If Glenn Beck Can Admit Liberals Were Right On Iraq, What Else Are We Right About?

Posted by | June 18, 2014 00:38 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

Glenn Beck Admits Liberals Were RIGHT: ‘We Should Have Never Gone into Iraq’ (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Someone mark it on the calendar. Glenn Beck admitted that the left was correct when we said that going to war in Iraq was wrong. Beck, sounding almost rational, began his show with a monologue about the ways that he thinks the left and the right can…

By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

92 responses to If Glenn Beck Can Admit Liberals Were Right On Iraq, What Else Are We Right About?

  1. arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 00:41

    Pat Robertson, and now Glenn Beck.

    When they are the voice of reason, it really drives home the point of how bat-sh*t insane the American right has become.

    • granpa.usthai June 18th, 2014 at 11:49

      more like the voices of a RWNJ SET-UP, arc.
      how long before the news reports about how bad POTUS Obama is F’ing up Iraq?
      Don’t think it’ll be endless news worthy when the first American is killed now?
      Don’t think it’ll be endless news worthy when the first bomb kills a child?
      Don’t think there’s not already a string of Political Ads showing burned bodies with portraits of ‘Muslim Obama’ in his newly purchased used ‘AS IS’ gop car (IRAQ)?
      OOOPS! – not enough time to do an ‘in depth’ explanation of how all this came about, but as in the old saying:
      it’s kinda hard to remember the objective was to drain the swamp
      when you’re up to your ass in alligators!

      ‘CURRENT EVENTS’ have an effect on elections also.
      just as much as in 2008, 2010, and 2012.

      After all, if it takes the brave patriot Republicans 240,000 Troops and 1500 years to protect US from terrorist attacks and clean up POTUS Obama’s mess that he left in Iraq, who’s fault is that? As far as the RWNJ portrait painters are concerned, the F’UP in Iraq starts the day Obama was elected in 2008. By the end of this month, they’ll start having ‘war story’ documentaries to provide their Political Ads the optics.

      Just because RWNJ’s say they now believe the ‘liberals’ were correct don’t make it so. (unless you’ve opted to believe them). Even that doesn’t matter as there will be daily calls for impeaching POTUS Obama over his many, many, many F’Up’s he’ll be making in Iraq. (what else could you possibly expect from the right? -actual support of Obama trying to clean up his ‘own mess’ in Iraq?).

      • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:40

        well Obama didnt leave troops there , so he already f’d it up according to John McCain

        regardless if Maliki was told by Iran not to allow U.S troops to stay

        SOMEHOW its all Obama’s fault!

  2. arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 00:41

    Pat Robertson, and now Glenn Beck.

    When they are the voice of reason, it really drives home the point of how bat-sh*t insane the American right has become.

    • granpa.usthai June 18th, 2014 at 11:49

      more like the voices of a RWNJ SET-UP, arc.
      how long before the news reports about how bad POTUS Obama is F’ing up Iraq?
      Don’t think it’ll be endless news worthy when the first American is killed now?
      Don’t think it’ll be endless news worthy when the first bomb kills a child?
      Don’t think there’s not already a string of Political Ads showing burned bodies with portraits of ‘Muslim Obama’ in his newly purchased used ‘AS IS’ gop car (IRAQ)?
      OOOPS! – not enough time to do an ‘in depth’ explanation of how all this came about, but as in the old saying:
      it’s kinda hard to remember the objective was to drain the swamp
      when you’re up to your ass in alligators!

      ‘CURRENT EVENTS’ have an effect on elections also.
      just as much as in 2008, 2010, and 2012.

      After all, if it takes the brave patriot Republicans 240,000 Troops and 1500 years to protect US from terrorist attacks and clean up POTUS Obama’s mess that he left in Iraq, who’s fault is that? As far as the RWNJ portrait painters are concerned, the F’UP in Iraq starts the day Obama was elected in 2008. By the end of this month, they’ll start having ‘war story’ documentaries to provide their Political Ads the optics.

