Another Warrant Issued For Cliven Bundy Jr.’s Arrest

Posted by | September 25, 2014 19:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

A bench warrant has been issued in Clark County for Cliven Lance Bundy, Jr., the son of the Nevada rancher who defiantly refused to pay his grazing bills then started a “range war” with militia members by his side who went as far as to aim rifles at federal authorities.

According to KTNV, Bundy failed to appear in drug court on Sept. 23rd.

KRNV reports that Bundy failed to appear before a Clark County District Court judge overseeing a drug-diversion program in Las Vegas.

This is Cliven Bundy Jr’s second warrant as he did not appear in drug court on July 1st either. An arrest warrant was issued for criminal contempt and probation violation and he was subsequently arrested in August.

According to Bundy Jr., he was unable to appear in court because of recent surgery for a nerve pain condition. Bundy said he was trying to get his drug program counselor to help him respond to the warrant.

In 2012, Bundy Jr. was convicted on burglary and weapon charges.

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70 responses to Another Warrant Issued For Cliven Bundy Jr.’s Arrest

  1. juicyfruityyy September 25th, 2014 at 22:09

    If he didn’t show up in, July. And was arrested, again in, August. Why did they let him go? Did they really believe he was going to show up in, September? He has no respect for the law.

    • m2old4bs September 25th, 2014 at 22:57

      Like father, like son

  2. juicyfruityyy September 25th, 2014 at 22:09

    If he didn’t show up in, July. And was arrested, again in, August. Why did they let him go? Did they really believe he was going to show up in, September? He has no respect for the law.

    • m2old4bs September 25th, 2014 at 22:57

      Like father, like son

  3. arc99 September 25th, 2014 at 22:19

    The hero of right wing America is a welfare moocher whose offspring is a career criminal.
    But their skin is white, so no problem.

  4. arc99 September 25th, 2014 at 22:19

    The hero of right wing America is a welfare moocher whose offspring is a career criminal.
    But their skin is white, so no problem.

  5. MichelleRose3 September 25th, 2014 at 23:42

    The Bundy Gang is betting the Feds won’t do anything because no one wants a repeat of Ruby Ridge or Waco. So, like all bullies, freeloaders, narcissists, bad ex-roommates, petty thieves and morally-impaired opportunists, they’re taking what isn’t theirs to take without fair compensation. And nobody wants a firefight, so they get away with it. In the Old West, they’d be outlaws and most of them would be hanging from a sycamore tree.

    If those white trash (“Let me tell you what I know about the American Negro!” Grrr…) had robbed a post office, the Feds would’ve had them in custody long ago. But they’re robbing all of us instead.

    (Come to think of it, the USPS IS our joint property, so I guess it’s a bad analogy)

    They’re still thumbing their nose at the law and the folks who enforce it, though. Wrapping themselves in the American flag and piously complaining that they hate this country. Attracting more bullies and outlaws to the gang’s hideout who in turn bully a whole town and THOSE punks get away with it, too! Using their women and children as human shields. Yeah, that’s a wonderful example for children of all ages. Sounds like “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.” Where’s Jimmy Stewart and the Duke when you really need them?

    I hope they ARE stupid enough to rob a post office. Maybe a bank. Any time now…

  6. MichelleRose3 September 25th, 2014 at 23:42

    The Bundy Gang is betting the Feds won’t do anything because no one wants a repeat of Ruby Ridge or Waco. So, like all bullies, freeloaders, narcissists, bad ex-roommates, petty thieves and morally-impaired opportunists, they’re taking what isn’t theirs to take without fair compensation. And nobody wants a firefight, so they get away with it. In the Old West, they’d be outlaws and most of them would be hanging from a sycamore tree.

    If those white trash (“Let me tell you what I know about the American Negro!” Grrr…) had robbed a post office, the Feds would’ve had them in custody long ago. But they’re robbing all of us instead.

    (Come to think of it, the USPS IS our joint property, so I guess it’s a bad analogy)

    They’re still thumbing their nose at the law and the folks who enforce it, though. Wrapping themselves in the American flag and piously complaining that they hate this country. Attracting more bullies and outlaws to the gang’s hideout who in turn bully a whole town and THOSE punks get away with it, too! Using their women and children as human shields. Yeah, that’s a wonderful example for children of all ages. Sounds like “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.” Where’s Jimmy Stewart and the Duke when you really need them?

    I hope they ARE stupid enough to rob a post office. Maybe a bank. Any time now…

  7. fahvel September 26th, 2014 at 03:22

    where are all the glorified US Marshall when you really need them?

  8. fahvel September 26th, 2014 at 03:22

    where are all the glorified US Marshall when you really need them?

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