Westboro Baptist Church: Thank God for Malaysian Plane Crash

Posted by | July 21, 2014 11:12 | Filed under: Contributors Eric Trommater News Behaving Badly Opinion Politics Top Stories

Westboro Baptist Church is at it again. The group was made famous for protesting at funerals of American service men in women in order to put forth its anti-LGBT agenda. It is now claiming God caused the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 because among the 298 dead were a few AIDS researchers.

On Twitter the group posted this:

Which led to a bunch of these:

Which linked to this:

THANK GOD FOR THE MH17 PLANE CRASH On July 17, 2014, A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 with 298 people aboard exploded, crashed and burned on a flowered wheat field in a part of eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Russia separatists . . . Everyone aboard was killed, their corpses littered among wreckage that smoldered late into the summer night. . . .
. Up to one hundred of those passengers on board were HIV and AIDS researchers, activists and officials from the Netherlands who were headed to the AIDS 2014 conference in Melbourne.

Canadian HIV researcher Trevor Stratton bemoaned, “What if the cure for AIDS was on that flight?” Thank God that this righteous work of God has grabbed the attention of the world. It is time to speak some truth! It is the time to declare plainly and unapologetically [sic]: The Judge of All the Earth Shall Do Right! As Abraham declared in Genesis Chapter 18 on the eve of the holocaust that killed millions at Sodom in a few minutes, kind of like this event. The evidence is compelling that these 298 souls are in hell. There is no objectively reasonable basis to believe anything else about the eternal fate of these 298. You all have the responsibility to judge between good and evil [Amos 5:15; Luke 12:57] and take forth the precious from the vile [Jeremiah 15:19]: especially at the time of death and eternity. Make no mistake and nix the lying, maudlin talk: the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God. [Psalm 9:17].

Some may also remember WBC’s explanation of the disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370 and it’s 239 passengers back in April. That was God’ will too.

Despite the death of it’s founder Fred Phelps in March of this year, the church shows no sign of slowing down in its attempts to blame every tragedy on the LGBT community fighting for equal rights. If the tragedy happens to involve Malaysia in any way, shape or form that seems to be just an added bonus.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Eric Trommater

A liberal living in Northern Virginia. Father of Two great kids. Former sports writer and movie critic.

68 responses to Westboro Baptist Church: Thank God for Malaysian Plane Crash

  1. KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker July 21st, 2014 at 11:26

    Hate masquerading as religion.

  2. KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker July 21st, 2014 at 11:26

    Hate masquerading as religion.

  3. R.J. Carter July 21st, 2014 at 11:27

    Wasn’t the head of this snake cut off last year?

    • Eric Trommater July 21st, 2014 at 11:37

      Well Phelps died in March but he had been thrown out of the group back in 2013. Much of the groups more fame seeking behavior has actually happened in the post Phelps era.

    • M D Reese July 21st, 2014 at 11:54

      He had gotten too soft for them. They kicked him out before he died.

    • Dwendt44 July 21st, 2014 at 12:02

      Phelps himself may have been the figure head of this band of loons, but I think his daughter was the actual driving factor/head of them.

    • Khary A July 21st, 2014 at 13:32

      They’re like Hydra, cut one off two take it’s place…in other words there is never a shortage of bigoted idiots.

  4. R.J. Carter July 21st, 2014 at 11:27

    Wasn’t the head of this snake cut off last year?

    • Eric Trommater July 21st, 2014 at 11:37

      Well Phelps died in March but he had been thrown out of the group back in 2013. Much of the groups more fame seeking behavior has actually happened in the post Phelps era.

    • M D Reese July 21st, 2014 at 11:54

      He had gotten too soft for them. They kicked him out before he died.

    • Dwendt44 July 21st, 2014 at 12:02

      Phelps himself may have been the figure head of this band of loons, but I think his daughter was the actual driving factor/head of them.

    • The last of the Thousad Sons July 21st, 2014 at 13:32

      They’re like Hydra, cut one off two take it’s place…in other words there is never a shortage of bigoted idiots.

  5. M D Reese July 21st, 2014 at 11:55

    Tax these assholes into poverty.

    • Jeff Allen July 21st, 2014 at 15:41

      M D, you bring up a great point. Churches like these are the best reason to eliminate tax exempt status for religious organizations. If you want the Constitutional protections of speech freedom, then pay your dues to the keeper of the Constitution.

      • M D Reese July 21st, 2014 at 22:54

        Exactly.They can file a 1040 like the rest of us, and take their allowable deductions for actual charity works. The rest gets taxed. They just don’t seem to understand that they are not taxed with the understanding that they will NOT meddle in politics and government.

