Images: Moms With Guns Founder On Obama: ‘Where Is An Assassin When You Need One?’

Posted by | July 12, 2014 20:31 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

This is what the Second Amendment was not created for: Assassinating the President of the United States or even joking about it.

Kathy Perkins, founder of Moms With Guns, shared this article on Facebook, and added, “Where is an assasin when you need one?” [sic] in reference to Obama.

Another Facebook user weighed in, “I know…I’m amazed it hasn’t happened yet.”

Kathy’s Twitter profile reads, “Moms With Guns Demand Action! We Demand the Right to Protect Ourselves and our Families. An Armed Society is a Safe Society.”

There’s nothing ‘polite’ about Kathy so her point is moot.

Obviously Kathy has issues with Moms Demand Action considering the lack of originality in her profile. The gun sense group doesn’t ponder shooting down the president or anyone else for that matter. Which one is more “polite”?

Here’s Kathy “educating” Girl Scouts when she was (or perhaps still is) part of “Come And Take It Take It Texas.”

Remember when being in the Girl Scouts meant something entirely different?

Kathy was also present at the Blue Mesa grill with an Open Carry group in Texas to stalk Moms Demand Action members while they were having lunch.

Kathy is on the right. The Moms group members are inside having the audacity to each lunch. 

Kathy Perkins testified at a hearing hosted by Craig Estes to expand Open Carry in Texas. This is why we can’t have nice things.

A post from their Facebook wall:

“An armed society is a safe society” was just debunked by Ms. Perkins.

Big thanks to a friend of mine out there for sending me the tip.

All images were obtained via social sites and shared/circulated thereby making them fair use. 

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland

611 responses to Images: Moms With Guns Founder On Obama: ‘Where Is An Assassin When You Need One?’

  1. JayGoldenBeach July 13th, 2014 at 16:04

    Maybe the Girl Scouts can start earning a badge in Ballistic Trauma – Bullet Wound First Aid.

    • Republicans_are_Evil July 13th, 2014 at 16:08

      Lol. What a great idea. I smell a SNL skit.

  2. Haley Thunderrider July 13th, 2014 at 18:33

    When I see these people with a automatic rifle slung over their shoulder I think, “Any gunman could take them out, and probably first. By the time they get that rifle up, safety off, and identify their target, they would have 10 bullets in them, especially with the mazazines available today. It may make them feel safe but for kids 0 to 14 the mortality rate is about 17 times higher for accidental shooting than homes that do not own a gun. My point, guns in public aren’t the answer. And you may look like the shooter to the police and get shot right there.

    • pinballsdoll July 14th, 2014 at 10:49

      I agree, I feel so UNSAFE with people walking around like this

      • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:08

        I don’t. I conceal carry.

  3. Haley Thunderrider July 13th, 2014 at 18:33

    When I see these people with a automatic rifle slung over their shoulder I think, “Any gunman could take them out, and probably first. By the time they get that rifle up, safety off, and identify their target, they would have 10 bullets in them, especially with the mazazines available today. It may make them feel safe but for kids 0 to 14 the mortality rate is about 17 times higher for accidental shooting than homes that do not own a gun. My point, guns in public aren’t the answer. And you may look like the shooter to the police and get shot right there.

    • pinballsdoll July 14th, 2014 at 10:49

      I agree, I feel so UNSAFE with people walking around like this

      • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:08

        I don’t. I conceal carry.

  4. KelleyBeld July 13th, 2014 at 19:19

    These are pretty unsophisticated stupid people, I mean, look at their leaders! Most criminals are stupid thankfully – makes them easier to catch.

    • bobby1122 July 13th, 2014 at 22:35

      Go look up some of the Bloomberg mayors group and their criminal records- felon mayors, pervert mayors and Marcus Hook Pa. mayor- who thought it a great idea to have local cops pick up a 20 year old man and bring him to the mayor’s house and when the 20 year old refused to perform oral sex on the mayor – the mayor got his gun and fired shots to scare him.

  5. KelleyBeld July 13th, 2014 at 19:19

    These are pretty unsophisticated stupid people, I mean, look at their leaders! Most criminals are stupid thankfully – makes them easier to catch.

    • bobby1122 July 13th, 2014 at 22:35

      Go look up some of the Bloomberg mayors group and their criminal records- felon mayors, pervert mayors and Marcus Hook Pa. mayor- who thought it a great idea to have local cops pick up a 20 year old man and bring him to the mayor’s house and when the 20 year old refused to perform oral sex on the mayor – the mayor got his gun and fired shots to scare him.

