Gruber: GOP Trying To Confuse People About Obamacare

Posted by | November 11, 2014 23:14 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

MIT”s Jonathan Gruber, the “architect” of Obamacare, says Republicans are trying to confuse people on Oamacare.

Gruber doubted that the new Republican wave in Congress would be able to gut it that much, and said that the Republican strategy on the Affordable Care Act has been to “confuse people” about what’s in it “so that they don’t understand that the subsidies they’re getting is because of the law.”

He indirectly referenced previous polls finding that Americans like individual portions of Obamacare if you don’t tell them it’s Obamacare.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

108 responses to Gruber: GOP Trying To Confuse People About Obamacare

  1. tiredoftea November 11th, 2014 at 23:22

    The Repubs would have a lot less ammo if you had gotten a good night’s sleep before your last video appearance! Thank’s! You are one of the reasons why Dems lose the “naive” arguments despite doing some of the right things for the citizenry.

    • Tommy6860 November 11th, 2014 at 23:29

      Yep, it was like this guy was piling on for the GOP after the election. He couldn’t have been a better winger mouthpiece with that bit of misinformation.

    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 12:05

      Lets take out whether aca is good or bad, everyone has their own view and it is opinion-orientated, not a 2+2=4 type argument.
      So, with that out of the topic, was it the right thing to do in the way it was passed/explained to the american people.
      Keep in mind, a prime consultant, to the tune of $400,000 for his participation, a webpage on the aca site extolling his ‘integrity’, says this:

      “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO did not score the mandate as taxes”.
      The reason for this was they were selling it as “your taxes won’t go up 1 thin dime”(said by Pres Obama)

      “lack of transparency is a good thing”
      In other words, hide the bad stuff instead of having a real debate on merits.

      Now, they(proponents of the law) also said that the aca was to also help save money, which is a big selling point. Yet he told the WP(after it passed) the following about aca saving money:
      “That was sometimes a misleading motivator for the Affordable Care Act. The law isn’t designed to save money.”
      (emphasis added is mine)

      To me, the aca has both good and bad. And I’m not posting to pro or con it. I’m talking strictly on the how it was done. It boils down to this:

      Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok? Is it now ok that the ends justify the means?

      • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 13:19

        “To me, the aca has both good and bad. And I’m not posting to pro or con it. I’m talking strictly on the how it was done.” That’s especially true of this groundbreaking law. If you are concerned how it was passed, the rationale, the delaying provisions of it, then, the discussion must be about all the help the Republicans gave to making it happen and all their support since it became law before we get to Gruber’s video and TV appearances.

        Pouncing on, and parsing, this guys statements several years after the fact is simply red meat to the opposition. Old, beyond the “sell by” date, red meat. I have no idea how much of his opinions are true. I’m sure he wasn’t the only person making the ACA happen and the others are not talking. But it was in a very hostile political environment where so much of this law was compromised to gain support, any support, from the right. That didn’t work out so well, did it?

        Finally, if you are concerned about ends justifying the means, welcome to our politics, it’s old news, too.

        • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 13:30

          But you didn’t address/answer the only question I asked:
          Was it right to lie about it and give cbo wrong numbers?

          I keep in mind something: once one side does it, the other side will too and use it to justify their actions. I hate that. Wrong is wrong. I would never defend my brother stealing while saying that other guy should go to jail for stealing. My belief is the american people have to call out wrong regardless of side(what is more important, our country or our party?), that is the only thing that will make any change.
          Again, my view.

          • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 14:02

            “Was it right to lie about it and give cbo wrong numbers?” Is that what happened? There was so much change to fit the ACA into a less than Trillion dollar box, a driving rationale for all the rest of the financial massages, that the real crime was why Obama wasn’t more politically astute and change Medicare eligibility so that every citizen of this country has medical care from birth.

            Otherwise, “tempest in a teapot” comes to mind.

            • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 14:26

              Yes, it is. The cbo even requested permission to re-score due to “insufficient or incorrect numbers given for the respective task…”

              Not to mention, he admits they did, he admitted it.

              But lets say ‘if they did’… lets turn it into a hypothetical:
              Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok?

              • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 14:44

                . The cbo even requested permission to re-score due to “insufficient or incorrect numbers given for the respective task…”


                When was that?

              • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 14:48

                “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”
                Captain Louis Renault

                • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 16:58

                  Sad, in my view, just plain sad as an adult. You can’t even state that lying and being deceptive is wrong(even as a hypothetical cause it may make ‘your side’ look bad), you’d rather quote a movie.

