Obamacare Employer Mandate Starts Today

Posted by | January 1, 2015 12:00 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

As long as we have employer-based insurance, companies should be happy to do the right thing for their workers.

Starting in 2015, companies with 100 or more workers have to provide affordable insurance to at least 70 percent of their employees or pay heavy fines under the “employer mandate,” which was supposed to take effect at the start of this year, alongside the health care law’s other key provisions.

Employers with 50-100 workers will have to comply starting in 2016, at which point all affected employers must insure at least 95 percent of their employees .

Employers with fewer than 50 workers are exempt from the mandate…

“For most large companies, it’s not going to be a major problem,” said Caroline Pearson, a vice president at Avalere Health, a Washington-based consultancy, who noted most companies with more than 100 workers offer compliant insurance.

And with an improving economy, it’s not as dire as Republicans had hoped.

…contrary to the once dire predictions of health law critics and the business community, employers are not dropping coverage en masse and steering workers into the federally subsidized plans on the new Obamacare exchanges. In advance of the mandate finally kicking in, many are already increasing the number of employees offered coverage to ensure compliance.

“The economic reality has changed,” said Paul Fronstin, a senior associate at the Employee Benefit Resource Institute. Unemployment’s below 6 percent, down from the double-digit days in which the mandate was first debated. “Employers are remembering why they offered benefits in the first place – to compete for workers.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

60 responses to Obamacare Employer Mandate Starts Today

  1. Foundryman January 1st, 2015 at 14:31

    If only it included all workers and not just full time. My wifes employer (almost 500) cut everyone’s hours over a year ago so he doesn’t have to comply.

  2. Foundryman January 1st, 2015 at 15:31

    If only it included all workers and not just full time. My wifes employer (almost 500) cut everyone’s hours over a year ago so he doesn’t have to comply.

  3. Suzanne McFly January 1st, 2015 at 16:38

    That’s how you do “trickle down”, they (the top 10%) don’t want to take care of their employees, I guess we have to force them to.

    • amongoose January 1st, 2015 at 19:23

      The bigger problem is that the next mandated coverage extends to small business.
      These are not the one percent, it’s the guy/gal down the block. They will either have to cut hours, employees, or raise prices to cover cost.
      Ask someone you know who employees fewer than a hundred people how they are going to balance the books with the additional cost.

      • Suzanne McFly January 1st, 2015 at 19:35

        That is a farce and has never been shown to have any truth within that argument. Small businesses will be getting subsidies from the government and have you seen this thing called the stock market? It has more than doubled since our current President came in office and these CEO’s have plenty of money and are hardly victims. Sad you fall for this stuff, that is why the rich become ultra rich and the rest just see their discretionary funds deplete quickly.

        • amongoose January 1st, 2015 at 22:39

          What subsidies are those that small businesses will be getting?
          Not talking about CEO’s, was talking about the small business owner who owns a few locations and 50 employees who will be effected at the end of this year.
          As for the stock market it has risen in large part because the near zero interest rates make it more profitable than in many cases loans, or leaving your money in a bank drawing interest. Market forces and supply and demand are what makes it work. The market demands a profit, the stock market giving the best return is what is most in demand. As more money flows towards it that product is available (total share haven’t risen that much) the prices rise.
          Price to earning ratios in the stock market are now running at around 23:1 meaning 23 dollars stock value per 1 dollar return.
          The ratio before the 2008 crash was 25:1.
          If the fed as they are hinting raises interest rates in 2015 money will flow from market and a downward correction will occur.

          Sad to see you don’t read very well.
          Make you a deal, you don’t insult and argue with facts, I will as well.

          • Obewon January 1st, 2015 at 23:17

            HC benefits earn tax credits for business owners providing them. All HC premiums have long been tax deductible to corps. ($1.2 T total U.S. wages are a mere 9% of record $16,5 T U.S. GDP.)

            Here’s more of your sources BS ‘supposed to happen by 2015 because Obama was reelected.’
            1. $2/Gal reality Vs: In March 2012, on the U.S. Senate floor, Mike Lee (teabaggeR-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $5.45 per gallon by the start 2015.

            2.Obama’s 11 M Private jobs lowered 2014 unemployment to 5.8% reality vs: September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.”

            3. Record US GDP+5% APR and tripled stock markets Vs: “The stock market and US dollar are both plunging today. Welcome to @BarackObama’s second term.”-T rump entering 6th bankruptcy!

            4. The entire U.S. economy was supposed to collapse. GOP leader Rush Limbaugh predicted that “the country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected.” Limbaugh was confident in his prediction: “There’s no if about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut wrenching, but it will happen.”-Rusty the racist.

