feel, its just not natural (for me.) Its kind of nasty and sick, and I have no interest in something that feels so wrong.

    • Sean Whitcomb March 25th, 2015 at 11:32

      So Natalie, how many kids have you pumped out so far to prove to us you’re not gay? Are you pregnant right now, and if not, why? What, are you a lesbian or something? Prove to us you’re not.

      BTW, looking at your post history, I can’t help but notice you choose to discriminate based on your (often ignorantly interpreted) biblical beliefs. You do realize, of course, that so-called Christian beliefs have historically been used to discriminate against your ancestors, and possibly yourself as well, right? Do you justify and condone those who would discriminate against yourself?

      • Natalie March 25th, 2015 at 23:54

        I realize that whenever homosexuals hear they truth, it is automatically to them discrimination.

        • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:43

          Discrimination is action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice

          Liberals love the truth

          You don’t seem to know what it is

  11. rg9rts March 25th, 2015 at 03:09

    Yes get married…..why should I be the only one that’s miserable. /s

  12. fahvel March 25th, 2015 at 05:18

    image: this thing waking in the morning and donning his idiot suit – does he believe anyone looks at him with anything but curiosity or disgust?

  13. Suzanne McFly March 25th, 2015 at 06:29

    How is this an actual thought? I have been on acid and I made more sense than this guy does.

  14. Jeffrey Samuels March 25th, 2015 at 09:22

    Under this logic, Jews can have religious freedom AND not worry about Antisemitism. All we need to is quit our synagogue and join a Christian church.

    • RandyRider March 25th, 2015 at 10:18

      Well, here in the South, you’d still be “suspect” for the first 3 generations. That’s just how they work it so you can never win. Besides, I wonder which of his granddaughters he wants to marry off to a nice gay man?

  15. Maxx44 March 25th, 2015 at 09:33

    I’ll never understand why anyone on this planet gives a rat’s patoot what this cretin has to say on any subject.

  16. Charlie Petrizzo March 25th, 2015 at 11:53

    Whats the matter Alan makes too much sense that by design and therefore by science a man should be with a woman sexually? Who cares if two men live together. Who cares if two men love one another. Men have loved one another since the beginning of time. In fact there is a name given to a relationship where two men love each other; Its called friendship. Its when the need to engage in a disordered act (sticking a penis in the another’s rectum that the relationship too becomes disordered) Its a very evident and simple anatomically scientific reality that one man’s reproductive organ does not belong in another man’s rectum; even if it does cause an orgasm. Is this too hard to understand, especially when the alternative, a man using his reproductive organ in the anatomically correct fashion is what sustains the species? I’m not saying that those with homosexual inclinations should go out and marry a woman but I am saying that anyone who tries to redefine that man/man friendship to even a higher level ( lets call it marriage) because the friends engage in an abnormal sexual act are ridiculous. Hey, thats a great idea lets redefine what we have called friendship between two men for eternity, marriage when the defining difference in the typical make/male friendship and the marriage off two men is the disordered act of sodomy. Yes, that makes sense.

    THere’s no need to get God involved here. This is simple science. But then of course you’re a liberal and therefore don’t understand logic so simply because the sodomitical act results in one of both of the men having an orgasm that should make those particular relationships rise to even a higher level in terms of how society views it even though such relationships have no beneficial impact on society.

    • Dwendt44 March 25th, 2015 at 12:11

      The human species doesn’t need ‘sustaining’, we are over populating the earth already. And you are overlooking the fact that over 150 animal species have been observed in homosexual acts. So saying it’s ‘not natural’ flies in the face of facts.
      Stable committed relationships ARE beneficial to society.
      And please don’t insult the word logic by using it for this illogical argument.

      • Charlie Petrizzo March 25th, 2015 at 13:13

        Bull crap overpopulating the earth by whose account yours. And quit the red herring bullwhip. Is that all you take away from the comment. The fact is that the act is abnormal nothing in the argument postures that the reason sodomy is wrong is because we need to populate the earth. Please go take a logic 101 class Erasmus.

        • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:18

          “The fact is that the act is abnormal”

          One of the prerequisites for logical arguments is the ability to distinguish facts from opinions.

          You fail.

          • Charlie Petrizzo March 25th, 2015 at 13:24

            The fact that you cant understand that the science of anatomy mandates that a male reproductive organ being placed in an excretory organ is not proper (i,e not opinion) means a couple things.; chief amongst them that you failed Biology. I love it when libtards cant reason away logic.

            • Khary A March 25th, 2015 at 13:30

              “proper” and your authority to claim what’s proper behavior comes from where? Please don’t say science because the fun thing about science is that it’s not really into telling people whats proper and mannerly. I remember a time when it wasn’t proper for me a black guy to swirl my business in a white woman…that happens now. A lot and all over the place too. What’s your comment about that scientist?

            • Khary A March 25th, 2015 at 13:40

              OH and what’s your thoughts on Blow Jobs then? OH I’m sure you weren’t turning those down. Papist Hypocrite

              • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:45

                Leave the Pope out of this. I’m sure Francis is embarrassed by the right-wing haters in the Church.

                • Carla Akins March 25th, 2015 at 13:50

                  Your friend Charlie won’t be able to reply anymore. Just sayin.

                • Khary A March 25th, 2015 at 13:58

                  If I have caused you distress I apologize. My fury can be…unfocused at times.

                  • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 14:01

                    Not at all. I admire your ability to recognize a particularly Catholic brand of bigotry. I am just as ashamed of these ignorant “Papists” as anyone else.