                  I have 2 questions for you. If you can’t/don’t answer, that’s ok in the big scheme of things, you have to live w/yourself, I don’t. But if you don’t have the maturity or backbone, than I and many others will have a very keen insight to your character as a person.

                  1. Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok?
                  2. Which is more important to you, your ‘side or party’, or your country?


                  • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 17:24

                    ” But if you don’t have the maturity or backbone, than I and many others will have a very keen insight to your character as a person.”

                    Really? You should probably get over yourself. I don’t speak for a side and I don’t placate people who insist that I answer their test questions posed as “hypotheticals” lest I betray some lack of personal moral fiber.

                    Come back when you’ve quizzed all your buddies on the right about their answers to your moral test. BTW, while you’re at it, pose the question to your church in light of how they answered questions about pedophile priests and whether they support lying about that issue.

                    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 19:53

                      Ok, so you won’t answer the question, fair enough, no law says you have to show a little metal…

                      You didn’t answer before it became hypothetical so it is not out of some ‘feigned’ placating you won’t answer.

                      “Come back when you’ve quizzed all your buddies on the right about their answers to your moral test.”
                      So I should only question friends on the right, never my friends on the left? Seems a bit of a double standard there, to me.

                      “BTW, while you’re at it, pose the question to your church in light of how they answered questions about pedophile priests and whether they support lying about that issue.”
                      Never said I belong to a church, but why ask about pedophiles in a post about ‘ Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok?’ Oh, cause that’s called redirection when the topic is uncomfortable, I get it.

                      This thread will go no where pertaining to the topic and I got some valuable insight so, have a nice evening, bye.

  2. tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 00:22

    The Repubs would have a lot less ammo if you had gotten a good night’s sleep before your last video appearance! Thank’s! You are one of the reasons why Dems lose the “naive” arguments despite doing some of the right things for the citizenry.

    • Tommy6860 November 12th, 2014 at 00:29

      Yep, it was like this guy was piling on for the GOP after the election. He couldn’t have been a better winger mouthpiece with that bit of misinformation.

    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 13:05

      Lets take out whether aca is good or bad, everyone has their own view and it is opinion-orientated, not a 2+2=4 type argument.
      So, with that out of the topic, was it the right thing to do in the way it was passed/explained to the american people.
      Keep in mind, a prime consultant, to the tune of $400,000 for his participation, a webpage on the aca site extolling his ‘integrity’, says this:

      “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO did not score the mandate as taxes”.
      The reason for this was they were selling it as “your taxes won’t go up 1 thin dime”(said by Pres Obama)

      “lack of transparency is a good thing”
      In other words, hide the bad stuff instead of having a real debate on merits.

      Now, they(proponents of the law) also said that the aca was to also help save money, which is a big selling point. Yet he told the WP(after it passed) the following about aca saving money:
      “That was sometimes a misleading motivator for the Affordable Care Act. The law isn’t designed to save money.”
      (emphasis added is mine)

      To me, the aca has both good and bad. And I’m not posting to pro or con it. I’m talking strictly on the how it was done. It boils down to this:

      Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok? Is it now ok that the ends justify the means?

      • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 14:19

        “To me, the aca has both good and bad. And I’m not posting to pro or con it. I’m talking strictly on the how it was done.” That’s especially true of this groundbreaking law. If you are concerned how it was passed, the rationale, the delaying provisions of it, then, the discussion must be about all the help the Republicans gave to making it happen and all their support since it became law before we get to Gruber’s video and TV appearances.

        Pouncing on, and parsing, this guys statements several years after the fact is simply red meat to the opposition. Old, beyond the “sell by” date, red meat. I have no idea how much of his opinions are true. I’m sure he wasn’t the only person making the ACA happen and the others are not talking. But it was in a very hostile political environment where so much of this law was compromised to gain support, any support, from the right. That didn’t work out so well, did it?

        Finally, if you are concerned about ends justifying the means, welcome to our politics, it’s old news, too.

        • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 14:30

          But you didn’t address/answer the only question I asked:
          Was it right to lie about it and give cbo wrong numbers?

          I keep in mind something: once one side does it, the other side will too and use it to justify their actions. I hate that. Wrong is wrong. I would never defend my brother stealing while saying that other guy should go to jail for stealing. My belief is the american people have to call out wrong regardless of side(what is more important, our country or our party?), that is the only thing that will make any change.
          Again, my view.

          • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 15:02

            “Was it right to lie about it and give cbo wrong numbers?” Is that what happened? There was so much change to fit the ACA into a less than Trillion dollar box, a driving rationale for all the rest of the financial massages, that the real crime was why Obama wasn’t more politically astute and change Medicare eligibility so that every citizen of this country has medical care from birth.

            Otherwise, “tempest in a teapot” comes to mind.

            • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 15:26

              Yes, it is. The cbo even requested permission to re-score due to “insufficient or incorrect numbers given for the respective task…”

              Not to mention, he admits they did, he admitted it.

              But lets say ‘if they did’… lets turn it into a hypothetical:
              Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok?

              • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 15:44

                . The cbo even requested permission to re-score due to “insufficient or incorrect numbers given for the respective task…”


                When was that?

              • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 15:48

                “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”
                Captain Louis Renault

                • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 17:58

                  Sad, in my view, just plain sad as an adult. You can’t even state that lying and being deceptive is wrong(even as a hypothetical cause it may make ‘your side’ look bad), you’d rather quote a movie.

                  I have 2 questions for you. If you can’t/don’t answer, that’s ok in the big scheme of things, you have to live w/yourself, I don’t. But if you don’t have the maturity or backbone, than I and many others will have a very keen insight to your character as a person.

                  1. Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok?
                  2. Which is more important to you, your ‘side or party’, or your country?


                  • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 18:24

                    ” But if you don’t have the maturity or backbone, than I and many others will have a very keen insight to your character as a person.”

                    Really? You should probably get over yourself. I don’t speak for a side and I don’t placate people who insist that I answer their test questions posed as “hypotheticals” lest I betray some lack of personal moral fiber.

                    Come back when you’ve quizzed all your buddies on the right about their answers to your moral test. BTW, while you’re at it, pose the question to your church in light of how they answered questions about pedophile priests and whether they support lying about that issue.

                    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 20:53

                      Ok, so you won’t answer the question, fair enough, no law says you have to show a little metal…

                      You didn’t answer before it became hypothetical so it is not out of some ‘feigned’ placating you won’t answer.

                      “Come back when you’ve quizzed all your buddies on the right about their answers to your moral test.”
                      So I should only question friends on the right, never my friends on the left? Seems a bit of a double standard there, to me.

                      “BTW, while you’re at it, pose the question to your church in light of how they answered questions about pedophile priests and whether they support lying about that issue.”
                      Never said I belong to a church, but why ask about pedophiles in a post about ‘ Is lying and being deceptive to pass anything ok?’ Oh, cause that’s called redirection when the topic is uncomfortable, I get it.

                      This thread will go no where pertaining to the topic and I got some valuable insight so, have a nice evening, bye.

  3. Ron Luce November 11th, 2014 at 23:51

    Republicans want to seriously hurt people for their own personal gain.

    That’s pretty close to the definition of evil.

  4. Ron Luce November 12th, 2014 at 00:51

    Republicans want to seriously hurt people for their own personal gain.

    That’s pretty close to the definition of evil.

  5. Red Eye Robot November 12th, 2014 at 00:26

    Everything the republicans said about Obamacare has turned out to be true. Gruber has confirmed it in 2 separate videos. Everything Obama said was a lie and Gruber confirmed that the bill was written to hide the lies that would be told to sell it. But somehow, The republicans are the bad guys.Millions of people have been harmed,the economy has been harmed. The administration , congress and people like Gruber entered into what is essentially a criminal conspiracy.This whole law top to bottom is racketeering .

    • Dwendt44 November 12th, 2014 at 00:39

      What color is the sky in that strange fact free world that you live in?

    • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 01:12

      Really? Which planet is that report from, Righturanus?

    • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 06:47

      Everything the republicans said about Obamacare has turned out to be false.

      The videos say nothing of the kind if you listen to the entire things, and Gruber was a consultant, not the architect, as he was for Romney care.

      People are incredibly ignorant about the law.

      And….”To date, most Americans have been personally unaffected by the new health care law,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.From Kaiser; most Americans continue to report no personal experience with the law to date.
Add thatto; Most people get info from least trusted sources.

      Survey: Most Republicans Who Bought Obamacare Coverage Like Their Plans

      Hospitals continue to report a significant drop in their
      number of uninsured patients as Obamacare coverage takes full effect, boosting their bottom lines, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday.

