A Reminder Of How Jeb Bush Governs

Posted by | January 18, 2015 09:00 | Filed under: BustaTroll Contributors Opinion Politics Top Stories

As the field of Republicans vying for a Presidential bid in 2016 opens, one name stands out above the rest: John Ellis “Jeb” Bush.

The very mention of the Bush name and a Presidential bid sends shivers down the spines of Americans all-too-familiar with the disaster that was the George W. Bush administration.  From the WMD lies that sent our soldiers to Iraq, to economic policies that caused the Great Recession, liberals and moderates alike are cringing at the thought of another attempt by a Bush to run our country into the ground.

George W., and even his father George H.W., pale in comparison to Jeb when it comes to the conservative lines he’s willing to draw.

Case in point: Terry Schiavo.

As Governor of Florida, Jeb took on the Terry Schiavo case with extreme prejudice.  Citing more than 27,000 emails he received, then-Governor Bush went on a tirade of tyrannical rule, sidestepping the court system, bullying the Florida legislature to pass an unconstitutional law and even calling his brother for help when he wasn’t getting his way.

Jeb Bush wasn’t interested in the tens of thousands of messages from people supporting Terry’s husband and the difficult decisions he was being forced to make.  He wasn’t interested in the sovereign rights of a family to decide what was in their best interest, and he wouldn’t hear it when a judge agreed that Terry should be removed from her feeding tube so nature could take its course.

Jeb Bush was only interested in the hard-lined pro-life stance that all life is sacred.  Terry Schiavo was in a complete vegetative state.  Her husband was suffering, her life was over.  Jeb, caving to the extremists whose sights were set on the fact that her heart was still beating, went out of his way to appease conservatives at all costs.

courtesy tampabay.com

Jeb pushed “Terry’s Law” through the Florida legislature with many members of his own party objecting, as it was clearly unconstitutional.  In 2004 the courts agreed and overturned it.  On appeal, 3 of his own appointees to the Florida Supreme Court called the law an egregious violation of the separation of powers.  The US Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

That didn’t matter to Jeb.  He continued to stomp his feet, relying on the bogus testimony of a pro-life quack who said that Shiavo was “semi-conscious” to try to have Family Services take custody of Schiavo, a move that a judge stopped by restraining order.

Having failed at the state level, Bush called on Senator Mel Martinez to “do whatever you can federally.”  A bill allowing the federal government to intervene was hastily written, and brother Bush flew back early from his Easter vacation to sign it, only to have yet another federal judge block the re-insertion of Terry’s feeding tube.

As he continued trampling the justice system like a toddler refused an afternoon nap, Terry Schiavo finally found peace and passed away.

“Many across our state and around the world are deeply grieved by the way Terri died,” Bush said in a statement. “I feel that grief very sharply as well. I remain convinced, however, that Terri’s death is a window through which we can see the many issues left unresolved in our families and in our society. For that, we can be thankful for all that the life of Terri Schiavo has taught us.”

The life and death of Terry Schiavo taught us that this man doesn’t care about the law, the constitution or the separation of powers that allows our government to operate.  Terry Schiavo showed us just what kind of man Jeb Bush is.

Proving just how vindictive he is, Jeb even had the case re-opened to see if Terry’s husband had done all he could to try to save her when she initially collapsed in 1990.  State Attorney Bernie McCabe declared there was no wrongdoing.

Is this the kind of governing we need at the federal level?  Can you imagine what this kind of mentality could do to our nation if combined with a Republican majority in congress?

Jeb Bush is a dangerous man.  Anyone who will take a religious stance as a head of state, circumvent the court system in the name of protecting life while refusing to commute a single death sentence needs to have his head examined.

He certainly has no place in the White House.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: BustaTroll

On a summer day in 2013 Busta Troll was born of the politically active mind of one Christopher Blair to dissect the idiocy of the trolls on his Facebook page...It became obvious that Busta was destined not only to bust trolls, but to join the ranks of trolls of the liberal variety...After a year of trolling the informationally (I just made that up) and intellectually impaired right wing nutjobs of Facebook and many, many goatz, Busta has settled into a comfy chair and gone back to writing...