                    • Khary A March 25th, 2015 at 14:11

                      Don’t be ashamed of them, Just like I’m not ashamed for every ignorant black person. We all stand on our own accord…I grew up in Boston, I’ve heard that rhetoric many times before. I called him out as such due to the research on him and his character. He held that allegiance aspect of his life more precious than what the book actually says about such matters or the sanctity of personal sovereignty.

                  • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:41

                    friends don’t let friends drink and type

            • Bunya March 25th, 2015 at 13:57

              Someone who talks about anal sex as much as you do, must be having gay sex, and wants everyone to know about it. More power to you! However, we can do without a complete, detailed description of your sexual positions to us. I’m sure we get it.

            • Scot Light March 25th, 2015 at 16:56

              Actually physiologists say that the male body is perfectly designed for receptive anal sex. Just because YOU THINK that it’s “not proper” doesn’t make it so. Reproduction is not the only purpose for sex. Sex is also a way for two people who are romantically involved with each other to bond and strengthen their relationship.

    • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 12:38

      You obviously spend a lot of time thinking about gay sex.

      • Charlie Petrizzo March 25th, 2015 at 13:11

        Why because I know that its abnormal. Are you a sodomite? Perhaps you should spend just a little time thinking and you might be able to carry on a educated conversation

        • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:16

          So you believe that thinking about gay sex all the time will make me able to carry on an educated conversation? Whatever floats your boat, Dude.

          I bet the conversations around YOUR dinner table are extremely edifying.

    • Lydia/one2the92the82the5 March 25th, 2015 at 12:57


    • Khary A March 25th, 2015 at 13:01

      yep just like Spidey said

      • Charlie Petrizzo March 25th, 2015 at 13:10

        Which is what libtards like you rely on ( moronic memes) because theres not a ounece of working brain matter between you rears.

        • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:13

          I love it when ignorant mouth-breathing right-wingers who can barely spell or type resort to moronic memes like “libtard”.

        • Khary A March 25th, 2015 at 13:21

          Try harder to hurt my feelings please. I need more explanations because I don’t have an “ounece” of brains in my “rears”. Hows that glass house your building out of pseudo science?

        • tiredoftea March 25th, 2015 at 17:02

          Thanks! We don’t often get appearances from the religious right’s most sought after English tutor for their home school programs.

        • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:33

          your the one who seems to have your brain matter in your rear or rears

      • whatthe46 March 25th, 2015 at 14:30

        i am so stealing that when i get home. i’m at work on lunch break so i can’t copy and save. DARN.

    • Kick Frenzy March 25th, 2015 at 13:09

      Nobody is trying to “re-define” marriage.
      They’re trying to free it from the religious bonds that have unfairly forced to follow the beliefs of a religious text that is not their own.
      That is expressly anti-American.

      Therefore, you are supporting an anti-American point of view.

    • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:49

      LOL at “sodomitical”.

      Looks like $arah Palin has some competition in the “making up new words” department.

    • Roctuna March 25th, 2015 at 15:37

      What’s your opinion of straight couples that engage in anal sex?It seems to me your model assumes one and only one result from the science you claim to understand. If science shows anything it’s that possibilities and combinations are infinite.

    • Scot Light March 25th, 2015 at 17:01

      There is a difference between romantic love and the love one has for their friend. They are two different things and in some languages there is even a different word for each of those things. A gay man cannot have romantic attractions to women, no matter how hard they try, just as a straight man has no interest in being with a man. If it were really that easy to switch your natural-born sexual orientation at will, then why don’t you prove yourself right and go gay for a year? Can’t do it? That’s because it can’t be done. By anyone. And by the way, what makes you think that ALL gay men engage in anal sex? Stereotyping are we? You’re obviously obsessed with the subject.

      • Rated Republican March 25th, 2015 at 17:54

        There are people who are bisexual than can go whichever way they feel like, so their sexuality is a choice.

        • Scot Light March 25th, 2015 at 17:57

          This is not exactly true. If a bisexual man marries a woman he is still bisexual. He may choose to stay faithful to his wife, but his basic sexual nature will always be that of someone who can potentially be attracted to both men and women. Sexual orientation is not defined by an activity.

    • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:34

      lets say that you use buzzwords and phrases like abnormal act to explain away your ignorance and bigotry

  17. Jeffrey Samuels March 25th, 2015 at 13:20

    who is this phil Robinson and how does he make his brain do that?

    • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 13:27

      I think it involves making moonshine with kerosene.

      • whatthe46 March 25th, 2015 at 14:28

        and don’t forget the moose piss.

        • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:35

          yeah but I hope I’m not the one who has to find a moose willing to piss in a jar

    • whatthe46 March 25th, 2015 at 14:28

      lol funny.

  18. booker25 March 25th, 2015 at 14:59

    Another RW arsehole too concerned about what other folks are doing. He needs to get a life.

  19. OldLefty March 25th, 2015 at 15:43

    The good news for the morality of freedom and liberty is that everyone but the Fundamentalist Islamic world and Red America are moving on.

  20. Rated Republican March 25th, 2015 at 17:52

    Phil Robertson is a shill promoted by atheist liberals. He says whatever they want him to say in order to further their left wing agenda, just like when the Democrats paid Ted Akin $2 million to say crap about rape to make sure Senator Claire McCaskill got re-elected.

    • jasperjava March 25th, 2015 at 18:04

      Ohhhhkaaaayyy… [Backs away slowly]
      [Index finger tapping the temple] Cuckoo, cuckooooo…

    • Chinese Democracy March 26th, 2015 at 00:40

      Phil Robertson is a perfect shill for liberals… thanks conservatives

    • fancypants March 26th, 2015 at 02:52

      if only atheists quote from bibles they carry around with them.
      care to try again ? the rest didn’t make any sense either…

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