‘Christian’ Pastor Prays For President’s Death, Calls Obama’s Mother A Whore

Posted by | November 8, 2014 19:30 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Pastor Stephen J. Anderson unleashes his sermons at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Phoenix, and he’s on a mission to spread the good word by calling on his congregation to pray for President Barack Obama’s death.



If this prayer of goody goodness sounds familiar to you it’s because he’s done this before.

Liberals Unite reports:

In 2009 Pastor Anderson told his congregation that his disdain for the President wasn’t because of Obama’s policies, but that he actually hated Obama himself. He said that he prays every night that President Obama will die and go directly to hell.

Anderson said in 2009:

“And I’m going to tell you something. I hate Barack Obama. You say, well, you just mean you don’t like what he stands for. No, I hate the person. Oh, you mean you just don’t like his policies. No, I hate him.”

“And you’re going to tell me that I’m supposed to pray for the socialist devil murderer infanticide who wants to see young children and he wants to see babies killed through abortion, you’re gonna tell me I’m supposed to pray for God to give him a good lunch tomorrow when he’s in Phoenix, Arizona,” he said to the congregation. “Nope, I’m not gonna pray for his good. I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to Hell…When I go to bed tonight, Stephen J. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to Hell.”

Fast forward to a sermon the birther pastor gave on November 2nd and you’ll see that nothing’s changed.

“Even according to the official version, little Barry boy is a bastard,” Anderson says. “Because he was conceived out of wedlock. His mother has an illegitimate marriage to a guy who’s already married to somebody else…and then he’s actually raised by a guy named Lolo Soetoro. That’s who is actually raising him, and then he’s going around as Barry Soetoro…”

“Here’s the alternate version, which I actually believe to be reality,” Anderson told his congregation. “I do not believe that Barack Obama Sr. is probably even the real father. Because a lot of times, women will do this, wicked women will do this: where they would basically , you know, oh I’m pregnant, quick, marry somebody, OK, so basically, pass it off as, OK? Especially back in those days.”


The comments under the video must be from his super-intellectual congregation. One of the hundreds of commenters wrote, “i prefer to just call barack obama a faggot.” [sic]

And I prefer to call the Secret Service. Following that call should be one to the I.R.S. for politicizing from the pulpit.

This story was first reported by Valerie Beaumont at Addicting Info.

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271 responses to ‘Christian’ Pastor Prays For President’s Death, Calls Obama’s Mother A Whore

  1. Kimberly B Stone November 9th, 2014 at 10:19

    And let me continue my thought below in a more secular context. Let me ask this. Why isn’t this man publicly shamed and pelted with filth and driven out of his church and community by an angry crowd with pitchforks and torches? What has gone so wrong with us as liberals and citizens and humans that we put up with this ridiculousness? I believe, as taught by Dean Lee Bollinger author of “The Tolerant Society” that we must tolerate all forms of speech, not matter how vile. But at the same time I believe that we have the duty and obligation of counter-speaking, indeed, shouting down, filth like this. How does he have any place among decent people? Why aren’t we speaking out against him so loudly and so passionately that he knows he is rejected and crawls back into a sewer never to be heard from again?

    So we know something is wrong with him. What I’m asking is – what’s wrong with us???

    • Foundryman November 9th, 2014 at 11:24

      I agree, a lot of these people should be virtually tarred and feathered, ridiculed and run out of town. In the past, they would have been. Instead today they have so much influence and money they do and say some of the most vile and ridiculous things then are practically canonized.
      This guy, is only an extension of the big guys on TV and radio who say the same type of things all in the name of god.
      In the 70’s, we used to call then holy rollers and jesus freaks and run them out of our space, today they elect them to office.

    • burqa November 9th, 2014 at 14:48

      Ms. Stone, I share your opinion regarding what the man has said, but you’re contradicting yourself right and left.
      We do not tolerate hateful speech when we censor it by shouting someone down.
      We also do damage to our other freedoms when we decide that someone saying things that are vile must be exiled or deported.
      We must first remember that horrid tabloid-type stories like this are used to intensify interest on a website. Likewise, this dunce is likely saying things like this to get attention and clicks on his own website. The guy is a troublemaker and a dunce with no sense of propriety.
      When we see something like this that arouses such an emotional reaction we need to be sure not to overreact and become like those we object to and reflect qualities we find objectionable in others.
      If we call for those we find abhorrent to be pelted with filth, then we should not raise any objections when they pelt people we favor with filth. Otherwise we become hypocrites.

