The Incredible Shrinking Benghazi Hearings

Posted by | July 15, 2014 14:22 | Filed under: Contributors Eric Trommater Opinion Politics Top Stories

Something has been missing from the latest round of calls for President Obama’s impeachment. It’s was barely mentioned in Sarah Palin’s red meat screed on the POTUS last week and seems to play little or no role in House Speaker John Boehner’s planned law suit.

That something is Benghazi. That magical place in Libya where four Americans lost their lives seems to have taken a back seat after two years of dead horse flogging. The promised House hearings, headed by South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy are also yet to materialize.

This begs the question: is the GOP finally moving away from the attack as an issue or are they simply saving their so-called “best for last” in a bid to time the hearings for better political gain?

In his blog, yesterday in Roll Call, columnist David Hawkings takes the second point of view.

Don’t expect to be able to tune in to the Benghazi hearings anytime soon. No air date for the premiere has been announced, because the pre-production work is off to a deliberately slow start.

The reason is that the impresario, Rep. Trey Gowdy, is much more experienced as a prosecutor than as an executive producer. And district attorneys, at least as much as studio moguls, are trained to refrain from going public if they have any doubt about their work being ready for prime time. . .

Besides, pursuing the inquiry for a while longer before any hearings works to the Republicans’ strategic advantage in several ways.

This period of deliberative quiet helps rebut Democratic criticism that the committee’s only purposes are to spur GOP fundraising, and to give the party one more shot before Election Day at selling the public on discredited conspiracy theories.

It gives the committee’s staff (only about half of the expected 30 have been hired because of security clearance backlogs) time to search for unanswered questions or undetected smoking guns in the 25,000 pages of records generated by six previous congressional investigations.

It provides some breathing room to the GOP’s campaign message-makers, who believe they’re having some success with lines of attack on other fronts: President Barack Obama’s handling of the throngs of undocumented children at the border, his implementation of the health care law and his muscular use of executive powers.

And it preserves the option for the Republicans to take their last best shots on Benghazi after the midterms, when political talk will turn nearly exclusively on the presumed presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of State when the attack happened.

The same delay, though, brings decent risks for Gowdy’s side. Not generating news for more than two months has provided room for other Benghazi-related stories to get attention, and none of that coverage has helped the GOP’s cause….

The chairman is promising this month will be a time of intense activity at the committee, packed with interviews and briefings from several corners of the administration. He’s promising the five Democrats will be included every step of the way. But he’s also conceding that, by design, virtually all the work is supposed to remain invisible to the public for the indefinite future. (The panel’s bare-bones website doesn’t even list its phone number or Longworth Building address.)

The implicit message is a tough one to buy, because it runs counter to almost every norm at today’s hyper-combative, super-partisan Capitol: Trust us.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Eric Trommater

A liberal living in Northern Virginia. Father of Two great kids. Former sports writer and movie critic.

77 responses to The Incredible Shrinking Benghazi Hearings

  1. NW10 July 15th, 2014 at 14:36

    This is why!

  2. (((NW10,PATRIOT! ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ))) July 15th, 2014 at 14:36

    This is why!

  3. R.J. Carter July 15th, 2014 at 14:42

    I agree with Hawkings. Gowdy seems to not be so much of one to feed out every little detail before it’s verified.

    • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 14:47

      You mean all the details of the seven other investigations or something they missed, like if the terrorists wore boxers or briefs?

      • M D Reese July 15th, 2014 at 16:19

        Did they ever get an answer to the boxers/briefs question?

        • David Lloyd-Jones July 15th, 2014 at 18:32

          Depends. Remember?


          • M D Reese July 16th, 2014 at 22:45

            You’re right–and I think they come in camo now!

    • Saint_Augustine July 15th, 2014 at 16:55

      Yeah, that’s problem Republicans have had for a while, trying to make people believe the lies they want them to believe without verification. The Stand Down Order lie is a prime example, don’t you agree?

  4. R.J. Carter July 15th, 2014 at 14:42

    I agree with Hawkings. Gowdy seems to not be so much of one to feed out every little detail before it’s verified.

    • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 14:47

      You mean all the details of the seven other investigations or something they missed, like if the terrorists wore boxers or briefs?

    • Saint_Augustine July 15th, 2014 at 16:55

      Yeah, that’s a problem Republicans have had for a while, trying to make people believe the lies they want them to believe without verification. The Stand Down Order lie is a prime example, don’t you agree?

