Obamacare Working

Posted by | December 4, 2014 14:00 | Filed under: Good News Politics Top Stories

Wonk Wire has the details.

The uninsured rate continues to drop.

“The number of uninsured non-elderly adults has dropped by more than 10 million since the launch of state and federal exchanges last year, according to the latest data from the Urban Institute’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey.”

“The uninsured rate nationwide was 12.4% in September, down roughly 30% from 17.5% a year earlier. The quarterly survey has recorded a steady reduction in the rate of uninsured over the last year. The Urban Institute’s data tracks other reports that have shown a significant decrease in the uninsured rate since the full implementation of Obamacare.”

“In non-expansion states, the uninsured rate has dropped from 20.1% to 15.1% over the last year. In states that have adopted Medicaid expansion, the uninsured rate dropped from 15% to 10.2% since the exchanges were launched.”

Health care costs are not soaring.

Jonathan Cohn: “On Wednesday, actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS) released their annual estimate of national health expendituresthat is, all the money that Americans spent on medical care last year, whether directly or through insurance plans and government programs like Medicare … In 2013, CMS announced, national health spending was 17.4 percent of GDP.”…

“The growth (not the actual level) in health care spending actually slowed in a bunch of key areas, including physician services, out-of-pocket spending, and Medicare expenditures.”

“Those signs would be largely consistent with a health care system that is truly changing in ways that lead to less spending.”

Obamacare enrollment is strong.

The Hill: “About 1.5 million people applied for ObamaCare plans in the first two weeks of open enrollment, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said Wednesday.”

“Out of the total applications submitted, about 765,000 plans have already been picked, according to a weekly enrollment snapshot released by the agency.”

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

10 responses to Obamacare Working

  1. R.J. Carter December 4th, 2014 at 14:06

    It’s certainly working for Walgreens (WAG) and CVS (CVS). Stocks have soared since 2012, bouyed by all the more prescriptions that will be sold.

    • tiredoftea December 4th, 2014 at 14:41

      That damned socialist!

      • R.J. Carter December 4th, 2014 at 14:45

        It’s an ill wind that blows nobody no good. For every big event, money chooses a direction to flow. Follow it (or get ahead of it, which is even better).

        • arc99 December 4th, 2014 at 15:38

          every industrialized nation on the planet, including those with medical care quality equivalent to (or better than) ours such as Israel and Japan, has some form of universal health insurance.

          it works. the ACA was one small baby step in the right direction.

          I cannot fathom why conservatives in this country cling to the ridiculous notion that policy which works everywhere else in the world cannot possibly work here.

          On a positive note, at least your criticism is a tacit admission that the ACA is working. When opposing arguments have evolved from death panels to pointing out that Walgreen;s and CVS are making money, I think the debate is over.

          • R.J. Carter December 4th, 2014 at 16:29

            Actually, the argument was that *I* am making money. :-) I tend to watch what the government does and invest accordingly. Like buying RTN and HAL right after 9/11.

  2. R.J. Carter December 4th, 2014 at 15:06

    It’s certainly working for Walgreens (WAG) and CVS (CVS). Stocks have soared since 2012, bouyed by all the more prescriptions that will be sold.

    • tiredoftea December 4th, 2014 at 15:41

      That damned socialist!

      • R.J. Carter December 4th, 2014 at 15:45

        It’s an ill wind that blows nobody no good. For every big event, money chooses a direction to flow. Follow it (or get ahead of it, which is even better).

        • arc99 December 4th, 2014 at 16:38

          every industrialized nation on the planet, including those with medical care quality equivalent to (or better than) ours such as Israel and Japan, has some form of universal health insurance.

          it works. the ACA was one small baby step in the right direction.

          I cannot fathom why conservatives in this country cling to the ridiculous notion that policy which works everywhere else in the world cannot possibly work here.

          On a positive note, at least your criticism is a tacit admission that the ACA is working. When opposing arguments have evolved from death panels to pointing out that Walgreen;s and CVS are making money, I think the debate is over.

          • R.J. Carter December 4th, 2014 at 17:29

            Actually, the argument was that *I* am making money. :-) I tend to watch what the government does and invest accordingly. Like buying RTN and HAL right after 9/11.

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