Always Playing The Victim: #WAAR Claims Republicans Are All Refugees

Posted by | July 14, 2014 12:42 | Filed under: Contributors News Behaving Badly Opinion Politics VegasJessie

We Are American Refugees

There’s a group of people, who cannot come to terms with the idea that their legitimately elected president is black, no matter what the factual evidence states.  These curious victims truly believe everything about President Barack Obama is illegitimate, tyrannical and unconstitutional in their view. The latest fresh horror I encountered on Twitter? The hashtag WAAR, #WAAR stands for We Are American Refugees. Playing the victim, they feel their country is unrecognizable from when the Great White Hope, George W. Bush was our fearless leader. The patriarch of this “movement” is Roger C. D’Aquin.  The Refugees are described as thus: (bold emphasis mine)

We are strict constitutionalists who believe in liberty and a limited republican form of government. We reject the unconstitutional government lead by the criminal, Barack Obama. We are not terrorists. We do not advocate violence. We do advocate political and economic revolution. We also refuse to be disarmed and will not surrender our weapons. We will defend our homes, property, lives, and families against any illegal attack, even if it comes from government.

We were inspired by the great super hero, The American Refugee, Roger D’Aquin. Roger was rocked by the betrayal of Justice Roberts in the Obamacare decision. He did all he could in the next months to see to it that Obama was defeated. When voter fraud, a corrupt media, and dependent moochers left Obama in office, Roger gave up his career and his small business in order to go Galt, with a twist.

These Tea Partiers, the fringiest of the fringe, have actually scored victories in the Republican Party.  The quintessential hero of these ultra far right-wing Tea Partiers, this year, has to be the man who unseated Eric Cantor, Dave Brat.  These folks who support Brat believe Republicans haven’t gone far enough to the right.   These are folks who deny there’s a war on women by simply photographing the women attending the victory party for the newly-coronated Dave Brat.

The victimized people, the same ones who, via the Quinnipiac Poll, claim to profess Obama is the “worst president since WW2,” deny the facts.  [Do they know] “federal discretionary spending is well below average? Or that the poverty rate has stabilized? And the stock market is breaking records, benefitting rich white dudes more than ever? Also, people are buying lots of new cars, and there’s a fully recovered auto industry ready to meet all demand.

#WAAR is merely another “patriotic Republican group” like Oathkeepers, Stormfront or the Heritage Foundation.  What’s the common denominator in all these organizations?  They’ve hated, hate and will continue to hate the black man occupying the White House.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

36 responses to Always Playing The Victim: #WAAR Claims Republicans Are All Refugees

  1. Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 12:49

    When did we get a black man occupying the White House?

    • Dwendt44 July 14th, 2014 at 13:46

      The one we have was sworn in back in January 2009.

      • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 13:53

        I thought he was bi-racial?

        • Bunya July 14th, 2014 at 14:29

          Don’t be silly. President Obama is too dark to be considered biracial by conservative standards. They would, however, consider Maya Rudolph to be biracial.

          • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 15:05

            Ok, so I need to keep up with how this works. I thought when you were born a certain way, you couldn’t “choose” to be otherwise. So now the rules state that you can’t choose your sexuality but you can choose your race (Obama, Elizabeth Warren). Got it.

            • Bunya July 14th, 2014 at 15:31

              I guess. I’m really not sure how the conservative mindset operates.

              • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 16:23

                Well for starters, if you are born black, you are black. If you are born bi-racial, you are bi-racial. If you are born white, you still are white including when filling out tenure applications while checking white on other documents. It’s really quite simple, I’m not sure why liberals insist on making it more complicated than it needs to be with hyphens and such. Does a person with white skin who was born in say, Cape Town get to check the African-American box when they move here and apply for something?

                • Bunya July 14th, 2014 at 17:09

                  First of all, liberals have no problem with people of different ethnic backgrounds, but apparently conservatives do. Look at how disrespectfully they treat our president.
                  And second of all, YOU’RE the only one pointing out the president’s color. Look at your post above. Nobody mentioned the president’s race until you brought it up. Liberals already know “it’s really quite simple” and not a complicated issue, unfortunately not so for many conservatives.

