Open Carry Activist Who Brought Loaded Rifle Into Kroger Calls For ‘Gunning Down Illegal Immigrants’

Posted by | August 27, 2014 18:11 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

In a follow-up on our earlier post about an Open Carry activist who brought a loaded weapon into Kroger with a baby in his arms, let’s take a glimpse into his highly disturbed train of thought.

This is how Tyler would handle the border crisis, with children fleeing from violence. Tyler just had a baby who is not fleeing from violence, however, his parents believe they need guns to protect their child from the evil gubbermint.

On his Facebook page is a Confederate flag, because of course. A possible family member (perhaps his wife) explains in the comments, “I am a firm supporter of slavery except I don’t want to use blacks…. I want to use liberals and those with skewed worldly views. Seems like a win-win situation to me.”


On Twitter, he explains how he’d like the children fleeing from violence to be murdered.


Here he is discussing why he’s using his baby as a shield.

Guns and God.

We need AR-15s because iPhones, that’s why.

I use an Android, thank you very much!

After Tyler Lance Craddock bragged on Facebook about bringing a long gun into a Kroger store while carrying his infant child, the response wasn’t in his favor.

Yeah, um….no. My husband and I are gun owners. Please, please, don’t be on our side. You are an embarrassment and are doing so much harm to your “cause”. If the Second Amendment is ever repealed, you can look to yourself and others like you as the root cause.

Linda wrote:

I don’t like guns but I do support the constitution and your right to have them. However, I would like to know what is going to happen to that baby if you need to shoot at someone, Tyler Lance Craddock? Is he there to be a human shield, to deafen or something else? If someone shoots at you, he would be the first one shot and if you shoot back he would be deafened. I wonder if his Mother has thought about any of that?

But Open Carry Texas wrote, “Proving that an armed society is a polite society.”

Just one question, Tyler. Did you ever think of joining ISIS?

This bit of theater that Tyler cast his newborn child in as a leading actor, was simply to piss off Moms Demand Action. You know, even if it kills his child.

 i usually have my wife push him. this was specifically for the women at moms demand action to rub it in their faces that kroger told them to back off (hence I’m smiling and my AR is strapped to my back) every other time my baby is in our stroller with my wife

And so, if a bad guy with a gun walked into Kroger, he would look equally complicit. In fact, Tyler would look worse because his baby would potentially be blocking a kill shot by an intruder. Now that we’ve written two posts about Tyler within 24 hours, will he now use his wife as a shield, too, just to piss of gun sense groups?

Kroger, you have a problem. It’s us — who shop in your stores daily — or a gang of paranoid gun humpers. Your choice.

Big thanks to my contacts who shall remain anonymous.

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248 responses to Open Carry Activist Who Brought Loaded Rifle Into Kroger Calls For ‘Gunning Down Illegal Immigrants’

  1. jericho August 29th, 2014 at 11:12

    Legit question here — when did muzzle-down become the preferred method of carry? I was trained to always keep the muzzle of a rifle or shotgun up while carrying.

    • J. Fischer August 29th, 2014 at 20:13

      Supposedly, that assures people that the carrier isn’t about to go on a shooting rampage. Because people who want to commit mass murder aren’t smart enough to put fake flags on their guns or carry them muzzle down, or something. (Being sarcastic in that second sentence.)

  2. Feekmeed August 29th, 2014 at 12:59

    Oh well, he is 100% correct.. used to be a crime to break into a country, in some places it still is. Would love to see the anti gun nutcases sneak into Mexico and then report back how it goes for them.

    • Connie Garcia August 29th, 2014 at 13:18

      You obviously have never been to Mexico. You don’t have to “sneak” into Mexico, you literally just walk across the border. No one is going to stop you, they encourage it for the tourism and business that Americans and Canadians bring in

    • John Prevost August 31st, 2014 at 11:57

      Big signs crossing the border that says it’s a crime to carry into Mexico, Einstein.

  3. Feekmeed August 29th, 2014 at 12:59

    Oh well, he is 100% correct.. used to be a crime to break into a country, in some places it still is. Would love to see the anti gun nutcases sneak into Mexico and then report back how it goes for them.

    • Connie Garcia August 29th, 2014 at 13:18

      You obviously have never been to Mexico. You don’t have to “sneak” into Mexico, you literally just walk across the border. No one is going to stop you, they encourage it for the tourism and business that Americans and Canadians bring in

    • John Prevost August 31st, 2014 at 11:57

      Big signs crossing the border that says it’s a crime to carry into Mexico, Einstein.

  4. xvet August 29th, 2014 at 16:27

    The kind I wouldn’t want to be around when he has his gun.

  5. TexTopCat August 30th, 2014 at 13:47

    You would be charge with “thief of service” and if any of the items in your cart could not be sold, just plain “thief”.
    If it could be shown that this was a organized pattern, then you could be charged under racketeering and gang charges.
    In any event, anyone doing this should visit the jail and the store should receive damages based on a civil suit.

    • CharlieAdamsInKY September 2nd, 2014 at 14:09

      You are a complete fucking imbecile. No surprise, being a Texas TeaPubliKKKlanner.

  6. hoser4 August 31st, 2014 at 21:51

    Gun humping aside…….. this guy is very afraid of something, perhaps any things. This guy is very angry with something, perhaps many things, perhaps all things, perhaps himself. This guy is a mental mess that needs all the help he can get but it’s clear help is driven away by his violent, paranoid and angry persona. Advice to the wise…… don’t be this guy’s neighbor.

  7. hoser4 August 31st, 2014 at 21:51

    Gun humping aside…….. this guy is very afraid of something, perhaps any things. This guy is very angry with something, perhaps many things, perhaps all things, perhaps himself. This guy is a mental mess that needs all the help he can get but it’s clear help is driven away by his violent, paranoid and angry persona. Advice to the wise…… don’t be this guy’s neighbor.

  8. CharlieAdamsInKY September 2nd, 2014 at 14:04

    As a Kentuckian, and a gun owner, gotta tell ya: Tyler is a disgusting piece of sh*t. The sooner we can deport or HANG every lunatic TeaPubliKKKlan SOB like that and stomp the “New Confederacy” into the mud so far it can’t even be resurrected by Jesus, the better.

  9. CharlieAdamsInKY September 2nd, 2014 at 14:04

    As a Kentuckian, and a gun owner, gotta tell ya: Tyler is a disgusting piece of sh*t. The sooner we can deport or HANG every lunatic TeaPubliKKKlan SOB like that and stomp the “New Confederacy” into the mud so far it can’t even be resurrected by Jesus, the better.

  10. CharlieAdamsInKY September 16th, 2014 at 17:30

    Considering the number of sites completely flooded with professional right-wing liars, pretty much every time I open my browser.

  11. old_redneck September 26th, 2014 at 23:05

    Tyler and his “wife” were married 2-1/2 months before the baby was born. I guess Jesus never told him not to have pre-marital sex. According to his neighbors, his wife is a lesbian.

    What a twisted tale.

    No wonder he’s angry.

  12. old_redneck September 26th, 2014 at 23:05

    Tyler and his “wife” were married 2-1/2 months before the baby was born. I guess Jesus never told him not to have pre-marital sex. According to his neighbors, his wife is a lesbian.

    What a twisted tale.

    No wonder he’s angry.

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