Limbaugh: 5.9 Percent Unemployment Rate Is ‘Illegitimate’

Posted by | October 6, 2014 17:45 | Filed under: Economy News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

As we have seen time after time, conservatives are truly anguished by good news. They threw a hissy fit when Osama bin Laden was killed. And now that the unemployment rate has fallen to 5.9%, they’re foaming at the mouth again. Is the economy really improving with Obama in the White House?  Rush Limbaugh is having none of it.

Limbaugh doesn’t believe the unemployment rate dipped below 8% in 2012. He told his radio audience today that the current 5.9% rate is as illegitimate as the 2012 figure. “This today is just as illegitimate. This 5.9% number is even more illegitimate than the 7.9% number. There’s no way that this country has an economy producing jobs with an unemployment rate of 5.9%. It just isn’t happening . . . It isn’t real.”


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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Dave

Dave is the webmaster of, a website devoted to the greatness that is Dick Cheney.

He is also the creator of, a site devoted to a man considered by some to have been one of the better B-grade actors to portray a U.S. president.

You will find the complete writings of Dave at, including his quest for the perfect meatball and his encounters with Pat the Nazi and the Psycho Dentist.

54 responses to Limbaugh: 5.9 Percent Unemployment Rate Is ‘Illegitimate’

  1. tracey marie October 6th, 2014 at 17:49

    stomping his hoove and snorting, the limp whines impotently in rage

    • raincheck October 7th, 2014 at 05:51

      He does that when he’s hungry too

  2. tracey marie October 6th, 2014 at 17:49

    stomping his hoove and snorting, the limp whines impotently in rage

    • raincheck October 7th, 2014 at 05:51

      He does that when he’s hungry too

  3. tiredoftea October 6th, 2014 at 18:22

    I hat to agree with him, but it is not that low. Without including the people who have dropped out of the work force and the under employed who are working beneath their education and experience, it is an artificially produced and misleading number.

    • Suzanne McFly October 6th, 2014 at 18:31

      Completely agree with your statement, but was he stating these facts under the last Presidents tenure? The under employed and those who give up have never been counted, yet they will only state this fact under Obama’s Presidency and the completely ignored it during bush’s.

      • tiredoftea October 6th, 2014 at 18:38

        Uhh, no. W did just fine for us, you know. The under employed and stopped looking number are well known, but ignored in the official Labor Department count. Here are the additional numbers from the BLS:

        • Larry Schmitt October 6th, 2014 at 19:50

          For years the problem has been with the way the govt counts the unemployed. They changed it to make their reports look better.

  4. tiredoftea October 6th, 2014 at 18:22

    I hate to agree with him, but it is not that low. Without including the people who have dropped out of the workforce and the underemployed who are working beneath their education and experience, it is an artificially produced and misleading number.

    • Suzanne McFly October 6th, 2014 at 18:31

      Completely agree with your statement, but was he stating these facts under the last Presidents tenure? The under employed and those who give up have never been counted, yet they will only state this fact under Obama’s Presidency and the completely ignored it during bush’s.

      • tiredoftea October 6th, 2014 at 18:38

        Uhh, no. W did just fine for us, you know. The under employed and stopped looking number are well known, but ignored in the official Labor Department count. Here are the additional numbers from the BLS:

        • Larry Schmitt October 6th, 2014 at 19:50

          For years the problem has been with the way the govt counts the unemployed. They changed it to make their reports look better.

  5. Obewon October 6th, 2014 at 18:33

    #1 GM is alive and well. “Geronimo EKIA”-bin Laden was dispatched just 200 miles from Tora Bora where GWB’s Cheney refused to reinforce 100 surrounding OBL on just 3 sides, letting Osama go FREE just 90 days after 9/11/01 in December, 2001 and “True=0%”-Limbaugh always proves how dim his Limbaughtomized lemmings are who follow GOP leader Rusty off the same bluff daily!

    • Chinese Democracy October 6th, 2014 at 19:40

      if its good news it must be a lie… remember the rove meltdown? lol

      • Obewon October 6th, 2014 at 21:08

        Ha ha. This is Romney’s 5.9% unemployment rate. Obama’s 2nd term “It just isn’t happening . . . It isn’t real”-Rush was buried by his hillbilly heroin addiction.

    • raincheck October 7th, 2014 at 06:08

      This graph should be placed on billboards close to all of the of the places where voting occurs..

    • Banned_From_Breitbart October 11th, 2014 at 23:22

      I don’ think it is too extreme to characterize Nancy Pelosi as not much better than a half-wit. I should know since she’s been “my representative” for years.

