Eric Cantor’s Loss–Good Or Bad For The Republican Party?

Posted by | June 10, 2014 22:35 | Filed under: Bill Schmalfeldt Contributors Opinion Politics Top Stories

That bright streak in the sky? Is it a meteor? A comet? A spaceship crashing to Earth?

No. It is the political career of Congressman Eric Cantor plummeting towards a crashing doom in the hills of Virginia.

Did anyone see this coming?

At 8:07 ET tonight, the Associated Press declared Tea Party Challenger David Brat to be the Republican Candidate, usurping The House Majority Leader.


CNN just made the projection. 56-44 with 88 percent counted.


John Boehner doesn’t know whether to laugh or get drunk. He’ll probably do both.

Brat ran on the platform of Cantor being “too liberal” on immigration. Republicans will need a heavy Latin American turnout to win in November.


TPM reports:

Who is Brat? He is an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College. Brat was regarded as a long shot candidate but Cantor’s campaign still spent over $1 million on advertising to stress that the top House Republican is a “strong conservative.”

“I’m just not worried,” Cantor adviser Ray Allen told The Hill.

But the majority leader himself also said that he was taking the race seriously.

“We have always taken every race seriously, and we’re taking this one seriously,” Cantor told The Hill. “We’re feeling really good about where we are and looking for a big win Tuesday.”

Something ELSE he was wrong about.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Tea party candidates who have absolutely NO CHANCE of winning in a general election are going to be the death of the Republican Party if not in 2014, most definitely in 2016.


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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Bill Schmalfeldt

I no longer use Twitter or Facebook because they are evil. I do continue to blog at, where you can get information about other stuff I do, like comedy/parody CDs and MP3 downloads and audiobooks and such. Get yours now. When I'm dead, there will be a drastic price increase.

60 responses to Eric Cantor’s Loss–Good Or Bad For The Republican Party?

  1. fancypants June 10th, 2014 at 22:42

    John Boehner doesn’t know whether to laugh or get drunk.
    was there ever a doubt on what john does often ?

  2. fancypants June 10th, 2014 at 22:42

    John Boehner doesn’t know whether to laugh or get drunk.
    was there ever a doubt on what john does often ?

  3. Obewon June 10th, 2014 at 22:50

    Cantor’s $5M spent was defeated by $200K. And the TP will never figure out what really happened was likely crossover primary only Dem voters. Ted Cruz & TP are already taking the credit, until his far right TP hit a wall of blue on Tuesday November 4th.

  4. Obewon June 10th, 2014 at 22:50

    Cantor’s $5M spent was defeated by $200K. And the TP will never figure out what really happened, were likely crossover primary only Dem voters. Ted Cruz & TP are already taking the credit, until his far right TP hit a wall of blue on Tuesday November 4th.

  5. Jimmy Miller June 10th, 2014 at 23:44

    This whole election just stepped up a notch or two in entertainment value, didn’t it?

    • William June 10th, 2014 at 23:56

      Stick around Jimmy. The characters that stumble out of the GOP clown car this time are going to make Sarah Palin look like a Fulbright scholar.

      • granpa.usthai June 11th, 2014 at 06:08

        NO WAY! -granpa, Wil.
        WTF Sara can’t even squeeze out of a rented Cessna without saying WTF
        her 10,000 points of flashing lights will NEVER be outdumbed!
        no body will ever be able to lip sync a tele prompt before pronouncing the word like Sara
        no body could ever have as horrid a DU even if they tried messing it up on a bad hair day
        Sara can’t even make fun of the south with a hokey hillbilly accent without sounding like a Kansan Yankee!
        She is definitely the guiding post, the dull spark of Teabagger enlightenment , the defining line of pay for me political trash, a wandering wanton Wasilla Wacko –
        WTF John was ever convinced to give her an unlimited credit card for keeps will most certainly be as big a mystery as Romney’s FAILED landslide in 2012???

  6. Jimmy Miller June 10th, 2014 at 23:44

    This whole election just stepped up a notch or two in entertainment value, didn’t it?

