Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors’ Best Friends

Posted by | June 15, 2014 17:12 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion Politics Top Stories VegasJessie War & Peace

War Hawks Senator McCain and Senator Graham

The two Senators most outraged and openly aghast at every foreign policy decision made by President Obama are Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ).  With Eric Cantor’s stunning loss on June 10th, many suspected Graham would face the same demise, but he actually fared very well.  Perhaps because he’s a very good friend to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and would never be seen meeting with the likes of VP Biden as Cantor has done.   These are two of the biggest hawks in the Senate because they have a sordid history of accepting donations from defense contractors. Defense Contractors don’t play by the same rules, thanks to an executive order signed by President Eisenhower in 1958.  They receive tax payer subsidies without facing any criminal liability.

This  personal and LUCRATIVE friendship became de rigueur with President Lyndon Johnson’s massive financial ties with Brown and Root (now KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary).  Speculation this close alliance between LBJ and Brown and Root may have been the cause of JFK’s assassination, but anyone who spoke of this was silenced in one way or another.  This ushered in the era Eisenhower himself warned against:  where the government is wholly owned by the MIC.  Senators and Representatives alike maintain their Congressional tenure indefinitely if they play ball with the most lucrative industry in America.

It’s unclear how many defense contractors have secret indemnification agreements with the military. Under the law, most government agencies are banned from entering open-ended indemnification agreements, but the Pentagon and a handful of other agencies were exempted in an executive order signed by President Richard Nixon in 1971.

Rarely these mega-corporations have their feet held to the fire over criminal negligence causing injury and death. The continuous beat of the war-drum by these bought and paid for Senators is not a mystery, with a closer look at President Obama’s harshest foreign policy critic, Senator McCain:

[In 2013] Republican John McCain received more defense lobby cash than any other senator who cast a vote Wednesday on Syria: $176,300.

It’s no secret how profitable the short Iraqi conflict followed by a painfully long occupation was for Cheney’s Halliburton.  The fact President Obama averted another war with Syria vexed the Graham-McCain duo.  But never fear, a fresh new conflict is here!

The nation we invaded on false pretenses, Iraq,  is in shambles.  Who do they blame?  Who else? President Obama is always at fault for the messes of the Bush Administration.  Thanks to free publicity on  Sunday Morning GOP TV, these hawks have the chance to drum up more support for yet another war.   Meet The Press interviewed Paul WPaul Wolflowitz on Sunday, June 15th. The Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld/Rice/Cheney group got everything wrong on Iraq the first time around.  Thankfully, President Obama has the sense to ignore their opinions on the mess he inherited.  He’ll carefully weigh our options while battling Senators who beat the war drum to satisfy their masters’ thirst for blood money.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

26 responses to Meet The Republican Senators Who Are The Defense Contractors’ Best Friends

  1. Elli Mussolino Canterbury June 15th, 2014 at 17:44

    John McCain. Someone who should know better. What a disgrace to every single soldier that ever lived.

    • granpa.usthai June 15th, 2014 at 20:20

      -uh, sailor, Elli

      while he has been an embarrassment to soldiers and the bird riders for a long, long time, it’s understandable why his fellow sailors sorta cringe every time his name is spoken until it’s related to a soldier and not a tin can wave hopper. I was after the Commandants for the longest time to see about passing the wayward sea suckers off on the Army or Air Force while retaining their chow , but they keep coming up with losing the laundry and maid service on the sea voages if they did. (it kinda a give and take thing – Corps get some fairly decent chow and second rate service, boat tenders get to bask in the glory of the Corps.

  2. Elli Mussolino Canterbury June 15th, 2014 at 17:44

    John McCain. Someone who should know better. What a disgrace to every single soldier that ever lived.

    • granpa.usthai June 15th, 2014 at 20:20

      -uh, sailor, Elli

      while he has been an embarrassment to soldiers and the bird riders for a long, long time, it’s understandable why his fellow sailors sorta cringe every time his name is spoken until it’s related to a soldier and not a tin can wave hopper. I was after the Commandants for the longest time to see about passing the wayward sea suckers off on the Army or Air Force while retaining their chow , but they keep coming up with losing the laundry and maid service on the sea voages if they did. (it kinda a give and take thing – Corps get some fairly decent chow and second rate service, boat tenders get to bask in the glory of the Corps.

  3. Alan June 15th, 2014 at 18:04

    The relationship with defense contractors should be mentioned in every interview they do.

    • fancypants June 15th, 2014 at 18:58

      If your not willing to apologize for standing up for contractors ?

    • granpa.usthai June 16th, 2014 at 01:39

      would also be an opportune time to plug the Republican one time hit of
      bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
      don’t hear it aired so much anymore
      could be the reason their war sales are down?
      maybe some foreign markets to up the exposure?

