Teacher Omits God From Pledge And It’s Obama’s Fault

Posted by | August 22, 2014 17:14 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

“It’s outrageous, to be honest,” Jessica Andrews told Todd Starnes,  “It seems like the government is doing everything they can to take God out of everything.”

The item that caused her angst came from her daughter’s school. It was a copy of the Pledge of Allegiance. But the school’s version of the pledge was just a few words short – two to be exact.

“It didn’t have ‘under God’,” she said.

Jessica’s daughter is a fourth grader at Chukker Creek Elementary School. She said Aiken is a very religious community and they are a religious family. So you can imagine her surprise when she realized the school’s version of the pledge did not include a shout-out to the Almighty.

And by blaming “the government” it must be that because that Marxist Muslim in the White House hates God and America.

In this particular case, the omission was not the nefarious work of a godless educator. The principal said it was an honest-to-goodness mistake.

“This was a single mistake by a very embarrassed and apologetic teacher,” the principal told me in written correspondence.

“In order to assist her new students with our morning announcements, a teacher made copies of the pledge and national anthem for her class,” she told me. “She cut and pasted these from a website and in doing so, this line was omitted.”

Ah yes – the old “cut and paste” will get you every time.

“The teacher failed to proof the paper,” the principal wrote.

So, maybe that will calm down the hysteria about a teacher who made a mistake, and didn’t include “God” in a pledge that never had God in it to begin with and was written by the Christian socialist Francis Bellamy to spread his socialist ideals.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

77 responses to Teacher Omits God From Pledge And It’s Obama’s Fault

  1. Grimmy Sung Gi Lee August 22nd, 2014 at 19:38

    Must have used a copy of the pledge from before 1952

  2. Grimmy Sung Gi Lee August 22nd, 2014 at 19:38

    Must have used a copy of the pledge from before 1952

  3. granpa.usthai August 22nd, 2014 at 19:51

    signs of President Barack Hussein Obama’s ( President of the United States of America) improving economy:

    Employment Notice:

    Mississippi Mud Day Care Center

    anger management career specialist to guide and direct 3 to 9
    months old

    if they soil their pristine white diapies with any brown color after a half warning , you can “fucking kill them”.

    might be a perfect employment opportunity for Officer ‘GO FUCK YOURSELF’ if he’s available?

  4. R.J. Carter August 22nd, 2014 at 20:35

    Is that Miss Gulch? Don’t let her take my little dog, please!

  5. fahvel August 23rd, 2014 at 02:52

    I remember how upset my parents were when they added the god crap to the pledge.

  6. fahvel August 23rd, 2014 at 02:52

    I remember how upset my parents were when they added the god crap to the pledge.

  7. Dave Lanson August 24th, 2014 at 17:45

    The teacher could say she was using the pledge as a device to teach history. The version was a pre-1954 pledge that hadn’t yet been marred by dogmatic terroriam.

  8. Dave Lanson August 24th, 2014 at 17:45

    The teacher could say she was using the pledge as a device to teach history. The version was a pre-1954 pledge that hadn’t yet been marred by dogmatic terroriam.

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