Unhinged Woman Writes Crazy Op-Ed About Obama’s Impeachable ‘Suds’

Posted by | July 11, 2014 18:11 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Half-term former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is scribbling crazy pictures again with mean words about Obama’s “suds.” Why do you hate suds, Sarah? Let’s go out on a limb here: Sarah is no longer using a ghostwriter.

Her op-ed headline on FoxNews.com reads, “President Obama’s buzzed on suds great adventure.” The Grifter is concerned about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s fundraising, which of course she’s done many, many times. Whatevs.

Then there’s some not-so-carefully placed code words suggesting that Obama, who she refers to as “Dear Leader”, has the weed munchies, “President Obama was absolutely swamped the other night, staving off the munchies at a pizza party in the Mile High city, hobnobbing as headliner at numerous Democrat shindigs, collecting big bucks from big donors all day.”

She’s saying Obama is a pothead. That totally harshes my mellow, man.

Why isn’t Sarah Palin at the border?

Because she’s got her own fundraising gig. At least Sarah doesn’t raise money for candidates. That would be totally beneath her. With the exception of federal candidates, Senate candidates Karen Christine Handel in Georgia, Joni Ernst in Iowa, Chris McDaniel in Mississippi, Julianne Ortman in Minnesota, Ben Sasse in Nebraska, Tim Scott in South Carolina, T.W. Shannon in Oklahoma, and Sen. Mike Lee in Utah,  Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas; House candidates Katrina Pierson in Texas, and $10,000 to Lizbeth Benacquisto in Florida. In non-federal elections, SarahPAC gave $5,000 to Greg Abbott in the Texas gubernatorial primary, and $3,500 to Gov. Nikki Haley in South Carolina.

But anyway, she would not do that except for all the times that she has.

Is this even a sentence?

I make errors and typos, but this is not even English: “Especially exhausting must be trying to change pace and pivot through the fundraising parties, knowing they’re thrown by those much maligned ‘fat cats’ (Obama’s words, not mine).” (my bold, because damn)

Because I really like our readers, I’ll only add one more excerpt:

But, seriously, our commander-in-chief is busy, as Rome burns. For instance, after satisfying those munchies in Colorado, he carved out room for some super duper important games of pool in a bar with that state’s enabling governor. Ironically, Hickensooperdooper is his name. I think.

Anyway, Obama won. He told us so. (Funny, he always wins. Golf, basketball, brackets and bets, his grand pronouncements afterward is always, miraculously, humph, he won again!)

Whew. Racking balls, getting buzzed on suds, maybe humming “Rocky Mountain High” while kicking it in those Rockies, hard choices had to be made – stripes or solids? And that beer – do I drink it if the mountains aren’t blue? Talk about miscues.

President Obama was in Texas next. No time to visit the porous U.S. border, but lots of time for more fancy talkin’, photo-opin’ and fundraisin’. No plugging holes this time down South.

She’s very upset that Obummer won a game of pool. That’s not spiteful at all.  No sirree. “OMG, impeach!  He won a game of pool! He’s literally Hitler.”

Fooled you! One more: The half-wit also said she didn’t need to list the President’s impeachable offenses for the benefit of the “deniers.” I beg to differ. Articles of Impeachment are a thing, and until then, it’s all political theater.

Someone needs to pull Sarah aside to explain that you can’t impeach Obama for being elected.

Some people have said (yes, we read the comments) we shouldn’t give Palin any attention because she’s irrelevant. But her PAC has raised millions for candidates. That means Republicans don’t find her irrelevant even though in public they’ll say otherwise.

Girlfriend also wrote a post on Breitbart which whipped the wingnuts in an impeachment frenzy.

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29 responses to Unhinged Woman Writes Crazy Op-Ed About Obama’s Impeachable ‘Suds’

  1. Montag July 11th, 2014 at 18:19

    You have to keep giving the shreeking harpy time. Laughing is good for the soul.

  2. Montag July 11th, 2014 at 18:19

    You have to keep giving the shreeking harpy time. Laughing is good for the soul.

  3. KatieAnnieOakley July 11th, 2014 at 18:34

    Today’s blearg actually makes a bit of sense, compared to yesterday’s ass-fuckery. Not written by Palin today, though they certainly tried to capture her “voice”.

  4. KatieAnnieOakley July 11th, 2014 at 18:34

    Today’s blearg actually makes a bit of sense, compared to yesterday’s ass-fuckery. Not written by Palin today, though they certainly tried to capture her “voice”.

  5. wpadon July 11th, 2014 at 19:12

    Palin don’t like beer because you don’t have to kill any animals to make it.

  6. wpadon July 11th, 2014 at 19:12

    Palin don’t like beer because you don’t have to kill any animals to make it.

  7. Linda1961 July 11th, 2014 at 19:22

    I managed to read the whole thing, and it’s clear that Quitter is jealous of President Obama, and has no idea what an impeachable offense is, but she’s sure he’s committed “any of ’em, all of ’em.”

    • Tommy6860 July 11th, 2014 at 19:45

      No doubt! I think the paint chips have finally kicked in.

  8. Linda1961 July 11th, 2014 at 19:22

    I managed to read the whole thing, and it’s clear that Quitter is jealous of President Obama, and has no idea what an impeachable offense is, but she’s sure he’s committed “any of ’em, all of ’em.”

    • Tommy6860 July 11th, 2014 at 19:45

      No doubt! I think the paint chips have finally kicked in.

  9. Rob July 11th, 2014 at 19:33

    Jeez Palin Just show us those boobs already and move along.

  10. Rob July 11th, 2014 at 19:33

    Jeez Palin Just show us those boobs already and move along.

  11. Ron Jackson July 11th, 2014 at 19:40

    Proving yet again that by allowing right wingers to bred, is a sign that this is a great nation.

  12. Ron Jackson July 11th, 2014 at 19:40

    Proving yet again that by allowing right wingers to bred, is a sign that this is a great nation.

  13. Jake July 11th, 2014 at 19:46

    To think this numpty could have been our Vice President – can you really imagine her representing the United States at any official function – she is an embarrassment to humanity never mind the U.S. John McCain – your judgement is atrocious – you were and are obviously completely unfit for the Presidency.

  14. cogitoergodavesum July 11th, 2014 at 20:15

    “She didn’t need to list the President’s impeachable offenses” because there was no more room to write them on her hand.

  15. Guest July 11th, 2014 at 20:15

    “She didn’t need to list the President’s impeachable offenses” because there was no more room to write them on her hand.

  16. burqa July 11th, 2014 at 20:35

    Can anyone recall the last time she appeared in public with that husband of hers?

  17. burqa July 11th, 2014 at 20:35

    Can anyone recall the last time she appeared in public with that husband of hers?

  18. tiredoftea July 11th, 2014 at 20:44

    Poor Sarah, she hates the thought that someone, somewhere, especially this President, is having a good time without her. Party girls unite! You have nothing to lose but your Presidential tyrant.

  19. tiredoftea July 11th, 2014 at 20:44

    Poor Sarah, she hates the thought that someone, somewhere, especially this President, is having a good time without her. Party girls unite! You have nothing to lose but your Presidential tyrant.

  20. ChrisVosburg July 12th, 2014 at 01:35

    Sarah slurs: Whew. Racking balls, getting buzzed on suds, maybe humming “Rocky Mountain High” while kicking it in those Rockies, hard choices had to be made – stripes or solids? And that beer – do I drink it if the mountains aren’t blue?

    Go home Sarah, you’re drunk.

    • m2old4bs July 12th, 2014 at 10:36

      That’s what I thought as I read the “excerpts.”

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