      Just because RWNJ’s say they now believe the ‘liberals’ were correct don’t make it so. (unless you’ve opted to believe them). Even that doesn’t matter as there will be daily calls for impeaching POTUS Obama over his many, many, many F’Up’s he’ll be making in Iraq. (what else could you possibly expect from the right? -actual support of Obama trying to clean up his ‘own mess’ in Iraq?).

      • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:40

        well Obama didnt leave troops there , so he already f’d it up according to John McCain

        regardless if Maliki was told by Iran not to allow U.S troops to stay

        SOMEHOW its all Obama’s fault!

  3. aspromised June 18th, 2014 at 00:46

    He is only admitting to half the story: the part that coincides with how much he detests Muslims.

  4. aspromised June 18th, 2014 at 00:46

    He is only admitting to half the story: the part that coincides with how much he detests Muslims.

  5. Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 00:53

    Saw someone just posted this on Facebook:


    • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 01:07

      The majority of Congressional Democrats in both houses of Congress voted against going to war.

      No amount of lame deflection will change that fact. Congressional Republicans were nearly unanimous in supporting the war. Lincoln Chaffee in the Senate was the only Republican who voted against.

      Liberals were right, conservatives were wrong.

      President Bush made the final decision to engage in a costly, deadly, pointless war which even right wingers now recognize was a catastrophic mistake as evidenced by the unapologetic hypocrisy. Right wingers have spent the past 5 years insisting that it is the President who is responsible for what happens on his watch. But when it comes to Iraq, in an effort to avoid responsibility for their mistake, the refrain is but, but Hilary voted for it too.

      Hilary had the integrity to admit she was wrong..

      Meanwhile, the same people who created this mess are now on television demanding that we do it again.

      • Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 05:27

        Lol you think liberals and democrats are the same? Wrong… there are conservative democrats, fool. Also, like a good little liberal, you missed the point which was clear as day… democrats under Clinton were adamant Hussein had wmd and war was imminent.

        Then you blame Bush for It

        • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 07:56

          Well why not? They blame Bush for everything…almost 8 years into a new administration! Hillary Clinton’s new book is a dismal failure so that must be W’s fault too.

          • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 08:19

            Because we are still tying to repair the damage done by them?

            • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 08:52

              What damage? Hillary Clinton lying in a new book is hardly damage done by W. What damage? The economy? Obamacare? The illegals issue? These are not Geo. Bush problems. But I can see how, if you step on a crack and break your mother’s back, you think it’s ok to “Blame Bush” because …well.. that absolves you of taking personal responsibility for anything.

              • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 08:58

                What damage?


                The destabilization of the Middle East?

                Turning Iraq over to the loving arms of Iran?

                “The economy? Obamacare? The illegals issue? These are not Geo. Bush problems…”


                Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record
                WSJ January
                9, 2009, 12:04 PM

                Then the economy contracted 8.9% in Q4 ’08, 6.7% in Q1 ’09.

                Illegals? It IS a leftover.
                Obama IS doing everything possible.

                The ACA is NOT a problem.

                Hillary Clinton, lies???

                From the GOP side of the aisle??

                • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 11:28

                  Just a minute Old Lefty, The destabilization of the Middle East????? Since WHEN was the Middle East EVER stable??? You can’t lay that at Bush’s feet. Bush on Job worst track record ever… check your facts again and don’t go to CNN to get your jobs numbers. Obama is the worst ever…worse than Carter and THAT’S saying something. That’s not about Repub or Dem, Old Lefty, that’s just bad policy. Illegals… so shipping all kinds of illegals to Arizona and overwhelming their facilities is “doing everything possible”. Dear God, I’d hate to see what impossible is. The ACA is a HUGE problem,ask anyone who has it.
                  And Hillary Clinton and her lies? Where do you want me to start?

                  Come on!!! Put the KoolAid down!!!!!

                  • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 11:44

                    Just a minute Old Lefty, The destabilization of the Middle East?????


                    I stand corrected.

                    The destabilization of the region and a Shiite crescent is more accurate.

                    That was all Bush, (if he was even in the loop).


                    Take it up with the WSJ, and

                    From the bls;

                    February 03, 2011

                    Job gains exceed job losses for first time since December 2007

                    ~ Businessweek; A Lost Decade for Jobs

                    Private sector job growth was almost non-existent over the past
                    ten years.
                    Posted by: Michael Mandel on June 23, 2009

                    9 million; the number of gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 6.2 million.