      The above graph sure does make Obama’s tenure seem better than Bush’s, but it unfortunately promotes a recurring right wing meme which is used to ascribe the debts incurred in Bush’s final budget year to his successor. Since Bush’s final budget year was 2009, the color break should be at the end of the 2009 fiscal year.

      Nancy, retire and move back East please.

      • Obewon October 12th, 2014 at 00:12

        Breitbart was DOA. But Obama’s 10M+ Private Jobs created in 55 consecutive Months is a new US Record! ‘2014 200,000+ monthlly average Private jobs created is the best since 1998’-BLS October 2014:)

        Only a fool claims “The above (BLS) graph sure does make Obama’s tenure seem better than Bush”?1.08 M 8 year Total leaves G W “Bush Worst on Jobs in US History”-WSJ January 9, 2009.

        • Banned_From_Breitbart October 12th, 2014 at 00:32

          I’m sorry, you obviously did not get my point. The job gains didn’t start to occur until early 2010. Do you understand now–or are you in the employ of Ms. Pelosi? WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dig?

          • Obewon October 12th, 2014 at 01:45

            True, WSJ not only carried water for GWB, they squirted entire oceans to float George W’s Cheney admin!

  6. Obewon October 6th, 2014 at 18:33

    #1 GM is alive and well. “Geronimo EKIA”-bin Laden was dispatched only 200 miles from Tora Bora where GWB’s Cheney refused to reinforce 100 surrounding OBL on just 3 sides, letting Osama go FREE just 90 days after 9/11/01 in December, 2001 and “True=0%”-Limbaugh claims he is “America’s Truth Detector” but always proves how dim his Limbaughtomized lemmings are who follow GOP leader Rusty off the same bluff daily! BLS hasn’t changed unemployment calculations since Reagan “5.9%. It just isn’t happening . . . It isn’t real.”-Delusional racists are always bested by POTUS Obama and any of America;s legacy minorities. Obama’s 55 months of Private Jobs creation is a new US Record, and ‘2014’s 200,000+ monthly private Jobs created are the best since 1998!’-BLS March BLS.

    • Chinese Democracy October 6th, 2014 at 19:40

      if its good news it must be a lie… remember the rove meltdown? lol

      • Obewon October 6th, 2014 at 21:08

        Exactly! This is Romney’s 5.9% unemployment rate. Obama’s 2nd term “It just isn’t happening . . . It isn’t real”-GOP leader Rush, buried by his hillbilly heroin addiction.

    • raincheck October 7th, 2014 at 06:08

      This graph should be placed on billboards close to all of the of the places where voting occurs..

    • Banned_From_RawStory October 11th, 2014 at 23:22

      I don’ think it is too extreme to characterize Nancy Pelosi as not much better than a half-wit. I should know since she’s been “my representative” for years.

      The above graph sure does make Obama’s tenure seem better than Bush’s, but it unfortunately promotes a recurring right wing meme which is used to ascribe the debts incurred in Bush’s final budget year to his successor. Since Bush’s final budget year was 2009, the color break should be at the end of the 2009 fiscal year.

      Nancy, retire and move back East please.

      • Obewon October 12th, 2014 at 00:12

        POTUS Obama’s 10M+ Private Jobs created in 55 consecutive Months is a new US Record! ‘2014 200,000+ monthlly average Private jobs created is the best since 1998’-BLS October 2014:)

        A) “The above (BLS) graph sure does make Obama’s tenure seem better than Bush”-True!
        B) True But “Since Bush’s final budget year was 2009, the color break should be at the end of the 2009 fiscal year”-It’s the Dem Obama Stimulus not GWB’s Stimulus that created 70% of 10M+ Jobs.

        POTUS Obama walked in with GWB’s FY09 10/1/08-1/20/09 $1.3 T US Record Deficit-forecast to total $1.84 T on 9/30/09. Obama immediately cut $500 B and added a mere $144 B to W’s FY09 from 1/20/09 to 9/30/09.

        1.08 M 8 year Total leaves G W “Bush Worst on Jobs in US History”-WSJ January 9, 2009.

        • Banned_From_RawStory October 12th, 2014 at 00:32

          The job gains didn’t start to occur until early 2010. WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dig?

          • Obewon October 12th, 2014 at 01:45

            True, WSJ not only carried water for GWB, they squirted entire oceans to float George W’s Cheney admin!

  7. Guy Lauten October 6th, 2014 at 19:12

    I can think of at least one person in this article whose permanent unemployment would benefit us all.

  8. Guy Lauten October 6th, 2014 at 19:12

    I can think of at least one person in this article whose permanent unemployment would benefit us all.

  9. eddie1247 October 6th, 2014 at 19:16

    This guy gets so insanely animated, I’m waiting for him to burst a blood vessel.

  10. eddie1247 October 6th, 2014 at 19:16

    This guy gets so insanely animated, I’m waiting for him to burst a blood vessel.

