Iraq Is Falling Apart–And We Caused It

Posted by | June 11, 2014 16:30 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories War & Peace

Iraq is being overrun with jihadists. What did we expect,  that we’d go in there get rid of Saddam and fix the country and the entire Middle East? Well, yes, we did. It occurred to no one that the minute we left there would the Shiites and Sunnis, who’ve been fighting for centuries, would continue killing each other? It was a safer country under Saddam Hussein.

ISIS militants already control Fallujah, a city that American Marines took in 2004 in what was the bloodiest battle of the Iraq War. Now, with both Mosul and Fallujah under their control, nearly half of Iraq is in the grips of a group that is a formal affiliate of a terrorist group.

Equally troubling are the circumstances under which the city fell. Iraqi security personnel simply abandoned their posts, according to reports.

This is problematic for a host of reasons. First, it shows that the American-trained Iraqi military is not adequate. Second, Iraqi soldiers left their weapons behind – giving ISIS a huge cache of equipment.

But the most disturbing aspect of the desertion is what Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki proposed to replace the missing troops. In an address to the nation Tuesday, he called on Iraqi citizens to take up arms against ISIS in an attempt to retake the city.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

74 responses to Iraq Is Falling Apart–And We Caused It

  1. Tom Key June 12th, 2014 at 00:01

    The GOP: A Taking that just keeps Taking.

  2. Tom Key June 12th, 2014 at 00:07

    Until the Bush wars, Iraqis were among the most educated Arabs in the world. Most of the men were not “warriors” for Islam, but engineers. They already hated Saddam, who oppressed them — he was in constant fear of assassination. Bush #1 left Saddam in power and he killed 100,000’s of his own. Now our nation is a third world country, Halliburton is richer than we are, and we have more Americans killing American school-children than by all of the Arabs combined. The GOP is not on our side.

  3. Tom Key June 12th, 2014 at 00:07

    Until the Bush wars, Iraqis were among the most educated Arabs in the world. Most of the men were not “warriors” for Islam, but engineers. They already hated Saddam, who oppressed them — he was in constant fear of assassination. Bush #1 left Saddam in power and he killed 100,000’s of his own. Now our nation is a third world country, Halliburton is richer than we are, and we have more Americans killing American school-children than by all of the Arabs combined. The GOP is not on our side.

  4. FriendofThom June 12th, 2014 at 00:38

    It’s still hard to believe that the neocons were such fools.. utopian dreamers.. thinking we could end the sectarian strife/ war between Sunnis and Shiite that has been going on in Iraq and the middle-east for 1200+ years. Now much of Iraq is controlled by radicals who make Saddam look like a moderate.

    • Tom Ward June 12th, 2014 at 00:41

      Agreed, my friend. It is a cultural thing that I know will fix itself eventually but who knows how long it will take.

    • granpa.usthai June 12th, 2014 at 04:58

      foolish neocon Utopian dreamers with very large offshore bank accounts, friend, if you’ll recall in 2008, some were all for a hundred year occupational liberation.
      ‘Amount available’ trumps all!

    • jasperjava June 13th, 2014 at 09:34

      “thinking we could end the sectarian strife/ war between Sunnis and Shiite”

      The neo-cons didn’t even KNOW that there were “different kinds of Iraqis”. Iraqi exiles who met with B*sh in January of 2003 were shocked at the abysmal level of ignorance he had about a country he was about to invade.

  5. FriendofThom June 12th, 2014 at 00:38

    It’s still hard to believe that the neocons were such fools.. utopian dreamers.. thinking we could end the sectarian strife/ war between Sunnis and Shiite that has been going on in Iraq and the middle-east for 1200+ years. Now much of Iraq is controlled by radicals who make Saddam look like a moderate.

    • Tom Ward June 12th, 2014 at 00:41

      Agreed, my friend. It is a cultural thing that I know will fix itself eventually but who knows how long it will take.

    • granpa.usthai June 12th, 2014 at 04:58

      foolish neocon Utopian dreamers with very large offshore bank accounts, friend, if you’ll recall in 2008, some were all for a hundred year occupational liberation.
      ‘Amount available’ trumps all!

    • jasperjava June 13th, 2014 at 09:34

      “thinking we could end the sectarian strife/ war between Sunnis and Shiite”

      The neo-cons didn’t even KNOW that there were “different kinds of Iraqis”. Iraqi exiles who met with B*sh in January of 2003 were shocked at the abysmal level of ignorance he had about a country he was about to invade.