            • amongoose January 2nd, 2015 at 00:29

              Asked a question, and you give an insulting reply.
              Can I call thinkprogress a left wing site, or a non Pulitzer prize winning source and discredit it?

              Those tax breaks are the same as the write off allowed for salaries. The increased cost in plans that can be written off still have to be paid for somehow during the year. Plans increased from 7% to 26%. And that doesn’t count the new out of pocket expenses for the individual that rose as well.
              But that’s what you get when you let campaign funding corporations write a bill you are going to make the American public buy, by force.

              As for payroll numbers, benefits are not included in salary totals, the same goes for stock options, unfortunately on that one.

              What about the tax on cadillac plans that is due to expire, they will not be covered by it. That is due to end this year.
              It’s a 40% tax on the policy value.
              Guess we did drill our way to lower gas prices after all as Obama said we couldn’t do.
              The number of people who are no longer in the work force is at a record high since records began being kept in the 70’s and they are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
              The U-6 number is 11.6%.

              Only 62.8% of those of working age have jobs.
              And it has been declining since 2008.
              Almost 38% of working age, don’t have jobs.
              The highest unemployment rate increases have been in the black community, and male workforce participation.
              It is also at a historic low.

              The total number of jobs is the same as it was in 2011 as it was in 2000. 7.1% was the U3 unemployment number then. At 130k added to the job pool each month by age demographics that means that to reach the same percentage of workforce unemployed there would have had to have been added some 9.36 million jobs to reach that 7.1% number.
              And that doesn’t include the number of jobs lost. According to the Department of Labor, roughly 8.7 million jobs were shed from February 2008 – February 2010,
              The GDP numbers include banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs, and almost 30% of the gain was in healthcare much of it due to increased costs and premiums according to the BLS.
              There are fundamental economic problems that if are not addressed will be big problems soon. If all that you can
              do is parrot a party line and fail to find solutions we are in trouble, especially the middle class who have for the last two decades been taking a beating.




              • Obewon January 2nd, 2015 at 21:08

                You have no idea what you’re balking about. As a successful employer in 3 IT businesses I founded since 1980 to most recently in 2014 you can’t write-off salaries unless you pay taxes on profits every 3 years. And you also can’t deduct your uncredentialed bartender as a CPA, nor could you hire and write-off Limbaugh, paying Rusty for racist advice that’s worthless before he makes it up.

                And a $1,500 tax on a Cadillac HC policy valued between $60K-$120K cost annually, is less than sales tax! There you go again, foolishly & falsely schilling for the wealthiest Greedy Oil Polluters!

                “Those tax breaks are the same as the write off allowed for salaries.”-On a morbidly obese radio hooker named Rusty? Nope! You were thinking of a tax deductible “HC perk” as in a healthy shrimp and crab Louis salad during a business meeting in a Michelin starred NYC restaurant, with proof of actual business being done. Parroting Limbaugh’s Truth Rating leaves you with “True = 0 (0%)” http://www.politifact.com/personalities/rush-limbaugh/ And is actually worse than parroting Ted Cruz “True = 1 (3%)”! http://www.politifact.com/personalities/ted-cruz/

                They’re both as errant as your easily debunked flail “The (U.S. record $16.5 T +5% APR) GDP numbers include (Finance is 40% = $6.6 Trillion) banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs”-Lol! •amongoose you aren’t. A headless goose is more apropos awaiting to be served as an apéritif of pâté de foie gras.

                • amongoose January 2nd, 2015 at 22:59

                  Salaries are deductible a business expense. If your CPA did not deduct them you overpaid a lot.

                  All businesses and individuals not paying taxes via W-4 are required to pay quarterly taxes, with any differences paid in full by April 15th, unless an extension is filed for and granted.

                  That CPA should be tending bar because they know nothing about tax law.



                  Compensation. The salary and bonuses that your business pays to its employees is deductible to the company, and included in each employee’s taxable income (except for tax-free or tax-deferred fringe benefits). This is equally true whether the compensation is paid in cash, in property or in services. Of course, the compensation is only deductible if it’s an ordinary and necessary business expense. In addition, the pay must be reasonable.

                  • Obewon January 2nd, 2015 at 23:17

                    “The (U.S. record $16.5 T +5% APR) GDP numbers include (Finance is 40% = $6.6 Trillion in annual consumer and) banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs”-Lol!

                    Take the faux shrimp out of your tin foil helmet and admit your diversions only fool an infant.

