Cliven Bundy’s Son Facing Arrest In Separate Criminal Case

Posted by | July 14, 2014 17:29 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

The Nevada rancher who hosted armed protesters against federal agents in April because he didn’t’ want to pay his bills, is having a family problem. His adult son acknowledged on Monday that he faces arrest in a separate criminal case stemming from his felony conviction on burglary and weapon charges.

34-year-old Cliven Lance Bundy told the Associated Press in a telephone interview that he knows he is named in a contempt-of-court warrant issued July 8 in Las Vegas for failing to appear before a Clark County District Court judge who oversees a drug diversion program.

“I’m trying to get ahold of my counselor to see what I’m supposed to do,” Lance Bundy said.

Image: AP

According to the younger Bundy, he underwent outpatient surgery the day the warrant was issued and has been recuperating at his parents’ home in Bunkerville.

Bundy missed several previous hearings, and that officials said they were unable to reach him to notify him of court dates, according to court records.

Bundy could face two to eight years in state prison if he is found in violation of terms of the five years’ probation imposed after he pleaded guilty in February of 2013 to felony burglary and weapon theft charges.

The AP reports that Bundy attributed his conviction to an addiction to opiate pain killers, and said he has been getting counseling.

According to Bundy’s parents, Cliven and Carol Bundy, they believed their son obtained medical releases from the court-ordered drug program.

Just going out on a limb here: The worst place for a person to recover from an addiction to drugs is a residence inundated with armed militia members.

Another of the rancher’s sons, Dave Bundy, was arrested during the standoff.

H/T: My Internet buddy @TomCinmidlife with thanks.

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61 responses to Cliven Bundy’s Son Facing Arrest In Separate Criminal Case

  1. AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 21:46

    Typical ‘freeman’ or ‘sovereign citizen’ mindset: ‘I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to and gubbmint is not the boss of me.’ Then, when the ‘gubbmint’ points out that they can & do enforce laws and court dates, the bully blokes turn yellow and start up with the excuses. Whine whine whine.

  2. AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 21:56

    Missed some previous hearing dates? Missed latest due to outpatient surgery and recovering at parent’s home? Gotta call counselor to be told what to do? Obviously the outpatient surgery wasn’t one in which doctors removed his head from up his irresponsible ass.

    “According to Bundy’s parents, Cliven and Carol Bundy, they believed
    their son obtained medical releases from the court-ordered drug program.” Would that be the same Bundy who ‘believed’ his ancestors had been working that land that was never theirs for 80 or so years before they actually took title to any land in the area?

    Psychologists should name a personality disorder or full mental illness after this clan.

  3. AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 21:56

    Missed some previous hearing dates? Missed latest due to outpatient surgery and recovering at parent’s home? Gotta call counselor to be told what to do? Obviously the outpatient surgery wasn’t one in which doctors removed his head from up his irresponsible ass.

    “According to Bundy’s parents, Cliven and Carol Bundy, they believed
    their son obtained medical releases from the court-ordered drug program.” Would that be the same Bundy who ‘believed’ his ancestors had been working that land that was never theirs for 80 or so years before they actually took title to any land in the area?

    Psychologists should name a personality disorder or full mental illness after this clan.

  4. Dwendt44 July 15th, 2014 at 00:16

    Soooo, why aren’t this whole bunch in jail? I realize that the old man is rich, maybe he has servants get groceries, pay bills, etc… So he doesn’t have to got into town for anything. Same with sonny boy. Any time they step off the ranch, a sheriff’s deputy should slap the cuffs on them.

  5. Dwendt44 July 15th, 2014 at 00:16

    Soooo, why aren’t this whole bunch in jail? I realize that the old man is rich, maybe he has servants get groceries, pay bills, etc… So he doesn’t have to got into town for anything. Same with sonny boy. Any time they step off the ranch, a sheriff’s deputy should slap the cuffs on them.

  6. Robert J Bartley July 15th, 2014 at 13:29

    Yup the NUT never falls far fromn the tree.

  7. Robert J Bartley July 15th, 2014 at 13:29

    Yup the NUT never falls far fromn the tree.

  8. rodger s January 14th, 2015 at 20:26

    I noticed Faux entertainment closed their comment section along with Huff Post. Next thing will be posts on Putin. What a channel of fools!! They need to be blocked from all media. But then we wouldn’t have anything to laugh at!!

  9. rodger s January 14th, 2015 at 21:26

    I noticed Faux entertainment closed their comment section along with Huff Post. Next thing will be posts on Putin. What a channel of fools!! They need to be blocked from all media. But then we wouldn’t have anything to laugh at!!

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