      Obamacare Helps Add Life to Medicare as Shortfall Delayed

      This is like the article from the NYT; How the stimulus was both successful in reality and painted falsely as a failure by Republicans.

      This how misinformed people are when we have 24 hour news cycles and truth and lies are given the same weight.

      “what is essentially a criminal conspiracy.This whole law top to bottom is racketeering”?????


      Not at all, and it looks like those who say so will be the first ones screaming “Get your government hands off my Obamacare”, in ten years.

      But a “criminal conspiracy.This whole law top to bottom is racketeering”

      That’s EXACTLY what I would call the GOP’s obstruction of Obama in the face of the greatest crisis we faced since 1029, just to “deprive Obama of any bipartisan victories”.

      That is also what I would call the war on Iraq, and Iran Contra.

      That priorities are so screwed up, shows exactly why we are in the mess we are in.

    • Suzanne McFly November 12th, 2014 at 07:18

      “Everything the republicans said about Obamacare has turned out to be true”, lot of grey in there red, care to elaborate?

    • Shades November 12th, 2014 at 08:49

      You don’t live in this world, do you?

    • veggiedude November 12th, 2014 at 20:11

      I don’t get how the Republicans like to say this is a christian nation, but when it comes to actually acting like a christian – helping the sick and helping the poor – they are on the other side trying to defeat christian values. Which is it?

      • Red Eye Robot November 13th, 2014 at 04:38

        Tell me how it’s a christian value for ME to have government force YOU to help the poor?

        • veggiedude November 13th, 2014 at 09:25

          You are forcing me to subsidize your filthy meat habit, otherwise a pound of steak would actually be over $100 a pound. When did you ever hear vegans complain about that issue? When taxes and forced government work in your favor, its perfectly fine and dandy. Stop complaining and pretend you are a part of this society.

          • Red Eye Robot November 13th, 2014 at 12:59

            Oh dear, Liberals attacking FDR’s New Deal farm subsidies. But back to the question I asked. How is it a Christian value if I use government to force YOU to help the poor?

            • veggiedude November 13th, 2014 at 18:46

              Regarding ‘christian values’ our opinions may not come to agreement, and it does not matter. What does matter is your obsession with government helping the poor. If you make $50,000 a year, your taxes break down like this: $6.96 per year on welfare, $4,000 per year on corporate subsidies. Again, why your obsession against the poor and you have nothing to say about the gross amount helping the rich?

              • Red Eye Robot November 14th, 2014 at 05:11

                It has nothing to do with helping the poor, we are discussing your notion that it is a christian value to use government force to compel others to to do their bidding. I understand government has the power to do this. but you stated it was a christian value. Please explain how it is a christian value to force someone against their will, to carry out your desires under threat of economic or physical harm.

            • mmaynard119 November 13th, 2014 at 21:58

              Because the role of government is to help all of the citizens, not just the wealthy.

    • mmaynard119 November 13th, 2014 at 21:57

      Do you find that living in your parent’s basement an impediment to having a social life?

      • Red Eye Robot November 15th, 2014 at 05:34

        Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

  6. Red Eye Robot November 12th, 2014 at 01:26

    Everything the republicans said about Obamacare has turned out to be true. Gruber has confirmed it in 2 separate videos. Everything Obama said was a lie and Gruber confirmed that the bill was written to hide the lies that would be told to sell it. But somehow, The republicans are the bad guys.Millions of people have been harmed,the economy has been harmed. The administration , congress and people like Gruber entered into what is essentially a criminal conspiracy.This whole law top to bottom is racketeering .

    • Dwendt44 November 12th, 2014 at 01:39

      What color is the sky in that strange fact free world that you live in?

    • tiredoftea November 12th, 2014 at 02:12

      Really? Which planet is that report from, Righturanus?

    • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 07:47

      Everything the republicans said about Obamacare has turned out to be false.

      The videos say nothing of the kind if you listen to the entire things, and Gruber was a consultant, not the architect, as he was for Romney care.

      People are incredibly ignorant about the law.

      And….”To date, most Americans have been personally unaffected by the new health care law,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.From Kaiser; most Americans continue to report no personal experience with the law to date.
Add thatto; Most people get info from least trusted sources.

      Survey: Most Republicans Who Bought Obamacare Coverage Like Their Plans

      Hospitals continue to report a significant drop in their
      number of uninsured patients as Obamacare coverage takes full effect, boosting their bottom lines, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday.

      Obamacare Helps Add Life to Medicare as Shortfall Delayed

      This is like the article from the NYT; How the stimulus was both successful in reality and painted falsely as a failure by Republicans.