      The trap we need to avoid with vile, emotionally-charged speech is to respond likewise. When we respond in a calm manner with strong arguments suporting our position, and when the debate is carried on in such an atmosphere, we not only present even more superior arguments but we also have a better chance of changing opinions.
      This was recognized here years ago and we self-policed to where discussions were held in a more adult, convivial atmosphere. In such a setting, our arguments shine brightest and we all lose when it degenerates into an exchange of name-calling and mutual finger-pointing.

      • Kimberly B Stone November 9th, 2014 at 19:43

        I’m sorry, am I being instructed to *apologize* for having a passionate distaste for this vomitworthy rhetoric? And being admonished to calmly accept this rubbish?

        Not happening. I was calling for passionate denunciation of filth. I’ll put you down in the column that calmly tolerates filth, and thus endorses it.

  2. Kimberly B Stone November 9th, 2014 at 11:19

    And let me continue my thought below in a more secular context. Let me ask this. Why isn’t this man publicly shamed and pelted with filth and driven out of his church and community by an angry crowd with pitchforks and torches? What has gone so wrong with us as liberals and citizens and humans that we put up with this ridiculousness? I believe, as taught by Dean Lee Bollinger author of “The Tolerant Society” that we must tolerate all forms of speech, not matter how vile. But at the same time I believe that we have the duty and obligation of counter-speaking, indeed, shouting down, filth like this. How does he have any place among decent people? Why aren’t we speaking out against him so loudly and so passionately that he knows he is rejected and crawls back into a sewer never to be heard from again?

    So we know something is wrong with him. What I’m asking is – what’s wrong with us???

    • Foundryman November 9th, 2014 at 12:24

      I agree, a lot of these people should be virtually tarred and feathered, ridiculed and run out of town. In the past, they would have been. Instead today they have so much influence and money they do and say some of the most vile and ridiculous things then are practically canonized.
      This guy, is only an extension of the big guys on TV and radio who say the same type of things all in the name of god and country.
      In the 70’s, we used to call then holy rollers and jesus freaks and run them out of our space, today they elect them to office.

    • burqa November 9th, 2014 at 15:48

      Ms. Stone, I share your opinion regarding what the man has said, but you’re contradicting yourself right and left.
      We do not tolerate hateful speech when we censor it by shouting someone down.
      We also do damage to our other freedoms when we decide that someone saying things that are vile must be exiled or deported.
      We must first remember that horrid tabloid-type stories like this are used to intensify interest on a website. Likewise, this dunce is likely saying things like this to get attention and clicks on his own website. The guy is a troublemaker and a dunce with no sense of propriety.
      When we see something like this that arouses such an emotional reaction we need to be sure not to overreact and become like those we object to and reflect qualities we find objectionable in others.
      If we call for those we find abhorrent to be pelted with filth, then we should not raise any objections when they pelt people we favor with filth. Otherwise we become hypocrites.

      The trap we need to avoid with vile, emotionally-charged speech is to respond likewise. When we respond in a calm manner with strong arguments suporting our position, and when the debate is carried on in such an atmosphere, we not only present even more superior arguments but we also have a better chance of changing opinions.
      This was recognized here years ago and we self-policed to where discussions were held in a more adult, convivial atmosphere. In such a setting, our arguments shine brightest and we all lose when it degenerates into an exchange of name-calling and mutual finger-pointing.

      • Kimberly B Stone November 9th, 2014 at 20:43

        I’m sorry, am I being instructed to *apologize* for having a passionate distaste for this vomitworthy rhetoric? And being admonished to calmly accept this rubbish?

        Not happening. I was calling for passionate denunciation of filth. I’ll put you down in the column that calmly tolerates filth, and thus endorses it.

  3. arby November 9th, 2014 at 11:06

    If anyone needs to lose their religious tax exemption it is this guy. The President should make it a personal mission to ruin this him as well.

  4. arby November 9th, 2014 at 12:06

    If anyone needs to lose their religious tax exemption it is this guy. The President should make it a personal mission to ruin this him as well.

  5. Phoenix Redwolf November 9th, 2014 at 11:09

    Interesting that so many so-called “Christian” leaders go against Christian values and teaching publicly…

    • burqa November 9th, 2014 at 14:33

      “So many”?
      Don’t confuse the proportion who get noticed on tabloid websites with the population of Christians as a whole.
      Take a look at your own community. How many kooks like the guy in the OP can be found there? Now take a look at all the churches listed in your local phone book.
      Since you’re already online right now, google up a half dozen or so of your local churches and take a look at their web pages and take a look at what they are up to. You’ll see a list of programs and activities they are involved in. This will give you an idea of their interests and activities.
      If you will try this with a fair, open mind, you will find yourself carrying misconceptions contradicted by a massive set of facts that demand a different conclusion. Now, your modified opinion may be contrary to what the crowd thinks about these people, and at that point you will discover how important it is to you to fit in with the crowd and how important it is for you to speak the truth about people you will discover are doing much that is praiseworthy.