  6. rparshooter July 13th, 2014 at 19:53

    Hope she shoots herself in the foot…hope she gets a visit from the secret service and the FBI..what an ass!!!

  7. rparshooter July 13th, 2014 at 19:53

    Hope she shoots herself in the foot…hope she gets a visit from the secret service and the FBI..what an ass!!!

  8. stanleyyelnatsDotCom July 13th, 2014 at 20:55

    scary thing is she owns a gun. scarier thing is she ain’t alone.

  9. stanleyyelnatsDotCom July 13th, 2014 at 20:55

    scary thing is she owns a gun. scarier thing is she ain’t alone.

  10. James Leno July 13th, 2014 at 21:15

    An armed society is NOT a polite society. An armed society is a tense, quiet, highly-stressed society which has the APPEARENCE of politeness.

    Politeness itself does not require deadly force.

    • FVS July 14th, 2014 at 01:14

      No the society which you describe is one where only the state has weapons and they thusly have no fear of using them against their subjects. Having the right to bare arms is the difference between being a citizen and being a subject.

      • bobkincaid July 14th, 2014 at 02:33

        I don’t know about that. The “right to bare arms” can have long term consequences: sunburn, liver spots, skin cancer . . .

        P.S. Last I checked, Australia is prdy danged free

      • jupitor July 14th, 2014 at 03:16

        I was raised on a Farm an our state has no such open carry laws. But most farmers carry rifles in their back windows on Racks cause of Coyotes. We have people come from all countries to hunt in our State! We do not allow them to carry rifles of any kind in our stores/on our streets an etc. We do have concealed permit’s that few people here find a need to use. We have LOW crime rates here an some trouble in our inner cities with Gangs! I advice you to read your Constitution an the discription of a well armed Militia is as decribed! None of our forefathers thought we’d go past flint guns an would need anything but dry powder an home made bullets/muskets with bayonets stuck on them! There discription of a well armed Militia! So don’t give me this second amendment crap! They thought you’d be running around hunting an protecting your family an land with Muskets an bayonets not AK-15’s with 30 round clips for God sake! For Generations back we’ve heard the battle cry——-The Gov. coming for our Guns! Never happened, never will happen———-some some common sense Gun Control would certainly be in order! Or at least make these idiots who wants to parade down your streets/an take guns in toy shops around kids an forget them in shopping cart/an shooting themself showing off with them take Gun Class’s an learn Respect for the weapon they carry an have a strong Back Ground check for Felonies an Mental Health Patients who have been violent in Domestic Abuse’s an Self Harm an etc. I don’t think that is asking to much for us who want to be safe from idiots that don’t know the first thing about the weapon they are carrying or how to respect it!

        • FVS July 14th, 2014 at 09:02

          Oh please the breach loading rifle was already in use by the British during the Revolutionary War. The founders never envisioned radio, TV or the internet but no one would say they aren’t covered by the 1st amendment. None of the founders wanted or advocated a technologically stagnant society. I agree that some of those who advocate open carry enemy where and everywhere take things to unnecessary extremes. But there are also those that advocate for a completely disarmed society and that is far more dangerous. It reduces the citizen to subject. As Jefferson said the greatness of the 2nd was that you didn’t need it until they tried to take it away from you. I sent several months as a young man living in Franco’s Spain. It was not pretty and was oppressive and frightening. But that is precisely what happens when the police are militarized. They come to see the public as the enemy and act accordingly. The adage that “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance” is as much a warning about our own government as it is about frorign invaders.

        • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:07

          Open carry is pushed by the left and most of the people who cause problems by walking around with guns visible are left wing operatives. Only a moron walks into a public place with an AR hanging off their shoulder.

    • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:04

      Silly man.

  11. James Leno July 13th, 2014 at 21:15

    An armed society is NOT a polite society. An armed society is a tense, quiet, highly-stressed society which has the APPEARENCE of politeness.

    Politeness itself does not require deadly force.

    • bobkincaid July 14th, 2014 at 02:33

      I don’t know about that. The “right to bare arms” can have long term consequences: sunburn, liver spots, skin cancer . . .

      P.S. Last I checked, Australia is prdy danged free

      • NMAXXS July 14th, 2014 at 06:08

        “And since they banned and confiscated private ownership violent crime has gone up sharply. ”

        Absolute bullshit.

