Robin Williams Partly Killed By Alimony

Posted by | August 17, 2014 15:21 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Top Stories

Linda Stasi reports in the New York Daily News that Robin Williams was paying $30 million in alimony, and that burden contributed to his death.

While states are finally, gradually catching up to the modern age in terms of alimony (now they call it “maintenance” — as in “high maintenance”) the practice of men paying women because they once were married is not just primitive but, yes, sexist.

Yeah, go ahead, call me anti-feminist, call me whatever you want, but the truth is alimony (which is different from child support and fair distribution of assets acquired during the marriage) doesn’t mean the non-working spouse is entitled to live as high as the Kardashians. It’s that concept that is fundamentally anti-feminist.

Stasi recounts here own history:

No, I’m not talking out of my head. I’m talking as a formerly divorced, unemployed woman who didn’t ask for alimony, just a fair amount of child support for our then-2-year-old daughter, which never happened anyway.

And thank God for it. Had I been “maintained,” I would never have found my own way in the world. I wouldn’t have written books at night as a side-job, I would never have fought against sexism to be given decent assignments, and my daughter would have had a “maintained” mother as opposed to an ambitious one as an example…

Despite all the love in his present, all Williams saw was what the past had cost him and what the future would bring. As he once said, “Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money,’ but they changed it to ‘alimony.’ It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet.”

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

35 responses to Robin Williams Partly Killed By Alimony

  1. twocents August 19th, 2014 at 21:50

    What a load. Divorce comes before alimony so if things were so great it wouldnt have come to that. Was he not the “breadwinner”? Men have always been in control so they’ve had to pay for their women like their other servants. Thank god he didnt take the modern remedy and just kill his exes and kids.

  2. disqus_Pb08cMVY2B September 8th, 2014 at 00:28

    So the f what if they were married for however long. After the marriage, the perks end on both sides. She’s no longer obligated to have sex, show love, do choose for, or in any way care for her ex spouse, yet he is obligated to maintain all the perks of being married? Where the f did these laws come from? She should appreciate that she had it as well as she did for the time she did. Child support is fair, alimony is mere lottery entitlement.

  3. disqus_Pb08cMVY2B September 8th, 2014 at 00:28

    So the f what if they were married for however long. After the marriage, the perks end on both sides. She’s no longer obligated to have sex, show love, do choose for, or in any way care for her ex spouse, yet he is obligated to maintain all the perks of being married? Where the f did these laws come from? She should appreciate that she had it as well as she did for the time she did. Child support is fair, alimony is mere lottery entitlement.

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