      This how misinformed people are when we have 24 hour news cycles and truth and lies are given the same weight.

      “what is essentially a criminal conspiracy.This whole law top to bottom is racketeering”?????


      Not at all, and it looks like those who say so will be the first ones screaming “Get your government hands off my Obamacare”, in ten years.

      But a “criminal conspiracy.This whole law top to bottom is racketeering”

      That’s EXACTLY what I would call the GOP’s obstruction of Obama in the face of the greatest crisis we faced since 1029, just to “deprive Obama of any bipartisan victories”.

      That is also what I would call the war on Iraq, and Iran Contra.

      That priorities are so screwed up, shows exactly why we are in the mess we are in.

    • Suzanne McFly November 12th, 2014 at 08:18

      “Everything the republicans said about Obamacare has turned out to be true”, lot of grey in there red, care to elaborate?

    • Shades November 12th, 2014 at 09:49

      You don’t live in this world, do you?

    • veggiedude November 12th, 2014 at 21:11

      I don’t get how the Republicans like to say this is a christian nation, but when it comes to actually acting like a christian – helping the sick and helping the poor – they are on the other side trying to defeat christian values. Which is it?

      • Red Eye Robot November 13th, 2014 at 05:38

        Tell me how it’s a christian value for ME to have government force YOU to help the poor?

        • veggiedude November 13th, 2014 at 10:25

          Oh boo hoo hoo. Cry me a river. You are being forced to do something really evil. No bozo, I am being forced to do evil, Over 10 million animals slaughtered a day. I’m forced to subsidize your filthy meat habit, otherwise a pound of steak would actually be over $100 a pound. When did you ever hear vegans complain about that issue? When taxes and forced government work in your favor, its perfectly fine and dandy. Stop complaining and pretend you are a part of this society.

          • Red Eye Robot November 13th, 2014 at 13:59

            Oh dear, Liberals attacking FDR’s New Deal farm subsidies. But back to the question I asked. How is it a Christian value if I use government to force YOU to help the poor?

            • veggiedude November 13th, 2014 at 19:46

              Regarding ‘christian values’ our opinions may not come to agreement, and it does not matter. What does matter is your obsession with government helping the poor. If you make $50,000 a year, your taxes break down like this: $6.96 per year on welfare, $4,000 per year on corporate subsidies. Again, why your obsession against the poor and you have nothing to say about the gross amount helping the rich?

              • Red Eye Robot November 14th, 2014 at 06:11

                It has nothing to do with helping the poor, we are discussing your notion that it is a christian value to use government force to compel others to to do their bidding. I understand government has the power to do this. but you stated it was a christian value. Please explain how it is a christian value to force someone against their will, to carry out your desires under threat of economic or physical harm.

            • mmaynard119 November 13th, 2014 at 22:58

              Because the role of government is to help all of the citizens, not just the wealthy.

    • mmaynard119 November 13th, 2014 at 22:57

      Do you find that living in your parent’s basement an impediment to having a social life?

      • Red Eye Robot November 15th, 2014 at 06:34

        Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

  7. Obewon November 12th, 2014 at 01:17

    The GOP never mentions the ‘ACA $1.5 trillion+ Federal defict reductions’-proven by nonpartisan CBO, or the 28 million now covered by ObamaCare, everyone’s HC portability, or elimination of preexisting exclusions and lifetime care caps.

    • Wayout November 12th, 2014 at 07:23

      The only good thing was HC portability and that could have been done by a separate law. Millions of people lost the health plans they liked and wanted no part of this government scheme.

    • burqa November 12th, 2014 at 22:10

      You are correct, MastermindObewon. During the congressional debate on the bill as it was being modified during the process, at one point the CBO scored it. Republicans rejoiced and the CBO was their best buddy and, according to them, was eminently credible and reliable when it was showing the ACA would have a certain cost that was higher than what had been thought acceptable.
      BU-UT, when the bill was altered and the CBO scored the revised bill and came up with a different score, the GOP got real quiet about it and CBO scoring was no longer important to them.

  8. Obewon November 12th, 2014 at 02:17

    The GOP never mentions the ‘ACA $1.5 trillion+ Federal defict reductions’-proven by nonpartisan CBO, or the 28 million now covered by ObamaCare, everyone’s HC portability, or elimination of preexisting exclusions and lifetime care caps.