    • jupitor July 14th, 2014 at 03:16

      I was raised on a Farm an our state has no such open carry laws. But most farmers carry rifles in their back windows on Racks cause of Coyotes. We have people come from all countries to hunt in our State! We do not allow them to carry rifles of any kind in our stores/on our streets an etc. We do have concealed permit’s that few people here find a need to use. We have LOW crime rates here an some trouble in our inner cities with Gangs! I advice you to read your Constitution an the discription of a well armed Militia is as decribed! None of our forefathers thought we’d go past flint guns an would need anything but dry powder an home made bullets/muskets with bayonets stuck on them! There discription of a well armed Militia! So don’t give me this second amendment crap! They thought you’d be running around hunting an protecting your family an land with Muskets an bayonets not AK-15’s with 30 round clips for God sake! For Generations back we’ve heard the battle cry——-The Gov. coming for our Guns! Never happened, never will happen———-some some common sense Gun Control would certainly be in order! Or at least make these idiots who wants to parade down your streets/an take guns in toy shops around kids an forget them in shopping cart/an shooting themself showing off with them take Gun Class’s an learn Respect for the weapon they carry an have a strong Back Ground check for Felonies an Mental Health Patients who have been violent in Domestic Abuse’s an Self Harm an etc. I don’t think that is asking to much for us who want to be safe from idiots that don’t know the first thing about the weapon they are carrying or how to respect it!

    • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:04

      Silly man.

  12. Bradley Forward July 13th, 2014 at 22:45

    No foul. I was surprised when noone attempted to assassinate Bush. And admittingly wouldn’t have lost one nights sleep over it. I’m in Wisconsin. And wouldn’t have bat an eye had someone shot our Governor Walker. Perhaps even threw a party had it happened. But then, I don’t own any guns, have no interest in owning a gun, and haven’t so much as shot a bunny rabbit in my lifetime. And I guess I never called for the assassination of either of the 2 stated. But making a statement and actually considering it is 2 different things.

    • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 07:38

      Your statement is saddening. If you wouldn’t lose sleep over the murder of another human being merely because he had a different point of you than you or even CELEBRATE his or her passing is mind boggling. I loathed Bush and I loathe Walker, but this is someone’s son, daughter, husband, wife, father or mother. And I would not wish anyone (even someone I loathed) to be violently murdered. The way to take them out is via the ballot box, not the barrel of a gun.

      • Bradley Forward July 14th, 2014 at 16:48

        You get what you give.

        • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 21:55

          sad, Bradley, sad. It makes you no better than they are.

  13. Bradley Forward July 13th, 2014 at 22:45

    No foul. I was surprised when noone attempted to assassinate Bush. And admittingly wouldn’t have lost one nights sleep over it. I’m in Wisconsin. And wouldn’t have bat an eye had someone shot our Governor Walker. Perhaps even threw a party had it happened. But then, I don’t own any guns, have no interest in owning a gun, and haven’t so much as shot a bunny rabbit in my lifetime. And I guess I never called for the assassination of either of the 2 stated. But making a statement and actually considering it is 2 different things.

    • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 07:38

      Your statement is saddening. If you wouldn’t lose sleep over the murder of another human being merely because he had a different point of you than you or even CELEBRATE his or her passing is mind boggling. I loathed Bush and I loathe Walker, but this is someone’s son, daughter, husband, wife, father or mother. And I would not wish anyone (even someone I loathed) to be violently murdered. The way to take them out is via the ballot box, not the barrel of a gun.

      • Bradley Forward July 14th, 2014 at 16:48

        You get what you give.

        • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 21:55

          sad, Bradley, sad. It makes you no better than they are.

      • Bradley Forward July 14th, 2014 at 16:51

        FYI, I never said I wanted them dead. I said I could care less.
        There is a difference. They don’t care about me, I don’t care about them. That’s the way it works. I’m not a christian and am not tied to the ideology that I should love someone even if they don’t love me. You fuck with me, I fuck with you. You get what you give. Live with it.

  14. FVS July 14th, 2014 at 01:11

    And yet concealed carry permits are up 120% and violent crime is down 20%. If you don’t like firearms don’t own one. But your dislike is not the authority to deprive me of my right to own one. I keep both guns and fire extinguishers in my home for the reason. When seconds count, the authorities are minutes away.

    • lindsncal July 14th, 2014 at 02:13

      “The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana,”
      Tell me what all those states have in common.

