Creationist Ken Ham: ‘Atheist TV’ Is Evidence Of Intolerance To Christians

Posted by | August 2, 2014 18:41 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Creationist Ken Ham, the founder of Answers in Genesis, is not very pleased with the premiere of Atheist TV this week, the world’s first atheism-based television network. On his blog, Ham writes, “Atheists are increasingly becoming more active and intentional in preaching their religion of godlessness. I’ve always found it fascinating how they think their purpose is to impose their message that there is no purpose onto people!”

Atheists feel the same way about evangelicals. Spot the difference (there is none):

“It is incredible that atheists spend so much time, effort, and money arguing against Someone that they don’t even believe exists!,” he writes. “Where are all their books, websites, and magazines that argue against the mythical Easter Bunny? This is because they do know God exists but they are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.”

Atheist TV offers its content free-of-charge, delivering it through Roku, a streaming video service that brings Internet programming to customers’ TV sets, according to The Blaze.

Ham claims the initiative is evidence of “the growing intolerance towards Christianity in particular — and other religions.”

Apparently, only one opinion should be tolerated.

Won’t someone think of the children?

He adds, “Sadly, this new TV channel is not just targeting adults with a hopeless message of godlessness, but they are also trying to indoctrinate children into an atheistic worldview.”

The indoctrination of children by evangelicals is probably what Ham meant to point to.

“Laws of logic shouldn’t exist in a completely random materialistic universe that the atheists believe in — and yet they do!,” he added. I have no idea what that means in reference to the topic but I’m sure it’s totes important.  I’m sure it could be applied to his theory that the world is only 7,000 years-old and humans coexisted with Dinosaurs, though.

H/T: LL’s own RJ Carter with thanks.

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104 responses to Creationist Ken Ham: ‘Atheist TV’ Is Evidence Of Intolerance To Christians

  1. Dwendt44 August 2nd, 2014 at 20:59

    Much like ‘Creationism’, Ham is wrong about most everything else too.
    Atheism is not a religion, it’s the absence of religion. And you don’t need a god to have a purpose in life.
    What purpose does a christian have? To be a slave to a religion that doesn’t even follow their own holy book/

    • burqa August 8th, 2014 at 23:23

      Wrong about what Christians get from their faith.
      But it’s fun following a crowd of bigots, isn’t it?

  2. Dwendt44 August 2nd, 2014 at 20:59

    Much like ‘Creationism’, Ham is wrong about most everything else too.
    Atheism is not a religion, it’s the absence of religion. And you don’t need a god to have a purpose in life.
    What purpose does a christian have? To be a slave to a religion that doesn’t even follow their own holy book/

    • burqa August 8th, 2014 at 23:23

      Wrong about what Christians get from their faith.
      But it’s fun following a crowd of bigots, isn’t it?

  3. M D Reese August 2nd, 2014 at 21:13

    Atheists and non-believers are a growing segment of of our society. If one lousy TV station by and for atheists is a threat to your faith, then that’s YOUR problem, not ours. I don’t know about the rest of you, but my cable package has at least 10 openly christian channels and another 21 or so that rerun sappy “family” programs from the way-back machine as well as religious services all weekend. On balance, there are ZERO channels for atheists.

    • anthonyadams August 3rd, 2014 at 16:28

      Their religious conviction are not very strong if they feel so threated by others who do not embrace their fold.

      • M D Reese August 5th, 2014 at 11:53

        Their convictions are based on lies and fantasies–I just don’t feel like coddling their fee-fees anymore.

    • P. A. nichols August 3rd, 2014 at 21:28

      I was also thinking about decades of numerous “Christian” networks and how fearful they must be of rationality that 1 measly atheist network makes them afraid. Some do believe ignorance is bliss…

      • M D Reese August 5th, 2014 at 11:55

        They count on ignorance to stay in business. That’s partly what’s behind the home-school and charter school push.

        • P. A. nichols August 6th, 2014 at 12:52

          Most definitely. And even after losing every court battle on inserting creationism into public schools, home & charters are next line of attack. Bad enough they dumb down textbooks countrywide by targeting Texas’ big market.

          • M D Reese August 7th, 2014 at 21:54

            They want to use public money to do it, too.

  4. M D Reese August 2nd, 2014 at 21:13

    Atheists and non-believers are a growing segment of of our society. If one lousy TV station by and for atheists is a threat to your faith, then that’s YOUR problem, not ours. I don’t know about the rest of you, but my cable package has at least 10 openly christian channels and another 21 or so that rerun sappy “family” programs from the way-back machine as well as religious services all weekend. On balance, there are ZERO channels for atheists.

    • anthonyadams August 3rd, 2014 at 16:28

      Their religious conviction are not very strong if they feel so threated by others who do not embrace their fold.

      • M D Reese August 5th, 2014 at 11:53

        Their convictions are based on lies and fantasies–I just don’t feel like coddling their fee-fees anymore.

    • P. A. nichols August 3rd, 2014 at 21:28

      I was also thinking about decades of numerous “Christian” networks and how fearful they must be of rationality that 1 measly atheist network makes them afraid. Some do believe ignorance is bliss…

      • M D Reese August 5th, 2014 at 11:55

        They count on ignorance to stay in business. That’s partly what’s behind the home-school and charter school push.