                  • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 17:23

                    From the original article:

                    “There’s a group of people, who cannot come to terms with the idea that their legitimately elected president is black”

                    “they feel their country is unrecognizable from when the Great White Hope, George W. Bush”

                    “They’ve hated, hate and will continue to hate the black man occupying the White House.”

                    The part of the article that didn’t mention race was the part that it excerpted from.

                    • TeapartyCrasher July 14th, 2014 at 19:19

                      The 800 pound gorilla in the room is always race. Period. Why do you think they were so eager to do away with the VRA? They know it unfairly targets poorer African Americans, students and the elderly. They have a huge problem with skin color. They have a problem with poor people. They’d probably happily reinstate slavery if they could. The President has been disrespected like none other. Bret Stephens of the WSJ said on CNN yesterday, “you don’t have a sense of adult responsibility out of the White House.” That’s code for the black guy isn’t responsible like that great White president, GWB.

                    • TeapartyCrasher July 14th, 2014 at 19:19

                      The 800 pound gorilla in the room is always race. Period. Why do you think they were so eager to do away with the VRA? They know it unfairly targets poorer African Americans, students and the elderly. They have a huge problem with skin color. They have a problem with poor people. They’d probably happily reinstate slavery if they could. The President has been disrespected like none other. Bret Stephens of the WSJ said on CNN yesterday, “you don’t have a sense of adult responsibility out of the White House.” That’s code for the black guy isn’t responsible like that great White president, GWB.

                    • Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 19:28

                      Shouldn’t that be “The Great White Dope.”

                    • Jeff Allen July 15th, 2014 at 01:36

                      That would be a question for the author

  2. Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 12:49

    When did we get a black man occupying the White House?

    • Dwendt44 July 14th, 2014 at 13:46

      The one we have was sworn in back in January 2009.

      • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 13:53

        I thought he was bi-racial?

        • Bunya July 14th, 2014 at 14:29

          Don’t be silly. President Obama is too dark to be considered biracial by conservative standards. They would, however, consider Maya Rudolph to be biracial.

          • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 15:05

            Ok, so I need to keep up with how this works. I thought when you were born a certain way, you couldn’t “choose” to be otherwise. So now the rules state that you can’t choose your sexuality but you can choose your race (Obama, Elizabeth Warren). Got it.

            • Bunya July 14th, 2014 at 15:31

              I guess. I’m really not sure how the conservative mindset operates.

              • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 16:23

                Well for starters, if you are born black, you are black. If you are born bi-racial, you are bi-racial. If you are born white, you still are white including when filling out tenure applications while checking white on other documents. It’s really quite simple, I’m not sure why liberals insist on making it more complicated than it needs to be with hyphens and such. Does a person with white skin who was born in say, Cape Town get to check the African-American box when they move here and apply for something?

                • Bunya July 14th, 2014 at 17:09

                  First of all, liberals have no problem with people of different ethnic backgrounds, but apparently conservatives do. Look at how disrespectfully they treat our president.
                  And second of all, YOU’RE the only one pointing out the president’s color. Look at your post above. Nobody mentioned the president’s race until you brought it up. Liberals already know “it’s really quite simple” and not a complicated issue, unfortunately not so for many conservatives.

                  • Jeff Allen July 14th, 2014 at 17:23

                    From the original article:

                    “There’s a group of people, who cannot come to terms with the idea that their legitimately elected president is black”

                    “they feel their country is unrecognizable from when the Great White Hope, George W. Bush”

                    “They’ve hated, hate and will continue to hate the black man occupying the White House.”

                    The part of the article that didn’t mention race was the part that it excerpted from.

                    • TeapartyCrasher July 14th, 2014 at 19:19

                      The 800 pound gorilla in the room is always race. Period. Why do you think they were so eager to do away with the VRA? They know it unfairly targets poorer African Americans, students and the elderly. They have a huge problem with skin color. They have a problem with poor people. They’d probably happily reinstate slavery if they could. The President has been disrespected like none other. Bret Stephens of the WSJ said on CNN yesterday, “you don’t have a sense of adult responsibility out of the White House.” That’s code for the black guy isn’t responsible like that great White president, GWB.

                    • Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 19:28

                      Shouldn’t that be “The Great White Dope.”