                    • amongoose January 5th, 2015 at 13:46

                      Are your reading comprehension skills that lacking, or are you willfully misrepresenting what was posted?
                      I clearly referred to the GDP gain.
                      The 40% was tax rate on high end plans.
                      You lied about the non deductability of salaries, and got caught.
                      You lied about my sourcing Limbaugh.
                      It is one thing to twist facts, but to make them up is usually referred to as a lie.
                      I guess though when you have no debating skills, and,or an indefensible position it is all you have left.
                      Or is it what you do best?

                    • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 19:49

                      You can’t defend your most ignorant claim yet: ‘annual consumer banking and finance income totaling 40% of USA’s record $16.5 T .(annual) GDP produces no new growth or jobs‘-amongoose, is definitely a headless goose wherever it gets this made-up BS from.

                      I actually posted ‘you can’t legally deduct Rusty’s racism in a salary, nor can you claim your uncredentialed bar tender as a CPA’, Palin’s Meth dealer, or Limbaugh’s illegal OxyContin suppliers salary as a legitimate deduction either!

                      Similarly you can legally deduct only what a CFO, real CPA, or IRS tax law says are legitimate e.g. ObamaCare/ACA as offset by ‘corporate employer subsidies for small employers.’ (Hint: GOP’s U.S. chamber of commerce says $100 M in annual income is a ‘small corporate welfare queen business.’) http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/business/how-tom-donohue-transformed-the-us-chamber-of-commerce.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

                      An errant dissembling fool like ‘amongoose’ never succeeded in any business and is clueless that ‘regardless of how many deductions you write-off, you must pay federal corporate income taxes every 3 years’, or you’ve got an undeductible “Hobby!” As for your faux claims? A: you’ve proven yourself a dishonest functional illiterate. Go to school, read and memorize an accredited college text book and learn something!

                    • amongoose January 5th, 2015 at 22:32

                      “you can’t write-off salaries unless you pay taxes on profits every 3 years. ”

                      Try paying income tax every three years and unless you are Al Sharpton you will be in Jail.
                      You use them as a write off each year, by IRS code they are a cost of doing business.

                      You must pay federal corporate taxes every year, including estimated quarterlies.
                      If you have not shown profit in three years it is a hobby unless you are able to prove it to the IRS which you will have to do.

                      “The GDP numbers include banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs, and almost 30% of the gain was in healthcare much of it due to increased costs and premiums according to the BLS.”

                      where in that did I say that banking was 40% of GDP?
                      I said it was 30% of the gain.

                      Read slower.

                      Your reading comprehension sucks.

                    • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 22:39

                      No Greedy Oil Polluter Chicken Little ‘the sky is falling’ rumors ever came true again: “Obamacare Employer Mandate Starts Today”-1/1/2015 Boy-howdy! So where’s the outrage?

                      1) So why aren’t businesses going broke, declaring bankruptcy? A: Wages are a mere 9% of U.S. record $16.5 T GDP growing +5% APR e.g. 91 cents per sales dollar is gross profit, just 9 teeny pennies per each $1 in sales are wages & benefits.

                      ‘Repubs sky done felled over!’ There is never any end to you GOP TV viewers gullibility!

                      And nobody but you were foolish enough to buy into your own BS, again! Lol.
                      BTW> the IRS corporate tax law, again proves your ignorance ‘all businesses must declare a profit every 3 years (BP, ExXon et al) or it legally becomes a hobby.’-Use your ‘Goofle, or ask any CPA tax attorney. (If you were ever in business you’d know this, and that your “W-4” is your personal IRS withholding declaration.)

                      BTW #2 ‘er uhmmm did’ “I say that banking was 40% of GDP?”
                      A: No you didn’t post anything accurate. I let some of your cerebral air out by restating the obvious factbased reality for you: your easily debunked flail “The (U.S. record $16.5 T +5% APR) GDP numbers include (Finance is 40% = $6.6 Trillion) banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs”-Lol! •amongoose you aren’t. Keep gett’n greased by fools news.

                    • amongoose January 6th, 2015 at 08:29

                      Good, back to the origial topic, the ACA.

                      The sky has not fallen but there are a lot of dark clouds moving in.

                      It was a badly written bill that no one read or could understand. It was written with the help of lobbyists for the healthcare and insurance industries. Both business and consumers are suffering from it.

                      If they wanted to insure the uninsured they should have openly told the American people how much it would cost. But they didn’t.

                      This is what a large wealthy institution is doing to handle the additional costs. Do you think a smaller business will be able to absorb the cost, or will they to pass the increased cost along to their employees?