    • Wayout November 12th, 2014 at 08:23

      The only good thing was HC portability and that could have been done by a separate law. Millions of people lost the health plans they liked and wanted no part of this government scheme.

    • burqa November 12th, 2014 at 23:10

      You are correct, MastermindObewon. During the congressional debate on the bill as it was being modified during the process, at one point the CBO scored it. Republicans rejoiced and the CBO was their best buddy and, according to them, was eminently credible and reliable when it was showing the ACA would have a certain cost that was higher than what had been thought acceptable.
      BU-UT, when the bill was altered and the CBO scored the revised bill and came up with a different score, the GOP got real quiet about it and CBO scoring was no longer important to them.

  9. Wayout November 12th, 2014 at 07:20

    Gruber told the truth when he was talking to his fellow travelers. We all knew what Obamacare was when it was foisted upon us and the leftist Congress critters who voted for it did not read even the bill.

  10. Wayout November 12th, 2014 at 08:20

    Gruber told the truth when he was talking to his fellow travelers. We all knew what Obamacare was when it was foisted upon us and the leftist Congress critters who voted for it did not read even the bill.

  11. R.J. Carter November 12th, 2014 at 08:12

    Is this the same guy who said he was glad for the lack of transparency so that it could get past “the stupidity of American voters?”

    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 11:13

      This guy is the epitome of hypocrisy. This guy is on tape admitting they gave the cbo wrong numbers to score(I love it when people still quote the cbo knowing the score is wrong), calls the american voters stupid, that the wording had to be confusing so they could sell it their way, and yet you still have people here defending him…
      The american people aren’t stupid, but some sure care for their ‘side’ way more than they do for their country…

  12. R.J. Carter November 12th, 2014 at 09:12

    Is this the same guy who said he was glad for the lack of transparency so that it could get past “the stupidity of American voters?”

    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 12:13

      This guy is the epitome of hypocrisy. This guy is on tape admitting they gave the cbo wrong numbers to score(I love it when people still quote the cbo knowing the score is wrong), calls the american voters stupid, that the wording had to be confusing so they could sell it their way, and yet you still have people here defending him…
      The american people aren’t stupid, but some sure care for their ‘side’ way more than they do for their country…

  13. Allan Kim Harrison November 12th, 2014 at 08:54

    The left depend on the stupid voters. Here you have one of the people that was behind the ACA telling you this and the stupid still don’t get it. Right…..The Republicans are trying to confuse people about it?

    • veggiedude November 12th, 2014 at 20:06

      The Affordable Care Act has resulted in significantly reducing the per capita cost of health care. It has been going up 3% annually, well below half of what it was the preceding eight years. and Politifact both talk about it.

    • burqa November 12th, 2014 at 22:04

      Yes. All along Republicans deceived Americans, on one hand screaming for them to “Read the bill!” to making claims that made it obvious they had not read the bill.
      Alan was on Megan Kelly tonight and did a fine job, despite her rude interrupting, of making this point.
      Claiming the ACA is a “government takeover” is not true. Claiming there would be “death panels” was another lie we heard from the Republicans.
      So how stupid do you think Republicans thought the voters are?

  14. Ed Hamilton November 12th, 2014 at 09:54

    The left depend on the stupid voters. Here you have one of the people that was behind the ACA telling you this and the stupid still don’t get it. Right…..The Republicans are trying to confuse people about it? Telling that the video of him letting the cat out of the bag isn’t included in this, this whatever you call it.

    • veggiedude November 12th, 2014 at 21:06

      The Affordable Care Act has resulted in significantly reducing the per capita cost of health care. It has been going up 3% annually, well below half of what it was the preceding eight years. and Politifact both talk about it.

    • burqa November 12th, 2014 at 23:04

      Yes. All along Republicans deceived Americans, on one hand screaming for them to “Read the bill!” to making claims that made it obvious they had not read the bill.
      Alan was on Megan Kelly tonight and did a fine job, despite her rude interrupting, of making this point.
      Claiming the ACA is a “government takeover” is not true. Claiming there would be “death panels” was another lie we heard from the Republicans.
      So how stupid do you think Republicans thought the voters are?

  15. abbyjo2001 November 12th, 2014 at 09:06

    They aren’t trying to confuse anyone, they are out and out lying about the ACA on purpose so people will be confused. They lie about everything. I don’t think a repub would tell the truth even if he or she had no reason to lie. It’s in their dna.

    • Hugh Williams November 12th, 2014 at 09:31

      Right, It’s called “lying when the truth sounds better”.

