Guy Who Was Visited By The Secret Service Sends ‘Patriots’ To Troll Liberal Blogger, Doesn’t Work Out Well

Posted by | December 5, 2014 11:32 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Drew Walker (R-ISIS), a self-described “patriot,” was recently visited by the Secret Service, but as he tells it, he has more gosh darned patriotism in his “little toe” than any “libtard”.

The Three Percenter explains in his video that he’s not a racist, but he just hates Obama because he’s a Kenyan, goat raping Muslim with a she-male Sasquatch wife.

There’s so much wrong in this video, including a rant dedicated to Valerie Beaumont, a writer for Addicting Info. He’s very upset with all of the posts she’s never written about him. Again, she’s never written about him but he’s so paranoid he seems to think she has and calls her a “c*nt.”

Walker is also upset about a site which he says was created just to bash him. Walker is referring to Americans Against The Tea Party, a site which was not created in his honor. John Prager wrote about this dadgummed patriot, but the site has been around for years.

He claims that liberals just sit at their computers “running their mouths” instead of being more like him, who sits at the computer and runs his mouth.

Warning: Contains highly offensive language:

It gets better – or worse.  Walker sent out a call for “patriots” to send Prager messages.

Prager is well known in progressive circles as a troll magnet, but he handles it really well. He usually gays them away. (Prager isn’t gay. Not that it matters).

Of course, Drew has been messaging John, along with a few of his patriot buddies. Walker tells John he’s “to stupid.” [sic and LOL]



John tells me, “I scared him off with my gay talk.”

The threats are pouring in.



John is receiving more patriotic messages containing veiled threats. Hey Drew, John writes for If You Only News now where he can post your videos, too, because he can. It’s a free country.

I posted something about Walker before the midterm elections in hopes that it would get the vote out, because if this alleged human is voting then we need to counter his vote. What a shame millenials stayed home on election day.

Drew will be attending the “I will not comply” rally this month with the hope that our twice elected President will be arrested.  

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102 responses to Guy Who Was Visited By The Secret Service Sends ‘Patriots’ To Troll Liberal Blogger, Doesn’t Work Out Well

  1. Skip Patterson December 6th, 2014 at 16:50

    Drew Walker is a guy that is so rabid, so off the grid that some one needs to have an eye on him and his doings and rants 247365 because it is almost certain that one day he will pop a cork and anyone around him is at risk of being hurt.

  2. Skip Patterson December 6th, 2014 at 17:50

    Drew Walker is a guy that is so rabid, so off the grid that some one needs to have an eye on him and his doings and rants 247365 because it is almost certain that one day he will pop a cork and anyone around him is at risk of being hurt.

  3. allison1050 December 6th, 2014 at 18:43

    I wonder if little Drew has been with a goat.

  4. allison1050 December 6th, 2014 at 19:43

    I wonder if little Drew has been with a goat.

  5. Warman1138 December 6th, 2014 at 22:10

    Mental hospital material, definitely. That or jail boy after he loses it and commits an evil act his mouth can’t back.

  6. Warman1138 December 6th, 2014 at 23:10

    Mental hospital material, definitely. That or jail boy after he loses it and commits an evil act his mouth can’t back.

  7. Hass December 7th, 2014 at 00:30

    Why is it every time I see a video of an American Patriot, they’re all the same racist dumb fucks who think they’re tough cause the carry and own a lot of guns? Yeah yeah, Obama is a Muslim who’s turning America into a third world country, blah blah blah. Uneducated twats!

  8. Hass December 7th, 2014 at 01:30

    Why is it every time I see a video of an American Patriot, they’re all the same racist dumb fucks who think they’re tough cause the carry and own a lot of guns? Yeah yeah, Obama is a Muslim who’s turning America into a third world country, blah blah blah. Uneducated twats!

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