                      Costs rise for employees as business passes premium and deductable cost to employees.

                      In Harvard’s health care enrollment guide for 2015, the university said it “must respond to the national trend of rising health care costs, including some driven by health care reform,” in the form of the Affordable Care Act. The guide said that Harvard faced “added costs” because of provisions in the health care law that extend coverage for children up to age 26, offer free preventive services like mammograms and colonoscopies and, starting in 2018, add a tax on high-cost insurance, known as the Cadillac tax.


                      The “Cadillac Tax” kicks in due to delays given to special interest groups like unions in 2018. Don’t know about you, but an additional thousand or so of expenses for medical care is a lot to most people. But companies are beginning to cut back on benefits and shift costs now.


                      High-End Health Plans Scale Back to Avoid ‘Cadillac Tax’

                      Although the tax does not start until 2018, employers say they have to start now to meet the deadline and they are doing whatever they can to bring down the cost of their plans. Under the law, an employer or health insurer offering a plan that costs more than $10,200 for an individual and $27,500 for a family would typically pay a 40 percent excise tax on the amount exceeding the threshold.
                      The “Cadillac plan tax” analysis by one of the companies whose lobbyist helped write the bill.

                      Blue Cross Blue Shield report on ACA effects

                      CNN Money Out of pocket expenses to rise by $2000


                      average policy cost $321 (x12= 3852 per year), add the $2000 deductable, and $4400 dollar ($6,400 max – deductable), $10,000 per year is quite a chunk out of the average budget.

                      Tax law was changed so that medical expenses for the individual are no longer deductable above 7.5%, but are now at the 10% threshold. That is a bite out of any budget.

                      Rate hikes will come out in the second half of 2014

                      Most employers were smart, and renewed their pre-Obamacare policies before the end of 2013. That means that, at the time of renewal, they had twelve more months of premiums under the old system. (Some states banned this practice in order to accelerate the uptake of Obamacare-approved plans.) So we’re going to start seeing more of these stories—of premium spikes in the employer-sponsored market—starting in the second half of 2014, as those old plans roll over.

                      Total coincidence, but there’s a politically significant event happening in November of 2014.

                  • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 20:11

                    “Form W-4 (2015) Purpose. Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay”-IRS proves ‘amongoose’ is functionally illiterate.

                    As a corporate employer, it’s employees W-4 certifying their own deductions. That has 00.00% with deducting all salary expenses & costs including; training, retraining, marketing, travel, 110% Investment Tax Credits (ITC) or any other legitimate CFO & CPA authorized deductions.

                    ‘yeah deduct 150% of any net or gross profits like ExXon. Then claim the federal gas taxes collected and paid to D.C. are really your unpaid U.S. federal income taxes!’-‘amongoose’ parrots fools, without any applicable sincerity or knowledge.

          • Suzanne McFly January 2nd, 2015 at 10:42

            If they have fewer than 50 employees, they do not have to provide health insurance.

            • amongoose January 2nd, 2015 at 12:10

              They (50-100 employees) include a lot of small businesses. Think of a small local business like a fast food restaurant. If they run several shifts over a day from 6AM to 10PM they need what 5 kitchen, 3-4 counter and a manager, that is 18 hour day, 3 shifts typically. Someone who owns multiple locations could go over that 50 number easily. It could also be kept under 50 as the law uses a percentage scale of part time workers to equal full time in counting towards the mandate. By using 4-5 hour shifts instead of 3-6 hour shifts. That would keep the employees under 30 hours and make them part time.

              Those are the ones that I worry about. “Their profit margin is typically around average operating margin of 5.9 percent with respect to gross sales”.


              An end of the year tax break will not help in meeting operating expenses during the 12 months before it is used.

              And the employee isn’t doing a lot better when their hours are cut.

              $450,000 per year is the average nationwide for a fast food restaurant. Labor is 25-30% of that, Food 35%, then there is rent, franchise fees, insurance, utilities, and other day to day expenses. Adding to these costs will necessitate their being trimmed from other areas. The easiest is labor which is I’m afraid what will be the end result.

              The law of unintended consequences.


              • Suzanne McFly January 2nd, 2015 at 12:42

                What I responded to is “was talking about the small business owner who owns a few locations and 50 employees who will be effected at the end of this year.”…………..Didn’t waste time to read the rest. I don’t come here to debate issues especially when your argument is an opinion.

                • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 20:18

                  You called that one correctly! That clown thinks $100 million annually is ‘a small business.’ Wow! No wonder FNC ratings remain the worst for the past two years since the year 2000.

