Can You Feel The Excitement?!

Posted by | October 21, 2014 17:51 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion Politics Tengrain Top Stories

Can you feel the excitement?!

It seems that the campaign to re-elect amply be-chinned Mitch McConnell is willing to buy pay for enthusiasm from their own volunteers:

In an email sent earlier this month and obtained by The Hill, Taylor Bumgardner, a Kentucky Republican Party regional political director, offers volunteers the opportunity to join McConnell on his tour, which launched Monday. Meals, lodging and transportation are included in the trip.

“Senator McConnell is seeking volunteers to join him on a 3-day campaign bus tour around the state on October 20-22 to show our support for Kentucky coal. You would join local supporters in contributing to an enthusiastic atmosphere at each of his events,” she wrote.

There’s practically electricity in the air when Ol’ Mitch gets a burst of steam.

“It should surprise no one that Mitch McConnell is left to purchase grassroots support after he and his allies have spent more than $50 million running from his failed 30-year record in Washington. Momentum is clearly on Alison’s side as she draws record-breaking crowds of Kentuckians and runs laps around McConnell’s rusted DC-based campaign,” said Kentucky Democratic Party Chairman Dan Logsdon.

His Democratic opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes, tends to draw strong crowds, and Democrats have touted the size and energy of her events as evidence she’s drawing enthusiastic support from Kentuckians. Still, recent polls of the race have suggested McConnell is opening up a slim but solid lead over his challenger.

This should be an interesting race to the finish. I’m worried about the Aesop fable, of course, but still, when you have to set a price list for enthusiasm to include travel, hotel, food, and what point does it start to count as buying a vote?

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Tengrain

Fully caffeinated with twice the sugar, unabashedly liberal. Award-winning Americans United blogger, blogs at Mock Paper Scissors, and sometimes at Crooks and Liars.

You can follow @Tengrain on Twitter, or you might see him enjoying coffee somewhere in Seattle at any given moment of the day.

16 responses to Can You Feel The Excitement?!

  1. Anomaly 100 October 21st, 2014 at 18:01

    “Can you feel the excrement?”


  2. Anomaly 100 October 21st, 2014 at 18:01

    “Can you feel the excrement?”


  3. tiredoftea October 21st, 2014 at 18:07

    Cool! An all expense paid vacation excursion around Kentucky’s great cities and towns? Where do I sign up? Will I get paid more for voting, for poll watching while armed?

    • M D Reese October 21st, 2014 at 23:56

      You could probably sign up to vote and vote that very same day if you just flash you NRA membership card…

  4. tiredoftea October 21st, 2014 at 18:07

    Cool! An all expense paid vacation excursion around Kentucky’s great cities and towns? Where do I sign up? Will I get paid more for voting, for poll watching while armed?

    • M D Reese October 21st, 2014 at 23:56

      You could probably sign up to vote and vote that very same day if you just flash you NRA membership card…

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