                    • Jeff Allen July 15th, 2014 at 01:36

                      That would be a question for the author

  3. mea_mark July 14th, 2014 at 13:04

    They are refugees alright. Refugees of a war between different delusions going on inside their heads. They are mental refugees, victims of a self-imposed cognitive dissonance.

  4. mea_mark July 14th, 2014 at 13:04

    They are refugees alright. Refugees of a war between different delusions going on inside their heads. They are mental refugees, victims of a self-imposed cognitive dissonance.

  5. Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 19:26

    Actually the immigration crisis was caused by Republicans so people wouldn’t be paying attention to how badly they got creamed on their Benghazi conspiracy delusion. Eight investigation committees and they still got nothing because there was no maleficence to begin with. Yeah, right wingers are really concerned about unnecessary spending. Wonder how much money we blew with the 50+ repeals of the ACA which was obviously going no where.

    • AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 20:39

      We know things are hellish in Central America (due to US DEA and drug users) but this wave of children seems partially manufactured. Who has been down there telling people the US will take their kids in and care for them? Sure seems like a GOP op to me.

      Rove and a bunch of GOP cretins had their talking points and scripts all ready as soon as the news hit. They just aren’t that fast reacting impromptu.

      Also, while the nation is in a tizzy about all the kids at the border, another permanent tax cut for the upper tier was passed, but not ‘paid for’ like the GOP insists all programs for lesser classes have to be paid for.

      And let’s consider Rove. He has been clobbered now, two election cycles. If he doesn’t power up GOP in the House and help them take the Senate, his ‘business’ is done for. The poor slob might have to get a real job. Would he make hay on the misery of a bunch of kids? I have no doubts what so ever.

      • Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 21:58

        It’s the GOP behind this, they are trying to distract people’s attention away from the time and money they have spent with their delusional Benghazi scandal of which after 8 investigations they haven’t got one piece of evidence to prove that anything was wrong. These right-wingers are a cancer in America today and they need to be gotten rid of.

  6. Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 19:26

    Actually the immigration crisis was caused by Republicans so people wouldn’t be paying attention to how badly they got creamed on their Benghazi conspiracy delusion. Eight investigation committees and they still got nothing because there was no maleficence to begin with. Yeah, right wingers are really concerned about unnecessary spending. Wonder how much money we blew with the 50+ repeals of the ACA which was obviously going no where.

  7. Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 19:26

    Actually the immigration crisis was caused by Republicans so people wouldn’t be paying attention to how badly they got creamed on their Benghazi conspiracy delusion. Eight investigation committees and they still got nothing because there was no maleficence to begin with. Yeah, right wingers are really concerned about unnecessary spending. Wonder how much money we blew with the 50+ repeals of the ACA which was obviously going no where.

    • AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 20:39

      We know things are hellish in Central America (due to US DEA and drug users) but this wave of children seems partially manufactured. Who has been down there telling people the US will take their kids in and care for them? Sure seems like a GOP op to me.

      Rove and a bunch of GOP cretins had their talking points and scripts all ready as soon as the news hit. They just aren’t that fast reacting impromptu.

      Also, while the nation is in a tizzy about all the kids at the border, another permanent tax cut for the upper tier was passed, but not ‘paid for’ like the GOP insists all programs for lesser classes have to be paid for.

      And let’s consider Rove. He has been clobbered now, two election cycles. If he doesn’t power up GOP in the House and help them take the Senate, his ‘business’ is done for. The poor slob might have to get a real job. Would he make hay on the misery of a bunch of kids? I have no doubts what so ever.

      • Skip Patterson July 14th, 2014 at 21:58

        It’s the GOP behind this, they are trying to distract people’s attention away from the time and money they have spent with their delusional Benghazi scandal of which after 8 investigations they haven’t got one piece of evidence to prove that anything was wrong. These right-wingers are a cancer in America today and they need to be gotten rid of.

  8. AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 20:43

    The loons on the right just cannot stand the reality that there are other people who have much worse lives. They can’t stand ANYBODY getting any attention and/or help. The need to flippin grow up.

  9. AttilatheBlond July 14th, 2014 at 20:43

    The loons on the right just cannot stand the reality that there are other people who have much worse lives. They can’t stand ANYBODY getting any attention and/or help. The need to flippin grow up.

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