  11. Maxx44 October 6th, 2014 at 19:22

    The statistics may or may not be correct but the point is they are always calculated with constant criteria. So the 10% under Reagan was calculated the same way the 5.9% under Obama.

  12. Maxx44 October 6th, 2014 at 19:22

    The statistics may or may not be correct but the point is they are always calculated with constant criteria. So the 10% under Reagan was calculated the same way the 5.9% under Obama.

  13. Larry Schmitt October 6th, 2014 at 19:44

    Because if Rush doesn’t believe it, it didn’t happen.

  14. Larry Schmitt October 6th, 2014 at 19:44

    Because if Rush doesn’t believe it, it didn’t happen.

  15. Soothsayer123 October 6th, 2014 at 20:06

    If Romny had won, you’d better believe that the Right would says these jobless figures are correct.

  16. Soothsayer123 October 6th, 2014 at 20:06

    If Romny had won, you’d better believe that the Right would says these jobless figures are correct.

  17. OldLefty October 6th, 2014 at 20:07

    I believe the phrase they used when people voiced concern about the recession when Bush was in the White House was, “talking down the economy.”

    But then, look at;

    American Conservative icon and actor John Wayne, on the election of JFK, in 1960:
    “I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president and I hope he does a good job.”

    American Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, on the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 ;
    “I hope he fails”.

  18. OldLefty October 6th, 2014 at 20:07

    I believe the phrase they used when people voiced concern about the recession when Bush was in the White House was, “talking down the economy.”

    But then, look at;

    American Conservative icon and actor John Wayne, on the election of JFK, in 1960:
    “I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president and I hope he does a good job.”

    American Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, on the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 ;
    “I hope he fails”.

  19. majii October 6th, 2014 at 20:14

    I see Rush has received the GOPTP emails and phone calls from the RNC and other right-leaning organizations. This is the meme they’re going to use from now until the midterm elections. We can expect them to keep repeating one of the following: the BLS is “cooking the books” in favor of the Obama administration, “how high” the unemployment rate is for the ‘blahs’ and other groups (not that they really care, it’s a useful tool for them to use to sow doubt about the national unemployment rate having dropped to 5.9%,) and about the “real” unemployment rate being significantly higher than the one the BLS has calculated.

    My governor, Nathan Deal (R-GA) has used the first one. He’s locked in a tight race for governor with Jason Carter. When it became known that GA has the nation’s highest unemployment rate (8.1%,) he said that the BLS always calculates higher rates of unemployment for states led by GOPTP governors. Of course, he was lying through his teeth because the four states that have the lowest unemployment rates are all led by GOPTP governors: North Dakota = 2.8%; South Dakota = 3.6%; Utah = 3.6%; and Nebraska = 3.6%.

    This information comes from the BLS, just as does the latest information stating that the national unemployment rate is now 5.9%, but don’t expect any logic from Limbaugh, Deal, and the others. They’ll never admit that they’re wrong, they’ll just keep pushing their memes about the lower national unemployment rate to sow doubt about the the BLS’s statistics, to justify asking voters to vote for their politicians, and to continue trying to undermine anything having to do with this particular president, because you know, all good news taking place during his administration is bad news to them.

  20. majii October 6th, 2014 at 20:14

    I see Rush has received the GOPTP emails and phone calls from the RNC and other right-leaning organizations. This is the meme they’re going to use from now until the midterm elections. We can expect them to keep repeating one of the following: the BLS is “cooking the books” in favor of the Obama administration, “how high” the unemployment rate is for the ‘blahs’ and other groups (not that they really care, it’s a useful tool for them to use to sow doubt about the national unemployment rate having dropped to 5.9%,) and about the “real” unemployment rate being significantly higher than the one the BLS has calculated.

    My governor, Nathan Deal (R-GA) has used the first one. He’s locked in a tight race for governor with Jason Carter. When it became known that GA has the nation’s highest unemployment rate (8.1%,) he said that the BLS always calculates higher rates of unemployment for states led by GOPTP governors. Of course, he was lying through his teeth because the four states that have the lowest unemployment rates are all led by GOPTP governors: North Dakota = 2.8%; South Dakota = 3.6%; Utah = 3.6%; and Nebraska = 3.6%.

    This information comes from the BLS, just as does the latest information stating that the national unemployment rate is now 5.9%, but don’t expect any logic from Limbaugh, Deal, and the others. They’ll never admit that they’re wrong, they’ll just keep pushing their memes about the lower national unemployment rate to sow doubt about the the BLS’s statistics, to justify asking voters to vote for their politicians, and to continue trying to undermine anything having to do with this particular president, because you know, all good news taking place during his administration is bad news to them.

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