Santorum: Gays Have Silenced The Church

Posted by | October 23, 2014 17:16 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion Top Stories

Why is it taken for granted on the right that gays and “the church” are on opposite sides? But this is Rick Santorum:

“I really believe in this subject matter at hand with the gay community that a Judeo-Christian worldview cannot survive with a worldview that is as rabidly secular as this movement is,” Santorum said.

“One is going to battle the other and I can tell you that the statists, these secular statists, do not want the competition that comes from the church and so they are going to do everything they can to marginalize them, to force them out of the public square to be quiet,” he continued. “They’re going to use, as they have, the Johnson amendment, try to use the IRS and the tax code to do so, they’re going to use every lever of power the government has to keep this competition of ideas silent so they can win the argument.”

Santorum added that young people support gay rights simply because they have never heard any arguments to the contrary: “The arguments are being won among young people. We are losing in this particular area among young people not because we’re out there and competing, it’s because they have effectively silenced the church on a lot of those issues and young people don’t even know what the opposing view is on these issues.”

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

35 responses to Santorum: Gays Have Silenced The Church

  1. tracey marie October 23rd, 2014 at 19:18

    what tax code frothy, churches do not pay taxes.

  2. Bunya October 23rd, 2014 at 20:06

    When will they leave the poor, persecuted Christians alone? To show their disdain for the oppressed followers of God, the gays have caused 9/11, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, sent us a black president, and now they’re are heartlessly trying to silence the church! Have they no mercy? Have they no compassion?

  3. Bunya October 23rd, 2014 at 20:06

    When will they leave the poor, persecuted Christians alone? To show their disdain for the oppressed followers of God, the gays have caused 9/11, tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, sent us a black president, and now they’re are heartlessly trying to silence the church! Have they no mercy? Have they no compassion?

  4. WrennS October 23rd, 2014 at 20:46

    Ricky has it backward.

    What has really happened is that the Church (and the religious right) lost the ability to control the narrative. They lost their ability to silence the gay community. An ability they had for decades. Society as a whole is no longer aiding them in this.

    Such things as even the DADT, ( which helped keep ‘the gay’ in the closet), the whole idea of ‘okay – do what you want just don’t let me see it in the street’. The – ‘I don’t want my kids to see that’… All kept the idea of the idea gay as being anything but bad out of the mainstream. As such, it allowed the more conservative side of society to name it and call it whatever they liked or wanted. Controlled the narrative. Gays are losers. Gays are sick. Gays are (catholic encyclicals) ‘intrinsically disordered’.

    It’s not that the gay community has silenced the Church. It’s that the Church has lost it’s ability to silence the gay community.

  5. WrennS October 23rd, 2014 at 20:46

    Ricky has it backward.

    What has really happened is that the Church (and the religious right) lost the ability to control the narrative. They lost their ability to silence the gay community. An ability they had for decades. Society as a whole is no longer aiding them in this.

    Such things as even the DADT, ( which helped keep ‘the gay’ in the closet), the whole idea of ‘okay – do what you want just don’t let me see it in the street’. The – ‘I don’t want my kids to see that’… All kept the idea of the idea gay as being anything but bad out of the mainstream. As such, it allowed the more conservative side of society to name it and call it whatever they liked or wanted. Controlled the narrative. Gays are losers. Gays are sick. Gays are (catholic encyclicals) ‘intrinsically disordered’.

    It’s not that the gay community has silenced the Church. It’s that the Church has lost it’s ability to silence the gay community.

  6. majii October 23rd, 2014 at 22:10

    STFU, Lil Ricky. Your whining is irritating and a sign of immaturity. Not one gay person thus far has blocked the doorways of any church in America to keep anyone from entering them; shutdown any Christian TV or radio program; put gags on the mouths of their detractors; physically or verbally attacked those like yourself; rounded up groups of people and held ‘tarring and feathering’ parties; etc. Your predictions have just as much of a chance of coming true as those you used to oppose ending DADT–NONE.

  7. majii October 23rd, 2014 at 22:10

    STFU, Lil Ricky. Your whining is irritating and a sign of immaturity. Not one gay person thus far has blocked the doorways of any church in America to keep anyone from entering them; shutdown any Christian TV or radio program; put gags on the mouths of their detractors; physically or verbally attacked those like yourself; rounded up groups of people and held ‘tarring and feathering’ parties; etc. Your predictions have just as much of a chance of coming true as those you used to oppose ending DADT–NONE.

  8. Warman1138 October 23rd, 2014 at 23:09

    Why is it every time Santorum speaks and I make the mistake of listening, I can literally feel my brain cells dying.

  9. Warman1138 October 23rd, 2014 at 23:09

    Why is it every time Santorum speaks and I make the mistake of listening, I can literally feel my brain cells dying.

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