      • FVS July 14th, 2014 at 02:34

        And our neighbor to the south has no civilian gun ownership and raging gang wars. Ditto Chicago, Baltimore and virtually every urban center in the country. So just where would you feel safer the streets of Montana or south Chicago or west Baltimore. 95% of gun violence is an urban gang problem not one of LEGAL ownership or concealed carry. More people are murdered by being beaten or stomped to death than with so called “assault” rifles.

        If you don’t like guns don’t own one. But your irrational fear does not give you the authority to deprive others of their right to do so.

        • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 07:34

          okay, theirs is an urban gang war. What’s the five states mentioned’s excuse then? Only 2 checkout lines open at the local Wal-Mart?

          • FVS July 14th, 2014 at 10:55

            Let’s look at the numbers and the contributing factor of urban gangs.
            Gun murders per 100,000
            District of Columbia 16.5
            Louisiana 7.7 (New Orleans)
            Missouri 5.4 (East St Louis)
            Maryland 5.1 (Baltimore)
            South Carolina 4.5 (Columbia)
            Michigan 4.2 (Detroit)
            Delaware 4.2 (Wilmington)
            Vermont 0.3 No permit required
            New Hampshire 0.4 Shall Issue
            Hawaii 0.5 May Issue
            North Dakota 0.6 Shall Issue
            Iowa 0.7 Shall Issue
            Idaho 0.8 Shall Issue
            And so on. Actually Montana is the “Highest of the Lowest” at 1.2
            Just looking at DC alone pretty much defines ILLEGAL gun violence as an urban gang problem.

            • PunaPerson July 14th, 2014 at 13:49

              FVS. I appreciate your efforts, but the people you are providing facts to aren’t interested in facts. They have a goal (I admit I don’t know exactly what it is, but it has something to do with me having fewer choices and more government intervention in my life) and that goal must be achieved via any means, including lies, distortions, misrepresentatioin, cherry-picking data, etc.

              For example, they parrot the Brady/CSGV etc. stats about “gun deaths” while failing to specify that nearly 2/3 of those deaths are suicides, which apparently they don’t want anyone to be able to do without the nanny state’s prior approval.

              As you point out, the illegal “gun violence” homicides, etc. disprove their false assertions and validate that firearms ownership by law abiding citizens does not contribute in any way to “gun violence”. Thanks for taking the time to address the facts.

              • FVS July 14th, 2014 at 14:24

                You absolutely correct. However, I present evidence, not for the benefit of the indoctrinated liberals (most of them are indeed beyond the reach of reasoned discourse), but instead for those occasional readers who are indeed looking for answers and reasoned debate and facts to help them find their own answers and conclusions. I blog at
       for the same reason. Feel free to stop by and comment.

              • BrassCannon July 14th, 2014 at 22:21

                Be careful about challenging theses oh so open-minded liberals! What ever you do don’t call them fascists! They can’t handle the truth so they will just ban you. Looks like they just banned and deleted all of FVS’s post. Just like he predicted they would!

                • PunaPerson July 14th, 2014 at 23:18

                  Really, you honestly think that the people that preach “tolerance” and are intolerant of their imagined forms of “intolerance” would really censor or ban political commentary simply because it contradicted their views and false beliefs. Say it isn’t so!

                  There must be some other explanation for all those “This comment was deleted” statements appearing above.

                  Of course, at least Moms Demand Action blah blah blah admit that they do not tolerate any dissent, or even questions, on their sites, no matter how politely they are presented. That’s about the only thing they are honest about, and sometimes they lie about that.

              • lindsncal July 15th, 2014 at 02:18

                Hah….talk about ignoring facts!!

                You ignore any fact you don’t like.
                The title of that story was “Where in the country are you more likely to be shot?”.
                Even with figures in your face you make excuses.
                And no, it did not come from Brady/CSGV. It came from Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

                There is one universal fact that you cannot deny.


                It’s as simple as that.
                32,000 people a year die from guns in this country and you don’t think there’s a problem. More people have died from guns in this country in the last 45 years than in all the wars this country has ever been in going back to the seventeen hundreds.
                No that’s not a problem.
                There is really something wrong with you people.

                Just how many killed would you consider a problem??? How many more than the already 1 school shooting a week would be a problem??


                Washington, DC — States with weak gun violence prevention laws and higher rates of gun ownership have the highest overall gun death rates in the nation, according to a Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

                Meanwhile, states with the lowest overall gun death rates have lower rates of gun ownership and some of the strongest gun violence prevention laws in the nation. However, even in these states the human toll of gun violence remains unacceptably high and far exceeds the gun death rate in most Western industrialized nations.


                • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:00

                  Go get your check from Sarah Brady and troll somewhere else.
                  You and yours are boring..