  5. Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 15:01


  6. Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 15:01


  7. granpa.usthai July 15th, 2014 at 15:03

    maybe somebody inside the GOP don’t take too kindly to the not so senior congressperson from SC?
    butt –
    the mention of the children at the US Border reminds me of a local broadcast a few years back where some undocumented workers (after cheap domestic labor for some Republicans) had returned to their lands of origins with little ones that were born right chere in thu good ole USA (meaning: they are CITIZENS BY BIRTH – what most of US be claiming). It’s occurred to me that if any of them are in these numbers, and have been treated in any manner LESS than say, myself (a purt near WHITE US CITIZEN from the southeastern region) then there’s some purty big legal matters that’ll need to be attended to.

  8. Soothsayer123 July 15th, 2014 at 15:03

    In other words, they got nothin,’ just like the Whitewater hearings.

    • granpa.usthai July 15th, 2014 at 15:10

      well, the old saying is 7 is more than twice the 3rd charm, or something like that.

      • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 15:12

        …or eighth?

      • granpa.usthai July 15th, 2014 at 15:15

        OMG! -I just remembered
        page 1237 of the 4th hearing, second paragraph, fourth i – the dot was off center by 1/10000ths of a mini micro millimeter – rendering the complete letter useless in a SCOTUS hearing to remove POTUS Obama from office in chains and sending him to the auction block in Charleston (towne) SC.!

        • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 15:17

          Also we still haven’t got to the bottom of the sans serif font used. Why does Obama hate serifs?

          • Trumbull Desi July 15th, 2014 at 18:09

            I’ve asked that question a million times and have never gotten a decent answer. it’s a conspiracy I tell ya.

    • Skip Patterson July 15th, 2014 at 21:11

      Just like every other Republican scandal investigation against a Democrat. They never come up with squat.

  9. granpa.usthai July 15th, 2014 at 15:03

    maybe somebody inside the GOP don’t take too kindly to the not so senior congressperson from SC?
    butt –
    the mention of the children at the US Border reminds me of a local broadcast a few years back where some undocumented workers (after cheap domestic labor for some Republicans) had returned to their lands of origins with little ones that were born right chere in thu good ole USA (meaning: they are CITIZENS BY BIRTH – what most of US be claiming). It’s occurred to me that if any of them are in these numbers, and have been treated in any manner LESS than say, myself (a purt near WHITE US CITIZEN from the southeastern region) then there’s some purty big legal matters that’ll need to be attended to.

  10. Soothsayer123 July 15th, 2014 at 15:03

    In other words, they got nothin,’ just like the Whitewater hearings.

    • granpa.usthai July 15th, 2014 at 15:10

      well, the old saying is 7 is more than twice the 3rd charm, or something like that.

      • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 15:12

        …or eighth?

      • granpa.usthai July 15th, 2014 at 15:15

        OMG! -I just remembered
        page 1237 of the 4th hearing, second paragraph, fourth i – the dot was off center by 1/10000ths of a mini micro millimeter – rendering the complete letter useless in a SCOTUS hearing to remove POTUS Obama from office in chains and sending him to the auction block in Charleston (towne) SC.!

        • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 15:17

          Also we still haven’t got to the bottom of the sans serif font used. Why does Obama hate serifs?

          • Trumbull Desi July 15th, 2014 at 18:09

            I’ve asked that question a million times and have never gotten a decent answer. it’s a conspiracy I tell ya.

    • Skip Patterson July 15th, 2014 at 21:11

      Just like every other Republican scandal investigation against a Democrat. They never come up with squat.

  11. M D Reese July 15th, 2014 at 16:11

    My take on it? They are hoping that we all just forget that they ever brought it up.

    • Trumbull Desi July 15th, 2014 at 17:55

      Not a chance. I’m never going to forget what these scums did to our country. Issa and Cruz have held us hostage. That ends now.

      • M D Reese July 16th, 2014 at 22:42

        Oh I know! The campaign ads will write themselves. This is the worst I’ve seen, and I’ve been around for awhile now.

    • Skip Patterson July 15th, 2014 at 21:14

      Right-wingers are saying it is The President that is bringing the immigrants here to increase Democratic votes. But there is no doubt in my mind that it’s the Republicans that are bringing them here to create another scandal and take peoples minds off of the clock cleaning they got with Benghazi.

  12. M D Reese July 15th, 2014 at 16:11

    My take on it? They are hoping that we all just forget that they ever brought it up.

    • Trumbull Desi July 15th, 2014 at 17:55

      Not a chance. I’m never going to forget what these scums did to our country. Issa and Cruz have held us hostage. That ends now.

      • M D Reese July 16th, 2014 at 22:42

        Oh I know! The campaign ads will write themselves. This is the worst I’ve seen, and I’ve been around for awhile now.

    • Skip Patterson July 15th, 2014 at 21:14

      Right-wingers are saying it is The President that is bringing the immigrants here to increase Democratic votes. But there is no doubt in my mind that it’s the Republicans that are bringing them here to create another scandal and take peoples minds off of the clock cleaning they got with Benghazi.

