Jon Stewart To Anti-Immigrant Protesters: ‘What The F*ck Is Wrong With You?’

Posted by | July 16, 2014 11:26 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart on Tuesday obliterated lawmakers and protesters who question the thousands of refugee children fleeing from violence in Central America. “First of all, what the f*ck is wrong with you?” Stewart remarked. “These are children. Why would you even ask that? And second of all, good question.”

Stewart pointed to President George W. Bush who signed a law in 2008 that prevented the immediate deportation of children.

Stewart then slammed anti-immigrant protesters gathering near detention facilities to confront busloads of scared children to “yell at them in a language they don’t understand,” and for Texas GOP Reps. Louie Gohmert and Blake Farenthold. He then mocked Republicans who publicly promote America as the “greatest country ever” then wonder why would-be immigrants believe them.

“We have always been a nation of immigrants who hate the newer immigrants,” Stewart concluded. Lady Liberty may look like a beacon of hope and freedom, “but the truth is, she’s actually a bouncer.”

Watch courtesy of The Daily Show:

Via: The Week.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: William

retired military , former cop, lifelong gym rat and doting grandfather alive and living in Maine

19 responses to Jon Stewart To Anti-Immigrant Protesters: ‘What The F*ck Is Wrong With You?’

  1. Eric Trommater July 16th, 2014 at 11:46

    That Hitler baby is going to grow up to hate John Stewart he’s right.

  2. Eric Trommater July 16th, 2014 at 11:46

    That Hitler baby is going to grow up to hate John Stewart he’s right.

  3. edmeyer_able July 16th, 2014 at 11:48

    Damn, I know I would miss him, but I sure wish he’d run for office.

  4. edmeyer_able July 16th, 2014 at 11:48

    Damn, I know I would miss him, but I sure wish he’d run for office.

  5. tiredoftea July 16th, 2014 at 13:23

    Don’t you hate it when a comedian shreds your hysteria?

  6. tiredoftea July 16th, 2014 at 13:23

    Don’t you hate it when a comedian shreds your hysteria?

  7. Bunya July 16th, 2014 at 13:43

    I really liked his response to Louie Gohmert’s pyle of BS.

  8. Bunya July 16th, 2014 at 13:43

    I really liked his response to Louie Gohmert’s pyle of BS.

  9. granpa.usthai July 16th, 2014 at 16:16

    noticed a good clip for the pro freedom of choice crowd. – [not our baby, not our problem]. hoping Jon will make available 50,000 audio copies that will begin playing every time the anti freedom NO CHOICE crowd wants to invade a woman’s right to choose.

    speaking of : before I mentioned a local broadcast a few years back about undocumented workers who returned to their nations of origins with little ones
    [greatest country ever – WITH birthright CITIZENSHIP!]
    -of course, the likely hood of any of them returning now, at this precise moment in time -during the kidz invasion are probably no more than 101%. (kids being the way they are).
    By my way of thinking, if these are US CITIZENS returning to the USA [greatest country ever] then it would be incorrect to term their return as an invasion, otherwise, our nation is being invaded daily by US CITIZENS, on the land, by the sea and in the air.

  10. granpa.usthai July 16th, 2014 at 16:16

    noticed a good clip for the pro freedom of choice crowd. – [not our baby, not our problem]. hoping Jon will make available 50,000 audio copies that will begin playing every time the anti freedom NO CHOICE crowd wants to invade a woman’s right to choose.

    speaking of : before I mentioned a local broadcast a few years back about undocumented workers who returned to their nations of origins with little ones
    [greatest country ever – WITH birthright CITIZENSHIP!]
    -of course, the likely hood of any of them returning now, at this precise moment in time -during the kidz invasion are probably no more than 101%. (kids being the way they are).
    By my way of thinking, if these are US CITIZENS returning to the USA [greatest country ever] then it would be incorrect to term their return as an invasion, otherwise, our nation is being invaded daily by US CITIZENS, on the land, by the sea and in the air.

  11. granpa.usthai July 16th, 2014 at 16:16

    noticed a good clip for the pro freedom of choice crowd. – [not our baby, not our problem]. hoping Jon will make available 50,000 audio copies that will begin playing every time the anti freedom NO CHOICE crowd wants to invade a woman’s right to choose.

    speaking of : before I mentioned a local broadcast a few years back about undocumented workers who returned to their nations of origins with little ones
    [greatest country ever – WITH birthright CITIZENSHIP!]
    -of course, the likely hood of any of them returning now, at this precise moment in time -during the kidz invasion are probably no more than 101%. (kids being the way they are).
    By my way of thinking, if these are US CITIZENS returning to the USA [greatest country ever] then it would be incorrect to term their return as an invasion, otherwise, our nation is being invaded daily by US CITIZENS, on the land, by the sea and in the air.

  12. granpa.usthai July 16th, 2014 at 16:16

    noticed a good clip for the pro freedom of choice crowd. – [not our baby, not our problem]. hoping Jon will make available 50,000 audio copies that will begin playing every time the anti freedom NO CHOICE crowd wants to invade a woman’s right to choose.

    speaking of : before I mentioned a local broadcast a few years back about undocumented workers who returned to their nations of origins with little ones
    [greatest country ever – WITH birthright CITIZENSHIP!]
    -of course, the likely hood of any of them returning now, at this precise moment in time -during the kidz invasion are probably no more than 101%. (kids being the way they are).
    By my way of thinking, if these are US CITIZENS returning to the USA [greatest country ever] then it would be incorrect to term their return as an invasion, otherwise, our nation is being invaded daily by US CITIZENS, on the land, by the sea and in the air.

  13. Bob Waas July 16th, 2014 at 16:58

    He can add this video to his clip…just to keep it fair and balanced.

  14. Bob Waas July 16th, 2014 at 16:58

    He can add this video to his clip…just to keep it fair and balanced.

  15. Bob Waas July 16th, 2014 at 16:58

    He can add this video to his clip…just to keep it fair and balanced.

  16. Bob Waas July 16th, 2014 at 16:58

    He can add this video to his clip…just to keep it fair and balanced.

  17. Meet the NEW land of opportunity… | Holes in the Foam July 31st, 2014 at 13:48

    […] Jon Stewart To Anti-Immigrant Protesters: ‘What The F*ck Is Wrong With You?’ (Jul 16, 2014) […]

  18. Pundit456 August 5th, 2014 at 23:51

    Jon Stewart is in the entertainment business; his job is to be entertaining.
    If a dozen destitute parents left their children on Stewart’s lawn so that they could escape gang violence and have a better life, do you suppose he would take them in?
    Take Jon Stewart seriously at your own peril.

  19. Pundit456 August 5th, 2014 at 23:51

    Jon Stewart is in the entertainment business; his job is to be entertaining.
    If a dozen destitute parents left their children on Stewart’s lawn so that they could escape gang violence and have a better life, do you suppose he would take them in?
    Take Jon Stewart seriously at your own peril.

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