                    Obama did better than Reagan under worse conditions;

                    Unemployment; Reagan;

                    1981 began 7.5% (2009 began 7.8%)

                    By Dec 1982; 10.8% (By
                    Oct 2010; 10.1%)

                    By Oct 1984; 7.4%

                    Public sector employment increased under Reagan,



                    Bush increased public sector employment, (+3.7%


                    Public sector employment decreased under Obama, by -2.7%.

                    Bush was the worst POTUS to date, and HE replaced Reagan who tripled the deficit, began the destruction of the middle class, and created al Qaeda.

                    Nobody is so shipping all kinds of illegals to Arizona and overwhelming their facilities is ,,,except perhaps the private for profit CCA and the AZ gov.

                    ACA?? “ask anyone who has it”????

                    That indicates that you have NO idea what it is.

                    Perhaps YOU need to get out of the Echo Chamber.

                    As even David Frum said, “Republicans have been Fleeced, Exploited And Lied To’ by a Conservative Entertainment Complex”

                    And even Straussian William Kristol said, on Conservativism becoming a racket;

                    “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and
                    eventually degenerates into a racket.”

                    Kool Aid???

                    Thou dost project too much, methinks.

                    • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:37

                      LOL ACA?? “ask anyone who has it” ..

                      IT .. like its a single thing .. to bad its not , like say single payer

                      I love reading your educational replies.. so at least you arent wasting your time replying to the air head

          • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 20:19

            Obama got Bin Ladin …and the terrorist behind Benghazi who admitted it was because of the movie that Susan Rice was talking about

            those 2 things DEFINITELY have nothing to do with Bush :)

            Gosh whats the scandal channel going to come up with next to keep the drama going? Oh I know make getting the Benghazi terrorist somehow a bad thing by trying to claim it was timed to help Hillary

            EVERYTHING conservatives do is about Hillary LOL!

            scared much?

        • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 10:55

          Like a good little low information right winger, you make up BS about what I think. I never said liberals and Democrats are the same. So WRONG right back at you and your BS fiction.

          The point is that the majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the war, including all of the most LIBERAL members.

          Like a good little low information right winger, you are a hypocrite with the “Blame Bush” garbage. Yes, the President Bush is responsible for the decision to go to war.

          Like a good little low information right wingers, you try to blame other people for your f*ck-up. You called anyone who opposed the war, un American traitors. You smashed Dixie Chicks records. But now when your idiotic pointless war is clearly blowing up in your faces, you want to blame Democrats.

          Get a clue, you were hopelessly wrong about Iraq a decade ago and no amount of lying trying to pretend that Democrats got us into this war will change that.

          • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:33

            if I where to follow righties logic .. if someone trashes a hotel room, the person who rents it next pays for the damage

            oh and why arent righties upset that Bush blamed 9/11 on Clinton? heh

          • Sam Freedom June 19th, 2014 at 08:24

            Hey pinhead… I’m an independent… used to be in a family of old school Democrats until the infantile “progressives” aka “modern liberals” corrupted it with their juvenile behavior. Anyways, I’m not conservative but do sympathize with them more because you liberals just attack anything that spells success in a way that only a communist could love. If the conservatives every start looking like Nazis, I’ll help balance things by running to the other side of the boat and opposing such moves…

            …. but right now, it’s liberals and Democrats who have lost their way and all they do is blame blame blame… I don’t blame the Republicans and conservatives for opposing at every point.
            So, try not being such a partisan hack if you can… this isn’t a game.

      • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 07:55

        Because Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were for the war before they were against the war…or is it the other way around. I can never keep up with the flip flopping. EVERYONE was on board when 9/11 hit so get off of it already.

        • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 10:57

          Not everyone was on board and some of those that were changed their mind when the true facts came to light over the propaganda the W admin was pushing. Changing your mind is allowed, adults do it all the time. Here’s an example. You find a little shop that sells a good quality item you’ve been wanting for a very reasonable price so you buy it. After the purchase, it is brought to your attention it was produced by child slave labor in Indonesia. What do you do, keep the product or do you return it now that the facts regarding the merchandise have come to light?

          • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 11:25

            Finding the bastards who murdered 3,000 of our countrymen is NOT shopping for a reasonable price buying Chinese rubber dog $hit at Wal Mart. It would have been correct if the libs HAD ACTUALLY said why they changed their minds but they didn’t. Because they’re not smart enough to take a stand. After we tanked Hussein’s sons, we should have bagged out. But for LibPo to hint that it’s a great epiphany that Conservs and Libs can agree on something is insulting.

            Oh and ARC99, Hilary Clinton wouldn’t know integrity if it bit her in the face!

            • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 11:47

              call it whatever you want integrity, guts, honesty. whatever you want to call it, she demonstrates what right wingers do not, e.g. admitting a mistake.

            • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 17:03

              You buy rubber dog $hit at Wal-Mart? Well, I take back what I said about having reasonable dialog with you. You chose your non de plume well.

            • Annie June 18th, 2014 at 18:45

              I’m so sick of the meme that everyone killed at the World Trade Center was an American. It simply isn’t true. And even if it were true, it wouldn’t justify the mass destruction (yeah, I went there) caused by the unjust and unpaid for war that destroyed and destabilized Iraq and killed, maimed and uprooted millions of innocent people, not the least of whom were our own soldiers. The WTC was at the end of my street. Please don’t presume to understand how it is that nobody in NYC wanted war with anyone. Enough destruction had already happened.

            • William June 19th, 2014 at 09:57

              Finding the bastards who murdered 3,000 of our countrymen is NOT shopping for a reasonable price buying Chinese rubber dog $hit at Wal Mart….
              Yet you failed s miserably.
              It took a lawyer from Illinois to get the job done.

        • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 11:01

          no everyone was not on board to go to war with Iraq, so stop lying already.

          out of 258 Democrats in the House and Senate, 147 or over half voted against the war.

          I realize that facts don’t mean anything to right wingers, but at the very least you can make it more challenging by finding a lie that is a bit more difficult to debunk.

          no EVERYONE was not on board.

    • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 03:52

      Thought you might want to see how the Bush administration lied us into an unnecessary war ..


      • Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 05:31

        Lololol, you love the propaganda, don’t you?

        Here’s a rebuttal to some off the crap.


        • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 14:57

          Lololol I love the truth.. and that clip has very little do with anything more than righties hatred of someone they despise for exposing the truth

          I feel dumber for having looked at it

          • Sam Freedom June 19th, 2014 at 08:16

            Wow, there’s that awesome “critical thinking” that somehow furnishes you with the exact same conclusion of all the dronish talking points your handlers pass out daily.

            As for your “feeling dumber”, it’s not for having looked at the video… it’s because you had a moment of true clarity.

      • Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 05:33

        If you like maddow so much, how come you don’t know about these things she reported:

        Rachel Maddow on Obama’s Indefinite detention ide…: http://youtu.be/L8J_lcHwkvc

        • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 15:02

          how come you think I DONT know about it.. unlike you righties who dont think for yourselves we dont always agree with Obama we actually have critical thinking skills

          thats pretty rich coming from a T bagger saying I like propaganda LOL

          • Sam Freedom June 19th, 2014 at 08:14

            Wait… you’re a lefty with a logo of “you” taking a leak on an elephant and you claim to have “critical thinking skills”?? lolol let us know when they’re liberated from your immature leftist self-loathing…

      • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 11:29

        Oh, but Obama’s been so transparent about everything….

    • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 08:24

      EVERYBODY knows this, and yet none of them ever advocated for the bombing and destruction of the entire country’s infrastructure and government, followed by a ground war and occupation.

      And don’t forget “pursuing” programs , and “has programs” is not “has” weapons.

  6. Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 00:53

    Saw someone just posted this on Facebook:


    • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 01:07

      The majority of Congressional Democrats in both houses of Congress voted against going to war.

      No amount of lame deflection will change that fact. Congressional Republicans were nearly unanimous in supporting the war. Lincoln Chaffee in the Senate was the only Republican who voted against.

      Liberals were right, conservatives were wrong.

