Meet The Open Carry Nutjobs Who Will Hold An Anti-Child Refugee Protest Outside A Judge’s home

Posted by | July 24, 2014 21:30 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

An anti-child refugee event is planned for Saturday in Dallas which will be attended by many well known members of the Open Carry community. The group states on their Facebook page, “Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins proposed housing thousands of illegal immigrants in two facilities, one in the city of Dallas and another in Grand Prairie to help the Obama administration process the nearly 60,000 illegal immigrant children who have crossed the border since October of last year.”

The event page continues to say, “Jenkins, an enthusiastic donor and supporter of Obama and Obamacare, hosted 4 White House officials in June and actually offered to help with aiding the Invasion of the Illegals.”

Under one of the updates, suggestions for signs came in. According to the group, the rally will take place outside of the judge’s home. Heather writes,”Jenkins can house the illegals HERE.”

Jennifer writes, “Let’s get a food truck to stop by with tacos/ corn tortillas we can all eat in front of his house…”

A link to the conspiracy site WorldNetDaily was posted.  An Infowars link was also added with the added text,”EXCELLENT INFO!” (Republican caps, his)

Let’s take a look at some of the people attending the intrusive event.

This is Michelle Wood. She’s a Ron Paul supporting, Open Carry activist.


Kevn and Anna. Kevn is affiliated with Open Carry Texas.

Mike Openshaw and Mike Thompson are organizing the event.

Openshaw posted this image last August.

Mike Thompson’s Facebook profile image:


This attendee is Edgar Suarez. According to this image, he is part of Open Carry Tarrant County, one of the most extreme gun rights groups I’ve run across.


Edgar again:


Come And Take It Dailla, a group of gun rights extremists, protested on Saturday at Dealey Plaza — the very spot where a liberal hero was assassinated.  Liberland’s own, @CarlaAkin’s noted in the comment thread, “Just jump ahead to the 4 minute mark when he starts ranting about the British not celebrating the 4th of July. You won’t believe your ears.”

Gun rights were never at issue with these people. They dropped “Obamacare” and “Obama” in the event notice.

Their inherent hatred for others motivates them, even if it puts children who are fleeing from violence at risk. I’ll bet they are “pro-life,” too.

I wonder if the Judge has firearms in his home. They do reside in a Stand Your Ground state. Kat writes that she cannot attend but says, “I’m praying for my fellow patriots !! I love EACH of you!!!!!! God Bless U & God Bless America.”

Kat should really love this then. On the Statue of Liberty, it is written:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

The rally point for the event is Highland Park Middle School’s parking lot. It just had to be near a school, because freedom.

Big thanks to my tipster out there whose anonymity we shall respect here.

All images were obtained through social media on open pages, therefore, they are fair use. 

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland

50 responses to Meet The Open Carry Nutjobs Who Will Hold An Anti-Child Refugee Protest Outside A Judge’s home

  1. Shades July 24th, 2014 at 22:01

    Every time a person calls a child refugee an illegal alien, Jesus weeps.

  2. Shades July 24th, 2014 at 22:01

    Every time a person calls a child refugee an illegal alien, Jesus weeps.

  3. tiredoftea July 24th, 2014 at 22:06

    I love me some compassionate christians!

  4. tiredoftea July 24th, 2014 at 22:06

    I love me some compassionate christians!

  5. Carla Akins July 24th, 2014 at 22:07

    What exactly do they propose? If you set aside their hateful, racist ideology and only address the issue of these refugees. These children must be processed – It’s the LAW. In order to move this process along these children need to be housed, clothed and fed in a compassionate manner.

    • Eric Trommater July 24th, 2014 at 22:16

      From reading their posts it looks like they haven’t thought quite that far ahead. It seems more like a “get enough guns together and it will fix the problem by magic” type thing.

      • M A G July 25th, 2014 at 07:03

        Because in their ammosexual minds, guns fix everthin.

    • stormkite July 28th, 2014 at 00:02

      From the beginning, the laws were never meant to give rights to poor brown people. Any interpretation that does do that is invalid and that law is unConstitutional.

  6. Carla Akins July 24th, 2014 at 22:07

    What exactly do they propose? If you set aside their hateful, racist ideology and only address the issue of these refugees. These children must be processed – It’s the LAW. In order to move this process along these children need to be housed, clothed and fed in a compassionate manner.

    • Eric Trommater July 24th, 2014 at 22:16

      From reading their posts it looks like they haven’t thought quite that far ahead. It seems more like a “get enough guns together and it will fix the problem by magic” type thing.

