House Leader Refuses To Answer Direct Question On Impeachment

Posted by | July 27, 2014 16:40 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana refused to answer directly if he supports impeaching President Obama when asked on FOX News Sunday.

CHRIS WALLACE (HOST): Impeachment is off the table?

SCALISE: The White House wants to talk about impeachment and they’re trying to fund raise off that, too.

WALLACE: I’m asking you, sir.

SCALISE: The White House will do anything they can to change the topic away from the president’s failed agenda. People paying higher costs for food, for well health care, for gas at the pump. The president isn’t softballing the problems. We’re going to try to solve problems for everyday people. I would like to see the president engaged in that, too, that’s his job, but he wants to change the topic, talk about things like that.

But it was Scalise who avoided the topic at hand, as he refused to state his position on the “i” word.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

24 responses to House Leader Refuses To Answer Direct Question On Impeachment

  1. Carla Akins July 27th, 2014 at 16:58

    Oh, the irony.

  2. Carla Akins July 27th, 2014 at 16:58

    Oh, the irony.

  3. NW10 July 27th, 2014 at 17:14

  4. (((NW10,PATRIOT! ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ))) July 27th, 2014 at 17:14

  5. Obewon July 27th, 2014 at 17:15

    Repubs were so misled. Now they’re stuck feigning impeachment based upon “Issa’s 0 indictments” after 50 weeks of hearings per year. Talk about GOP flatulence. GWB’s 2008 U.S. record “gas prices” vs today’s gas prices that have been dropping since April 2014.

  6. Obewon July 27th, 2014 at 17:15

    Repubs are so misled. Now they’re stuck feigning impeachment based upon “Issa’s 0 indictments” after 50 weeks of hearings per year. Talk about GOP flatulence, GWB’s 2008 U.S. record “gas prices” vs today’s gas prices that continue dropping since April 2014. GOP loons lost the news cycle by crying wolf too many times, always being debunked by reality, and never having any realistic solutions to offer anything but their lone drumbeat of ‘tax cuts for billionaires.’

  7. majii July 27th, 2014 at 18:34

    My dearly departed parents would describe Scalise’s attempt to avoid answering the impeachment question as an example of a person who is “chicken, guts, feathers and all”, meaning he’s the worst kind of coward. He knows full well if the House voted to impeach President Obama, he’d be onboard, even if he knows there’s no reason to do so. He’s such a spineless coward that in order to remain in the good graces of the GOPTP supporters, he’d vote to impeach the president. He doesn’t have the courage to tell them that there are no grounds for impeachment, so he pretends he didn’t hear the question Wallace asked him and punts to “blame the president for the things republicans won’t do” mode. Imho, there are way too many Americans who refuse to hold members of Congress responsible for governing the nation. They listen to liars like Scalise tell them that running everything at the national level is this president’s responsibility, and if/when the president does try to get things done that GOPTPers in Congress won’t act on, they sue him, claim he’s “lawless,” and infer to their supporters that he should be impeached for doing them.

    • Hirightnow July 27th, 2014 at 19:50

      My sainted maternal grandparents are inviting your parents over for drinks.
      (They raised bunches of chickens…which at the time seemed ginormous to a 4 year old Hirightnow…))

  8. majii July 27th, 2014 at 18:34

    My dearly departed parents would describe Scalise’s attempt to avoid answering the impeachment question as an example of a person who is “chicken, guts, feathers and all”, meaning he’s the worst kind of coward. He knows full well if the House voted to impeach President Obama, he’d be onboard, even if he knows there’s no reason to do so. He’s such a spineless coward that in order to remain in the good graces of the GOPTP supporters, he’d vote to impeach the president. He doesn’t have the courage to tell them that there are no grounds for impeachment, so he pretends he didn’t hear the question Wallace asked him and punts to “blame the president for the things republicans won’t do” mode. Imho, there are way too many Americans who refuse to hold members of Congress responsible for governing the nation. They listen to liars like Scalise tell them that running everything at the national level is this president’s responsibility, and if/when the president does try to get things done that GOPTPers in Congress won’t act on, they sue him, claim he’s “lawless,” and infer to their supporters that he should be impeached for doing them.

    • Hirightnow July 27th, 2014 at 19:50

      My sainted maternal grandparents are inviting your parents over for drinks.
      (They raised bunches of chickens…which at the time seemed ginormous to a 4 year old Hirightnow…))

  9. Suzanne McFly July 27th, 2014 at 18:48

    “The White House wants to talk about impeachment and they’re trying to fund raise off that, too” Waaaaaait a minute, am I in the wrong universe again? Up is down and black is white? Damn it, when am I going to learn to put the wine glass down?