    • William June 10th, 2014 at 23:56

      Stick around Jimmy. The characters that stumble out of the GOP clown car this time are going to make Sarah Palin look like a Fulbright scholar.

      • granpa.usthai June 11th, 2014 at 06:08

        NO WAY! -granpa, Wil.
        WTF Sara can’t even squeeze out of a rented Cessna without saying WTF
        her 10,000 points of flashing lights will NEVER be outdumbed!
        no body will ever be able to lip sync a tele prompt before pronouncing the word like Sara
        no body could ever have as horrid a DU even if they tried messing it up on a bad hair day
        Sara can’t even make fun of the south with a hokey hillbilly accent without sounding like a Kansan Yankee!
        She is definitely the guiding post, the dull spark of Teabagger enlightenment , the defining line of pay for me political trash, a wandering wanton Wasilla Wacko –
        WTF John was ever convinced to give her an unlimited credit card for keeps will most certainly be as big a mystery as Romney’s FAILED landslide in 2012???

  7. Politics Matter June 11th, 2014 at 00:12

    This may have saved the Republican Party from committing suicide via joining fat-cat corporations & Dems pushing amnesty for cheap labor and votes respectively.

    More about the growing Republican rift here:

    • arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:13

      you mean the way Sharon Angle, Richard Mourdock and Christine (I am not a witch) O Donnell saved the Republican party? please proceed.

      • Politics Matter June 11th, 2014 at 00:22

        The Republicans were not about to commit political suicide then as they are/were contemplating before Cantor’s loss. It will be interesting to see if the establishment Republican party heeds this clarion call of the people.

        • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 00:43

          Listen, Sparky, one tea party primary victory doesn’t equal a mandate of the people. Make no mistake, everyone wants you out of power, and the only reason your boy won is because people of both parties can vote in Virginia primaries, and Democrats voted for the tea nut to make it easier for him to lose in the general election. We’ll see how it plays out, but it’s been a winning strategy so far.

          • Politics Matter June 11th, 2014 at 01:40

            Poor little sparky, barking when he should be sleeping.

            Lol, if this was part of some Dem plan, wouldn’t they have nominated someone better than afterthought to go against Brat? Also, the idea that a majority of Dems would go out of their way, in the rain no less, to vote in a Repub primary, again, in order to support the election of a no-name afterthought candidate kind of stretches the bounds of credibility.

            In contrast, Brat had the support of many within the Tea Party, such as Mark Levin, Laura Ingram, and more. Thus, it is more than likely that these people were motivated to vote in this primary.

            • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:31

              laura ingram??? now I concede to you – she is evil you just say baaahhh.

            • Linda1961 June 11th, 2014 at 08:08

              Mark Levin and Laura Ingram (did you mean Laura Ingraham?) are political pundits, not politicians. They’ve aligned themselves with the teabaggers, so of course support Brat, but outside the teabagger bubble, they have no influence.

            • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 11:10

              BWAHAHAHA!!! Yes, you go on believing that.

              • Epiphany Dh June 11th, 2014 at 18:51

                Oh yeah, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Rush etc. They have influence? Really? Is that why President Obama is on his second term? lol
                Not to mention their new DEMOCRATIC governor. Hmmm.

        • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:30

          clario??? wow, see them all in rapture as the bell tolls – dimmer and dimmer.

        • Shades June 11th, 2014 at 04:37

          Lindsey Graham thinks you’re confused.

        • Linda1961 June 11th, 2014 at 08:01

          Virginia has open primaries, so it’s possible that Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Brat in the primary, but will vote for the candidate they really support, Jack Trammel, the Democratic candidate.

    • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:29

      in the hole 100% – don’t stick your mouth out with dumb again!!!

  8. arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:12

    Here is some background info which I think will be useful for my fellow politics junkies as we chew on this stunning result and its possible impact on the 2014 general election.

    Mr. Cantor represents the 7th Congressional district. In 2012 he defeated his Democratic opponent E. Wayne Powell by a hefty margin of 17 points 58% to 41%.