      President Bush made the final decision to engage in a costly, deadly, pointless war which even right wingers now recognize was a catastrophic mistake as evidenced by the unapologetic hypocrisy. Right wingers have spent the past 5 years insisting that it is the President who is responsible for what happens on his watch. But when it comes to Iraq, in an effort to avoid responsibility for their mistake, the refrain is but, but Hilary voted for it too.

      Hilary had the integrity to admit she was wrong..

      Meanwhile, the same people who created this mess are now on television demanding that we do it again.

      • Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 05:27

        Lol you think liberals and democrats are the same? Wrong… there are conservative democrats, fool. Also, like a good little liberal, you missed the point which was clear as day… democrats under Clinton were adamant Hussein had wmd and war was imminent.

        Then you blame Bush for It

        • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 07:56

          Well why not? They blame Bush for everything…almost 8 years into a new administration! Hillary Clinton’s new book is a dismal failure so that must be W’s fault too.

          • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 08:19

            Because we are still tying to repair the damage done by them?

            • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 08:52

              What damage? Hillary Clinton lying in a new book is hardly damage done by W. What damage? The economy? Obamacare? The illegals issue? These are not Geo. Bush problems. But I can see how, if you step on a crack and break your mother’s back, you think it’s ok to “Blame Bush” because …well.. that absolves you of taking personal responsibility for anything.

              • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 08:58

                What damage?


                The destabilization of the Middle East?

                Turning Iraq over to the loving arms of Iran?

                “The economy? Obamacare? The illegals issue? These are not Geo. Bush problems…”


                Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record
                WSJ January
                9, 2009, 12:04 PM

                Then the economy contracted 8.9% in Q4 ’08, 6.7% in Q1 ’09.

                Illegals? It IS a leftover.
                Obama IS doing everything possible.

                The ACA is NOT a problem.

                Hillary Clinton, lies???

                From the GOP side of the aisle??

                • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 11:28

                  Just a minute Old Lefty, The destabilization of the Middle East????? Since WHEN was the Middle East EVER stable??? You can’t lay that at Bush’s feet. Bush on Job worst track record ever… check your facts again and don’t go to CNN to get your jobs numbers. Obama is the worst ever…worse than Carter and THAT’S saying something. That’s not about Repub or Dem, Old Lefty, that’s just bad policy. Illegals… so shipping all kinds of illegals to Arizona and overwhelming their facilities is “doing everything possible”. Dear God, I’d hate to see what impossible is. The ACA is a HUGE problem,ask anyone who has it.
                  And Hillary Clinton and her lies? Where do you want me to start?

                  Come on!!! Put the KoolAid down!!!!!

                  • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 11:44

                    Just a minute Old Lefty, The destabilization of the Middle East?????


                    I stand corrected.

                    The destabilization of the region and a Shiite crescent is more accurate.

                    That was all Bush, (if he was even in the loop).


                    Take it up with the WSJ, and

                    From the bls;

                    February 03, 2011

                    Job gains exceed job losses for first time since December 2007

                    ~ Businessweek; A Lost Decade for Jobs

                    Private sector job growth was almost non-existent over the past
                    ten years.
                    Posted by: Michael Mandel on June 23, 2009

                    9 million; the number of gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 6.2 million.

                    Obama did better than Reagan under worse conditions;

                    Unemployment; Reagan;

                    1981 began 7.5% (2009 began 7.8%)

                    By Dec 1982; 10.8% (By
                    Oct 2010; 10.1%)

                    By Oct 1984; 7.4%

                    Public sector employment increased under Reagan,



                    Bush increased public sector employment, (+3.7%


                    Public sector employment decreased under Obama, by -2.7%.

                    Bush was the worst POTUS to date, and HE replaced Reagan who tripled the deficit, began the destruction of the middle class, and created al Qaeda.

                    Nobody is so shipping all kinds of illegals to Arizona and overwhelming their facilities is ,,,except perhaps the private for profit CCA and the AZ gov.

                    ACA?? “ask anyone who has it”????

                    That indicates that you have NO idea what it is.

                    Perhaps YOU need to get out of the Echo Chamber.