      • abbyjo2001 November 12th, 2014 at 09:33

        Yes Hugh, or “A lie is as good as the truth if you can get somebody to believe it”. I think that’s their motto.

    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 11:40

      Just curious, what do you think about this guy admitting they gave the cbo wrong numbers to score so it would be able to sell aca, purposely wording the law so it wouldn’t look like a tax but would pass SCOTUS test to be a tax and calling the american voter ‘stupid’? And try not to take a partisan view, just on the merits of good or bad/right or wrong to do, ok?

      • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 14:45

        Just curious, what do you think about this guy admitting they gave the cbo wrong numbers to score so it would be able to sell aca,


        Did you actually listen to the whole thing?
        That is not at all what he said.
        He does not believe that a penalty is a tax.

        The only reason why Roberts called it a tax is because he could not upset the right by upholding it under the Commerce Clause.

        I listened to the entire thing and I don’t see anything untoward or unusual, especially when looks at the details of any big legislation.

        • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 19:46

          Yes, I did, I listened to all three videos, watched reaction of crowd(or heard) as well. Same common theme in all.

          • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 20:03

            The reaction of the crowd?

            24th Annual Health Economics Conference (AHEC)
            AHEC is an invitation-only conference with attendance restricted to people actively participating as presenters or discussants.

            What reaction??

            He was only in one plenary panel.

            What do you think he is saying?

            • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 20:13

              You can’t hear & see the crowd in any of the 3 tapes?

              • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 20:17

                Perhaps pou can link me.

                I watched the tape from the 24th Annual Health Economics Conference.

      • Obewon November 12th, 2014 at 15:06

        When has your GOP ever told the truth about the ACA’s well proven $1.5 Trillion+ Federal deficit reductions, or anything else ObamaCare related? Nonpartisan CBO updated and increased savings aren’t based on ‘some guy.’

      • suesista November 21st, 2014 at 18:54

        They did not give “wrong numbers to the CBO”—they ran different models via Gruber’s modeling programs to calculate the different outcomes if different parts of the law were eliminated or added. Gruber is a cocky a**hole, but has a very good reputation in his field. He should probably keep his day job. He was speaking of the ever-present political realities when he was on that panel….all legislation is crafted carefully by considering the politics of the moment. Republican legislation goes through the same process. The ‘stupid’ comment was referring to the fact that most voters are ignorant of the underlying politics. It was definitely an unfortunate utterance, but the ACA was debated for a year, openly, by both sides, on C-Span…and the bill was forged after that.

    • burqa November 12th, 2014 at 21:59

      I agree. I note in Spirit of America’s response to you (below), he/she was unable to address your point, which makes me wonder why he was responding to you, unless it was to take a roundabout way to admit your point is unassailable.

      I have always preferred single payer, and this seemed to be a distant second-best thing and both superior to what we had.
      What we must not forget is the ACA was insurance reform. With no reform whatsoever, we would have continued to have health care costs rise at an even greater degree.
      Sadly, the Democrats have done a lousy job on this from the beginning.
      They did a poor job or presenting it originally and they did a poor job in congressional negotiations. Ever since the ACA was passed the Republicans have continued to fight it and the Democrats have made the mistake of not fighting back.
      The result has been the GOP has sold the American people on a false notion of what the ACA is and the Democrats even today are doing a crappy job of explaining it. They have let the GOP convince greater and greater numbers of Americans that this is a rotten idea. Democrats ran away from President Obama and their votes on the ACA and lost, one after the other because they couldn’t stand up and properly defend themselves and put the Republicans on the defensive by highlighting those who are getting health care.
      The Democrats should have done that, and been making extensive, noisy efforts to get people signed up and registered to vote at the same time.

      I also don’t think the numbers so far are much to crow about. After all, we were pointing out that 48 million Americans didn’t have health insurance and another 50 million were underinsured, and we think signing up, what, 8 million or so is somehow geting the job done?

      • mmaynard119 November 13th, 2014 at 21:55

        Because only 20 states set up the exchanges. If it all 50 states enrolled, then that number would be much higher.

        The rate of the uninsured is down to 14% the lowest in a long time.

  16. abbyjo2001 November 12th, 2014 at 10:06

    They aren’t trying to confuse anyone, they are out and out lying about the ACA on purpose so people will be confused. They lie about everything. I don’t think a repub would tell the truth even if he or she had no reason to lie. It’s in their dna. Wayout, you should rename yourself Waywayout.