      • MIAtheistGal July 25th, 2014 at 07:03

        Because in their ammosexual minds, guns fix everthin.

    • $19587871 July 28th, 2014 at 00:02

      From the beginning, the laws were never meant to give rights to poor brown people. Any interpretation that does do that is invalid and that law is unConstitutional.

  7. Eric Trommater July 24th, 2014 at 22:15

    Open carry xenophobic advocates who use cAPSLOCK and link to WND? Wow all they have to do is stop traffic and they will have hit every one of my pet peeves. It’s like one group just decided to everything that pisses me off on the same day.

  8. Eric Trommater July 24th, 2014 at 22:15

    Open carry xenophobic advocates who use cAPSLOCK and link to WND? Wow all they have to do is stop traffic and they will have hit every one of my pet peeves. It’s like one group just decided to everything that pisses me off on the same day.

  9. Tommy6860 July 24th, 2014 at 22:16

    Most of us know that this is extremism no matter how they claim their 2nd Amendment rights to making sure people keep they’re ‘freedums” (though nary a one of the wackos explain what that freedom is??) from child invaders, rife with the Ebola virus and Bubonic Plague scare. Anything to get the wing-nut uneducated Murican masses inflamed against what are clearly refugees, because they wallow in ignorance and they feed off the hate spewed on Fox News, WND, Alex Jones, aw hell, I can on and on. To put it this in perspective, I retweeted this bit of nastiness and this woman’s reply to me was “Racist??? (Note Jim Holt’s “Illegal children” asinine tweet which started it)”

    • Eric Trommater July 24th, 2014 at 22:18

      If people don’t live in fear they won’t vote Republican.

      • Obewon July 24th, 2014 at 22:45

        ‘If no & low info voters don’t live in fear, the uninformed won’t even vote Republican anymore.’ There goes the afraid party!

    • Anomaly 100 July 24th, 2014 at 22:28

      Jim Holt is a dunderhead. That type of propaganda is right up his alley.

      • Tommy6860 July 24th, 2014 at 22:29

        Ok you, sneaking in the euphemism “alley”, you can just say it :P

  10. Tommy6860 July 24th, 2014 at 22:16

    Most of us know that this is extremism no matter how they claim their 2nd Amendment rights to making sure people keep their ‘freedums” (though nary a one of the wackos explain what that freedom is??) from child invaders, rife with the Ebola virus and Bubonic Plague scare. Anything to get the wing-nut uneducated Murican masses inflamed against what are clearly refugees, because they wallow in ignorance and they feed off the hate spewed on Fox News, WND, Alex Jones, aw hell, I can on and on. To put it this in perspective, I retweeted this bit of nastiness and this woman’s reply to me was “Racist??? (Note Jim Holt’s “Illegal children” asinine tweet which started it)”

  11. fantagor July 24th, 2014 at 22:19

    Fearful small-minded dipsticks clinging to guns and God and gold. Meanwhile, the GOP moves heaven and earth to push them further to the margins financially and crush all possibility of ever retiring before death.

    Don’t tread on me! just tread all over my hopes and dreams.

    • fahvel July 25th, 2014 at 03:52

      absolutely perfectly said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. fantagor July 24th, 2014 at 22:19

    Fearful small-minded dipsticks clinging to guns and God and gold. Meanwhile, the GOP moves heaven and earth to push them further to the margins financially and crush all possibility of ever retiring before death.

    Don’t tread on me! just tread all over my hopes and dreams.

    • fahvel July 25th, 2014 at 03:52

      absolutely perfectly said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Um Cara July 25th, 2014 at 00:42

    I like these Dallas protestors better:

    What’s also encouraging is that at least the first several pages of comments on that page were positive. Hopefully the sane people in Dallas will stop these horrible, horrible people from WALKING AROUND WITH HIGH CAPACITY SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.

    • Suzanne McFly July 25th, 2014 at 10:26

      Great article and great pics, this story should be run front page in papers, that would COMPLETELY change the views people have of the state of Texas. It seems to those who don’t live there that the state is run by nuts and most of the people who have and sense has relocated. I know there are good people in Texas like Wendy Davis and mea mark but the seem to be overwhelmed by nuts.

      • Um Cara July 25th, 2014 at 10:54

        but the seem to be overwhelmed by nuts.

        Nope, we’ll turn blue before too long – we are a center right country (Obama is center right), the hard, hard, hardcore right wing dominance in Texas is waning.