  6. M D Reese July 21st, 2014 at 11:55

    Tax these assholes into poverty.

    • Jeff Allen July 21st, 2014 at 15:41

      M D, you bring up a great point. Churches like these are the best reason to eliminate tax exempt status for religious organizations. If you want the Constitutional protections of speech freedom, then pay your dues to the keeper of the Constitution.

      • M D Reese July 21st, 2014 at 22:54

        Exactly.They can file a 1040 like the rest of us, and take their allowable deductions for actual charity works. The rest gets taxed. They just don’t seem to understand that they are not taxed with the understanding that they will NOT meddle in politics and government.

  7. Maxx44 July 21st, 2014 at 12:10

    If god did smack down the reprehensible among us, that church of scum long ago would have been destroyed.

  8. Maxx44 July 21st, 2014 at 12:10

    If god did smack down the reprehensible among us, that church of scum long ago would have been destroyed.

  9. Ormond Otvos July 21st, 2014 at 12:42

    Religion is like herpes: some people it makes itchy, others get really bad sores and neurological pain. And sometimes it takes years to explode. But religion is a mind virus some parents give their kids.

    But be of good cheer. There are more and more skeptics and humanists all the time.

    • R.J. Carter July 21st, 2014 at 14:05

      Religion is man’s attempt to build a ladder to reach God. I prefer God’s plan to reach man.

      • mea_mark July 21st, 2014 at 15:44

        Psychedelic drugs?

        • R.J. Carter July 21st, 2014 at 16:18

          Well, if He gave us beer, as Ben Franklin noted, we have to accept he gave us everything else. And it was good enough for Darren Aronofsky to use as a medium for Noah’s communications in “Noah.”

  10. Ormond Otvos July 21st, 2014 at 12:42

    Religion is like herpes: some people it makes itchy, others get really bad sores and neurological pain. And sometimes it takes years to explode. But religion is a mind virus some parents give their kids.

    But be of good cheer. There are more and more skeptics and humanists all the time.

    • R.J. Carter July 21st, 2014 at 14:05

      Religion is man’s attempt to build a ladder to reach God. I prefer God’s plan to reach man.

      • mea_mark July 21st, 2014 at 15:44

        Psychedelic drugs?

        • R.J. Carter July 21st, 2014 at 16:18

          Well, if He gave us beer, as Ben Franklin noted, we have to accept he gave us everything else. And it was good enough for Darren Aronofsky to use as a medium for Noah’s communications in “Noah.”

  11. Dan Lewin July 21st, 2014 at 13:06

    Ah, they site lev 18 and 20 but conveniently skip 19.

    Every one of them trims their sideburns and beards. They should be stoning each other.

  12. Dan Lewin July 21st, 2014 at 13:06

    Ah, they site lev 18 and 20 but conveniently skip 19.

    Every one of them trims their sideburns and beards. They should be stoning each other.

  13. Pistol-Packing July 21st, 2014 at 13:37

    I have never been one to advocate for violence. But would anybody mind if I went all “Second Amendment” on these assholes…. =)

  14. Pistol-Packing July 21st, 2014 at 13:37

    I have never been one to advocate for violence. But would anybody mind if I went all “Second Amendment” on these assholes…. =)

  15. pmbalele July 21st, 2014 at 13:55

    do these morons at Westboro Baptist Church know among the dead were LGBT? These
    people are dummies. That is why I have told you all these religions are invented
    on primitive concepts to scheme people of their money. Look, we have fighting
    in Iraq, Syria, Israel/Palatine and Nigeria. You know reasons-Religion differences. Remember also during the 2012 elections when Pat Robertson went on retreat with his parishners to pray that President Obama lose the election and that Romney win. Robertson said his god had told him racial minorities should not be presidents of this country. So Robertson’s god had chosen Romney for being White. Romney lost. So Robertson god did not listen. And would you believe Robertson’s followers bought that stupidity? Now we have these Westboro morons coming with such dumb belief. Why can’t people simply believe in the Creator and then shut up? Leave others for their freedom and beliefs.

    • Judgeforyourself37 July 21st, 2014 at 16:50

      They even thought that those who were AIDS researchers should die, and “this is why God had that plane go down!” These people really profess to be Christians? It boggles the mind to see such ignorance.

  16. pmbalele July 21st, 2014 at 13:55

    How do these morons at Westboro Baptist Church know among the dead were LGBT? These people are dummies. That is why I have told you all these religions are invented
    on primitive concepts to scheme people of their money. Look, we have fighting
    in Iraq, Syria, Israel/Palatine and Nigeria. You know reasons-Religion differences. Remember also during the 2012 elections when Pat Robertson went on retreat with his parishners to pray that President Obama lose the election and that Romney win. Robertson said his god had told him racial minorities should not be presidents of this country. So Robertson’s god had chosen Romney for being White. Romney lost. So Robertson god did not listen. And would you believe Robertson’s followers bought that stupidity? Now we have these Westboro morons coming with such dumb belief. Why can’t people simply believe in the Creator and then shut up? Leave others for their freedom and beliefs.