  4. Alan June 15th, 2014 at 18:04

    The relationship with defense contractors should be mentioned in every interview they do.

    • fancypants June 15th, 2014 at 18:58

      If your not willing to apologize for standing up for contractors ?

    • granpa.usthai June 16th, 2014 at 01:39

      would also be an opportune time to plug the Republican one time hit of
      bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
      don’t hear it aired so much anymore
      could be the reason their war sales are down?
      maybe some foreign markets to up the exposure?

  5. Shades June 15th, 2014 at 19:23

    I was watching CNN at Dunkin’ Donuts this morning but could only read the closed captions. Was Graham really demanding Obama send troops back in or did something get lost in translation? A poster at Kos today suggested every candidate running for election in 2014 should be made to state his/her position now regarding sending troops into Iraq so their constituents can be informed during the campaign season. I have a feeling even conservative voters don’t want to see that debacle again.

    • VegasJessie June 15th, 2014 at 19:27

      Send Willard Romney or Orrin Hatch’s kids to fight…. On the front lines.

    • granpa.usthai June 15th, 2014 at 20:38

      didn’t catch CNN, shades (not like they would have re-runs every 15 minutes) but did hear about Maliki getting ALL POWERS bestowed by his nephews. Hope POTUS Obama will seriously consider who in the US is calling for him to immediately relinquish his command of the US Military over to the Despotic Dictator Maliki. Not that they don’t truly believe that ‘amount available’ in their Dubai offshore bank accounts has to be increased post haste for personal credit upgrade, which is vital to eventual national security, therefore it is imperative that the USA Military jump back in with both feet before thinking,
      also their very close and personal friendship in political matters that are necessary for open and candid dialog between the two branches of government in order to serve the American people.
      how terrible it would be for our nation and confusing to the voters if they opt to become against it after they were for it.

  6. Shades June 15th, 2014 at 19:23

    I was watching CNN at Dunkin’ Donuts this morning but could only read the closed captions. Was Graham really demanding Obama send troops back in or did something get lost in translation? A poster at Kos today suggested every candidate running for election in 2014 should be made to state his/her position now regarding sending troops into Iraq so their constituents can be informed during the campaign season. I have a feeling even conservative voters don’t want to see that debacle again.

    • granpa.usthai June 15th, 2014 at 20:38

      didn’t catch CNN, shades (not like they would have re-runs every 15 minutes) but did hear about Maliki getting ALL POWERS bestowed by his nephews. Hope POTUS Obama will seriously consider who in the US is calling for him to immediately relinquish his command of the US Military over to the Despotic Dictator Maliki. Not that they don’t truly believe that ‘amount available’ in their Dubai offshore bank accounts has to be increased post haste for personal credit upgrade, which is vital to eventual national security, therefore it is imperative that the USA Military jump back in with both feet before thinking,
      also their very close and personal friendship in political matters that are necessary for open and candid dialog between the two branches of government in order to serve the American people.
      how terrible it would be for our nation and confusing to the voters if they opt to become against it after they were for it.

  7. granpa.usthai June 15th, 2014 at 20:04

    If the US Military is going to be reduced to a training ground for mercenaries (combat fighters for MONEY) shouldn’t the start out pay be a right much HIGHER?

    • fahvel June 16th, 2014 at 03:58

      but no after service care-saves billions.

  8. granpa.usthai June 15th, 2014 at 20:04

    If the US Military is going to be reduced to a training ground for mercenaries (combat fighters for MONEY) shouldn’t the start out pay be a right much HIGHER?

    • fahvel June 16th, 2014 at 03:58

      but no after service care-saves billions.

  9. Nancy Ogg June 16th, 2014 at 10:34

    While we are on the topic of War Profiteers – which is what they should be called – let’s mention that Israel, 89th in world population and 127th in land area, ranks **7th** in arms exports. And then ask yourself (next time the Palestinians are alleged to have broken a rule that he made up after the fact) if Netanyahu really WANTS peace in the Mideast, and if not, why not.

  10. Nancy Ogg June 16th, 2014 at 10:34

    While we are on the topic of War Profiteers – which is what they should be called – let’s mention that Israel, 89th in world population and 127th in land area, ranks **7th** in arms exports. And then ask yourself (next time the Palestinians are alleged to have broken a rule that he made up after the fact) if Netanyahu really WANTS peace in the Mideast, and if not, why not.

  11. Rixar13 June 16th, 2014 at 16:31


  12. Rixar13 June 16th, 2014 at 16:31


  13. Judy Mccracken June 17th, 2014 at 23:37

    Ah, a pic of war monger McCain and his pet rock, Graham…..

  14. Judy Mccracken June 17th, 2014 at 23:37

    Ah, a pic of war monger McCain and his pet rock, Graham…..

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