Hate Mail: I Got Love Edition

Posted by | December 31, 2014 07:00 | Filed under: Hate Mail Top Stories


From: bobbi
To: Show-Colmes
Subject: despicable colmes

Well idiot boy, I see you’re spreading your filthy hatemongering again. This time about militia’s being terrorist.  I’ll tell you who the terrorists are you totally gutless, backstabbing, lying, racist coward, (in my opinion of course) you and your slimy liberal ilk are.  Here’s hoping that you catch some nice and incurable disease from the multitudes of illegals that you and that foreign white muslim in the white house are shoveling into this country.  By the way, gutless (my opinion of course) why aren’t you asking your stinking muslim master to get that marine out of the tj jail?  Why don’t you cover pelosi’s melt down when conservatives hit her with the truth?  Why don’t you cover the decrease in the size of our military?  Why don’t you cover the increasing prices of electricity and food?  Oh that’s right, I forgot, you’re not a man, (my opinion of course), your a filthy liberal.  By the way, don’t you stretch out your wife’s underwear (my opinion) when you wear them?  Now pretend that your a man and put this email on your totally controlled and biased face book page – The Bobster

You got it Bobster….here it is. I know you need the attention.

From: L.R
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:14 AM
To: Alan
Subject: You’re IQ ??

Mr. Colmes,

Just saw you on fox news…. I’m sorry to inform you that you Sir must be the most ignorant person I’ve ever encountered in my 60 years on this planet.. I believe you really are so stupid you don’t even know what fool you make of yourself.. They could not possibly pay you enough money to act that stupid. I’ll just bet that as a child, if you didn’t get your way you were the kid that took his ball and went home !  Probably picked on by others and probably deserved it..  You look like the Grinch that stole Christmas and you probably would if you could.. Should you ever get within arm’s reach of me rest assured I will do you a favor and break you face for you..  I’ll bet my tax dollars are keeping you’re propaganda radio talk show afloat.. No way you’ve got any sponsors..

Kiss my ASS you snake in the grass

I couldn’t wait to see what someone who titled an email “You’re IQ” had to say. Thankfully, I was not dsappointed. Also, I think you mean to say break “your” face, not “you” face. Good that you know how to settle differences. Breaking someone’s face is always the way to go. 

Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 7:34 PM
To: Alan
Subject: For Alan

Alan, your remarks today about arming police with military vehicles and equipment astonished me.  Obama’s DHS provided those items to the police departments.  Don’t you remember Obama stating that he wanted to form a domestic army, which would only serve inside the US, but be as well trained and equipped as the US Army

Sorry to burst your balloon, but President Obama never said he wanted to form a domestic army. Here is what he said:

This is a severe distortion of a campaign speech that Obama gave in 2008. In the speech, he called for an expansion of the foreign service, AmeriCorps, and the Peace Corps — not the creation of a “private army”:

Today, AmeriCorps — our nation’s network of local, state, and national service programs — has 75,000 slots. And I know firsthand the quality of these programs. My wife, Michelle, once left her job at a law firm and at City Hall to be a founding director of an AmeriCorps program in Chicago that trains young people for careers in public service. And these programs invest Americans in their communities and their country. They tap America’s greatest resource — our citizens.

And that’s why as president, I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their efforts connected to a common purpose. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem — they are the answer.

From: Stu
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 9:59 AM
To: ShowColmesRadio
Subject: you suck

Alan , almost every day fox pairs you up with Brad blakeman to  debate the issues , and every day I watch him
Make you look stupid and eat your lunch for you . Your obviously clueless on every issue from irs to Benghazi , and
Your undying loyalty to this corrupt administration , no matter what , is making you less credible than you already are.
Try and tell the truth for once , and not spin every issue that’s brought to you . The viewers are not that stupid as you
Might think alan . You’re a hack ,&  you’re a joke , unless you finally stand up and be a man . I don’t think you
Or the pathetic democratic party have it in them  ..  Also wipe that stupid smirk off your face , you’re an ugly enough
Without it .

Thank you for your kind and constructive criticism. I will wipe off my smirk so I can assume a more normal level of ugliness.

