GOP Congressman’s Camp After Reelection: ‘Meet Me At The Bar For F**king Shots!’

Posted by | November 5, 2014 12:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Rep. Michael Grimm (R) was indicted on 20 counts, but despite that he was re-elected to his Staten Island-based House seat with a 13 point win.


At the Staten Island Hilton Garden Inn, Grimm’s campaign celebrated his victory over former New York City Councilman Democrat Domenic Recchia.

How do indicted politicians celebrate after a reelection? They do fucking shots, that’s how.

According to the New York Post, Grimm’s body man Marc Alvarez told the crowd of supporters (not pictured), “All members of Team Grimm, meet me at the bar for f–king shots.”

To loyal Grimm supporters, his legal problems were not the defining issue in the race.

“We know what the Democrats are doing to this country,” said Stella Eliano, 48, a supporter from Grimm’s neighborhood.

“Everyone is corrupt. Why am I going to penalize him? He didn’t raise our property tax by 18 percent. They are human beings. He’s not going to be convicted.”

Although 70-year-old Irv Elias wouldn’t say who  he voted for, it was clear he had issues with Grimm­.

“It’s because people on the ­Island are ignorant to the facts,” Elias said. “People would vote for Sarah Palin if she was running here.”

In January, Grimm threatened to throw a journalist off of a balcony after being asked about campaign finance allegations. “I’ll break you like a boy,” he said.


Image: Gawker

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14 responses to GOP Congressman’s Camp After Reelection: ‘Meet Me At The Bar For F**king Shots!’

  1. tiredoftea November 5th, 2014 at 12:20

    Welcome to the new boss, worse than the old boss.

  2. tiredoftea November 5th, 2014 at 13:20

    Welcome to the new boss, worse than the old boss.

  3. Larry Schmitt November 5th, 2014 at 13:38

    And this fine example of a gentleman is an outstanding member of the House of Representatives. There’s a reason they are known as the Lower House.

  4. Larry Schmitt November 5th, 2014 at 14:38

    And this fine example of a gentleman is an outstanding member of the House of Representatives. There’s a reason they are known as the Lower House.

  5. arc99 November 5th, 2014 at 15:25

    They got what they wanted and decided to celebrate with some recreational drug use.

    What ever happened to ‘ just say no ‘?

    Sorry Nancy

  6. arc99 November 5th, 2014 at 16:25

    They got what they wanted and decided to celebrate with some recreational drug use.

    What ever happened to ‘ just say no ‘?

    Sorry Nancy

  7. Bunya November 5th, 2014 at 16:55

    This is what republicans do. When they’re caught in compromising situations, they suddenly acquire a “come to Jesus” moment. Who can forget my favorite family values guy, David “diaperman” Vitter? After touting his conservative Christian values, we find he likes to perform some pretty kinky shit with prostitutes. But, since republican Jesus “forgave him”, all’s forgiven by his squirrelly base and he’s allowed to keep his job.

  8. Bunya November 5th, 2014 at 17:55

    This is what republicans do. When they’re caught in compromising situations, they suddenly acquire a “come to Jesus” moment. Who can forget my favorite family values guy, David “diaperman” Vitter? After touting his conservative Christian values, we find he likes to perform some pretty kinky shit with prostitutes. But, since republican Jesus “forgave him”, all’s forgiven by his squirrelly base and he’s allowed to keep his job.

  9. fancypants November 5th, 2014 at 21:41

    Searching the island to see who named him SUE

  10. fancypants November 5th, 2014 at 22:41

    Searching the island to see who named him SUE

  11. Jen Adamo November 6th, 2014 at 00:30

    I lived on SI for a few years back in the 80s. My ex-husband was born and raised there.
    Save for a few neighborhoods on the North Shore, most of the people there’re just like Grim… dumb, thuggish, wannabe “made guys”.
    His win is no surprise.
    Besides the indictment counts, he was caught on camera and on an open mic threatening the life of a reporter who dared ask him about the indictment. It was like a scene from The Sopranos.
    Unfortunately, the reporter accepted his “apology” and declined to press charges. If he had maybe the clown would have been convicted and ineligible to run

  12. Jen Adamo November 6th, 2014 at 01:30

    I lived on SI for a few years back in the 80s. My ex-husband was born and raised there.
    Save for a few neighborhoods on the North Shore, most of the people there’re just like Grim… dumb, thuggish, wannabe “made guys”.
    His win is no surprise.
    Besides the indictment counts, he was caught on camera and on an open mic threatening the life of a reporter who dared ask him about the indictment. It was like a scene from The Sopranos.
    Unfortunately, the reporter accepted his “apology” and declined to press charges. If he had maybe the clown would have been convicted and ineligible to run

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