Ron Paul: Government Knew About 9/11, But Didn’t Plan It

Posted by | August 31, 2014 23:14 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul believes what the government knew about 9/11 before the tragedy is being kept secret in a classified part of the 9/11 commission report.

When the host of Money and Markets, Charles Goyette, recently said that it is “shocking that the American people are prohibited from knowing the whole truth about 9/11,” Paul countered: “Boy, that’s for sure. It’s shocking, but then, when you stop and think about it, shouldn’t we expect this from our government? Which is really sad.”

Paul admitted of his beliefs: “It’s politically very risky to talk about it,” particularly when your son is in the process of trying to run for president, which Paul’s son, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, is…

Reasonable man that he is, Paul conceded that the U.S. government probably didn’t actually plot 9/11 because, you know, that would be crazy: “Does [foreknowledge of the attacks] prove that our president and others actually sat down and laid the plans and did this? I don’t think it does, but I think it does show that one of the reasons why they want to cover it up is because they don’t want to say, the FBI and the CIA were, at the time, spending $40 billion a year to spy on everybody to make us safe and secure, and therefore they really messed up, so they had to hide that.”

Paul then offered that “our own government did more harm to the liberties of the American people than Bin Laden did.”

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

136 responses to Ron Paul: Government Knew About 9/11, But Didn’t Plan It

  1. tiredoftea August 31st, 2014 at 23:17

    Still crazy after all these years.

  2. tiredoftea August 31st, 2014 at 23:17

    Still crazy after all these years.

  3. Eric Trommater August 31st, 2014 at 23:27

    Attention liberal 9-11 truthers! Ron Paul has just endorsed you. You have now been reduced to YouTube video commentators again and it is time for you to move out of your mother’s basement and rejoin the Democratic Party. That is all.

    • RioBravoHombre August 31st, 2014 at 23:47

      Truthers are overwhelmingly rightist racists. Their leader is Alex Jones, who is as far from a liberal as a hawk is from the moon. Try again, with some facts.

      • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 00:10

        We’ll start with those “liberal heroes of Ferguson,” Anonymous who keep spreading crap like this:
        Move on to a more general poll of Democrats from a bit further back.

        “How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” the poll asked.

        A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was “very likely.” Another 28.2% called it “somewhat likely.”

        That is: More than half of Democrats, according to a neutral survey, said they believed Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.

        We’ll ad in a liberal TV star.

        This is why I don’t feel at home with the New Democratic Party. I worked my whole life knocking on doors and fund raising for liberal causes and when I even raise the idea that we could improve in some areas or don’t have to hate anyone we disagree with I get told I need to come up with some facts like I am some conservative troll. In fact the other day I was accused of being a conservative and asked to explain their stance on a huge number of issues including race, gay marriage and reproductive rights just because I suggested that a phone app that told you who was conservative so you would never do business with them was counter productive and it was puerile to refuse to associate with people with whom you may not agree. To me that is a very liberal position.

        • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 00:21

          Rightists are Truthers, despite all that you pulled out your ass.

          • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 00:29

            You ask me for facts and I provide them. You then respond with a generalization. Is it any wonder we are about to lose the mid-terms with this kind of narrow minded arrogance? George Bush was a Rightest! His supporters were rightests. I didn’t pull anything out of my behind. You are simply wrong this is a bi-partisan issue.

            • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 00:37

              Your poll question does not establish that an affirmative answer means the respondent is a Truther. the question is whether the government did enough to stop 911. Believing that George Bush could have done more does not make anyone a Truther. Try reading for comprehension.

              • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 00:41

                Read it again: “How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” the poll asked. A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was “very likely.” Another 28.2% called it “somewhat likely.”

                It’s actually the opposite of what you just said. The exact opposite.

                • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 03:17

                  last time I checked There was one dude in the whitehouse who could have shot down all 3 planes on 911 and only got one over pa.
                  or are we still on that “heroic ” effort by the passengers story ?

                  • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:16

                    —There were four hijacked planes. Two of them hit their targets (the Twin Towers) within 15 minutes of each other, before anyone could reasonably know what’s going on. Only at that point would the “dude” who was in the White House (though he wasn’t at the White House at the time) know that this was a terrorist attack. About 30 minutes later, a third plane hit the Pentagon.

                    How do you suppose “President” B*sh could have conceivably shot down those three planes?

                    As for Flight 93, I have yet to see compelling evidence that it was shot down by US fighter jets. The story of the passengers storming the cabin and trying to regain control of the flight still seems plausible.

                    Believe what you want, but it’s a shame that some people fall so easily for wild conspiracy theories that don’t fit the timeline or the facts.

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:24

                      I have read the tail section from the pane in pa. was found far from the wreck that suggests to me it was shot down Also no pictures were allowed to be taken at close range witch might also suggest this is being kept classified. If ron paul is correct its bound to be documented.

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:28

                      You also “read” that Saddam Hussein chased the Iranians out of Kuwait, which defies historical records and common sense.