From: bobbi
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 10:37 AM
Subject: despicable colmes

Once again I take computer in hand and give my opinion of the filthy crapola spewing out of your stinking, foul, lying, obama loving mouth on Fox this morning.  Naw, on second thought, the first sentence pretty well covers the situation.  Of course in my opinion, it also covers the other 18 pieces of liberal obama excrement that Fox pays the big bucks to spew their lies.   By the way you gutless maggot, how about that “white” master of yours, railroading the “white” cop in Ferguson, MO? Why don’t you cover that on your totally biased FB page that you delete all dissenting opinions from.  Oh that’s right, your just another racist, lying libber, and that would destroy your non-existent base.  My worst to your equally gutless, valor stealing perez who carries on conversations with equally non-existent entities of his/her creation to make it appear that you have a following.  By the way, scum ball, congratulations on keeping the slimy tongue in side your ugly face for once.

Bobster, send me your phone number so we can call you have have a nice discussion on my radio show. But then you might be too ashamed to face my in public.

From: Shannon
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:59 AM
To: Alan
Subject: Isis

You are so stupid if Isis beheaded your child would you feel different  no is your answer you such a brown nose get out of Obama’ s butt so you can see what is going on. I would never listen to you the only time I see you is on fox and to look at you makes me sick,,,

I may be stupid, but at least I know that a period goes at the end of a sentence. It’s not much, but it’s a start.

From: bobbi
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 10:19 AM
To: Alan
Subject: despicable colmes

Dear Howdy Doody, well another day ruined by having  to deal with you.  Since I am forced by Fox to listen to your blatant stupidity, being passed off as your totally biased and prejudicial  opinion, I feel that it is only fair to give my opinion of you.  Talk about inhumane treatment, first I am forced to look at the incredibly dufus looking face, perched atop that pathetically flabby panty wearing pussy boy body and then I must listen to the total dribble coming out of that foul, lying, totally gutless, muslim terrorist loving, smart mouth of yours.  How dare you speak for the American people.  The vast majority of the American people that you claim to be speaking for are intelligent, adult, credible human beings, not disingenuous, smart mouthed, cowardly liberal obama loving pieces of dog crap like you.  Tell you what gutless, why don’t you go to Iraq?  It would be so great to have ISIS cut the head off of one of you filthy, slimy, lying libbers instead of  the real men that have suffered that fate.  Not to worry though pansy, everyone knows that gutless libbers will never put their lives in danger, they only shoot their smart mouths off from a safe distances.  By the way coward, how are those valor stealing pieces of crap that control that biased facebook page of yours?  Still kicking people off for opposing political views?  Still creating and using phony names while claiming to be war veterans?  Despicable doesn’t even begin to cover what you are punk.

It’s you again. Missed me? You do spend a lot of time writing me. Thanks for giving me your opinion this time. I never knew until now how you felt. Since you like tossing the word “coward” around and continually question my manhood, let’s see if you can man up, send me your number and tell me this on my show. I’m waiting.


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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

24 responses to Hate Mail: I Got Love Edition

  1. rg9rts December 31st, 2014 at 07:31

    Now my day and year are complete

    • Alan December 31st, 2014 at 08:02

      glad I could help :)

      • Suzanne McFly December 31st, 2014 at 11:31

        You should point out how badly we have been served by underfunding education because these “scholars” would be able to form complete sentences if enough teachers were employed and paid a reasonable salary.

  2. rg9rts December 31st, 2014 at 08:31

    Now my day and year are complete

    • Alan December 31st, 2014 at 09:02

      glad I could help :)

      • Suzanne McFly December 31st, 2014 at 12:31

        You should point out how badly we have been served by underfunding education because these “scholars” would be able to form complete sentences if enough teachers were employed and paid a reasonable salary.

  3. StoneyCurtisll December 31st, 2014 at 07:46

    You notice most of the hate they spew is about things that dont even exist…(other than that it’s mostly personal insults)

    ‘”multitudes of illegals that you and that foreign white Muslim in the white house are shoveling into this country”..

    ” why aren’t you asking your stinking Muslim master to get that marine out of the tj jail?
    I wonder if his leniency towards crime would extend to a Mexican Marine if he were caught in the USA with a couple of kilos of cocaine?

    Then he writes again using the same diction and pharasing but changed his name from “Bobster” to bobbi”, as if no one would notice the same person wrote both e-mails with such nonsense as, “By the way you gutless maggot, how about that “white” master of yours, railroading the “white” cop in Ferguson, MO?..
    Really?..Last I heard Wilson wasn’t even indicted…

    “equally gutless, valor stealing perez who carries on conversations with
    equally non-existent entities of his/her creation to make it appear that
    you have a following”..
    Cue the Twilight Zone theme..(reality detachment)..

