Black Open Carry Advocates Marched In Dallas

Posted by | August 21, 2014 08:30 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Open Carry advocates marched down the streets of Dallas, Texas but this protest was different. This march included members from the Huey P. Gun Club which was named after the founder of the original Black Panther Party. The group which included members of the New Black Panther Party, promoted self-defense and community policing in response to recent police shootings.


“Open Carry Texas all the time gets a pass,” organizer Charles Goodson said. “We hope that the same applies to us, and there is no contradiction from the Dallas power structure.”

The group consisted of about 30 men and women who walked along the street near the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X boulevards, according to WFAA.

Before beginning the protest with rifles strapped across their backs,  the group chanted, “Black power!”

“He was kind of scared,” a woman who was leaving a nearby restaurant with her son said. “We didn’t know what was going on.”

The group wasn’t just advocating gun rights, but they also wanted to draw attention to police brutality.

“A lot of people today are talking about Mike Brown. Mike Brown is not an isolated incident. We have many ‘Mike Browns’ in the City of Dallas. Clint Allen was a Mike Brown. Tobias Mackey was a Mike Brown. Bobby Walker was a Mike Brown,” Goodson said.

While inside the South Dallas cafe, demonstrators took a break, resting their guns on the dining tables.

“We have to speak up for the people, because the people haven’t had a voice in a long, long, time,” one man who identified himself only as “Joe” said. “So they are doing what they have to do.”

The Huey P. Newton Gun Club said its goals include an immediate end to “police brutality, harassment, and murder of the people, and asserting the right of the people to bear arms and protect themselves.

“We think that all black people have the right to self-defense and self-determination,” Huey Freeman, another march organizer said. “We believe that we can police ourselves and bring security to our own communities.”

According to Dallas News, Freeman said Wednesday’s marchers planned to patronize several South Dallas businesses to keep their money in the community and teach their neighbors about their “right to self-defense.”

“We need to arm ourselves, not to attack anybody, but in self-defense,” Darrin X, a representative of the New Black Panther Party said.. “We can’t let people just come into our community, whether they are law enforcement or not, and just gun our people down and there is no accountability.”

Dallas police officers appeared to follow the demonstrators in unmarked police cars. A spokeswoman for the police department said that it’s standard protocol.

It was only a matter of time before Open Carry caught on to the rest of the gun nuts.

Watch courtesy of WFAA:

H/T: My BFF @ComgenKDT with thanks.

Images: WFAA


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196 responses to Black Open Carry Advocates Marched In Dallas

  1. Paul Shalikashvili August 27th, 2014 at 16:01

    Good. I hope Blacks in America influence their favorite Democratic party to stop this criminal gun control agenda. Blacks need to be armed more than other groups.

    • Brandon Bowers August 29th, 2014 at 16:34

      No. They need to be armed as well as the other groups. No more, no less.

  2. Paul Shalikashvili August 27th, 2014 at 16:01

    Good. I hope Blacks in America influence their favorite Democratic party to stop this criminal gun control agenda. Blacks need to be armed more than other groups.

    • BB August 29th, 2014 at 16:34

      No. They need to be armed as well as the other groups. No more, no less.

  3. Jeffrey Coley August 29th, 2014 at 16:57

    Why does everybody assume that OCT is upset about this? They’re probably tickled pink.

    I know I am, watching all the anti-gun haters try and spin this as a bad development.

    • Bryan August 29th, 2014 at 17:18

      OCT supports all legal open carry, according to their members.

    • cattnipp January 17th, 2015 at 14:12

      actually they are not thrilled—– they were met on their much publicized march through the 5th ward and told to keep out….. that the black neighborhood did not desire to be TAUGHT about gun rights and ‘stand your ground’ by a bunch of racists who had already said they were AFRAID they would be harmed so they brought extra guns—– when it was made clear they were matched gun-for-gun the OC white boys turned tail……

      • Tony January 20th, 2015 at 00:45

        Wow! Cattnipp you are the king of spin and ignorance! The mixed race group OCT is happy to see the people of Texas exercise their god given right to carry. As far as the race baiters in the 5th ward, no one was scared and ‘turned tail’, OCT members left because they were told the walk would be in bad taste because of the shooting in Ferguson Mo. Out of respect, the walk was held at a later date. Haters got to hate.

        • Candide Thirtythree January 21st, 2015 at 00:20

          How have you not been banned yet?

  4. Bryan August 29th, 2014 at 17:18

    OCT supports all legal open carry, according to their members.

  5. Bryan August 29th, 2014 at 17:21

    The 2nd Amendment doesn’t say “the right of the WHITE people to keep and bear arms”. Racists can try to spin this all day, but I think this is awesome.

  6. Bryan August 29th, 2014 at 17:21

    The 2nd Amendment doesn’t say “the right of the WHITE people to keep and bear arms”. Racists can try to spin this all day, but I think this is awesome.

  7. Talentino Max August 29th, 2014 at 19:35

    Good for them, as a white male and avid 2nd amendment supporter, I applaud their actions. No doubt wonder bread wussy bitch liberals are gonna try to spin this as some racial bullshit between white gun owners and black ones. Sorry not falling for it.

  8. Talentino Max August 29th, 2014 at 19:35

    Good for them, as a white male and avid 2nd amendment supporter, I applaud their actions. No doubt wonder bread wussy bitch liberals are gonna try to spin this as some racial bullshit between white gun owners and black ones. Sorry not falling for it.