                      If I were you, I might apply a bit more skepticism and critical thinking to my reading, and evaluate the credibility of my sources.

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:34

                      never said Iranians did I ? for all we know it could have been isis. Besides why do you think gen Schwarzkopf was called ? and where did he find Iraq troops hanging out ?
                      I don’t think its my source of info that’s misleading here

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:43

                      Verbatim quote: “The only country giving Iraq heat was iran and saddam hussein had them in their corner he even chased them out of Kuwait a few times or so ive read.”

                      How could it have been ISIS? ISIS as we know it today didn’t exist while Saddam was in power.

                      What does Norman Schwarzkopf have to do with anything? He was swayed by Powell’s fantasy tale at the UN, but later became a fierce critic of the Iraq war, especially Rumsfeld’s mishandling.

                      Where did he find Iraq’s troops hanging out? Wha? Are you confusing the Gulf War with the Iraq War?

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:56

                      Did the general engage with isis ? or did he tell the bush family how to make some big cash ? we might never know. Did isis exist back then ? Yea These people change their names quicker then a telemarketing theif

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:38

                      lol so cheney wasn’t in the whitehouse before 911 hit
                      and your questioning my credibility ???

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 05:03

                      If you’re saying that Cheney was Commander-in-Chief on September 11, 2001, then you’re mistaken.

                      Obviously 9/11 allowed Cheney to take a lot more oxygen, but that took weeks and months to develop.

                      Even if Cheney had the authority to order the Air Force to shoot down passenger jets, the timeline would still have been too tight for him to do anything, except possibly Flight 93, which was still flying after all other planes were ordered to land.

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 05:07

                      when gwb is out being taught by school kids YES that means cheney is taking urgent phone calls at the whitehouse, Say what you want about the timeline You or I have no proof either way.

                    • Gary September 1st, 2014 at 19:07

                      Have you EVER seen a photo of an airplane sticking out of the side of the Pentagon? Seriously. Neither have I. And from what I gather from security footage and eyewitness accounts, the explosion came outward, from within. Even photos of the first responders with fire hoses and all show NO plane on the ground. None. Something else happened there that day.

              • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 01:01

                I’ve got to agree with Eric here, Rio. There were a lot of left-wing liberal Democrats who hated Dubya so much that they said that he could have planned 9/11, or done nothing to prevent it.

                I, for one, despised Dubya to the core of my being. I thought he was an ignorant simpleton with a nasty mean streak. I thought he was an embarrassing buffoon, a torturer and a war criminal. But I never was a “truther”. I certainly don’t believe the B*sh “administration” planned the attack (if they had, it would have failed) and I don’t believe they had specific knowledge of 9/11 (though they should have responded more urgently to the Aug. 6 2001 PDB).

                The right-wing truther phenomenon puzzles me. I think it’s a generalized right-wing anti-government reaction. It seems to have picked up steam when Obama was elected.

                I view polls like the one Eric posted with some skepticism. People say all kinds of goofy things to pollsters that don’t reflect what they really think. If it’s a specific question, like who will you vote for, that’s pretty straightforward. But when a poll asks, did GWB plan 9/11? Or was Obama born in the U.S.? People answer not with what they really think, but with something that says “I hate B*sh” or “I hate Obama”. That’s why you have a large number of Louisiana Republicans blaming Obama for the botched response to hurricane Katrina.

                • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 01:09

                  I agree with the idea of Bush/Obama Derangement Syndrome Anonymous and Rosie O’Donnell and that bunch will never be satisfied though and do just as much to spread this crap as Alex Jones. There is also a very strong antisemitic wing of the Democratic party developing. Failing to acknowledge that seems to me as bad as the GOP turning a blind eye to the Tea-Party excesses.

                  • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:51

                    There is also a very strong antisemitic wing of the Democratic party developing.

                    I agree that some anti-Israel sentiment is veering dangerously close to anti-Semitism, but I hope you’re wrong when you say it’s “very strong”.

                    Anti-Semitism and liberalism are mutually incompatible. You cannot be a liberal if you’re anti-Semitic.

                    • mea_mark September 1st, 2014 at 10:48

                      Being mad about Israels political policy’s does not make someone anti-Semitic.

                    • bhil September 1st, 2014 at 14:03

                      How about anti stupidity instead?

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 15:06

                      We already are the anti-stupidity party. The majority of educated people tend to lean Democratic. As Bobby Jindal says, the Republicans are the Party of Stupid.

                    • bhil September 1st, 2014 at 19:48

                      True I forgot about that, you can’t fix stupid I guess.