                    As even David Frum said, “Republicans have been Fleeced, Exploited And Lied To’ by a Conservative Entertainment Complex”

                    And even Straussian William Kristol said, on Conservativism becoming a racket;

                    “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and
                    eventually degenerates into a racket.”

                    Kool Aid???

                    Thou dost project too much, methinks.

                    • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:37

                      LOL ACA?? “ask anyone who has it” ..

                      IT .. like its a single thing .. to bad its not , like say single payer

                      I love reading your educational replies.. so at least you arent wasting your time replying to the air head

          • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 20:19

            Obama got Bin Ladin …and the terrorist behind Benghazi who admitted it was because of the movie that Susan Rice was talking about

            those 2 things DEFINITELY have nothing to do with Bush :)

            Gosh whats the scandal channel going to come up with next to keep the drama going? Oh I know make getting the Benghazi terrorist somehow a bad thing by trying to claim it was timed to help Hillary

            EVERYTHING conservatives do is about Hillary LOL!

            scared much?

        • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 10:55

          Like a good little low information right winger, you make up BS about what I think. I never said liberals and Democrats are the same. So WRONG right back at you and your BS fiction. idiot.. see I can call names too,

          The point is that the majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the war, including all of the most LIBERAL members.

          Like a good little low information right winger, you are a hypocrite with the “Blame Bush” garbage. Yes, the President Bush is responsible for the decision to go to war.

          Like a good little low information right wingers, you try to blame other people for your f*ck-up. You called anyone who opposed the war, un American traitors. You smashed Dixie Chicks records. But now when your idiotic pointless war is clearly blowing up in your faces, you want to blame Democrats.

          Get a clue, you were hopelessly wrong about Iraq a decade ago and no amount of lying trying to pretend that Democrats got us into this war will change that.

          • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:33

            if I where to follow righties logic .. if someone trashes a hotel room, the person who rents it next pays for the damage

            oh and why arent righties upset that Bush blamed 9/11 on Clinton? heh

          • Sam Freedom June 19th, 2014 at 08:24

            Hey pinhead… I’m an independent… used to be in a family of old school Democrats until the infantile “progressives” aka “modern liberals” corrupted it with their juvenile behavior. Anyways, I’m not conservative but do sympathize with them more because you liberals just attack anything that spells success in a way that only a communist could love. If the conservatives every start looking like Nazis, I’ll help balance things by running to the other side of the boat and opposing such moves…

            …. but right now, it’s liberals and Democrats who have lost their way and all they do is blame blame blame… I don’t blame the Republicans and conservatives for opposing at every point.
            So, try not being such a partisan hack if you can… this isn’t a game.

      • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 07:55

        Because Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were for the war before they were against the war…or is it the other way around. I can never keep up with the flip flopping. EVERYONE was on board when 9/11 hit so get off of it already.

        • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 10:57

          Not everyone was on board and some of those that were changed their mind when the true facts came to light over the propaganda the W admin was pushing. Changing your mind is allowed, adults do it all the time. Here’s an example. You find a little shop that sells a good quality item you’ve been wanting for a very reasonable price so you buy it. After the purchase, it is brought to your attention it was produced by child slave labor in Indonesia. What do you do, keep the product or do you return it now that the facts regarding the merchandise have come to light?

          • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 11:25

            Finding the bastards who murdered 3,000 of our countrymen is NOT shopping for a reasonable price buying Chinese rubber dog $hit at Wal Mart. It would have been correct if the libs HAD ACTUALLY said why they changed their minds but they didn’t. Because they’re not smart enough to take a stand. After we tanked Hussein’s sons, we should have bagged out. But for LibPo to hint that it’s a great epiphany that Conservs and Libs can agree on something is insulting.

            Oh and ARC99, Hilary Clinton wouldn’t know integrity if it bit her in the face!

            • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 11:47

              call it whatever you want integrity, guts, honesty. whatever you want to call it, she demonstrates what right wingers do not, e.g. admitting a mistake.

            • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 17:03

              You buy rubber dog $hit at Wal-Mart? Well, I take back what I said about having reasonable dialog with you. You chose your non de plume well.