      • Phoenix Redwolf November 9th, 2014 at 14:56

        Sorry, but the shear number of these wackos that espouse these views warrants the modifier many. Also, you can’t qualify CNN and other major media outlets who have reported on these people and the hateful views they espouse as “tabloid websites”. Furthermore, I didn’t equate these wackos with the population of Christians as a whole. I know their are many more Christians that don’t believe their views than that do. I’m specifically talking about the wacko leaders who claim to be Christians while not actually believing in the teachings of Christ.

        • burqa November 9th, 2014 at 19:22

          So it’s not so many after all.
          I’m a Christian and am upset when things like this happen because I see daily some extraordinary people doing extraordinary things, motivated by their faith.
          When a website or other news outlet puts out a large amount of this sort of coverage – yeah, that’s pretty tabloid-ish to me.

          I’m with you on the nitwits like the guy in the OP.
          I also agree with you on what the majority of Christians or those of other faiths are up to. Sometimes I can get others here to begrudgingly admit that, but it’s like pulling teeth to get them to admit what the vast majority are doing, even when they are their neighbors where they live.
          What I see here in Liberaland is a reluctance, if not a refusal, to give a balanced view. In a time when there is so much darkness, so much hate, so much pain, so much idiocy, there are also positive stories of people serving others in an awesome way. I seem to be the only one around here willing to describe what I see these people doing to feed the hungry, house the homeless, give to the poor and tend to others in need.

          Please take my suggestion and take a look around your community and then decide whether you have it in you to step out from the crowd and give credit where credit is due to those who do so much for those in need. I say the least, the LEAST the rest of us can do is stand up for them.
          How about you?

        • Kimberly B Stone November 9th, 2014 at 19:41

          Who gets the press? The ordinary schmuck living an ordinary life trying to be a good person and good Christian in quiet ways, or a fire-breathing screaming raving hating asshole?

          That’s tautological. You don’t have to respond.

    • StoneyCurtisll November 9th, 2014 at 19:07

      Good to see ya Redwolf~!..
      been a while.

  6. Phoenix Redwolf November 9th, 2014 at 12:09

    Interesting that so many so-called “Christian” leaders go against Christian values and teaching publicly…

    • burqa November 9th, 2014 at 15:33

      “So many”?
      Don’t confuse the proportion who get noticed on tabloid websites with the population of Christians as a whole.
      Take a look at your own community. How many kooks like the guy in the OP can be found there? Now take a look at all the churches listed in your local phone book.
      Since you’re already online right now, google up a half dozen or so of your local churches and take a look at their web pages and take a look at what they are up to. You’ll see a list of programs and activities they are involved in. This will give you an idea of their interests and activities.
      If you will try this with a fair, open mind, you will find yourself carrying misconceptions contradicted by a massive set of facts that demand a different conclusion. Now, your modified opinion may be contrary to what the crowd thinks about these people, and at that point you will discover how important it is to you to fit in with the crowd and how important it is for you to speak the truth about people you will discover are doing much that is praiseworthy.

      • Phoenix Redwolf November 9th, 2014 at 15:56

        Sorry, but the shear number of these wackos that espouse these views warrants the modifier many. Also, you can’t qualify CNN and other major media outlets who have reported on these people and the hateful views they espouse as “tabloid websites”. Furthermore, I didn’t equate these wackos with the population of Christians as a whole. I know their are many more Christians that don’t believe their views than that do. I’m specifically talking about the wacko leaders who claim to be Christians while not actually believing in the teachings of Christ.

        • burqa November 9th, 2014 at 20:22

          So it’s not so many after all.
          I’m a Christian and am upset when things like this happen because I see daily some extraordinary people doing extraordinary things, motivated by their faith.
          When a website or other news outlet puts out a large amount of this sort of coverage – yeah, that’s pretty tabloid-ish to me.

          I’m with you on the nitwits like the guy in the OP.
          I also agree with you on what the majority of Christians or those of other faiths are up to. Sometimes I can get others here to begrudgingly admit that, but it’s like pulling teeth to get them to admit what the vast majority are doing, even when they are their neighbors where they live.
          What I see here in Liberaland is a reluctance, if not a refusal, to give a balanced view. In a time when there is so much darkness, so much hate, so much pain, so much idiocy, there are also positive stories of people serving others in an awesome way. I seem to be the only one around here willing to describe what I see these people doing to feed the hungry, house the homeless, give to the poor and tend to others in need.

          Please take my suggestion and take a look around your community and then decide whether you have it in you to step out from the crowd and give credit where credit is due to those who do so much for those in need. I say the least, the LEAST the rest of us can do is stand up for them.
          How about you?