                • Roy Blankenship September 1st, 2014 at 15:12

                  You guys are not taking your thinking far enough. Go deeper. Who had the connections to make 9-11 happen? GW was just the guy out front. Bush 1 was head of the CIA, he had the connections to cook this up as an excuse to go after Saddam, That plan was on the table before the Bush anointed Supreme Court installed GW with political chicanery. Who was in GW’s cabinet? All the old Bush 1 people. Saddam Hussein was OUR GUY, but we needed to destabilize him and to keep the oil in the ground. Saddam had threatened to stop using the dollar as the primary exchange unit (,9171,998512,00.html), that was not in our best interests. For the money we spent there, we could have BOUGHT the country, employed every citizen and had money left over. IMHO, we have been blindsided for years thinking we were helping countries in trouble by beating back the oppressors, only to find out it was all about WAR PROFITEERING.

                • Bunya September 1st, 2014 at 17:04

                  “If you have any questions about 911, you are a bat shit, paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing, dog abusing, baby hater and will be reviled by everyone”

                  “If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock’n roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never, EVER express doubts about any part of the WTC attack to anyone. ever.”

                  – 9/11-the truth in 5 minutes – James Corbett

  4. Eric Trommater August 31st, 2014 at 23:27

    Attention liberal 9-11 truthers! Ron Paul has just endorsed you. You have now been reduced to YouTube video commentators again and it is time for you to move out of your mother’s basement and rejoin the Democratic Party. That is all.

    • RioBravoHombre August 31st, 2014 at 23:47

      Truthers are overwhelmingly rightist racists. Their leader is Alex Jones, who is as far from a liberal as a hawk is from the moon. Try again, with some facts.

      • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 00:10

        We’ll start with those “liberal heroes of Ferguson,” Anonymous who keep spreading crap like this:
        Move on to a more general poll of Democrats from a bit further back.

        “How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” the poll asked.

        A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was “very likely.” Another 28.2% called it “somewhat likely.”

        That is: More than half of Democrats, according to a neutral survey, said they believed Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.

        Here’s another poll.

        This is why I don’t feel at home with the New Democratic Party. I worked my whole life knocking on doors and fund raising for liberal causes and when I even raise the idea that we could improve in some areas or don’t have to hate anyone we disagree with I get told I need to come up with some facts like I am some conservative troll. In fact the other day I was accused of being a conservative and asked to explain their stance on a huge number of issues including race, gay marriage and reproductive rights just because I suggested that a phone app that told you who was conservative so you would never do business with them was counter productive and it was puerile to refuse to associate with people with whom you may not agree. To me that is a very liberal position.

        • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 00:21

          Rightists are Truthers, despite all that you pulled out your ass.

          • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 00:29

            You ask me for facts and I provide them. You then respond with a generalization. Is it any wonder we are about to lose the mid-terms with this kind of narrow minded arrogance? George Bush was a Rightest! His supporters were rightests. I didn’t pull anything out of my behind. You are simply wrong this is a bi-partisan issue.

            • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 00:37

              Your poll question does not establish that an affirmative answer means the respondent is a Truther. the question is whether the government did enough to stop 911. Believing that George Bush could have done more does not make anyone a Truther. Try reading for comprehension.

              • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 00:41

                Read it again: “How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” the poll asked. A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was “very likely.” Another 28.2% called it “somewhat likely.”

                It’s actually the opposite of what you just said. The exact opposite.

                • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 03:17

                  last time I checked There was one dude in the whitehouse who could have shot down all 3 planes on 911 and only got one over pa.
                  or are we still on that “heroic ” effort by the passengers story ?

                  • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:16

                    —There were four hijacked planes. Two of them hit their targets (the Twin Towers) within 15 minutes of each other, before anyone could reasonably know what’s going on. Only at that point would the “dude” who was in the White House (though he wasn’t at the White House at the time) know that this was a terrorist attack. About 30 minutes later, a third plane hit the Pentagon.

                    How do you suppose “President” B*sh could have conceivably shot down those three planes?

                    As for Flight 93, I have yet to see compelling evidence that it was shot down by US fighter jets. The story of the passengers storming the cabin and trying to regain control of the flight still seems plausible.

                    Believe what you want, but it’s a shame that some people fall so easily for wild conspiracy theories that don’t fit the timeline or the facts.

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:24

                      I have read the tail section from the pane in pa. was found far from the wreck that suggests to me it was shot down Also no pictures were allowed to be taken at close range witch might also suggest this is being kept classified. If ron paul is correct its bound to be documented.

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:28

                      You also “read” that Saddam Hussein chased the Iranians out of Kuwait, which defies historical records and common sense.

                      If I were you, I might apply a bit more skepticism and critical thinking to my reading, and evaluate the credibility of my sources.

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:34

                      never said Iranians did I ? for all we know it could have been isis. Besides why do you think gen Schwarzkopf was called ? and where did he find Iraq troops hanging out ?
                      I don’t think its my source of info that’s misleading here

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:43

                      Verbatim quote: “The only country giving Iraq heat was iran and saddam hussein had them in their corner he even chased them out of Kuwait a few times or so ive read.”

                      How could it have been ISIS? ISIS as we know it today didn’t exist while Saddam was in power.