                  • lindsncal July 17th, 2014 at 13:06

                    Boring beats stupid every time.

                    • grayjohn July 19th, 2014 at 06:54

                      Not THIS time. Troll off.

            • Anomaly 100 July 14th, 2014 at 17:47

              Please stop dropping links to right wing conspiracy sites. They will be deleted.

        • voice_reason July 14th, 2014 at 08:26

          and those guns come from neighboring areas without any effective controls

      • grayjohn July 19th, 2014 at 17:47

        Very small populations.

    • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 07:33

      really, that is the right wing’s mantra now is it? Your dislike is not the authority to deprive me of my rights? Must come as a great shock to the gays and lesbians you’ve been hammering for the past 25 years. Oh, wait. If something affects YOUR rights then action must be taken. Anyone else’s? Oh, they’re asking for special rights. Hypocritical dim Republicans who want to own firearms when they are a danger to themselves crossing the road.

      • FVS July 14th, 2014 at 09:29

        I Don’ t recall saying a word about gays. Try staying on topic. Innuendo is not debate.

        • Mike Brown July 14th, 2014 at 12:02

          You don’t have to. Your very support for the ass-clowns that hold these positions implicate you and your hypocrisy all the same…and BTW…did it ever dawn on your silly ass that crime is down do to improvement (meager as it is) of education, economic access in places historically afflicted with violence in conjunction with better policing as opposed to people owning guns?…..cause that is pretty much what the data over the past 30 years supports.

  15. David Bernstein July 14th, 2014 at 01:28

    Threatening the life of the president is a Class 4 felony under 18 U.S.C. 871. The interesting question is whether the Facebook post is protected free speech. In Watts v. United States (1969) the Supreme Court was faced with a Section 871 prosecution of an 18 year old who had just received his draft classification of 1-A. At a rally in front of the Washington Monument, Watts stated: “I have got to report for my physical this Monday coming. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get into my sights is L.B.J.” The Court reversed his conviction noting: “We agree with petitioner that his only offense here was a kind of very crude offensive method of stating political opposition to the President.” So, if Perkins’s comments were political hyperbole and not a true threat (made in a context that a reasonable person would foresee that persons hearing/reading it would interpret it as expressing a serious intent to harm the President), there has been no crime. A robust First Amendment must protect extreme views, which this certainly is.
    Curiously, if the organization she founded does not distance itself from her, it lends support for the argument that the remark was a real threat to the President. In 1971 Groucho Marx made the remark: “I think the only hope this country has is Nixon’s assassination.” U.S. Attorney Browning’s response was: “It is one thing to say ‘I (or we) will kill Richard Nixon’ when you are the leader of an organization that advocates killing people and overthrowing the government; it is quite another to utter the words which are attributed to Mr. Marx, an alleged comedian.”

  16. David Bernstein July 14th, 2014 at 01:28

    Threatening the life of the president is a Class 4 felony under 18 U.S.C. 871. The interesting question is whether the Facebook post is protected free speech. In Watts v. United States (1969) the Supreme Court was faced with a Section 871 prosecution of an 18 year old who had just received his draft classification of 1-A. At a rally in front of the Washington Monument, Watts stated: “I have got to report for my physical this Monday coming. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get into my sights is L.B.J.” The Court reversed his conviction noting: “We agree with petitioner that his only offense here was a kind of very crude offensive method of stating political opposition to the President.” So, if Perkins’s comments were political hyperbole and not a true threat (made in a context that a reasonable person would foresee that persons hearing/reading it would interpret it as expressing a serious intent to harm the President), there has been no crime. A robust First Amendment must protect extreme views, which this certainly is.
    Curiously, if the organization she founded does not distance itself from her, it lends support for the argument that the remark was a real threat to the President. In 1971 Groucho Marx made the remark: “I think the only hope this country has is Nixon’s assassination.” U.S. Attorney Browning’s response was: “It is one thing to say ‘I (or we) will kill Richard Nixon’ when you are the leader of an organization that advocates killing people and overthrowing the government; it is quite another to utter the words which are attributed to Mr. Marx, an alleged comedian.”

  17. lindsncal July 14th, 2014 at 02:13

    “The five states with the highest per capita gun death rates in 2011 were Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana,”
    Tell me what all those states have in common.

    • Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 07:34

      okay, theirs is an urban gang war. What’s the five states mentioned’s excuse then? Only 2 checkout lines open at the local Wal-Mart?