        • Kimberly B Stone November 9th, 2014 at 20:41

          Who gets the press? The ordinary schmuck living an ordinary life trying to be a good person and good Christian in quiet ways, or a fire-breathing screaming raving hating asshole?

          That’s tautological. You don’t have to respond.

    • StoneyCurtisll November 9th, 2014 at 20:07

      Good to see ya Redwolf~!..
      been a while.

  7. YouNoWho November 10th, 2014 at 00:20

    Lucky for this turd, God isn’t real. If God existed, this racist would not be still alive.

    • Chloe Belle De Vil November 13th, 2014 at 07:04

      GOD does not interfere with our affairs. GOD has been on vacation after Moses smashed the Ten Commandments. GOD loves the Sirius system so the Nomads will come and destroy us.

  8. YouNoWho November 10th, 2014 at 01:20

    Lucky for this turd, God isn’t real. If God existed, this racist would not be still alive.

    • Chloe Belle De Vil November 13th, 2014 at 08:04

      GOD does not interfere with our affairs. GOD has been on vacation after Moses smashed the Ten Commandments. GOD loves the Sirius system so the Nomads will come and destroy us.

  9. obummersucks November 10th, 2014 at 02:34

    obummer is a muslim, the Christians enemy…let all who follow the child rapist allah go straight to Hell. obummer should of been dead long ago..hung for Treason.

    • Carla Akins November 10th, 2014 at 04:56

      You don’t have to like the President to post here, but you do have to be civil toward other readers – or at least funny. You’re neither. You’re also banned.

  10. obummersucks November 10th, 2014 at 03:34

    obummer is a muslim, the Christians enemy…let all who follow the child rapist allah go straight to Hell. obummer should of been dead long ago..hung for Treason.

    • Carla Akins November 10th, 2014 at 05:56

      You don’t have to like the President to post here, but you do have to be civil toward other readers – or at least funny. You’re neither. You’re also banned.

  11. Catharina Voorhoeve November 10th, 2014 at 08:19

    I have seen the video and he is not saying that at all (that he wishes Obama dead). Although if you see the videos of Jonathan Kleck where he states that Obama IS the devil, you do not need to pray he drops dead, because he is on his way to hell anyway.It is not wrong to hate the devil.
    Anyway the video is way softer: I wish I could have a family where I could stay at home and live in less stress raising my kids. I donot care about my career at all then. Now I need to care for I need to make money. I think he is great to give the ideal situation to strive for. Also a message to the man to get their but movin a little more, and take care of their woman would be wonderful. As for Obama, the pastor has been soft spoken about Him, check the videos of Jonathan Kleck. It is not about hate, it is about truth. Who wants the world to be a Muslim state? That is about hate

  12. Catharina Voorhoeve November 10th, 2014 at 09:19

    I have seen the video and he is not saying that at all (that he wishes Obama dead). Although if you see the videos of Jonathan Kleck where he states that Obama IS the devil, you do not need to pray he drops dead, because he is on his way to hell anyway.It is not wrong to hate the devil.
    Anyway the video is way softer: I wish I could have a family where I could stay at home and live in less stress raising my kids. I donot care about my career at all then. Now I need to care for I need to make money. I think he is great to give the ideal situation to strive for. Also a message to the man to get their but movin a little more, and take care of their woman would be wonderful. As for Obama, the pastor has been soft spoken about Him, check the videos of Jonathan Kleck. It is not about hate, it is about truth. Who wants the world to be a Muslim state? That is about hate

  13. Mephistophiles November 10th, 2014 at 08:26

    I think it’s Stephen L Anderson, not J – important when trying to Google for more info!! :-)

  14. AnnetteMarieHuneault November 10th, 2014 at 08:29

    Guess what pastor God will not answer that prayer. I im not a obama fan etither but I dont pray for his death. that is so wrong

  15. AnnetteMarieHuneault November 10th, 2014 at 09:29

    Guess what pastor God will not answer that prayer. I im not a obama fan etither but I dont pray for his death. that is so wrong

  16. Chuck Gladfelter November 10th, 2014 at 09:06

    I bet that cocksucker rakes every gov’t tax break he can get.

  17. Chuck Gladfelter November 10th, 2014 at 09:06

    I bet that church takes every tax break they can get.

  18. Chuck Gladfelter November 10th, 2014 at 10:06

    I bet that cocksucker rakes every gov’t tax break he can get.

  19. Chuck Gladfelter November 10th, 2014 at 10:06

    I bet that church takes every tax break they can get.

  20. Rich2635 November 10th, 2014 at 10:30

    If Obama is going to hell, where is this pastor going. He’ll be in hell, too, buried up to his neck in the kind of crap that spews from his lips!

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