  9. Rosie Goldfarb August 30th, 2014 at 16:34

    Talentino, on the contrary. Liberals love this. It’s the tea partiers and old school redneck NRA nuts who are going to get super uncomfortable super fast. I say what’s good enough for the redneck NRA nuts is good for the disenfranchised black man.

  10. Rosie Goldfarb August 30th, 2014 at 16:34

    Talentino, on the contrary. Liberals love this. It’s the tea partiers and old school redneck NRA nuts who are going to get super uncomfortable super fast. I say what’s good enough for the redneck NRA nuts is good for the disenfranchised black man.

  11. cattnipp January 17th, 2015 at 15:12

    actually they are not thrilled—– they were met on their much publicized march through the 5th ward and told to keep out….. that the black neighborhood did not desire to be TAUGHT about gun rights and ‘stand your ground’ by a bunch of racists who had already said they were AFRAID they would be harmed so they brought extra guns—– when it was made clear they were matched gun-for-gun the OC white boys turned tail……

    • Candide Thirtythree January 21st, 2015 at 01:20

      How have you not been banned yet?

  12. Black Mass July 1st, 2015 at 19:43

    I wonder how the NRA feels? lol

  13. Black Mass July 1st, 2015 at 19:44

    I take it you believe there should not be an open-carry law.

    • greenfloyd July 2nd, 2015 at 00:49

      I haven’t studied the laws enough to give you an informed opinion on “open carry.” Of course there is the law, and then there is reality.

      We all have a natural right to defend ourselves, our families and each other when under attack. And it’s clear to me young black men especially are under attack almost from every direction; that they would as a group take to arms seems only natural and I just wonder what took them so long. So I think it comes down to context and purpose.

      From videos I’ve seen white open-carry “activists” act rude, immature and often do not follow proper gun-safety protocol. They claim it’s their 1st Amendment right. I tell them “You can’t defend the 2nd, by abusing the 1st.” They are obviously not part of any “well regulated Militia.”

      In contrast these young black men seem to comport themselves in an orderly, respectful and military manner appropriate to this ceremonial presentation of arms. So, I think they have justified context, although I’m not so sure about “purpose?”

  14. mcalleyboy July 1st, 2015 at 19:51

    I support them and anyone who protects their life, you don’t need laws for common sense, what’s the other option, standing in a parking lot and proclaiming “F” you murders but no weapon…gays are funny beyond belief.

  15. mcalleyboy July 1st, 2015 at 19:53

    Why would an open carry or concealed advocate be against this? Makes no sense. I’ve watched a few YouTube video’s where the carry concealed black man saved his life, good on him and I support that action 100%, I don’t support weak and feeble minded individuals that cower.

  16. mcalleyboy July 1st, 2015 at 19:55

    A voice of reason, no kidding, I’m with you and Liberals once again making it a race war not criminal, thug and murder vs citizen issue.

  17. mcalleyboy July 1st, 2015 at 19:57

    So anyone that’s white and open carry is a racist? Locking guns in safes makes absolutely no sense, especially if someone knocking down your door, admit it your anti-gun and have no clue how to use a gun.

    • Candide Thirtythree January 14th, 2016 at 14:26

      Let me tell you little boy… guns are tools, not toys…you do not go around WEARING them like a fashion statement, so much redneck bling…you respect the tools.

      I have guns, several have been passed down for generations since almost everyone in my family was at one point in the military.

      The dogs and the alarm will warn me in plenty of time to get a gun if I need it.

      I am not a coward so I am not afraid to walk the streets of America… I am sorry that you live in fear, so much fear that you cannot function without a gun…but that does not give you the right to terrorize everyone around you with your silly guns.

      • mcalleyboy January 14th, 2016 at 19:26

        I agree with you, I never open carried because you give away your back up or secret but some friends that I have talked with basically think it’s a deterrent. The goofy photos of men and some women carrying large rifles is just a protest because how else can they show their weapons to the public.

        Failing to prepare for an event that may or may not happen is not to smart but hey not everyone has the guts to pull the trigger, they feel that talking with a drug out and mental damaged brained individual is the answer and… LOL God bless you and all your talking, playing dead and sympathizing skills, I’m sure they’ll listen?

        I can no longer carry my Glock (retired US Navy) because I’m no an immigrant in SE Asia, it’s not allowed and becoming a citizen here is very difficult.

        • Candide Thirtythree January 14th, 2016 at 22:00

          It is called situational awareness…I am sure you recognize the term. There is no sense in taking stupid risks or living in fear.

          If you are gonna get taken out by some nutter at the local I-Hop or while you are sitting in a Poli-Sci class, then there is not much you can do about that, gun or no gun so it is not worth losing sleep over.

          The rest of the time just being aware of where you are and what type of people are likely to be around is enough to keep you safe.

          America has more guns than any country on the planet, more guns than people and all those guns have never made us safer, in fact they have made us the least safe civilized country in the world. I bet we have more gun deaths than MOST of the 3rd world countries too. Probably have more gun deaths than some of those countries that are currently at war.

          All those ammosexuals strutting around, wearing an AK like a piece of jewelry are the same kind of people who refuse to secure their weapons and end up losing a kid or 2 because of it. They are also the ones who get drunk and kill a friend or family member over the last slice of pizza or for leaving their clothes in the washing machine.

  18. tracey marie January 14th, 2016 at 21:05

    The white guys are NOT followed but cheered.

  19. tracey marie January 14th, 2016 at 21:06

    hey puss, you need to learn to troll better then that.

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