                      What does Norman Schwarzkopf have to do with anything? He was swayed by Powell’s fantasy tale at the UN, but later became a fierce critic of the Iraq war, especially Rumsfeld’s mishandling.

                      Where did he find Iraq’s troops hanging out? Wha? Are you confusing the Gulf War with the Iraq War?

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:56

                      Did the general engage with isis ? or did he tell the bush family how to make some big cash ? we might never know. Did isis exist back then ? Yea These people change their names quicker then a telemarketing theif

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 04:38

                      lol so cheney wasn’t in the whitehouse before 911 hit
                      and your questioning my credibility ???

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 05:03

                      If you’re saying that Cheney was Commander-in-Chief on September 11, 2001, then you’re mistaken.

                      Obviously 9/11 allowed Cheney to take a lot more oxygen, but that took weeks and months to develop.

                      Even if Cheney had the authority to order the Air Force to shoot down passenger jets, the timeline would still have been too tight for him to do anything, except possibly Flight 93, which was still flying after all other planes were ordered to land.

                    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 05:07

                      when gwb is out being taught by school kids YES that means cheney is taking urgent phone calls at the whitehouse, Say what you want about the timeline You or I have no proof either way.

                    • Gary September 1st, 2014 at 19:07

                      Have you EVER seen a photo of an airplane sticking out of the side of the Pentagon? Seriously. Neither have I. And from what I gather from security footage and eyewitness accounts, the explosion came outward, from within. Even photos of the first responders with fire hoses and all show NO plane on the ground. None. Something else happened there that day.

              • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 01:01

                I’ve got to agree with Eric here, Rio. There were a lot of left-wing liberal Democrats who hated Dubya so much that they said that he could have planned 9/11, or done nothing to prevent it.

                I, for one, despised Dubya to the core of my being. I thought he was an ignorant simpleton with a nasty mean streak. I thought he was an embarrassing buffoon, a torturer and a war criminal. But I never was a “truther”. I certainly don’t believe the B*sh “administration” planned the attack (if they had, it would have failed) and I don’t believe they had specific knowledge of 9/11 (though they should have responded more urgently to the Aug. 6 2001 PDB).

                The right-wing truther phenomenon puzzles me. I think it’s a generalized right-wing anti-government reaction. It seems to have picked up steam when Obama was elected.

                I view polls like the one Eric posted with some skepticism. People say all kinds of goofy things to pollsters that don’t reflect what they really think. If it’s a specific question, like who will you vote for, that’s pretty straightforward. But when a poll asks, did GWB plan 9/11? Or was Obama born in the U.S.? People answer not with what they really think, but with something that says “I hate B*sh” or “I hate Obama”. That’s why you have a large number of Louisiana Republicans blaming Obama for the botched response to hurricane Katrina.

                • Eric Trommater September 1st, 2014 at 01:09

                  I agree with the idea of Bush/Obama Derangement Syndrome Anonymous and Rosie O’Donnell and that bunch will never be satisfied though and do just as much to spread this crap as Alex Jones. There is also a very strong antisemitic wing of the Democratic party developing. Failing to acknowledge that seems to me as bad as the GOP turning a blind eye to the Tea-Party excesses.

                  • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 04:51

                    There is also a very strong antisemitic wing of the Democratic party developing.

                    I agree that some anti-Israel sentiment is veering dangerously close to anti-Semitism, but I hope you’re wrong when you say it’s “very strong”.

                    Anti-Semitism and liberalism are mutually incompatible. You cannot be a liberal if you’re anti-Semitic.

                    • mea_mark September 1st, 2014 at 10:48

                      Being mad about Israels political policy’s does not make someone anti-Semitic.

                    • bhil September 1st, 2014 at 14:03

                      How about anti stupidity instead?

                    • jasperjava September 1st, 2014 at 15:06

                      We already are the anti-stupidity party. The majority of educated people tend to lean Democratic. As Bobby Jindal says, the Republicans are the Party of Stupid.

                    • bhil September 1st, 2014 at 19:48

                      True I forgot about that, you can’t fix stupid I guess.

                • Roy Blankenship September 1st, 2014 at 15:12

                  You guys are not taking your thinking far enough. Go deeper. Who had the connections to make 9-11 happen? GW was just the guy out front. Bush 1 was head of the CIA, he had the connections to cook this up as an excuse to go after Saddam, That plan was on the table before the Bush anointed Supreme Court installed GW with political chicanery. Who was in GW’s cabinet? All the old Bush 1 people. Saddam Hussein was OUR GUY, but we needed to destabilize him and to keep the oil in the ground. Saddam had threatened to stop using the dollar as the primary exchange unit (,9171,998512,00.html), that was not in our best interests. For the money we spent there, we could have BOUGHT the country, employed every citizen and had money left over. IMHO, we have been blindsided for years thinking we were helping countries in trouble by beating back the oppressors, only to find out it was all about WAR PROFITEERING.