  10. Suzanne McFly July 27th, 2014 at 18:48

    “The White House wants to talk about impeachment and they’re trying to fund raise off that, too” Waaaaaait a minute, am I in the wrong universe again? Up is down and black is white? Damn it, when am I going to learn to put the wine glass down?

  11. Jeffrey Samuels July 27th, 2014 at 19:00

    I seem to recall that during the Clinton administration, the republicans in congress each day would
    1. state that they weren’t interested impeachment, they just wanted the truth
    2. take the next inevitable step towards impeachment.

    Are we starting to see the same process at work again?

  12. junesxing July 27th, 2014 at 19:00

    I seem to recall that during the Clinton administration, the republicans in congress each day would
    1. state that they weren’t interested impeachment, they just wanted the truth
    2. take the next inevitable step towards impeachment.

    Are we starting to see the same process at work again?

  13. Linda1961 July 27th, 2014 at 19:12

    If he says that impeachment is off the table, he makes the gop base mad, even though there are no grounds for impeachment. If he says, sure, he thinks the president should be impeached, he risks losing the votes of all but the gop base. He doesn’t want to risk making anyone mad enough to either stay home on election day, or worse, to vote for Democrats on election day.

    The gop plan was to impeach President Obama after election day 2014, when they will have a larger majority in the House, and possibly the majority in the Senate (so they think). I doubt they care whether they have the votes in the Senate to remove President Obama from office, they just want to punish him for having the audacity of getting elected, and then reelected, as a Democrat.

    What is messing things up for them, are people like Sarah Palin openly calling for impeachment before the election. These days, she may be a joke to most people, but she was their 2008 VP nominee, and so if she mentions impeachment, the MSN will ask gopers currently in office about it.

    I doubt the gop will be as successful as they think that they will be on election day, and one reason is the impeachment talk. Keep talking Sarah!

  14. Linda1961 July 27th, 2014 at 19:12

    If he says that impeachment is off the table, he makes the gop base mad, even though there are no grounds for impeachment. If he says, sure, he thinks the president should be impeached, he risks losing the votes of all but the gop base. He doesn’t want to risk making anyone mad enough to either stay home on election day, or worse, to vote for Democrats on election day.

    The gop plan was to impeach President Obama after election day 2014, when they will have a larger majority in the House, and possibly the majority in the Senate (so they think). I doubt they care whether they have the votes in the Senate to remove President Obama from office, they just want to punish him for having the audacity of getting elected, and then reelected, as a Democrat.

    What is messing things up for them, are people like Sarah Palin openly calling for impeachment before the election. These days, she may be a joke to most people, but she was their 2008 VP nominee, and so if she mentions impeachment, the MSN will ask gopers currently in office about it.

    I doubt the gop will be as successful as they think that they will be on election day, and one reason is the impeachment talk. Keep talking Sarah!

  15. Tim Coolio July 27th, 2014 at 21:28

    They are out of material and grabbing at straws for firing up their base.

  16. Tim Coolio July 27th, 2014 at 21:28

    They are out of material and grabbing at straws for firing up their base.

  17. labman57 July 27th, 2014 at 22:10

    Most Republican politicos realize that their chest-thumping and fist-pounding about suing and/or impeaching Obama is little more than election-year political theatrics.

    However, there are some spotlight-seeking pundits and political wannabes who lack the intellectual insight necessary to understand that there is no legal foundation for a lawsuit and no rational justification for an impeachment, nor do they have any clue about what these processes actual entail.

    But hey, it makes for a great sound bite, so it’s all good.

  18. labman57 July 27th, 2014 at 22:10

    Most Republican politicos realize that their chest-thumping and fist-pounding about suing and/or impeaching Obama is little more than election-year political theatrics.

    However, there are some spotlight-seeking pundits and political wannabes who lack the intellectual insight necessary to understand that there is no legal foundation for a lawsuit and no rational justification for an impeachment, nor do they have any clue about what these processes actual entail.

    But hey, it makes for a great sound bite, so it’s all good.

  19. LiberalMD July 28th, 2014 at 00:29

    People are getting tired of the obstruction and impeachment agenda of the Republican Party and are wising up to the fact that their best interest is not being served by the Republicans. Then the Republicans will also have to figure out how to get the stupid people to the polls to vote(or figure out how to rig another election).

  20. LiberalMD July 28th, 2014 at 00:29

    People are getting tired of the obstruction and impeachment agenda of the Republican Party and are wising up to the fact that their best interest is not being served by the Republicans. Then the Republicans will also have to figure out how to get the stupid people to the polls to vote(or figure out how to rig another election).

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