36 responses to A Reminder Of How Jeb Bush Governs

  1. Kim Serrahn January 18th, 2015 at 09:08

    When there is no hope it should be strictly up to the family, not the doctor, not the government, nor anyone else, but the family that has the last word about how someone should be treated. How that isn’t to say that children who are ill should not receive medical treatment but those on life support only and those that have been on life support for a long time with no hope.

    • Dwendt44 January 18th, 2015 at 12:31

      With zero chance of recovery, I agree. That was the case with Schiavo.

    • granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 16:09

      Leave it up to the family has my vote. Each of US have our own unique way of determining what death with dignity is – and Republicans have no need to side with keeping US tied to tubes except for their own GREED.

  2. Kim Serrahn January 18th, 2015 at 10:08

    When there is no hope it should be strictly up to the family, not the doctor, not the government, nor anyone else, but the family that has the last word about how someone should be treated. How that isn’t to say that children who are ill should not receive medical treatment but those on life support only and those that have been on life support for a long time with no hope.

    • Dwendt44 January 18th, 2015 at 13:31

      With zero chance of recovery, I agree. That was the case with Schiavo.

    • granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 17:09

      Leave it up to the family has my vote. Each of US have our own unique way of determining what death with dignity is – and Republicans have no need to side with keeping US tied to tubes except for their own GREED.

  3. K2 January 18th, 2015 at 09:54

    Bush 41, 43, 45 cannot happen. The #s alone should turn off voters.

  4. K2 January 18th, 2015 at 10:54

    Bush 41, 43, 45 cannot happen. The #s alone should turn off voters.

  5. Jake January 18th, 2015 at 10:18

    “That didn’t matter to Jeb. He continued to stomp his feet…”

    I think the expression you are looking for is he stood his ground.

    • Dwendt44 January 18th, 2015 at 12:32

      He had no ‘ground’ to stand on. A hissy fit is something different.

    • granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 16:06

      naw, It’s more of an adolescent tempie tantrum than an adult determination to work within the law and taking the advice of other adults. ‘Stomping his feet’ is more of a correct assessment of the governor’s leadership. Kinda like insisting the boys of Florida’s White House should be forgotten, along with the extra graves.

  6. eyelashviper January 18th, 2015 at 10:57

    Jeb’s reign in Florida was terrible for all but his corporate pals who benefitted from wild west land development and other schemes to take public money and put it into private hands. He crippled regulatory agencies, forced standardized tests which hampered the ability to teach for teachers, let the insurance industry suck citizens dry, and generally reigned like a spoiled toddler.
    His behavior in the Schiavo case was simply mind boggling, as he ignored laws, and tried to demonize Mr. Schiavo. Not mentioned above was the fact that he had ordered State Troopers to be ready to take over the medical care of Terry. Someone with a brain and some even slight understanding of law must have convinced Jeb that he could not do that.
    For generations, the Bush family has clearly shown that they only care about money and power, and they should never be allowed to determine public policy anywhere in this country again.

  7. eyelashviper January 18th, 2015 at 11:57

    Jeb’s reign in Florida was terrible for all but his corporate pals who benefitted from wild west land development and other schemes to take public money and put it into private hands. He crippled regulatory agencies, forced standardized tests which hampered the ability to teach for teachers, let the insurance industry suck citizens dry, and generally reigned like a spoiled toddler.
    His behavior in the Schiavo case was simply mind boggling, as he ignored laws, and tried to demonize Mr. Schiavo. Not mentioned above was the fact that he had ordered State Troopers to be ready to take over the medical care of Terry. Someone with a brain and some even slight understanding of law must have convinced Jeb that he could not do that.
    For generations, the Bush family has clearly shown that they only care about money and power, and they should never be allowed to determine public policy anywhere in this country again.

  8. Dwendt44 January 18th, 2015 at 13:32

    He had no ‘ground’ to stand on. A hissy fit is something different.

  9. Dirk Prophet January 18th, 2015 at 13:22

    The autopsy revealed that only fluid was in her brain case.

    • Obewon January 18th, 2015 at 13:36

      X-rays proved her brain liquefied a full decade before Jeb Bush & GOP delusional’s knew her name. Jeb Bush / Cheney~ channeling Schiavo’s ghost.

    • granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 16:01

      but, but, the parents had the balloons in almost perfect sync with the auto optical reflexes. Proof enough to a Republican doctor turned US Senator that she was more than ready to go out to the movies.

  10. Dirk Prophet January 18th, 2015 at 14:22

    The autopsy revealed that only fluid was in her brain case.

    • Obewon January 18th, 2015 at 14:36

      X-rays proved her brain liquefied a full decade before Jeb Bush & GOP delusional’s knew her name. Jeb Bush / Cheney~ channeling Schiavo’s ghost. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aURY4YWoEto8

    • granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 17:01

      but, but, the parents had the balloons in almost perfect sync with the auto optical reflexes. Proof enough to a Republican doctor turned US Senator that she was more than ready to go out to the movies.

  11. Bunya January 18th, 2015 at 14:21

    The fact that this poor woman and her family were merely pawns for political/religious gain is reprehensible. And people should remember which political figure was behind it come election time.

    • whatthe46 January 18th, 2015 at 19:22

      and the democrats need to remind them.

  12. Bunya January 18th, 2015 at 15:21

    The fact that this poor woman and her family were merely pawns for political/religious gain is reprehensible. And people should remember which political figure was behind it come election time.

    • whatthe46 January 18th, 2015 at 20:22

      and the democrats need to remind them.

  13. jstsmlbrlcnsrvtvguy January 18th, 2015 at 14:38

    JEB – signatory to PNAC – Project for a New American [Crime spree]

  14. jstsmlbrlcnsrvtvguy January 18th, 2015 at 15:38

    JEB – signatory to PNAC – Project for a New American [Crime spree]

  15. granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 15:58

    what’s with Republiclowns and their desire to keep AMERICANS from dying with their own belief of dignity? Hell, I don’t want no tube stuck in me for feeding with the only possible connection with this life being the ceiling of a hospital room – best to fulfill the cycle of life and make room for the ones coming. Even in death, Republicans have no control of their self centered GREED!

  16. granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 16:58

    what’s with Republiclowns and their desire to keep AMERICANS from dying with their own belief of dignity? Hell, I don’t want no tube stuck in me for feeding with the only possible connection with this life being the ceiling of a hospital room – best to fulfill the cycle of life and make room for the ones coming. Even in death, Republicans have no control of their self centered GREED!

  17. granpa.usthai January 18th, 2015 at 17:06

    naw, It’s more of an adolescent tempie tantrum than an adult determination to work within the law and taking the advice of other adults. ‘Stomping his feet’ is more of a correct assessment of the governor’s leadership. Kinda like insisting the boys of Florida’s White House should be forgotten, along with the extra graves.

  18. Tim Coolio January 18th, 2015 at 19:00

    Bush = the guy who launched two wars he couldn’t end,
    presided over the greatest financial collapse since
    the republican Hoover depression, encouraged the
    national security apparatus to violate the constitution
    in every way possible, created a Stalinist twilight prison
    in Cuba, allowed N.Korea to get a nuke weapon, rode Vladimir
    Putin around in a pickup truck like he was family, had the
    greatest terrorist attack in American history happen on his
    watch, turned Iran into the pre-eminent Muslim power in the
    Middle East, helped overthrow legitimate Palestinians
    elections, allowed a major American city to drown, had the
    highest peak gas prices in our nation’s history.

  19. Tim Coolio January 18th, 2015 at 20:00

    Bush = the guy who launched two wars he couldn’t end,
    presided over the greatest financial collapse since
    the republican Hoover depression, encouraged the
    national security apparatus to violate the constitution
    in every way possible, created a Stalinist twilight prison
    in Cuba, allowed N.Korea to get a nuke weapon, rode Vladimir
    Putin around in a pickup truck like he was family, had the
    greatest terrorist attack in American history happen on his
    watch, turned Iran into the pre-eminent Muslim power in the
    Middle East, helped overthrow legitimate Palestinians
    elections, allowed a major American city to drown, had the
    highest peak gas prices in our nation’s history.

  20. liberalMD January 19th, 2015 at 16:04

    Jeb Bush doesn’t necessarily need to win the election to become President…..he’ll just find enough Kathryn Harris’ across the country to manipulate the votes.

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