                  ‘everythung eye learnt, FNC teached me!‘-amongoose.

              • Suzanne McFly January 2nd, 2015 at 20:58

                Companies with fewer than 50 people on staff, which make up virtually all businesses, are not subject to the requirement


      • Obewon January 1st, 2015 at 23:29

        Only multi-millionaire employers grossing $10M+ annually having 50 or more full-time workers are required to offer HC in lieu of higher wages, reducing employee turnover, and costly retraining.

        “since the Affordable Care Act passed, (87%) of job growth has been in full-time positions.”-True 8/7/13! The BLS statistics show that 87 percent of the increase in jobs between March 2010 and July 2013 consisted of full-time jobs. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2013/aug/07/alan-krueger/alan-krueger-top-economist-obama-says-most-new-job/ 85% of U.S. employers have 15 or less employees. ‘amongoose’ is a Greedy Oil Polluter shill.

  4. Suzanne McFly January 1st, 2015 at 17:38

    That’s how you do “trickle down”, they (the top 10%) don’t want to take care of their employees, I guess we have to force them to.

    • amongoose January 1st, 2015 at 20:23

      The bigger problem is that the next mandated coverage extends to small business.
      These are not the one percent, it’s the guy/gal down the block. They will either have to cut hours, employees, or raise prices to cover cost.
      Ask someone you know who employees fewer than a hundred people how they are going to balance the books with the additional cost.

      • Suzanne McFly January 1st, 2015 at 20:35

        That is a farce and has never been shown to have any truth within that argument. Small businesses will be getting subsidies from the government and have you seen this thing called the stock market? It has more than doubled since our current President came in office and these CEO’s have plenty of money and are hardly victims. Sad you fall for this stuff, that is why the rich become ultra rich and the rest just see their discretionary funds deplete quickly.

        • amongoose January 1st, 2015 at 23:39

          What subsidies are those that small businesses will be getting?
          Not talking about CEO’s, was talking about the small business owner who owns a few locations and 50 employees who will be effected at the end of this year.
          As for the stock market it has risen in large part because the near zero interest rates make it more profitable than in many cases loans, or leaving your money in a bank drawing interest. Market forces and supply and demand are what makes it work. The market demands a profit, the stock market giving the best return is what is most in demand. As more money flows towards it that product is available (total share haven’t risen that much) the prices rise.
          Price to earning ratios in the stock market are now running at around 23:1 meaning 23 dollars stock value per 1 dollar return.
          The ratio before the 2008 crash was 25:1.
          If the fed as they are hinting raises interest rates in 2015 money will flow from market and a downward correction will occur.

          Sad to see you don’t read very well.
          Make you a deal, you don’t insult and argue with facts, I will as well.

          • Obewon January 2nd, 2015 at 00:17

            HC benefits earn tax credits for business owners providing them. All HC premiums have long been tax deductible to corps. ($1.2 T total U.S. wages are a mere 9% of record $16,5 T U.S. GDP.)

            Here’s more of your sources BS ‘supposed to happen by 2015 because Obama was reelected.’
            1. $2/Gal reality Vs: In March 2012, on the U.S. Senate floor, Mike Lee (teabaggeR-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $5.45 per gallon by the start 2015.

            2.Obama’s 11 M Private jobs lowered 2014 unemployment to 5.8% reality vs: September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.”

            3. Record US GDP+5% APR and tripled stock markets Vs: “The stock market and US dollar are both plunging today. Welcome to @BarackObama’s second term.”-T rump entering 6th bankruptcy!

            4. The entire U.S. economy was supposed to collapse. GOP leader Rush Limbaugh predicted that “the country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected.” Limbaugh was confident in his prediction: “There’s no if about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut wrenching, but it will happen.”-Rusty the racist.

            • amongoose January 2nd, 2015 at 01:29

              Asked a question, and you give an insulting reply.
              Can I call thinkprogress a left wing site, or a non Pulitzer prize winning source and discredit it?

              Those tax breaks are the same as the write off allowed for salaries. The increased cost in plans that can be written off still have to be paid for somehow during the year. Plans increased from 7% to 26%. And that doesn’t count the new out of pocket expenses for the individual that rose as well.
              But that’s what you get when you let campaign funding corporations write a bill you are going to make the American public buy, by force.

              As for payroll numbers, benefits are not included in salary totals, the same goes for stock options, unfortunately on that one.

              What about the tax on cadillac plans that is due to expire, they will not be covered by it. That is due to end this year.
              It’s a 40% tax on the policy value.
              Guess we did drill our way to lower gas prices after all as Obama said we couldn’t do.
              The number of people who are no longer in the work force is at a record high since records began being kept in the 70’s and they are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
              The U-6 number is 11.6%.