      • PunaPerson July 14th, 2014 at 13:49

        FVS. I appreciate your efforts, but the people you are providing facts to aren’t interested in facts. They have a goal (I admit I don’t know exactly what it is, but it has something to do with me having fewer choices and more government intervention in my life) and that goal must be achieved via any means, including lies, distortions, misrepresentatioin, cherry-picking data, etc.

        For example, they parrot the Brady/CSGV etc. stats about “gun deaths” while failing to specify that nearly 2/3 of those deaths are suicides, which apparently they don’t want anyone to be able to do without the nanny state’s prior approval.

        As you point out, the illegal “gun violence” homicides, etc. disprove their false assertions and validate that firearms ownership by law abiding citizens does not contribute in any way to “gun violence”. Thanks for taking the time to address the facts.

        • BrassCannon July 14th, 2014 at 22:21

          Be careful about challenging theses oh so open-minded liberals! What ever you do don’t call them fascists! They can’t handle the truth so they will just ban you. Looks like they just banned and deleted all of FVS’s post. Just like he predicted they would!

          • PunaPerson July 14th, 2014 at 23:18

            Really, you honestly think that the people that preach “tolerance” and are intolerant of their imagined forms of “intolerance” would really censor or ban political commentary simply because it contradicted their views and false beliefs. Say it isn’t so!

            There must be some other explanation for all those “This comment was deleted” statements appearing above.

            Of course, at least Moms Demand Action blah blah blah admit that they do not tolerate any dissent, or even questions, on their sites, no matter how politely they are presented. That’s about the only thing they are honest about, and sometimes they lie about that.

        • lindsncal July 15th, 2014 at 02:18

          Hah….talk about ignoring facts!!

          You ignore any fact you don’t like.
          The title of that story was “Where in the country are you more likely to be shot?”.
          Even with figures in your face you make excuses.
          And no, it did not come from Brady/CSGV. It came from Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

          There is one universal fact that you cannot deny.


          It’s as simple as that.
          32,000 people a year die from guns in this country and you don’t think there’s a problem. More people have died from guns in this country in the last 45 years than in all the wars this country has ever been in going back to the seventeen hundreds.
          No that’s not a problem.
          There is really something wrong with you people.

          Just how many killed would you consider a problem??? How many more than the already 1 school shooting a week would be a problem??

          Washington, DC — States with weak gun violence prevention laws and higher rates of gun ownership have the highest overall gun death rates in the nation, according to a Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

          Meanwhile, states with the lowest overall gun death rates have lower rates of gun ownership and some of the strongest gun violence prevention laws in the nation. However, even in these states the human toll of gun violence remains unacceptably high and far exceeds the gun death rate in most Western industrialized nations.

          • grayjohn July 16th, 2014 at 07:00

            Go get your check from Sarah Brady and troll somewhere else.
            You and yours are boring..

            • lindsncal July 17th, 2014 at 13:06

              Boring beats stupid every time.

              • grayjohn July 19th, 2014 at 06:54

                Not THIS time. Troll off.

      • Anomaly 100 July 14th, 2014 at 17:47

        Please stop dropping links to right wing conspiracy sites. They will be deleted.

    • voice_reason July 14th, 2014 at 08:26

      and those guns come from neighboring areas without any effective controls

    • grayjohn July 19th, 2014 at 17:47

      Very small populations.

  18. Phil Ryan July 14th, 2014 at 07:33

    really, that is the right wing’s mantra now is it? Your dislike is not the authority to deprive me of my rights? Must come as a great shock to the gays and lesbians you’ve been hammering for the past 25 years. Oh, wait. If something affects YOUR rights then action must be taken. Anyone else’s? Oh, they’re asking for special rights. Hypocritical dim Republicans who want to own firearms when they are a danger to themselves crossing the road.

    • Mike Brown July 14th, 2014 at 12:02

      You don’t have to. Your very support for the ass-clowns that hold these positions implicate you and your hypocrisy all the same…and BTW…did it ever dawn on your silly ass that crime is down do to improvement (meager as it is) of education, economic access in places historically afflicted with violence in conjunction with better policing as opposed to people owning guns?…..cause that is pretty much what the data over the past 30 years supports.

  19. fairmont66 July 14th, 2014 at 08:10

    where the secret service to put your racist fat ass in prison! Last time I checked threatening the life of the President is a FELONY!

  20. fairmont66 July 14th, 2014 at 08:10

    where the secret service to put your racist fat ass in prison! Last time I checked threatening the life of the President is a FELONY!

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