    • Hugh Williams November 12th, 2014 at 10:31

      Right, It’s called “lying when the truth sounds better”.

      • abbyjo2001 November 12th, 2014 at 10:33

        Yes Hugh, or “A lie is as good as the truth if you can get somebody to believe it”. I think that’s their motto.

    • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 12:40

      Just curious, what do you think about this guy admitting they gave the cbo wrong numbers to score so it would be able to sell aca, purposely wording the law so it wouldn’t look like a tax but would pass SCOTUS test to be a tax and calling the american voter ‘stupid’? And try not to take a partisan view, just on the merits of good or bad/right or wrong to do, ok?

      • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 15:45

        Just curious, what do you think about this guy admitting they gave the cbo wrong numbers to score so it would be able to sell aca,


        Did you actually listen to the whole thing?
        That is not at all what he said.
        He does not believe that a penalty is a tax.

        The only reason why Roberts called it a tax is because he could not upset the right by upholding it under the Commerce Clause.

        I listened to the entire thing and I don’t see anything untoward or unusual, especially when looks at the details of any big legislation.

        • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 20:46

          Yes, I did, I listened to all three videos, watched reaction of crowd(or heard) as well. Same common theme in all.
          And they argued in front of the SCOTUS it was a tax, read the transcript.

          • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 21:03

            The reaction of the crowd?

            24th Annual Health Economics Conference (AHEC)
            AHEC is an invitation-only conference with attendance restricted to people actively participating as presenters or discussants.

            What reaction??

            He was only in one plenary panel.

            What do you think he is saying?

            • Spirit of America November 12th, 2014 at 21:13

              You can’t hear & see the crowd in any of the 3 tapes?

              • OldLefty November 12th, 2014 at 21:17

                Perhaps pou can link me.

                I watched the tape from the 24th Annual Health Economics Conference.

      • Obewon November 12th, 2014 at 16:06

        When has your GOP ever told the truth about the ACA’s well proven $1.5 Trillion+ Federal deficit reductions, or anything else ObamaCare related? Nonpartisan CBO updated and increased ACA deficit savings from $1.3 T in 2010 to $1.5 T+ today aren’t based on ‘some guy.’

      • suesista November 21st, 2014 at 19:54

        They did not give “wrong numbers to the CBO”—they ran different models via Gruber’s modeling programs to calculate the different outcomes if different parts of the law were eliminated or added. Gruber is a cocky a**hole, but has a very good reputation in his field. He should probably keep his day job. He was speaking of the ever-present political realities when he was on that panel….all legislation is crafted carefully by considering the politics of the moment. Republican legislation goes through the same process. The ‘stupid’ comment was referring to the fact that most voters are ignorant of the underlying politics. It was definitely an unfortunate utterance, but the ACA was debated for a year, openly, by both sides, on C-Span…and the bill was forged after that.

    • burqa November 12th, 2014 at 22:59

      I agree. I note in Spirit of America’s response to you (below), he/she was unable to address your point, which makes me wonder why he was responding to you, unless it was to take a roundabout way to admit your point is unassailable.

      I have always preferred single payer, and this seemed to be a distant second-best thing and both superior to what we had.
      What we must not forget is the ACA was insurance reform. With no reform whatsoever, we would have continued to have health care costs rise at an even greater degree.
      Sadly, the Democrats have done a lousy job on this from the beginning.
      They did a poor job or presenting it originally and they did a poor job in congressional negotiations. Ever since the ACA was passed the Republicans have continued to fight it and the Democrats have made the mistake of not fighting back.
      The result has been the GOP has sold the American people on a false notion of what the ACA is and the Democrats even today are doing a crappy job of explaining it. They have let the GOP convince greater and greater numbers of Americans that this is a rotten idea. Democrats ran away from President Obama and their votes on the ACA and lost, one after the other because they couldn’t stand up and properly defend themselves and put the Republicans on the defensive by highlighting those who are getting health care.
      The Democrats should have done that, and been making extensive, noisy efforts to get people signed up and registered to vote at the same time.

      I also don’t think the numbers so far are much to crow about. After all, we were pointing out that 48 million Americans didn’t have health insurance and another 50 million were underinsured, and we think signing up, what, 8 million or so is somehow geting the job done?

      • mmaynard119 November 13th, 2014 at 22:55

        Because only 20 states set up the exchanges. If it all 50 states enrolled, then that number would be much higher.

        The rate of the uninsured is down to 14% the lowest in a long time.

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