              Only 62.8% of those of working age have jobs.
              And it has been declining since 2008.
              Almost 38% of working age, don’t have jobs.
              The highest unemployment rate increases have been in the black community, and male workforce participation.
              It is also at a historic low.

              The total number of jobs is the same as it was in 2011 as it was in 2000. 7.1% was the U3 unemployment number then. At 130k added to the job pool each month by age demographics that means that to reach the same percentage of workforce unemployed there would have had to have been added some 9.36 million jobs to reach that 7.1% number.
              And that doesn’t include the number of jobs lost. According to the Department of Labor, roughly 8.7 million jobs were shed from February 2008 – February 2010,
              The GDP numbers include banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs, and almost 30% of the gain was in healthcare much of it due to increased costs and premiums according to the BLS.
              There are fundamental economic problems that if are not addressed will be big problems soon. If all that you can
              do is parrot a party line and fail to find solutions we are in trouble, especially the middle class who have for the last two decades been taking a beating.




              • Obewon January 2nd, 2015 at 22:08

                You have no idea what you’re balking about. As a successful employer in 3 IT businesses I founded since 1980 to most recently in 2014 you can’t write-off salaries unless you pay taxes on profits every 3 years. And you also can’t deduct your uncredentialed bartender as a CPA, nor could you hire and write-off Limbaugh, paying Rusty for racist advice that’s worthless before he makes it up.

                And a $1,500 tax on a Cadillac HC policy valued between $60K-$120K cost annually, is less than sales tax! There you go again, foolishly & falsely schilling for the wealthiest Greedy Oil Polluters!

                “Those tax breaks are the same as the write off allowed for salaries.”-On a morbidly obese radio hooker named Rusty? Nope! You were thinking of a tax deductible “HC perk” as in a healthy shrimp and crab Louis salad during a business meeting in a Michelin starred NYC restaurant, with proof of actual business being done. Parroting Limbaugh’s Truth Rating leaves you with “True = 0 (0%)” http://www.politifact.com/personalities/rush-limbaugh/ And is actually worse than parroting Ted Cruz “True = 1 (3%)”! http://www.politifact.com/personalities/ted-cruz/

                They’re both as errant as your easily debunked flail “The (U.S. record $16.5 T +5% APR) GDP numbers include (Finance is 40% = $6.6 Trillion) banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs”-Lol! •amongoose you aren’t. A headless goose is more apropos awaiting to be served as an apéritif of pâté de foie gras.

                • amongoose January 2nd, 2015 at 23:59

                  Salaries are deductible a business expense. If your CPA did not deduct them you overpaid a lot.

                  All businesses and individuals not paying taxes via W-4 are required to pay quarterly taxes, with any differences paid in full by April 15th, unless an extension is filed for and granted.

                  That CPA should be tending bar because they know nothing about tax law.



                  Compensation. The salary and bonuses that your business pays to its employees is deductible to the company, and included in each employee’s taxable income (except for tax-free or tax-deferred fringe benefits). This is equally true whether the compensation is paid in cash, in property or in services. Of course, the compensation is only deductible if it’s an ordinary and necessary business expense. In addition, the pay must be reasonable.

                  • Obewon January 3rd, 2015 at 00:17

                    “The (U.S. record $16.5 T +5% APR) GDP numbers include (Finance is 40% = $6.6 Trillion in annual consumer and) banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs”-Lol!

                    Take the faux shrimp out of your tin foil helmet and admit your diversions only fool an infant.

                    • amongoose January 5th, 2015 at 14:46

                      Are your reading comprehension skills that lacking, or are you willfully misrepresenting what was posted?
                      I clearly referred to the GDP gain.
                      The 40% was tax rate on high end plans.
                      You lied about the non deductability of salaries, and got caught.
                      You lied about my sourcing Limbaugh.
                      It is one thing to twist facts, but to make them up is usually referred to as a lie.
                      I guess though when you have no debating skills, and,or an indefensible position it is all you have left.
                      Or is it what you do best?

                    • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 20:49

                      You can’t defend your most ignorant claim yet: ‘annual consumer banking and finance income totaling 40% of USA’s record $16.5 T .(annual) GDP produces no new growth or jobs‘-amongoose, is definitely a headless goose wherever it gets this made-up BS from.

                      I actually posted ‘you can’t legally deduct Rusty’s racism in a salary, nor can you claim your uncredentialed bar tender as a CPA’, Palin’s Meth dealer, or Limbaugh’s illegal OxyContin suppliers salary as a legitimate deduction either!