        • P. A. nichols August 6th, 2014 at 12:52

          Most definitely. And even after losing every court battle on inserting creationism into public schools, home & charters are next line of attack. Bad enough they dumb down textbooks countrywide by targeting Texas’ big market.

          • M D Reese August 7th, 2014 at 21:54

            They want to use public money to do it, too.

  5. MIAtheistGal August 3rd, 2014 at 08:24

    Awww, someone was feeling lonely, so he had to try to make himself relevant again. What a bunch of nonsense that came out of his mouth!

  6. MIAtheistGal August 3rd, 2014 at 08:24

    Awww, someone was feeling lonely, so he had to try to make himself relevant again. What a bunch of nonsense that came out of his mouth!

  7. anthonyadams August 3rd, 2014 at 16:27

    Atheists “imposing their message” on others? So he thins not that HE is doing just that? The more these radical “Christians” claim there is a war against them, the more people get turned off and oppose them. I used to be a Christian until so many Christians and their churches stopped following the teachings of Jesus. I believe in God….but not in religion.

  8. anthonyadams August 3rd, 2014 at 16:27

    Atheists “imposing their message” on others? So he thins not that HE is doing just that? The more these radical “Christians” claim there is a war against them, the more people get turned off and oppose them. I used to be a Christian until so many Christians and their churches stopped following the teachings of Jesus. I believe in God….but not in religion.

  9. JamesMMartin August 3rd, 2014 at 22:36

    Oh, boy, have we been saying this for years about the religionists, I must suppose it is turn about, fair play. Are Christians supposed to carry grudges? I don’t think Jesus would approve of this guy.

  10. JamesMMartin August 3rd, 2014 at 22:36

    Oh, boy, have we been saying this for years about the religionists, I must suppose it is turn about, fair play. Are Christians supposed to carry grudges? I don’t think Jesus would approve of this guy.

  11. donschneider August 4th, 2014 at 10:30

    We’ve had to tolerate flipping through myriad christian evangelical tv listings for years. We’ve had to explain to our young children growing up why these ranting preachers proclaim hatred of anyone who disagrees with them. Well now it is our good christian neighbors turn ! Of course they cannot just flip past such a single TV offering, they find it necessary, as always, to attempt to silence dissenters to their hateful cults. We are here to stay and no amount of ranting and raving by mealy mouthed hate mongers will scare us away !

  12. donschneider August 4th, 2014 at 10:30

    We’ve had to tolerate flipping through myriad christian evangelical tv listings for years. We’ve had to explain to our young children growing up why these ranting preachers proclaim hatred of anyone who disagrees with them. Well now it is our good christian neighbors turn ! Of course they cannot just flip past such a single TV offering, they find it necessary, as always, to attempt to silence dissenters to their hateful cults. We are here to stay and no amount of ranting and raving by mealy mouthed hate mongers will scare us away !

  13. burqa August 8th, 2014 at 23:18

    I wish them well with their venture. They have freedom of speech and it seems to be an underserved market.
    Not having watched the channel, I have no opinion on the content. One hopes it is positive and uplifting and not just a bunch of cranks sitting around being anti-faith bigots, spreading the sort of false stereotypes we see in forums such as this. Ham is correct about the intolerance but some seem to think if the Right is going to harbor bigots, then the Left should harbor bigots of their own.
    This is a major reason bigotry persists as it does.
    The racists and Muslim-haters know they can find safe haven on the Right and the Christian-haters and Jew-haters know their form of bigotry will receive acceptance from many on the Left.
    Meanwhile, both sides hurl accusations of hypocrisy at the other when one side points out the bigots on the other side.
    We would be a lot better off if both sides decided to unload their bigots so the other side has a monopoly on bigotry. With criticism everywhere they go, I think a lot of bigots would figure out that hatred of this sort is just plain wrong, even if the crowd applauds.

  14. burqa August 8th, 2014 at 23:18

    I wish them well with their venture. Obviously they have freedom of speech and it seems to be an underserved market.
    Not having watched the channel, I have no opinion on the content. One hopes it is positive and uplifting and not just a bunch of cranks sitting around being anti-faith bigots, spreading the sort of hatred and false stereotypes we see in forums such as this. Ham is correct about the intolerance. Some seem to think if the Right is going to harbor bigots, then the Left should harbor bigots of their own.
    This is a major reason bigotry persists as it does.
    The racists and Muslim-haters know they can find safe haven on the Right and the Christian-haters and Jew-haters know their form of bigotry will receive acceptance from many on the Left.
    Meanwhile, both sides hurl accusations of hypocrisy at the other when one side points out the bigots on the other side.
    We would be a lot better off if both sides decided to unload their bigots so the other side has a monopoly on bigotry. With criticism everywhere they go, I think a lot of bigots would figure out that hatred of this sort is just plain wrong, even if the crowd applauds.

  15. Paul Peterson September 6th, 2014 at 21:19

    Why is that when non-Christians finally decide to stop putting up with the religion hoax being pushed down their throats that christians think it is intolerant? But the Christian pushing their dogma on everyone else is just “spreading the gospel” so therefore it’s a good thing. Can someone say “Double Standard”?

  16. Paul Peterson September 6th, 2014 at 21:19

    Why is that when non-Christians finally decide to stop putting up with the religion hoax being pushed down their throats that christians think it is intolerant? But the Christian pushing their dogma on everyone else is just “spreading the gospel” so therefore it’s a good thing. Can someone say “Double Standard”?

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