Black Community To Open Carry Texas: ‘You Are Not Welcome Here’

Posted by | August 14, 2014 09:31 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

It’s not like we didn’t warn them. Open Carry Texas had this nifty plan to march in Houston’s Fifth Ward, a predominately black area. The braintrusts from the Open Carry group created so much tension at a meeting over their plans to hold a gun protest there on Saturday that one person shouted, “You are not welcome here today or Saturday.” That sentiment appeared to be unanimous among the people of that community.


It was one side against the other: The Open Carry group with their fearless leader C.J. Grisham, and on the other sat the largely African American community concerned over the demonstration.

“We think that an armed society is a polite society,” Grisham said. “We want to encourage citizens in the Fifth Ward to take back their community from the criminal element.”

Don’t you just love a bunch of mostly white guys marching into a black neighborhood with long guns strapped to their backs, telling another community how to live?

KHOU reports:

The meeting was organized to discuss Open Carry’s plans for the upcoming demonstration. In the past, participants have openly displayed their shotguns in protest over current state laws that prohibit Texans from openly carrying handguns. And even though the gathering began with handshakes, emotions rapidly boiled over as opponents questioned the group’s motives and accused them of being racist.

“We have a bad history with white men who would come into the 5th ward with guns in the name of a lynch mob,” activist Quanell X said.

Houston police stood nearby to watch as both sides squared off.

It got this bad: There were a few Open Carry opponents displaying their own weapons and urged the group to cancel their plans.

“All they’re trying to do is provoke these young people,” Kathy Daniels, the president of the local civic club said. “We’re trying to settle this. We don’t want them here period.”

Still yet, Grisham is not backing down.

“If people tell you not to exercise a right, do you not exercise that right?” Grisham asked.

According to Grisham, members of his group will discuss possibly altering some of their tactics but still planned to gather there on Saturday.

Grisham cancelled the last event to be held in the Fifth Ward because he decided instead to speak at a John Birch Society meeting. He called me the biggest liar on the Internet, until I produced a  picture on Twitter of him speaking at that same event, which his own wife posted. Still yet, I’m a liar, he said.

Guys, if you want to get to know the people of the Fifth Ward, the best idea is to go unarmed. I live in such an area. Instead of being told, “You’re not welcome here,” I was welcomed with open arms. I did not move here brandishing weapons. I came here with good intentions, not an agenda.

Watch courtesy of KHOU:

As for ‘An armed society is a polite society,’ as Grisham claims, I’ll just leave you with this picture of Open Carry activists from March of this year.

Doesn’t that image just scream “polite society”?

H/T: My BFF @ComgenKDT with thanks.

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86 responses to Black Community To Open Carry Texas: ‘You Are Not Welcome Here’

  1. Orland724 August 14th, 2014 at 17:45

    These stupid people are nothing but an embarrassment to the country.

    • StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:55

      True, they should respect the right of those who wish to peacefully and lawfully assemble to exercise their right to free speech.

  2. Orland724 August 14th, 2014 at 17:45

    These stupid people are nothing but an embarrassment to the country.

    • StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:55

      True, they should respect the right of those who wish to peacefully and lawfully assemble to exercise their right to free speech.

  3. Jennifer Williams August 14th, 2014 at 18:23

    “we can educate our own people” says Quanell X. This statement just confirms that X, like many other activists, are the ones who seek to perpetuate the “us versus them” mentality in an effort to keep racial division alive. If they let it die the natural death it’s headed for, they lose the spotlight and their paychecks and, unfortunately, they are not going to allow that to happen. On the original topic, why doesn’t X want the residents of the Fifth Ward educated about their right to bear arms? Shouldn’t he, as their self-proclaimed advocate, want them to be empowered with accurate knowledge about all of their constitutional rights?

    • skohayes August 14th, 2014 at 19:46

      That is the entire problem- they don’t NEED to be educated about the Second Amendment.
      Why don’t you and those idiots GET THAT??

      • Jennifer Williams August 14th, 2014 at 22:18

        You make that assumption in spite of X’s statement suggests they do…he just doesn’t want non-blacks to do it.

        You obviously missed that my main point wasn’t even about guns, it was about people like X, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who’s self
        importance and paycheck depend on perpetuating racial division.

        Your name calling is typical of a liberal who wants to incite hostility rather than engage in intelligent and reasonable discourse.

        • StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:54

          Jennifer the irrational extremist partisanship like skohayes has is the biggest problem America has. Hatred spewing sheeple on both side are dragging America down.

  4. Jennifer Williams August 14th, 2014 at 18:23

    “we can educate our own people” says Quanell X. This statement just confirms that X, like many other activists, are the ones who seek to perpetuate the “us versus them” mentality in an effort to keep racial division alive. If they let it die the natural death it’s headed for, they lose the spotlight and their paychecks and, unfortunately, they are not going to allow that to happen. On the original topic, why doesn’t X want the residents of the Fifth Ward educated about their right to bear arms? Shouldn’t he, as their self-proclaimed advocate, want them to be empowered with accurate knowledge about all of their constitutional rights?

    • skohayes August 14th, 2014 at 19:46

      That is the entire problem- they don’t NEED to be educated about the Second Amendment.
      Why don’t you and those idiots GET THAT??