  13. Obewon July 15th, 2014 at 17:15

    So maybe they’re beginning to rethink Issa’s 50 weeks of hearings per year “0 indictment” flameout? Nah. If Trey Gowdy learns anything it’l be too late after the August recess as midterm polls show even their choir has figured out they’ve got zip! Fox News 05/15/14 poll shows President Obama’s approval rating at a 7-month high and approval of Obama’s economic stewardship is now at its highest level since 2009 with support for the ACA reached an all-time high for any Fox News poll and a plurality of respondents now believe Obamacare will end up being “a good thing for the country.”

    • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 17:19

      I think this is just Whitewater all over again. They want to keep a continuous investigation going and hope they run into something, anything, even palatially related to it that they can use to back the POTUS into a corner.

      • Obewon July 15th, 2014 at 17:22

        I “hope they run into something”, a brick wall of voters in November pulling blue levers labeled ‘Just say No to obstructionist GOP gridlock.’

        • Suzanne McFly July 15th, 2014 at 17:49

          Man, that would make all this “screaming wolf” worth it.

          • Obewon July 15th, 2014 at 20:12

            We finally see a good FNC poll with 2/3 touting a few of the many POTUS Obama successes! …And just then the FNC screens went as dark as the C-Span livefeed of Cheney’s handcuffing.

  14. Obewon July 15th, 2014 at 17:15

    So maybe they’re beginning to rethink Issa’s 50 weeks of hearings per year “0 indictment” flameout? Nah. If Trey Gowdy learns anything it’l be too late after the August recess as midterm polls show even their choir has figured out they’ve got zip!

    63% of Fox News Poll respondents say “Republicans are doing Benghazi hearings for political gain”, versus 30% who think they’re trying to get to the truth-via Fox News 05/15/14 poll also showing: President Obama’s approval rating at a 7-month high and approval of Obama’s economic stewardship is now at its highest level since 2009 with support for the ACA reaching an all-time high for any Fox News poll, and a plurality of respondents now believe Obamacare will end up being “a good thing for the country.”-GOP chest pains grew tighter… &

    • Eric Trommater July 15th, 2014 at 17:19

      I think this is just Whitewater all over again. They want to keep a continuous investigation going and hope they run into something, anything, even palatially related to it that they can use to back the POTUS into a corner.

      • Obewon July 15th, 2014 at 17:22

        I “hope they run into something”, a brick wall of voters in November pulling blue levers labeled ‘Just say No to obstructionist GOP gridlock.’

        • Suzanne McFly July 15th, 2014 at 17:49

          Man, that would make all this “screaming wolf” worth it.

          • Obewon July 15th, 2014 at 20:12

            We finally see a good FNC poll with 2/3 touting a few of the many POTUS Obama successes! …And just then the FNC screens went as dark as the C-Span livefeed of Cheney’s handcuffing.

            • Suzanne McFly July 15th, 2014 at 21:01

              Code Pink is AWESOME, all Lynne could do was shake her damn head and laugh and claim she couldn’t understand why the line was so long to see dick, the line was long cause they wanted to ask dick a LOT of questions but he had his armed guards remove Code Pink.

  15. Jeff Baker July 15th, 2014 at 19:32

    I was waiting to see how long during the hearings before Fox News switched from its live coverage to something else…

  16. Jeff Baker July 15th, 2014 at 19:32

    I was waiting to see how long during the hearings before Fox News switched from its live coverage to something else…

  17. Skip Patterson July 15th, 2014 at 21:09

    Yeah, just another made up scandal by the Republicans to rile their minions up and needlessly tie up the time of the Congress. Eight investigations committees and not a single piece of evidence of any wrongdoing with regards to Benghazi. It’s like their 54 times of passing a bill to repeal the ACA, which anyone with the I.Q. of a plant should have been able to understand this wasn’t going anywhere. But this is who Republicans are these days. The simply want to waste government resources to collapse the government so that we become a full fascist state. And that is what makes them and their mindless followers traitors to their country.

  18. Skip Patterson July 15th, 2014 at 21:09

    Yeah, just another made up scandal by the Republicans to rile their minions up and needlessly tie up the time of the Congress. Eight investigations committees and not a single piece of evidence of any wrongdoing with regards to Benghazi. It’s like their 54 times of passing a bill to repeal the ACA, which anyone with the I.Q. of a plant should have been able to understand this wasn’t going anywhere. But this is who Republicans are these days. The simply want to waste government resources to collapse the government so that we become a full fascist state. And that is what makes them and their mindless followers traitors to their country.

  19. fancypants July 15th, 2014 at 22:52

    Another example why the gop shouldn’t be in the whitehouse in 2016

  20. fancypants July 15th, 2014 at 22:52

    Another example why the gop shouldn’t be in the whitehouse in 2016

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