                • Bunya September 1st, 2014 at 17:04

                  “If you have any questions about 911, you are a bat shit, paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing, dog abusing, baby hater and will be reviled by everyone”

                  “If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock’n roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never, EVER express doubts about any part of the WTC attack to anyone. ever.”

                  – 9/11-the truth in 5 minutes – James Corbett

  5. Foundryman August 31st, 2014 at 23:38

    There’s a reason why Paul never got the red neck right wing nomination, he is too much of a wackjob for the wackjobs.

    • tiredoftea September 1st, 2014 at 00:23

      He did forge the path for them. Pioneers are seldom welcomed home.

  6. Foundryman August 31st, 2014 at 23:38

    There’s a reason why Paul never got the red neck right wing nomination, he is too much of a wackjob for the wackjobs.

    • tiredoftea September 1st, 2014 at 00:23

      He did forge the path for them. Pioneers are seldom welcomed home.

  7. RioBravoHombre August 31st, 2014 at 23:46

    Ron Paul is a lying, racist lunatic. He’s good buddies with another lying, racist lunatic, Alex Jones. in addition to be a lying, racist lunatic, Jones is also a drug addicted, mentally ill grifter and con artist. They’re two peas in the same conspiracy addled pod.

    • Sean September 1st, 2014 at 00:03

      Racist? Please elaborate why he’s a racist?

      • Rusty Shackleford September 1st, 2014 at 03:21

        “Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day.”

        -Ron Paul

    • fahvel September 1st, 2014 at 03:37

      you are a perfect example of a bush sheep who babbles and babbles with nothing but noise oozing from your lips.

    • neworleans878 September 1st, 2014 at 05:58

      Hey Rio…Happy Labor Day from NOLA.

      • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 11:48

        How are you New Orleans? Happy Labor day! How are your children and wife? Hope everyone is well…say “hey” to the cool folks at MMFA for me!

        • ChrisVosburg September 1st, 2014 at 13:34

          …and greetings from Hollywood to you both, where we offer up the following prayer for our brave suits, casts, and crews toiling tirelessly (pretty good money, though)–

          Our project which art in development,
          Boffo be thy name.
          Thy green light come,
          Thy rewrites done,
          On set as it is in editing.
          Give us this day our dailies, and
          Forgive us our gonks,
          As we forgive those who hit not their mark.
          And leak us not the scene down the leg,
          But deliver us from overacting,
          For thine is the Emmy,
          the Oscar, and the rerun,
          forever in syndication.

  8. RioBravoHombre August 31st, 2014 at 23:46

    Ron Paul is a lying, racist lunatic. He’s good buddies with another lying, racist lunatic, Alex Jones. in addition to be a lying, racist lunatic, Jones is also a drug addicted, mentally ill grifter and con artist. They’re two peas in the same conspiracy addled pod.

    • Sean September 1st, 2014 at 00:03

      Racist? Please elaborate why he’s a racist?

      • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 00:06

        Look into his “newsletter”, which for years has carried articles of the most vile, racist shit imaginable. Paul claims that he has no control over the content of said newsletter, in spite of it carrying his name.

      • Rusty Shackleford September 1st, 2014 at 03:21

        “Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day.”

        -Ron Paul

    • nola878 September 1st, 2014 at 05:58

      Hey Rio…Happy Labor Day from NOLA.

      • RioBravoHombre September 1st, 2014 at 11:48

        How are you New Orleans? Happy Labor day! How are your children and wife? Hope everyone is well…say “hey” to the cool folks at MMFA for me!

        • ChrisVosburg September 1st, 2014 at 13:34

          …and greetings from Hollywood to you both, where we offer up the following prayer for our brave suits, casts, and crews toiling tirelessly (pretty good money, though)–

          Our project which art in development,
          Boffo be thy name.
          Thy green light come,
          Thy rewrites done,
          On set as it is in editing.
          Give us this day our dailies, and
          Forgive us our gonks,
          As we forgive those who hit not their mark.
          And leak us not the scene down the leg,
          But deliver us from overacting,
          For thine is the Emmy,
          the Oscar, and the rerun,
          forever in syndication.

  9. greenfloyd September 1st, 2014 at 03:08

    After all is said and done there is one thing none of us can ignore, 9/11 defined the Bush/Cheney presidents. Dubya went from a one-hit wonder, to a “war president.” “Liberal” became unpatriotic, terrorists sympathizers… Communists, suddenly it was the 1950s America. Conclusion? We’re actually living in 1966.

    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 03:20

      in1966 housing was more affordable and there were more good paying jobs then you could shake a stick at.
      at best we are stuck in the 1980s

      • greenfloyd September 1st, 2014 at 03:41

        What I wonder is what if 9/11 had not happened? My guess is no Afghanistan, however, they would have cooked something up to invade Iraq. That was in Cheney’s playbook since Gulf War I and Bush Sr. stopping short.

        • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 03:46

          The only country giving Iraq heat was iran and saddam hussein had them in their corner he even chased them out of Kuwait a few times or so ive read. Make no mistake about it, gwb needed saddam out of the way and so it was done.

          • greenfloyd September 1st, 2014 at 23:09

            It’s a familiar pattern. Today we prop-up one dictator, tomorrow we make war on him… The enemy of my enemy isn’t always my friend, but they sure are good for profits.

            • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 23:34

              No I think the middle east has learned how to turn the table on us and make it look good or should I say Make us look like the bad guy.
              After all… undeclared wars never have a winner in the end

              • greenfloyd September 2nd, 2014 at 00:24

                Re Iraq and Afghanistan we were the “bad guy.” Historically it’s a foreign policy conundrum, often leaving America with no good choices, or the lesser evil.

                • fancypants September 2nd, 2014 at 05:34

                  @17 trillion + in debt
                  not only do we look like the bad guys We also earned a lot of world fool awards along the way.

        • neworleans878 September 1st, 2014 at 05:56

          Would have cooked up something for war profits, that’s for sure.

        • cecilia September 1st, 2014 at 22:00

          that was clearly laid out in the Project for the new American Century.
          My friends who live in Europe knew about that way before any Americans….the media failed horribly

    • timmmahhhh September 1st, 2014 at 14:15

      I think were closer to the Coolidge robber barrons era of the 20’s, the plutocrats hoping we ignore the ramifications of the 2008 depression and using Fox Noise to promote that greed is good and what Corporate Jesus wants for his minions.

  10. floyd[@] September 1st, 2014 at 03:08

    After all is said and done there is one thing none of us can ignore, 9/11 defined the Bush/Cheney presidents. Dubya went from a one-hit wonder, to a “war president.” “Liberal” became unpatriotic, terrorists sympathizers… Communists, suddenly it was the 1950s America. Conclusion? We’re actually living in 1966.

    • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 03:20

      in1966 housing was more affordable and there were more good paying jobs then you could shake a stick at.
      at best we are stuck in the 1980s

      • floyd[@] September 1st, 2014 at 03:41

        What I wonder is what if 9/11 had not happened? My guess is no Afghanistan, however, they would have cooked something up to invade Iraq. That was in Cheney’s playbook since Gulf War I and Bush Sr. stopping short.

        • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 03:46

          The only country giving Iraq heat was iran and saddam hussein had them in their corner he even chased them out of Kuwait a few times or so ive read. Make no mistake about it, gwb needed saddam out of the way and so it was done.

          • floyd[@] September 1st, 2014 at 23:09

            It’s a familiar pattern. Today we prop-up one dictator, tomorrow we make war on him… The enemy of my enemy isn’t always my friend, but they sure are good for profits.

            • fancypants September 1st, 2014 at 23:34

              No I think the middle east has learned how to turn the table on us and make it look good or should I say Make us look like the bad guy.
              After all… undeclared wars never have a winner in the end

              • floyd[@] September 2nd, 2014 at 00:24

                Re Iraq and Afghanistan we were the “bad guy.” Historically it’s a foreign policy conundrum, often leaving America with no good choices, or the lesser evil.

                • fancypants September 2nd, 2014 at 05:34

                  @17 trillion + in debt
                  not only do we look like the bad guys We also earned a lot of world fool awards along the way.

        • nola878 September 1st, 2014 at 05:56

          Would have cooked up something for war profits, that’s for sure.

        • cecilia September 1st, 2014 at 22:00

          that was clearly laid out in the Project for the new American Century.
          My friends who live in Europe knew about that way before any Americans….the media failed horribly

    • timmmahhhh September 1st, 2014 at 14:15

      I think were closer to the Coolidge robber barrons era of the 20’s, the plutocrats hoping we ignore the ramifications of the 2008 depression and using Fox Noise to promote that greed is good and what Corporate Jesus wants for his minions.

  11. fahvel September 1st, 2014 at 03:36

    you are paying the price of believing liars and then not, as a people, demanding that the criminals who destroyed the trust and care that may once have been the usa’s, be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible- bush planted the seed of fear and it has grown like an aspen forest.

  12. fahvel September 1st, 2014 at 03:36

    you are paying the price of believing liars and then not, as a people, demanding that the criminals who destroyed the trust and care that may once have been the usa’s, be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible- bush planted the seed of fear and it has grown like an aspen forest.

  13. mea_mark September 1st, 2014 at 11:00

    There is probably some truth to this or all the documents would of been released by now. Just speculating but my guess is that the government knew something might happen but had no clue to the severity. What they thought were going to be little private planes flying into unknown buildings turned out to be hijacked jets fully loaded with fuel flying into skyscrapers. In light of the magnitude of what happened, it would be very embarrassing to have the truth come out. It will eventually, whatever it is, and we will have to reconcile with ourselves what are shortcomings were and do better in the future.

