Concha: Announcing Decision At Night Is Reckless

Posted by | November 24, 2014 20:30 | Filed under: Opinion Politics Top Stories

Joe Concha at Mediaite says deciding to announce the Ferguson grand jury decision at night is “borderline reckless.”


[The news will come] at a time when darkness and the cover that comes with it for those interested in anything but peaceful protest in favor an anarchy, violence and possible death instead–and if that verdict says Wilson walks, we may look back on this moment and ask a pragmatic question: Exactly why the hell couldn’t this wait until 9:00 AM the following morning, when sunlight and the relatively calmer demeanor that comes early in the day would likely mean less of the aforementioned anarchy, violence and possible death? We were told of careful planning around how exactly the grand jury’s decision would go public, which included a 48-hour heads-up for the the police to arrange a final strategy and get resources in place. Apparently that plan was tossed away quickly without explanation.

As we witnessed on our television screens in August, most of the problems–the looting, rioting, tear gas and clashes with police–almost always happened after the sun went down (with exceptions, of course). The same could happen now that darkness has fallen on Ferguson. So again, if the world has waited for months for this decision to be rendered, what’s 12 more hours in the whole scheme of things? It’s why a state of emergency and nightly curfews were enacted in Ferguson back on August 16. Said curfew ran from midnight to 5:00 AM.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

44 responses to Concha: Announcing Decision At Night Is Reckless

  1. rg9rts November 25th, 2014 at 04:39

    Just one more sign that no one is in charge… They really thought this one through

  2. rg9rts November 25th, 2014 at 05:39

    Just one more sign that no one is in charge… They really thought this one through

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