      • Jennifer Williams August 14th, 2014 at 22:18

        You make that assumption in spite of X’s statement suggestion that they do…he just doesn’t want non-blacks to do it.

        You obviously missed that my point wasn’t even about guns, it was about people like X, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who’s self
        importance and paycheck depend on perpetuating racial division. Yes, I am a gun owner, avid target shooter and CHL holder, but that doesn’t equate to agreeing with this particular open carry group’s ideas.

        Your name calling is typical of a liberal who wants to incite hostility rather than engage in intelligent and reasonable discourse.

        • StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:54

          Jennifer the irrational extremist partisanship like skohayes has is the biggest problem America has. Hatred spewing sheeple on both side are dragging America down.

  5. cecilia August 14th, 2014 at 18:34

    idiots waving guns around aren’t welcome in my neighborhood either.

  6. cecilia August 14th, 2014 at 18:34

    idiots waving guns around aren’t welcome in my neighborhood either.

  7. Chuck Bradley August 14th, 2014 at 19:42

    These Stupid people are going to get someone shot by doing things like this and by doing so will cause a wave of fallout amongst Moderates who believe in the second amendment but think people like these are dangerous. Then we will get new gun laws passed just to protect citizens from Idiots walking around with a M-16 on there back instead of carrying a reasonable pistol on there hip. Arrogant People that feel the need to carry assault weapons just to prove a point will cause such a backlash that voters will force extreme new laws through and we will loose the liberal laws we now enjoy. DONT FU*K WITH THE RIGHTS I ENJOY BY BEING STUPID!!!!

    • Robert Leslie August 14th, 2014 at 21:15

      Its not about guns…this is about racism. If a white person spoke like that to a black person, it would be considered extremely racist

      • StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:52

        Correct Robert L. Let whites protest a black panther march and the whites would be called intolerant, redneck racists.

  8. Chuck Bradley August 14th, 2014 at 19:42

    These Stupid people are going to get someone shot by doing things like this and by doing so will cause a wave of fallout amongst Moderates who believe in the second amendment but think people like these are dangerous. Then we will get new gun laws passed just to protect citizens from Idiots walking around with a M-16 on there back instead of carrying a reasonable pistol on there hip. Arrogant People that feel the need to carry assault weapons just to prove a point will cause such a backlash that voters will force extreme new laws through and we will loose the liberal laws we now enjoy. DONT FU*K WITH THE RIGHTS I ENJOY BY BEING STUPID!!!!

    • Robert Leslie August 14th, 2014 at 21:15

      Its not about guns…this is about racism. If a white person spoke like that to a black person, it would be considered extremely racist

      • StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:52

        Correct Robert L. Let whites protest a black panther march and the whites would be called intolerant, redneck racists.

  9. Mike B August 14th, 2014 at 19:47

    I wouldnt want a bunch of idiot rednecks openly carrying guns around in my neighborhood either!

  10. SkeeterVT August 14th, 2014 at 19:50

    This will likely get very ugly and not end well — ESPECIALLY in the wake of what’s happening in Ferguson, Missouri.

  11. SkeeterVT August 14th, 2014 at 19:50

    This will likely get very ugly and not end well — ESPECIALLY in the wake of what’s happening in Ferguson, Missouri.

  12. Chuck Bradley August 14th, 2014 at 20:03

    Just because your allowed to do something does not always mean you should. Use common sense people before you screw it up for everyone!

  13. Chuck Bradley August 14th, 2014 at 20:03

    Just because your allowed to do something does not always mean you should. Use common sense people before you screw it up for everyone!

  14. Clearwater1948 August 14th, 2014 at 21:27

    To say this is ludicrous would be an understatement.

  15. Clearwater1948 August 14th, 2014 at 21:27

    To say this is ludicrous would be an understatement.

  16. Strega August 14th, 2014 at 22:11

    This will end badly.

  17. Strega August 14th, 2014 at 22:11

    This will end badly.

  18. JeffreyPtr August 15th, 2014 at 09:53

    Conflict is inevitable, a diverse population sees different answers to a problem and all insist on exercising their rights to push their particular solution. You have a right to carry a gun, I have a right to be offended (afraid, or any other emotion), there is no way we’re both going to win on this.

  19. JeffreyPtr August 15th, 2014 at 09:53

    Conflict is inevitable, a diverse population sees different answers to a problem and all insist on exercising their rights to push their particular solution. You have a right to carry a gun, I have a right to be offended (afraid, or any other emotion), there is no way we’re both going to win on this.

  20. StevePage August 15th, 2014 at 13:45

    If whites protested a black panther march they’d be labeled racists rednecks. Blacks get a pass.
    It’s sad to see that America is so divided by this kind of thing.

    • Kohene Moore August 15th, 2014 at 19:20

      Remember the black panthers tried the open carry thing and we’re systematically murdered and jailed by the F.B.I. because they refused to lay down and be beaten Like all of the other “peaceful protesters” of the civil rights movement and we’re seen as a threat by a openly racist F.B.I. DIRECTOR. and those protest happened in black communities not at a key rally

      • StevePage August 19th, 2014 at 10:45

        That was a unconstitutional as what the black community is doing to the open carry guys. Black or white we all have rights and one person’s bad choices do not justify another person’s bad choices. We’re supposed to be adults and not little kids trying to get even.

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