    • Bunya September 1st, 2014 at 16:39

      Really? It would be be very embarrassing to have the truth come out? The GOP impeached Clinton, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars, for lying about a BJ. A BLOWJOB! Nothing embarrasses the republicans. The Bush administration spied on its own citizens, started a war based on lies, tortured prisoners, etc., and the democrats give them a pass.

      How do we look to the rest of the world? We impeach a president for lying about his sexual indiscretions, but not a president for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

      Nope, I don’t give the Bush administration a pass on this. I think there’s a hell of a lot of damning 911 information out there, and I for one don’t believe the government issued excuse that we were attack by angry Muslims who “hate us fer our freedumbs”.

    • raincheck September 1st, 2014 at 17:23

      And then there’s the fact that an FBI annalist, sounded the alarm about some suspected people at a flight school, only interested in flying a commercial jet but “NOT” learning to land it… they were finally told NOT to bring it up anymore.. This along with the FACT that they had intel that mentioned an attack coming from a plane.

  14. mea_mark September 1st, 2014 at 11:00

    There is probably some truth to this or all the documents would of been released by now. Just speculating but my guess is that the government knew something might happen but had no clue to the severity. What they thought were going to be little private planes flying into unknown buildings turned out to be hijacked jets fully loaded with fuel flying into skyscrapers. In light of the magnitude of what happened, it would be very embarrassing to have the truth come out. It will eventually, whatever it is, and we will have to reconcile with ourselves what are shortcomings were and do better in the future.

    • Bunya September 1st, 2014 at 16:39

      Really? It would be be very embarrassing to have the truth come out? The GOP impeached Clinton, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars, for lying about a BJ. A BLOWJOB! Nothing embarrasses the republicans. The Bush administration spied on its own citizens, started a war based on lies, tortured prisoners, etc., and the democrats give them a pass.

      How do we look to the rest of the world? We impeach a president for lying about his sexual indiscretions, but not a president for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

      Nope, I don’t give the Bush administration a pass on this. I think there’s a hell of a lot of damning 911 information out there, and I for one don’t believe the government issued excuse that we were attack by angry Muslims who “hate us fer our freedumbs”.

    • raincheck September 1st, 2014 at 17:23

      And then there’s the fact that an FBI annalist, sounded the alarm about some suspected people at a flight school, only interested in flying a commercial jet but “NOT” learning to land it… they were finally told NOT to bring it up anymore.. This along with the FACT that they had intel that mentioned an attack coming from a plane.
      Why would someone believe the Bush Admin. “wouldn’t let an attack happen” when at the same time deliberately lied about WMD’s, to get us into a war, in which thousands upon thousands were killed, including American blood on the ground, tens of thousands horrifyingly wounded, and an enormous amount of or National treasure, stolen and squandered… Conduct secret no bid (CHERRY) contracts (Cheney even refused to say WHO was in on it until it came out in the open) They wanted a way to get into Iraq… IMO They LET IT HAPPEN! So they could galvanize the Nation into going over there to begin with… and it didn’t take long to end up in IRAQ. The Bush Admin.told the inspectors, they even knew where the WMD’s were (but couldn’t tell them because it would “endanger people they had on the ground over there) They were SURE they would find some SOMEWHERE. It burns my ass when people simply dismiss the notion that “they let it happen” even in the face of ALL of them lying through their teeth to get us into IRAQ… There is so much REAL info that points to this as a possibility… I have seen how some of it is handled… they take a few ‘FACTS’ then mix it with some of the “crazy” shit… then it sheds a doubtful light on it… if all of the FACTS were laid out it would be pretty clear… There is even a HUGE INCENTIVE…. OIL!!! and lots of it.

  15. ChrisVosburg September 1st, 2014 at 13:43

    I’m beginning to suspect that there must be a “truther gene,” a sort of kink in the mental wiring that makes certain of us susceptible to just about any old conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. It just seems that folks who go for the truther stuff are also likely to buy the birther crap, and the FEMA camps, and on and on.

    • Roy Blankenship September 1st, 2014 at 14:55

      I would say you are wrong on that one. I don’t believe ANY of the other things you mention, but there is something wrong with every aspect of 9-11, just the fact that Bush and Cheney would NOT give deposition under oath or separately should have raised red flags everywhere for everyone.

      • DetroitSam September 1st, 2014 at 23:23

        Also, too, Dick Cheney watched the attacks on the Towers from his bunker. The Air Force just so happened to be conducting exercises of simulating terrorists flying planes into the Twin Towers. The Air Force commanders gave the ok for their pilots to shoot down the two planes but Cheney gave a Stand Down Order to stop them.

        Call me what you will, but I will never believe that Cheney did nit know that the Towers were going to be attacked. And I have no doubt that with all of the intelligence available to him he knew. Having the country attacked played into his schemes for taking over this country.

        I don’t believe that George W. knew because Cheney was the one really runsing the country.

        • 31Forever September 11th, 2014 at 18:53

          You know what my problem with that theory is, plausible though it sounds?

