Iraq War Vet Mops Floor With Glenn Greenwald On Real Time With Bill Maher

Posted by | June 23, 2014 12:46 | Filed under: Contributors Politics Tommy Christopher Top Stories

Edward Snowden media sherpa Glenn Greenwald doesn’t have too many fans around these parts, so Daily Banterers probably sensed a giddy disturbance in The Force Friday night when IAVA founder Paul Rieckhoff got into it with Greenwald, but When Greenwald demanded evidence of lives lost, it was Maher who responded with what was the best point of the segment: when CIA agents are killed it’s never made public — we’ll never know.

Rieckhoff began by objecting to Greenwald’s suggestion that Americans are the terrorists in the Middle East, while calling out the President for sending troops back into Iraq, but calling them “advisers.”

Greenwald said that calling the ISIS forces “terrorists” is a way to instill irrational fear, and that “maybe there’s an argument to make that outside forces that go in and start bombing that country, or invading that country, are actually terrorists more so than the people in the country.”

“Well, when I was on the ground, I wasn’t a terrorist,” Rieckhoff said, “and neither were the 2.5 million other Americans who served over there, and in Afghanistan.”

Rieckhoff added that another misnomer is the characterization of the 300 troops being sent back to Iraq as “advisers,” when “they’re getting combat pay, they may get killed in action, and if the President has to write a letter home to their parents, they’re in combat.”

He also pushed back hard at two of SnowdWald’s most infuriating canards. The first is the image of Snowden as a brave figure in the mold of Martin Luther King, Jr. or a runaway slave. Rieckhoff rightly asked Greenwald why, if Snowden’s cause is so just, he’s hiding out in Russia instead of making his case before his countrymen. “That’s bullshit,” Greenwald shot back, and grabbed for his Daniel Ellsberg blankie.

Later, Rieckhoff went at Greenwald again, challenging him to…READ MORE

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Tommy Christopher

Tommy Christopher is The Daily Banter's White House Correspondent and Political Analyst. He's been a political reporter and liberal commentator since 2007, and has covered the White House since the beginning of the Obama administration, first for PoliticsDaily, and then for Mediaite. Christopher is a frequent guest on a variety of television, radio, and online programs, and was the villain in the documentaries The Audacity of Democracy and Hating Breitbart. He's also That Guy Who Live-Tweeted His Own Heart Attack, and the only person to have ever received public apologies from both Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.

12 responses to Iraq War Vet Mops Floor With Glenn Greenwald On Real Time With Bill Maher

  1. Anomaly 100 June 23rd, 2014 at 13:11

    I saw this. I LOLed at Greenwald.

  2. Anomaly 100 June 23rd, 2014 at 13:11

    I saw this. I LOLed at Greenwald.

  3. Maxx44 June 23rd, 2014 at 13:48

    Greenwald was looking for a rock to crawl under.

  4. Maxx44 June 23rd, 2014 at 13:48

    Greenwald was looking for a rock to crawl under.

  5. BillTheCat45 June 23rd, 2014 at 14:06

    What a self-promoting shmuck.

  6. BillTheCat45 June 23rd, 2014 at 14:06

    What a self-promoting shmuck.

  7. Jak Crow June 23rd, 2014 at 18:16

    Perhaps if someone that hadn’t already made up his mind about Greenwald and Snowden was commenting on the segment, we wouldn’t get this new definition of “mops the floor”.

  8. Jak Crow June 23rd, 2014 at 18:16

    Perhaps if someone that hadn’t already made up his mind about Greenwald and Snowden was commenting on the segment, we wouldn’t get this new definition of “mops the floor”.

  9. ShelleysLeg June 23rd, 2014 at 19:33

    I can’t stand Greenwald and never have liked his smug self congratulatory style, but REALLY, Rieckhoff tried to railroad the ENTIRE program, even taking it away from Linken Park’s section.

    While I appreciate the take down, he was WAY too invested in HIS talking points! And blondie, I never thought I’d rather see SE Cupp until you came on.

  10. ShelleysLeg June 23rd, 2014 at 19:33

    I can’t stand Greenwald and never have liked his smug self congratulatory style, but REALLY, Rieckhoff tried to railroad the ENTIRE program, even taking it away from Linken Park’s section.

    While I appreciate the take down, he was WAY too invested in HIS talking points! And blondie, I never thought I’d rather see SE Cupp until you came on.

  11. Cosmic_Surfer July 2nd, 2014 at 10:34

    Uh, no…Not sure what planet this writer is on but the only thing Rieckhoff did was prove he has little tolerance for having his paradigm confronted – like most of the NSA talking heads – if the talking points get confronted they take it personally and without logic, regressing into a two year old. Reickhoff came off overtly hostile, defensive and exactly what Cesca and company like to characterize Greenwald as being. Greenwald didn’t have to say a thing,. Sorry – your hate of everyone not playing to your ideology is showing, Christopher.

    Do you understand the definition of an ideologue? Try it on for size

  12. Cosmic_Surfer July 2nd, 2014 at 10:34

    Uh, no…Not sure what planet this writer is on but the only thing Rieckhoff did was prove he has little tolerance for having his paradigm confronted – like most of the NSA talking heads – if the talking points get confronted they take it personally and without logic, regressing into a two year old. Reickhoff came off overtly hostile, defensive and exactly what Cesca and company like to characterize Greenwald as being. Greenwald didn’t have to say a thing,. Sorry – your hate of everyone not playing to your ideology is showing, Christopher.

    Do you understand the definition of an ideologue? Try it on for size

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