                      Similarly you can legally deduct only what a CFO, real CPA, or IRS tax law says are legitimate e.g. ObamaCare/ACA as offset by ‘corporate employer subsidies for small employers.’ (Hint: GOP’s U.S. chamber of commerce says $100 M in annual income is a ‘small corporate welfare queen business.’) http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/business/how-tom-donohue-transformed-the-us-chamber-of-commerce.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

                      An errant dissembling fool like ‘amongoose’ never succeeded in any business and is clueless that ‘regardless of how many deductions you write-off, you must pay federal corporate income taxes every 3 years’, or you’ve got an undeductible “Hobby!” As for your faux claims? A: you’ve proven yourself a dishonest functional illiterate. Go to school, read and memorize an accredited college text book and learn something!

                    • amongoose January 5th, 2015 at 23:32

                      “you can’t write-off salaries unless you pay taxes on profits every 3 years. ”

                      Try paying income tax every three years and unless you are Al Sharpton you will be in Jail.
                      You use them as a write off each year, by IRS code they are a cost of doing business.

                      You must pay federal corporate taxes every year, including estimated quarterlies.
                      If you have not shown profit in three years it is a hobby unless you are able to prove it to the IRS which you will have to do.

                      “The GDP numbers include banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs, and almost 30% of the gain was in healthcare much of it due to increased costs and premiums according to the BLS.”

                      where in that did I say that banking was 40% of GDP?
                      I said it was 30% of the gain.

                      Read slower.

                      Your reading comprehension sucks.

                    • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 23:39

                      No Greedy Oil Polluter Chicken Little ‘the sky is falling’ rumors ever came true again: “Obamacare Employer Mandate Starts Today”-1/1/2015 Boy-howdy! So where’s the outrage?

                      1) So why aren’t businesses going broke, declaring bankruptcy? A: Wages are a mere 9% of U.S. record $16.5 T GDP growing +5% APR e.g. 91 cents per sales dollar is gross profit, just 9 teeny pennies per each $1 in sales are wages & benefits.

                      ‘Repubs sky done felled over!’ There is never any end to you GOP TV viewers gullibility!

                      And nobody but you were foolish enough to buy into your own BS, again! Lol.
                      BTW> the IRS corporate tax law, again proves your ignorance ‘all businesses must declare a profit every 3 years (BP, ExXon et al) or it legally becomes a hobby.’-Use your ‘Goofle, or ask any CPA tax attorney. (If you were ever in business you’d know this, and that your “W-4” is your personal IRS withholding declaration.)

                      BTW #2 ‘er uhmmm did’ “I say that banking was 40% of GDP?”
                      A: No you didn’t post anything accurate. I let some of your cerebral air out by restating the obvious factbased reality for you: your easily debunked flail “The (U.S. record $16.5 T +5% APR) GDP numbers include (Finance is 40% = $6.6 Trillion) banking profits which produce no new growth or jobs”-Lol! •amongoose you aren’t. Keep gett’n greased by fools news.

                    • amongoose January 6th, 2015 at 09:29

                      Good, back to the origial topic, the ACA.

                      The sky has not fallen but there are a lot of dark clouds moving in.

                      It was a badly written bill that no one read or could understand. It was written with the help of lobbyists for the healthcare and insurance industries. Both business and consumers are suffering from it.

                      If they wanted to insure the uninsured they should have openly told the American people how much it would cost. But they didn’t.

                      This is what a large wealthy institution is doing to handle the additional costs. Do you think a smaller business will be able to absorb the cost, or will they to pass the increased cost along to their employees?


                      Costs rise for employees as business passes premium and deductable cost to employees.

                      In Harvard’s health care enrollment guide for 2015, the university said it “must respond to the national trend of rising health care costs, including some driven by health care reform,” in the form of the Affordable Care Act. The guide said that Harvard faced “added costs” because of provisions in the health care law that extend coverage for children up to age 26, offer free preventive services like mammograms and colonoscopies and, starting in 2018, add a tax on high-cost insurance, known as the Cadillac tax.


                      The “Cadillac Tax” kicks in due to delays given to special interest groups like unions in 2018. Don’t know about you, but an additional thousand or so of expenses for medical care is a lot to most people. But companies are beginning to cut back on benefits and shift costs now.