          Why has no pilot, air traffic controller, radarman, or anyone else come forward to attest to the veracity of the “Stand Down” order?

    • Candide Thirtythree September 2nd, 2014 at 07:24

      Speaking of FEMA camps, I was in Baton Rouge last week and saw that one of the Katrina FEMA trailer parks was still there and people still in it. It is on the outskirts where most people do not go but my daughter was driving and she took a wrong turn when we were looking for a place that used to do stained glass repair.

      I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were but I think it was on Greenwell springs rd, maybe it was Choctaw, I am not really familiar with the area any more. I haven’t had much reason to go since I was in college a million years ago.

      Stuff like that just gives the tinfoil hat brigade more fuel for their fires.

  16. ChrisVosburg September 1st, 2014 at 13:43

    I’m beginning to suspect that there must be a “truther gene,” a sort of kink in the mental wiring that makes certain of us susceptible to just about any old conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. It just seems that folks who go for the truther stuff are also likely to buy the birther crap, and the FEMA camps, and on and on.

    • Roy Blankenship September 1st, 2014 at 14:55

      I would say you are wrong on that one. I don’t believe ANY of the other things you mention, but there is something wrong with every aspect of 9-11, just the fact that Bush and Cheney would NOT give deposition under oath or separately should have raised red flags everywhere for everyone.

      • DetroitSam September 1st, 2014 at 23:23

        Also, too, Dick Cheney watched the attacks on the Towers from his bunker. The Air Force just so happened to be conducting exercises of simulating terrorists flying planes into the Twin Towers. The Air Force commanders gave the ok for their pilots to shoot down the two planes but Cheney gave a Stand Down Order to stop them.

        Call me what you will, but I will never believe that Cheney did nit know that the Towers were going to be attacked. And I have no doubt that with all of the intelligence available to him he knew. Having the country attacked played into his schemes for taking over this country.

        I don’t believe that George W. knew because Cheney was the one really runsing the country.

        • 31Forever September 11th, 2014 at 18:53

          You know what my problem with that theory is, plausible though it sounds?

          Why has no pilot, air traffic controller, radarman, or anyone else come forward to attest to the veracity of the “Stand Down” order?

    • Candide Thirtythree September 2nd, 2014 at 07:24

      Speaking of FEMA camps, I was in Baton Rouge last week and saw that one of the Katrina FEMA trailer parks was still there and people still in it. It is on the outskirts where most people do not go but my daughter was driving and she took a wrong turn when we were looking for a place that used to do stained glass repair.

      I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were but I think it was on Greenwell springs rd, maybe it was Choctaw, I am not really familiar with the area any more. I haven’t had much reason to go since I was in college a million years ago.

      Stuff like that just gives the tinfoil hat brigade more fuel for their fires.

  17. GunTotingLib September 1st, 2014 at 16:36

    “our own government did more harm to the liberties of the American people than Bin Laden did.”…goes to show again that Ron can say completely batcrap crazy stuff one moment and make complete sense the next. Mind boggling.

    • raincheck September 1st, 2014 at 17:55

      No matter who said ““our own government did more harm to the liberties of the American people than Bin Laden did.” It is TRUE still to this day.. It’s called the “Patriot act” You know… that thing they all signed but didn’t read. I would bet if people knew what was in it and understood how it affects them…. I was going to say something here… but after second thought I can’t help but wonder where all of the OUTRAGE IS!!?? Anyway GOOD post…

  18. GunTotingLib September 1st, 2014 at 16:36

    “our own government did more harm to the liberties of the American people than Bin Laden did.”…goes to show again that Ron can say completely batcrap crazy stuff one moment and make complete sense the next. Mind boggling.

    • raincheck September 1st, 2014 at 17:55

      No matter who said ““our own government did more harm to the liberties of the American people than Bin Laden did.” It is TRUE still to this day.. It’s called the “Patriot act” You know… that thing they all signed but didn’t read. I would bet if people knew what was in it and understood how it affects them…. I was going to say something here… but after second thought I can’t help but wonder where all of the OUTRAGE IS!!?? Anyway GOOD post…

  19. Elliot J. Stamler September 1st, 2014 at 17:47

    Keep talking Ron. Tell us, as you’ve alluded to before, that Israel has no right to exist, that we had no business fighting Hitler in WWII and that FDR caused the Japanese to bomb us, that blacks are really in actuality racially inferior people in most respects and that this is a scientific fact…keep talking…cause every word you saw is a nuclear missile blowing up your equally horrid son’s campaign to becomes president.

  20. Elliot J. Stamler September 1st, 2014 at 17:47

    Keep talking Ron. Tell us, as you’ve alluded to before, that Israel has no right to exist, that we had no business fighting Hitler in WWII and that FDR caused the Japanese to bomb us, that blacks are really in actuality racially inferior people in most respects and that this is a scientific fact…keep talking…cause every word you say is a nuclear missile blowing up your equally horrid son’s campaign to become president.

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