            • Annie June 18th, 2014 at 18:45

              I’m so sick of the meme that everyone killed at the World Trade Center was an American. It simply isn’t true. And even if it were true, it wouldn’t justify the mass destruction (yeah, I went there) caused by the unjust and unpaid for war that destroyed and destabilized Iraq and killed, maimed and uprooted millions of innocent people, not the least of whom were our own soldiers. The WTC was at the end of my street. Please don’t presume to understand how it is that nobody in NYC wanted war with anyone. Enough destruction had already happened.

            • William June 19th, 2014 at 09:57

              Finding the bastards who murdered 3,000 of our countrymen is NOT shopping for a reasonable price buying Chinese rubber dog $hit at Wal Mart….
              Yet you failed s miserably.
              It took a lawyer from Illinois to get the job done.

        • arc99 June 18th, 2014 at 11:01

          no everyone was not on board to go to war with Iraq, so stop lying already.

          out of 258 Democrats in the House and Senate, 147 or over half voted against the war.

          I realize that facts don’t mean anything to right wingers, but at the very least you can make it more challenging by finding a lie that is a bit more difficult to debunk.

          no EVERYONE was not on board.

    • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 03:52

      Thought you might want to see how the Bush administration lied us into an unnecessary war ..


      • Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 05:31

        Lololol, you love the propaganda, don’t you?

        Here’s a rebuttal to some off the crap.


        • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 14:57

          Lololol I love the truth.. and that clip has very little do with anything more than righties hatred of someone they despise for exposing the truth

          I feel dumber for having looked at it

          • Sam Freedom June 19th, 2014 at 08:16

            Wow, there’s that awesome “critical thinking” that somehow furnishes you with the exact same conclusion of all the dronish talking points your handlers pass out daily.

            As for your “feeling dumber”, it’s not for having looked at the video… it’s because you had a moment of true clarity.

      • Sam Freedom June 18th, 2014 at 05:33

        If you like maddow so much, how come you don’t know about these things she reported:

        Rachel Maddow on Obama’s Indefinite detention ide…: http://youtu.be/L8J_lcHwkvc

        • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 15:02

          how come you think I DONT know about it.. unlike you righties who dont think for yourselves we dont always agree with Obama we actually have critical thinking skills

          thats pretty rich coming from a T bagger saying I like propaganda LOL

          • Sam Freedom June 19th, 2014 at 08:14

            Wait… you’re a lefty with a logo of “you” taking a leak on an elephant and you claim to have “critical thinking skills”?? lolol let us know when they’re liberated from your immature leftist self-loathing…

      • RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 11:29

        Oh, but Obama’s been so transparent about everything….

    • OldLefty June 18th, 2014 at 08:24

      EVERYBODY knows this, and yet none of them ever advocated for the bombing and destruction of the entire country’s infrastructure and government, followed by a ground war and occupation.

      And don’t forget “pursuing” programs , and “has programs” is not “has” weapons.

  7. RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 07:53

    You know what? Bite me. Not every Conservative Republican ever believed going into Iraq was the best thing. We should have gotten out as soon as we took out Hussein’s raping and murdering bastards that he called sons. Otherwise, we need to call every American to get the hell out (including contractors of private companies) and then just let that region self destruct. I love President W but didn’t drink his Kool Aid. So step off already.

    • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 10:52

      You sound like a person we can have an interesting dialog with. I hope you stick around.

    • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:28

      you love W yet despise his policies .. I think you already stepped off

  8. RightWingNutJob June 18th, 2014 at 07:53

    You know what? Bite me. Not every Conservative Republican ever believed going into Iraq was the best thing. We should have gotten out as soon as we took out Hussein’s raping and murdering bastards that he called sons. Otherwise, we need to call every American to get the hell out (including contractors of private companies) and then just let that region self destruct. I love President W but didn’t drink his Kool Aid. So step off already.

    • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 10:52

      You sound like a person we can have an interesting dialog with. I hope you stick around.

    • Chinese Democracy June 18th, 2014 at 18:28

      you love W yet despise his policies .. I think you already stepped off

  9. Steve Scholl June 18th, 2014 at 09:00

    I’m sure the hawks will toss Beck on the trash pile. Such blasphemy. The right can never be wrong.

    • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 10:51

      OAS supporters tossed him a month ago. He refused to endorse them and actually spoke out against the OAS movement.

  10. Steve Scholl June 18th, 2014 at 09:00

    I’m sure the hawks will toss Beck on the trash pile. Such blasphemy. The right can never be wrong.

    • granpa.usthai June 18th, 2014 at 10:55

      what part of the ” Obama has bought the GOP used car ‘AS IS’ (Iraq) are you not understanding?

  11. Steve Scholl June 18th, 2014 at 09:00

    I’m sure the hawks will toss Beck on the trash pile. Such blasphemy. The right can never be wrong.

    • Shades June 18th, 2014 at 10:51

      OAS supporters tossed him a month ago. He refused to endorse them and actually spoke out against the OAS movement.

  12. Steve Scholl June 18th, 2014 at 09:00

    I’m sure the hawks will toss Beck on the trash pile. Such blasphemy. The right can never be wrong.

    • granpa.usthai June 18th, 2014 at 10:55

      what part of the ” Obama has bought the GOP used car ‘AS IS’ (Iraq) are you not understanding?

  13. granpa.usthai June 18th, 2014 at 10:50

    well, hell, seems like the Left is so damn eager to watch the Right eat faux crow, they’ll swallow this hook line and sinker. It’s a RWNJ folks, but you’ll not realize it until POTUS Obama and the Democrats are sucked into it (appears like the POTUS already is).
    You can weep and wail at each and every election you want, but by the end of this month, Iraq and all the ‘horrors’ listed each and every week by the RWNJ dj’s and pulpits across America will award this POTUS and the Democrat with Iraq, mistakes and all, PAST, PRESENT (as in 2014 election) and FUTURE (as in all elections that may come).
    If this POTUS is aslready guilty of F’ing up Iraq by not jumping in with both feet sooner – do you really believe they’ll support him now?

    Enjoy the fish fry (on the grill if you can) I’m sure the RWNJ’s will!

  14. granpa.usthai June 18th, 2014 at 10:50

    well, hell, seems like the Left is so damn eager to watch the Right eat faux crow, they’ll swallow this hook line and sinker. It’s a RWNJ folks, but you’ll not realize it until POTUS Obama and the Democrats are sucked into it (appears like the POTUS already is).
    You can weep and wail at each and every election you want, but by the end of this month, Iraq and all the ‘horrors’ listed each and every week by the RWNJ dj’s and pulpits across America will award this POTUS and the Democrat with Iraq, mistakes and all, PAST, PRESENT (as in 2014 election) and FUTURE (as in all elections that may come).
    If this POTUS is aslready guilty of F’ing up Iraq by not jumping in with both feet sooner – do you really believe they’ll support him now?

    Enjoy the fish fry (on the grill if you can) I’m sure the RWNJ’s will!

  15. Stan Ubeki June 18th, 2014 at 19:53

    Beck: Now apologize to Cindy Sheehan, whom you called a “pretty big prostitute” and a “tragedy pimp” for protesting the war in honor of her slain soldier son. The old saying “one Aww Shit is worth a thousand atta-boys” puts you in the red for the rest of your natural life.


  16. Stan Ubeki June 18th, 2014 at 19:53

    Beck: Now apologize to Cindy Sheehan, whom you called a “pretty big prostitute” and a “tragedy pimp” for protesting the war in honor of her slain soldier son. The old saying “one Aww Shit is worth a thousand atta-boys” puts you in the red for the rest of your natural life.


  17. fancypants June 18th, 2014 at 21:12

    sorry glen your media big brother bill o’reilly still wants to bomb the crap out of iraq until we run short on jet fuel and he’s got Charles krauthhammer eating the same sandwiches.
    why don’t the two of you duke it out while Charles eats popcorn at ringside.

  18. fancypants June 18th, 2014 at 21:12

    sorry glen your media big brother bill o’reilly still wants to bomb the crap out of iraq until we run short on jet fuel and he’s got Charles krauthhammer eating the same sandwiches.
    why don’t the two of you duke it out while Charles eats popcorn at ringside.

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