    • Judgeforyourself37 July 21st, 2014 at 16:50

      They even thought that those who were AIDS researchers should die, and “this is why God had that plane go down!” These people really profess to be Christians? It boggles the mind to see such ignorance.

  17. LiberalMD July 21st, 2014 at 14:41

    I wonder if these people have ever thought about what God REALLY thinks of them.

  18. LiberalMD July 21st, 2014 at 14:41

    I wonder if these people have ever thought about what God REALLY thinks of them.

  19. dan9el July 21st, 2014 at 16:07

    And the experience tell us……

    It is highly of surprise that Bush (if not the entire Bush-Cheney administration) did not surface to be blamed for the incident at hand.

    Experience tells us that the liberal-democrats will find an excuse to blame Bush for this one too….(and if they do not find the excuse – in their insidious book of reference – , they will invent that excuse.

    Actually liberal-democrats would blame Bush for anything that may happen wrong here in our country,… the entire world,…..even the galaxy…their audacity is so frivolous, and vicious, that they would even blame the Bush-Cheney administration if the Universal Constant ‘K’ , suddenly change to be -73 Sigma factor (which is a heck of discomfort to everything….living things and inanimate too).

    Wow! that’s a lot of weight for the man to carry.

    Perhaps they will blame The Tea Party in addition too…..the galaxy only knows.

    Input anyone? Opinions welcome.

    • Judgeforyourself37 July 21st, 2014 at 16:46

      Do you really want “input?” Here is some. No, the Bush/Cheney administration and the Tea Party followers have done many things that deserve criticism, but this tragedy, or rejoicing over this tragedy, is certainly not one of them. I am sure that everyone who professes to be a Christian or any other religion, for that matter, weeps for the victims and their families.
      Why your antipathy toward liberals? Read your Bible and you will learn that Jesus was a Liberal, he thought that the wealthy should help the poor, the sick and the downtrodden, he held women in high esteem, he loved people, hated no one, and said absolutely nothing regarding either abortion or homosexuality.

    • jasperjava July 21st, 2014 at 19:47

      Here’s your input, asshole.
      NO liberals have blamed B*sh for the Russian thugs who shot down MH17 (though it was weird and creepy when Dubya said he looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his “soul”.)

      LOTS of conservatives have already blamed Obama, even criticizing him for having lunch.

      So you can take your sick, psychotic psychological projection and stuff it, you scum.

  20. dan9el July 21st, 2014 at 16:07

    And the experience tell us……

    It is highly of surprise that Bush (if not the entire Bush-Cheney administration) did not surface to be blamed for the incident at hand.

    Experience tells us that the liberal-democrats will find an excuse to blame Bush for this one too….(and if they do not find the excuse – in their insidious book of reference – , they will invent that excuse.

    Actually liberal-democrats would blame Bush for anything that may happen wrong here in our country,… the entire world,…..even the galaxy…their audacity is so frivolous, and vicious, that they would even blame the Bush-Cheney administration if the Universal Constant ‘K’ , suddenly change to be -73 Sigma factor (which is a heck of discomfort to everything….living things and inanimate too).

    Wow! that’s a lot of weight for the man to carry.

    Perhaps they will blame The Tea Party in addition too…..the galaxy only knows.

    Input anyone? Opinions welcome.

    • Judgeforyourself37 July 21st, 2014 at 16:46

      Do you really want “input?” Here is some. No, the Bush/Cheney administration and the Tea Party followers have done many things that deserve criticism, but this tragedy, or rejoicing over this tragedy, is certainly not one of them. I am sure that everyone who professes to be a Christian or any other religion, for that matter, weeps for the victims and their families.
      Why your antipathy toward liberals? Read your Bible and you will learn that Jesus was a Liberal, he thought that the wealthy should help the poor, the sick and the downtrodden, he held women in high esteem, he loved people, hated no one, and said absolutely nothing regarding either abortion or homosexuality.

    • jasperjava July 21st, 2014 at 19:47

      Here’s your input, asshole.
      NO liberals have blamed B*sh for the Russian thugs who shot down MH17 (though it was weird and creepy when Dubya said he looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his “soul”.)

      LOTS of conservatives have already blamed Obama, even criticizing him for having lunch.

      So you can take your sick, psychotic psychological projection and stuff it, you scum.

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