        Unfortunately due to gerrymandering it will take longer than it should, but Texas is filled with sane folks.

    • Joyi Kraus July 25th, 2014 at 15:02

      What I think is just way too funny is that apparently these jerks were not smart enough to notice that the judge will not be home. LOL

  14. Um Cara July 25th, 2014 at 00:42

    I like these Dallas protestors better:

    What’s also encouraging is that at least the first several pages of comments on that page were positive. Hopefully the sane people in Dallas will stop these horrible, horrible people from walking around with high capacity semi-automatic weapons.

    • Suzanne McFly July 25th, 2014 at 10:26

      Great article and great pics, this story should be run front page in papers, that would COMPLETELY change the views people have of the state of Texas. It seems to those who don’t live there that the state is run by nuts and most of the people who have and sense has relocated. I know there are good people in Texas like Wendy Davis and mea mark but the seem to be overwhelmed by nuts.

      • Um Cara July 25th, 2014 at 10:54

        but the seem to be overwhelmed by nuts.

        Nope, we’ll turn blue before too long – we are a center right country (Obama is center right), the hard, hard, hardcore right wing dominance in Texas is waning.

        Unfortunately due to gerrymandering it will take longer than it should, but Texas is filled with sane folks.

    • Joyi Kraus July 25th, 2014 at 15:02

      What I think is just way too funny is that apparently these jerks were not smart enough to notice that the judge will not be home. LOL

  15. fahvel July 25th, 2014 at 03:51

    these images are rather startling to say the least. If one visits the us is there a state where sanity rather than flabby pigs with arms exists?

    • Roctuna July 25th, 2014 at 10:15

      You’re not exactly exposed to the cream of the crop in the pix posted around here are you? The writing can be pretty good though. Just picture all of us LL libs as fit, beautiful, self-confident individuals (sort of like elves).

      • Joyi Kraus July 25th, 2014 at 14:59

        Right on! We are trying to rid our land of these trolls, but stupid is apparently contagious and since these people are very into “group think” and “following the heard” it seems they all believe they are supposed to be the ass they see in front of them.

        • meangreen1 July 25th, 2014 at 15:55

          Thank you Joyi Kraus! Well said.

  16. fahvel July 25th, 2014 at 03:51

    these images are rather startling to say the least. If one visits the us is there a state where sanity rather than flabby pigs with arms exists?

    • Roctuna July 25th, 2014 at 10:15

      You’re not exactly exposed to the cream of the crop in the pix posted around here are you? The writing can be pretty good though. Just picture all of us LL libs as fit, beautiful, self-confident individuals (sort of like elves).

      • Joyi Kraus July 25th, 2014 at 14:59

        Right on! We are trying to rid our land of these trolls, but stupid is apparently contagious and since these people are very into “group think” and “following the heard” it seems they all believe they are supposed to be the ass they see in front of them.

        • meangreen1 July 25th, 2014 at 15:55

          Thank you Joyi Kraus! Well said.

  17. Pearl Polanski July 25th, 2014 at 17:53

    Idiot! You never carry your rifle pointing downward like that.

  18. Pearl Polanski July 25th, 2014 at 17:53

    Idiot! You never carry your rifle pointing downward like that.

  19. burqa July 26th, 2014 at 23:36

    It’s one thing to have a regular sort of protest about a particular issue, but to introduce a crowd carrying firearms introduces an element of intimidation. The quoted literature strongly suggest incitement to kill people, which also should be illegal.

    That said, I am not in favor of any sort of protest at someone’s private home, even by those not toting guns. Public figures such as judges and politicians should not have this stuff at their private residence. They should be able to go home and have peace and quiet, rather than have a bunch of rabble-rousers in front of their house hassling them when they go out to the mailbox or get the paper on the lawn. The neighbors also should not have to put up with this crap in a residential neighborhood.

  20. burqa July 26th, 2014 at 23:36

    It’s one thing to have a regular sort of protest about a particular issue, but to introduce a crowd carrying firearms introduces an element of intimidation. The quoted literature strongly suggest incitement to kill people, which also should be illegal.

    That said, I am not in favor of any sort of protest at someone’s private home, even by those not toting guns. Public figures such as judges and politicians should not have this stuff at their private residence. They should be able to go home and have peace and quiet, rather than have a bunch of rabble-rousers in front of their house hassling them when they go out to the mailbox or get the paper on the lawn. The neighbors also should not have to put up with this crap in a residential neighborhood.

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