Millionaire Ted Nugent: Poor People Have ‘Every Imaginable Luxury Known To Man’

Posted by | October 9, 2014 15:07 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

National Rifle Association board member and acidic conservative crazy talker Ted Nugent explains that President Obama is not a Christian and added that Republicans are “the only chance we have” to kill “the wolf at the door” during the 2014 midterm elections.

Nugent, worth an estimated $20 million, also claimed in his column for WorldNetDaily, that poor people have “every imaginable luxury known to man.”

Media Matters reports (I really don’t want to link to WND):

In an October 8 column for conspiracy website WND, Nugent, claiming to speak on behalf of “we the people,” also conspiratorially questioned how unaccompanied children are arriving at the U.S. – Mexico border and wrote that the “vast majority” of those in poverty have “every imaginable luxury known to man”:

Now more than ever, we the people are painfully aware that those subject to the separation of powers have become nothing more than a conspiratorial gang against us.


We refuse to believe that all those children showing up at our southern border just happen to make that near impossible journey all on their own.


We don’t believe that our president is a Christian.


We can’t believe our government squawks about so many living in so-called poverty when the vast majority of such poor people have cellphones and every imaginable luxury known to man.

For the record, this is Ted Nugent’s house which totally looks nothing like a poor person’s home.

That house is the residence of an arrogant man who would deny poor people health care and social security. A man who crapped in his pants to avoid serving in the military, yet he would send your children into battle. A man who calls himself a Christian, while hurling racist rhetoric at our country’s first Black President. Earlier this year, Nugent referred to President Obama as a “subhuman mongrel.”

Oh, and he’s a right wing hero, too.

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38 responses to Millionaire Ted Nugent: Poor People Have ‘Every Imaginable Luxury Known To Man’

  1. tiredoftea October 9th, 2014 at 20:06

    Teddy’s hoping that the AARP spokesbigot position opens up sometime soon.

  2. tiredoftea October 9th, 2014 at 20:06

    Teddy’s hoping that the AARP spokesbigot position opens up sometime soon.

  3. mcalleyboy October 9th, 2014 at 21:54

    Ted Nugent is not a spokesmen for the Conservative party, he has things figured out correctly trouble is that the connection from his brain to the mouth,,,, there’s a stray circuit and he can’t seem to relay the message correctly.

    • Dwendt44 October 10th, 2014 at 00:27

      His mouth is connected to the wrong end of the esophagus.

  4. M.C.A. October 9th, 2014 at 21:54

    Ted Nugent is not a spokesmen for the Conservative party, he has things figured out correctly trouble is that the connection from his brain to the mouth,,,, there’s a stray circuit and he can’t seem to relay the message correctly.

    • Dwendt44 October 10th, 2014 at 00:27

      His mouth is connected to the wrong end of the esophagus.

  5. rg9rts October 10th, 2014 at 07:13

    Has this draft dodging loon ever made sense?? Why so much press??

  6. rg9rts October 10th, 2014 at 07:13

    Has this draft dodging loon ever made sense?? Why so much press??

  7. Lorraine Easterling October 10th, 2014 at 18:03

    a ZERO!!!!!

  8. Lorraine Easterling October 10th, 2014 at 18:03

    a ZERO!!!!!

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