Kirk Cameron: Halloween Is A Christian Holiday

Posted by | October 21, 2014 11:05 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion Top Stories

Kirk Cameron is a wealth of stupidity. While many Christians fight tooth, nail, and little tiny dashboard Jesus bobble-head doll to keep their children from being subjected to an evil day, marked each year by dressing up in fun costumes and collecting Satan’s candy, Cameron is urging them to embrace Halloween – because, he says, the…

By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

94 responses to Kirk Cameron: Halloween Is A Christian Holiday

  1. tiredoftea October 21st, 2014 at 18:23

    So, where’s the part about where Ben Franklin created the Post Office so Obama could ship pot laced candy around the colonies to thwart trick or treater’s from converting those Indians to christianity?

  2. tiredoftea October 21st, 2014 at 18:23

    So, where’s the part about where Ben Franklin created the Post Office so Obama could ship pot laced candy around the colonies to thwart trick or treater’s from converting those Indians to christianity?

  3. craig7120 October 21st, 2014 at 19:52

    Not another war

    War on Xmas
    War on Thanksgiving
    War on Easter
    War on Halloween

    Damn you Kirk Cameron, damn you to hell

    As an atheist I’m hoping there is no hell, it’s a benign threat. I don’t wish anyone to be tortured for eternity.

    Happy Halloween

  4. craig7120 October 21st, 2014 at 19:52

    Not another war

    War on Xmas
    War on Thanksgiving
    War on Easter
    War on Halloween

    Damn you Kirk Cameron, damn you to hell

    As an atheist I’m hoping there is no hell, it’s a benign threat. I don’t wish anyone to be tortured for eternity.

    Happy Halloween

  5. Tommy6860 October 21st, 2014 at 21:50

    So, if I wear Jesus mask or a Kirk Cameron mask…? Of course he’s still shamed for being in the that creationist video where Ray Comfort claims that the banana was designed by god to fit perfectly in the hand and be inserted in the mouth for consumption.

    • Patricia Garvin Fox October 28th, 2014 at 23:12

      On the whole, I find a banana far more intelligently designed than either Comfort or Cameron.

  6. Tommy6860 October 21st, 2014 at 21:50

    So, if I wear Jesus mask or a Kirk Cameron mask…? Of course he’s still shamed for being in the that creationist video where Ray Comfort claims that the banana was designed by god to fit perfectly in the hand and be inserted in the mouth for consumption.

    • Patricia Garvin Fox October 28th, 2014 at 23:12

      On the whole, I find a banana far more intelligently designed than either Comfort or Cameron.

  7. greenfloyd October 22nd, 2014 at 07:58

    I’m not sure if Alan is disrespecting Christians, maligning Pagans, or perhaps both? Nonetheless over the years the story has changed to protect the guilty and promote the brand. Although I do like the symbolism of overcoming evil in the world, proceeded by a day of honoring the dead. I suspect it all goes back much further than organized religion.

  8. floyd[@] October 22nd, 2014 at 07:58

    I’m not sure if Alan is disrespecting Christians, maligning Pagans, or perhaps both? Nonetheless over the years the story has changed to protect the guilty and promote the brand. Although I do like the symbolism of overcoming evil in the world, proceeded by a day of honoring the dead. I suspect it all goes back much further than organized religion.

  9. bhil October 22nd, 2014 at 09:40

    Who the “bleep” is Kirk Cameron and why is he worth the time?

  10. bhil October 22nd, 2014 at 09:40

    Who the “bleep” is Kirk Cameron and why is he worth the time?

  11. John_St_John October 28th, 2014 at 10:27

    Oh really? Get your stinking, filthy, blood drenched (religious connotations) hands and mind off a decidedly Pagan festivus you mewling, slime filled puss pocket of human detritus.

  12. John_St_John October 28th, 2014 at 10:27

    Oh really? Get your stinking, filthy, blood drenched (religious connotations) hands and mind off a decidedly Pagan festivus you mewling, slime filled puss pocket of human detritus.

  13. motherunit October 30th, 2014 at 03:24

    I pretty much decided I hated Kirk Cameron back in the ’80s, when he was on “Growing Pains” which was a pretty big sitcom in its day. The girl who had been playing Mike Seaver’s girlfriend suddenly disappeared from the show. I read in TV Guide or some place that the actress had formerly worked as a stripper. Cameron heard about it and stomped his teeny tiny foot until they fired her, because that offended his christian sensibilities. I thought “what a shitheel” and figured any faith that would inspire someone to treat another person like that had to be a pretty crappy religion.

  14. motherunit October 30th, 2014 at 03:24

    I pretty much decided I hated Kirk Cameron back in the ’80s, when he was on “Growing Pains” which was a pretty big sitcom in its day. The girl who had been playing Mike Seaver’s girlfriend suddenly disappeared from the show. I read in TV Guide or some place that the actress had formerly worked as a stripper. Cameron heard about it and stomped his teeny tiny foot until they fired her, because that offended his christian sensibilities. I thought “what a shitheel” and figured any faith that would inspire someone to treat another person like that had to be a pretty crappy religion.

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