                      High-End Health Plans Scale Back to Avoid ‘Cadillac Tax’

                      Although the tax does not start until 2018, employers say they have to start now to meet the deadline and they are doing whatever they can to bring down the cost of their plans. Under the law, an employer or health insurer offering a plan that costs more than $10,200 for an individual and $27,500 for a family would typically pay a 40 percent excise tax on the amount exceeding the threshold.
                      The “Cadillac plan tax” analysis by one of the companies whose lobbyist helped write the bill.

                      Blue Cross Blue Shield report on ACA effects

                      CNN Money Out of pocket expenses to rise by $2000


                      average policy cost $321 (x12= 3852 per year), add the $2000 deductable, and $4400 dollar ($6,400 max – deductable), $10,000 per year is quite a chunk out of the average budget.

                      Tax law was changed so that medical expenses for the individual are no longer deductable above 7.5%, but are now at the 10% threshold. That is a bite out of any budget.

                      Rate hikes will come out in the second half of 2014

                      Most employers were smart, and renewed their pre-Obamacare policies before the end of 2013. That means that, at the time of renewal, they had twelve more months of premiums under the old system. (Some states banned this practice in order to accelerate the uptake of Obamacare-approved plans.) So we’re going to start seeing more of these stories—of premium spikes in the employer-sponsored market—starting in the second half of 2014, as those old plans roll over.

                      Total coincidence, but there’s a politically significant event happening in November of 2014.

                  • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 21:11

                    “Form W-4 (2015) Purpose. Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay”-IRS proves ‘amongoose’ is functionally illiterate.

                    As a corporate employer, it’s employees W-4 certifying their own deductions. That has 00.00% with deducting all salary expenses & costs including; training, retraining, marketing, travel, 110% Investment Tax Credits (ITC) or any other legitimate CFO & CPA authorized deductions.

                    ‘yeah deduct 150% of any net or gross profits like ExXon. Then claim the federal gas taxes collected and paid to D.C. are really your unpaid U.S. federal income taxes!’-‘amongoose’ parrots fools, without any applicable sincerity or knowledge.

          • Suzanne McFly January 2nd, 2015 at 11:42

            If they have fewer than 50 employees, they do not have to provide health insurance.

            • amongoose January 2nd, 2015 at 13:10

              They (50-100 employees) include a lot of small businesses. Think of a small local business like a fast food restaurant. If they run several shifts over a day from 6AM to 10PM they need what 5 kitchen, 3-4 counter and a manager, that is 18 hour day, 3 shifts typically. Someone who owns multiple locations could go over that 50 number easily. It could also be kept under 50 as the law uses a percentage scale of part time workers to equal full time in counting towards the mandate. By using 4-5 hour shifts instead of 3-6 hour shifts. That would keep the employees under 30 hours and make them part time.

              Those are the ones that I worry about. “Their profit margin is typically around average operating margin of 5.9 percent with respect to gross sales”.


              An end of the year tax break will not help in meeting operating expenses during the 12 months before it is used.

              And the employee isn’t doing a lot better when their hours are cut.

              $450,000 per year is the average nationwide for a fast food restaurant. Labor is 25-30% of that, Food 35%, then there is rent, franchise fees, insurance, utilities, and other day to day expenses. Adding to these costs will necessitate their being trimmed from other areas. The easiest is labor which is I’m afraid what will be the end result.

              The law of unintended consequences.


              • Suzanne McFly January 2nd, 2015 at 13:42

                What I responded to is “was talking about the small business owner who owns a few locations and 50 employees who will be effected at the end of this year.”…………..Didn’t waste time to read the rest. I don’t come here to debate issues especially when your argument is an opinion.

                • Obewon January 5th, 2015 at 21:18

                  You called that one correctly! That clown thinks $100 million annually is ‘a small business.’ Wow! No wonder FNC ratings remain the worst for the past two years since the year 2000.

                  ‘everythung eye learnt, FNC teached me!‘-amongoose.

              • Suzanne McFly January 2nd, 2015 at 21:58

                Companies with fewer than 50 people on staff, which make up virtually all businesses, are not subject to the requirement


      • Obewon January 2nd, 2015 at 00:29

        Only multi-millionaire employers grossing $10M+ annually having 50 or more full-time workers are required to offer HC in lieu of higher wages, reducing employee turnover, and costly retraining.

        “since the Affordable Care Act passed, (87%) of job growth has been in full-time positions.”-True 8/7/13! The BLS statistics show that 87 percent of the increase in jobs between March 2010 and July 2013 consisted of full-time jobs. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2013/aug/07/alan-krueger/alan-krueger-top-economist-obama-says-most-new-job/ 85% of U.S. employers have 15 or less employees. ‘amongoose’ is a Greedy Oil Polluter shill.

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