    Bobbi the Bobster would have written a longer letter, but it appears he ran out of adjectives and invectives to type.

    It’s all too apparent they dont like liberals on thier “Fair and balanced” right wing media machine, be it in print, radio, or television/Internet.

    • Dwendt44 December 31st, 2014 at 14:48

      He would have written a longer letter but his crayon broke.

  4. StoneyCurtisll December 31st, 2014 at 08:46

    You notice most of the hate they spew is about things that dont even exist…(other than that it’s mostly personal insults)

    ‘”multitudes of illegals that you and that foreign white Muslim in the white house are shoveling into this country”..

    ” why aren’t you asking your stinking Muslim master to get that marine out of the tj jail?
    I wonder if his leniency towards crime would extend to a Mexican Marine if he were caught in the USA with a couple of kilos of cocaine?

    Then he writes again using the same diction and pharasing but changed his name from “Bobster” to bobbi”, as if no one would notice the same person wrote both e-mails with such nonsense as, “By the way you gutless maggot, how about that “white” master of yours, railroading the “white” cop in Ferguson, MO?..
    Really?..Last I heard Wilson wasn’t even indicted…

    “equally gutless, valor stealing perez who carries on conversations with
    equally non-existent entities of his/her creation to make it appear that
    you have a following”..
    Cue the Twilight Zone theme..(reality detachment)..

    Bobbi the Bobster would have written a longer letter, but it appears he ran out of adjectives and invectives to type.

    It’s all too apparent they dont like liberals on thier “Fair and balanced” right wing media machine, be it in print, radio, or television/Internet.

    • Dwendt44 December 31st, 2014 at 15:48

      He would have written a longer letter but his crayon broke.

  5. Anomaly 100 December 31st, 2014 at 07:47

    “Your obviously clueless.”

    Uh huh. It’s obviously not the guy that can’t spell. It’s all Alan.

  6. Anomaly 100 December 31st, 2014 at 08:47

    “Your obviously clueless.”

    Uh huh. It’s obviously not the guy that can’t spell. It’s all Alan.

  7. Anomaly 100 December 31st, 2014 at 07:49

    “send me your number and tell me this on my show.”

    Alan, if you had written *you’re, then he might have understood it. I’m seeing a pattern here.

  8. Anomaly 100 December 31st, 2014 at 08:49

    “send me your number and tell me this on my show.”

    Alan, if you had written *you’re, then he might have understood it. I’m seeing a pattern here.

  9. William December 31st, 2014 at 07:52

    “well another day ruined by having to deal with you. Since I am forced by Fox to listen to your blatant stupidity”
    So it’s true then
    There is actually a place (A FEMA reeducation camp I suppose), where people are forced by a network to listen to a show.
    Shame on you Alan.

  10. William December 31st, 2014 at 08:52

    “well another day ruined by having to deal with you. Since I am forced by Fox to listen to your blatant stupidity”
    So it’s true then
    There is actually a place (A FEMA reeducation camp I suppose), where people are forced by a network to listen to a show.
    Shame on you Alan.

  11. Long Tom December 31st, 2014 at 08:19

    It’s official!
    Bobbi’s in lurve!

  12. Long Tom December 31st, 2014 at 09:19

    It’s official!
    Bobbi’s in lurve!

  13. StoneyCurtisll December 31st, 2014 at 08:31

    Speaking of Bobbi…

  14. StoneyCurtisll December 31st, 2014 at 09:31

    Speaking of Bobbi…

  15. Larry Schmitt December 31st, 2014 at 11:47

    Maybe what he meant by “You’re IQ” is that your real name is Isadora Quinoa.

  16. Larry Schmitt December 31st, 2014 at 12:47

    Maybe what he meant by “You’re IQ” is that your real name is Isadora Quinoa.

  17. Dwendt44 December 31st, 2014 at 14:50

    The ‘militias’ are terrorist groups. They are NOT regulated. They are NOT under government authority. They are NOT equipped and armed by the states. The are NOT on a call up list in the governor’s office. They do NOT keep their weapons in the government armory.

  18. Dwendt44 December 31st, 2014 at 15:50

    The ‘militias’ are terrorist groups. They are NOT regulated. They are NOT under government authority. They are NOT equipped and armed by the states. The are NOT on a call up list in the governor’s office. They do NOT keep their weapons in the government armory.

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