  6. fahvel June 12th, 2014 at 02:52

    and this is news because????? this end result was predictable even before l’il george, with his cajones packed in a flight suit, lied and lied and killed and then ran away to paint by the numbers.

    • granpa.usthai June 12th, 2014 at 05:31

      I think you may be just a might partisan in your judgement of GW, fahvel.
      With the problems GOPs have with numbers, I kinda suspect they may not be able to count much past 1,2, and all them other numbers.

  7. fahvel June 12th, 2014 at 02:52

    and this is news because????? this end result was predictable even before l’il george, with his cajones packed in a flight suit, lied and lied and killed and then ran away to paint by the numbers.

    • granpa.usthai June 12th, 2014 at 05:31

      I think you may be just a might partisan in your judgement of GW, fahvel.
      With the problems GOPs have with numbers, I kinda suspect they may not be able to count much past 1,2, and all them other numbers.

  8. Dave Lanson June 12th, 2014 at 06:28

    We broke Iraq and were pathetically unable to fix it.

  9. Dave Lanson June 12th, 2014 at 06:28

    We broke Iraq and were pathetically unable to fix it.

  10. Debra Watkins June 12th, 2014 at 12:45

    Foolish indeed. Saddam did rule with an iron fist and many died by that fist….but to think we can/could fix this is insanity. Iraq now has a weak government and the chips are falling.

  11. Debra Watkins June 12th, 2014 at 12:45

    Foolish indeed. Saddam did rule with an iron fist and many died by that fist….but to think we can/could fix this is insanity. Iraq now has a weak government and the chips are falling.

  12. Judgeforyourself37 June 12th, 2014 at 16:46

    G. W. Bush should have listened to Gen. Colin Powell, when he said, that waging war with Iraq would lead to the old Pottery Barn Rule: You break it, you own it. And thus it has come to pass.

  13. Judgeforyourself37 June 12th, 2014 at 16:46

    G. W. Bush should have listened to Gen. Colin Powell, when he said, that waging war with Iraq would lead to the old Pottery Barn Rule: You break it, you own it. And thus it has come to pass.

  14. sandersdogman June 13th, 2014 at 06:55

    The decision to invade Iraq was not the worst political decision in the history of the United States. It was the worst political decision in the history of the world.

  15. sandersdogman June 13th, 2014 at 06:55

    The decision to invade Iraq was not the worst political decision in the history of the United States. It was the worst political decision in the history of the world.

  16. Newfirelock June 13th, 2014 at 18:01

    Does Anyone Know?

    By James Rogers Bush

    Does anybody know

    Where the war has gone?

    Has it disappeared Into a fog

    Of wishful thinking?

    Has it become victim

    To the mind-sucking

    We’ve all become numb to?

    From buying the idea

    Of “weapons of mass destruction”

    To buying the idea

    That things are getting better…

    We’ve all become fools of the machine

    Even if “things are getting better”

    What the hell does “better” really mean?

    Will it bring back the dead?

    Will it heal all the wounds?

    Will it help the helpless in Afghanistan?

    Will it end our dependence on oil

    Or turn our global terror back?

    We stand at a crossroads

    Coddled, confused, and totally

    Full of crap

    We stand on the edge

    Lost, lonely, and befuddled

    By a very inaccurate map

    Like our forbears Of Greece and Rome

    We consume, conquer

    And play…

    Thinking the fires we’ve started

    And the rocks we’ve set rolling

    Won’t cover and consume us one day

    By the way…

    Does anyone know

    Where the war is going?

  17. Newfirelock June 13th, 2014 at 18:01

    Does Anyone Know?

    By James Rogers Bush

    Does anybody know

    Where the war has gone?

    Has it disappeared Into a fog

    Of wishful thinking?

    Has it become victim

    To the mind-sucking

    We’ve all become numb to?

    From buying the idea

    Of “weapons of mass destruction”

    To buying the idea

    That things are getting better…

    We’ve all become fools of the machine

    Even if “things are getting better”

    What the hell does “better” really mean?

    Will it bring back the dead?

    Will it heal all the wounds?

    Will it help the helpless in Afghanistan?

    Will it end our dependence on oil

    Or turn our global terror back?

    We stand at a crossroads

    Coddled, confused, and totally

    Full of crap

    We stand on the edge

    Lost, lonely, and befuddled

    By a very inaccurate map

    Like our forbears Of Greece and Rome

    We consume, conquer

    And play…

    Thinking the fires we’ve started

    And the rocks we’ve set rolling

    Won’t cover and consume us one day

    By the way…

    Does anyone know

    Where the war is going?

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