    In 2014, the Democratic candidate will be Mike Dickinson who is already on the right wing radar. Back in February, Hannity had him on his show. Apparently Hannity was none too pleased that Mr. Dickinson said that Hannity as a political analyst was like your pet cat being an auto mechanic.

    I have to think that tonight’s result certainly caught the DNC unaware since the top echelons of Congressional leadership just don’t lose in the primaries. It remains to be seen now if this “safe” Republican seat is now up for grabs. Will this TeaParty candidate talk about legitimate rape or second amendment solutions, or assure everyone that he is not a warlock (witch)? Can the Democratic candidate who is a bit of a flame thrower, accomplish a 9 point improvement over the result from his predecessor as the Democratic nominee? Are there enough independents in the district who were comfortable voting for the safe, familiar incumbent Cantor in 2012, but in 2014 will think that the GOP nominee is too far to the right?

    It is going to be fun watching the GOP try to defend a seat that everyone assured us was the epitome of a safe Republican seat. All the polls pointed to an easy Cantor victory. Where is that skewed poll guy when you need him?

    • Politics Matter June 11th, 2014 at 00:20

      To be fair, both parties have their share of cringe-worthy moments, but the Republicans have to be extra careful because the media will always attack them while sheltering Dems.

      For example, Clinton’s most recent gaffe pleading poverty because the Clinton’s struggled to by yet another mansion for her Seat in NY. The media has been much more forgiving with her, than say if Romney would’ve made a similar comment.

      Also, while you mention the “legitimate rape” comment that Romney never stated, but was repeatedly made to answer for – it was the same media that by and large never made Obama answer for his rather unpopular, even among many so-called pro-choice Dems, of supporting live birth abortions.

      Make no mistake – both sides have their gaffes, but the left has media protection.

      • arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:36

        Mr. Obama never supported live-birth abortions. If you are going to attempt the “both sides do it fairy tale”, at the very least try finding an example that is accurate.

        The talking point about the liberal media is getting really old. There is no protection. The camera and microphones record the words and deeds of Democrats and Republicans alike. It is not the fault of the media that the words of some Republicans are so completely repugnant to the American electorate.

      • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 00:40

        Those bills that Obama voted no on while in Illinois were wrapped in much more far-reaching restrictions than outlawing live birth abortions. You tea party whackos can’t tell the truth about anything, can you? And you wonder why the country hates the tea party.

      • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:28

        reading your gibberish is disheartening – go back into the rabbit hole till winter.

        • Linda1961 June 11th, 2014 at 07:53

          I stopped after the first paragraph, because he repeated the myth that the media shelters Democrats, but attacks Republicans.

      • Shades June 11th, 2014 at 04:35

        The “liberal media” zombie lie, it’s eating your brain.

      • granpa.usthai June 11th, 2014 at 05:45

        sniff, sniff, that biased ‘liberal’ media – godless commie socialist that hate living in a government that allows far less restrictions on the press than most. sniff, always favoring the leftie democrats, never ever giving a fair break for USA republicans, sniff, sniff, people ought to be willing to ignore the ‘liberal’ media and vote for poor little oppressed republicans so they will “feel” like everything is fair, sniff,….brawwwaaaa!!!
        -and you do nothing deadbeat lazy azz overly pampered privileged class just can’t understand why AMERICANS are becoming fed up with the whiny crybabies? – search (have your mommies too) political policies, majority rule, substance, vision, leadership, teamwork and honesty – or – look for someone on the Republican side who has the abilities of a ‘community organizer’ , someone with a vision beyond ‘failed policies of the past must work this time’ – someone who has the ability to pull America together as a team (WARNING: many AMERICANS such as myself are finding it much much harder to believe such a person will ever have a (R) behind their name in the USA ever again) someone who wants to built America, not destroy, someone who has substance, loyalty to our allies, understands EQUAL RESPECT in foreign affairs …(could POTUS Obama be (R) POTUS for 8 years if he were to use the name Barry?)
        -it’s not about the color of your WHITE skin
        -IT’s ABOUT POLICY!

    • arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:33

      CORRECTION: my information was faulty, Mike Dickinson will not be the nominee of the Democratic party. that will teach me to review stale source material before posting. my apologies to all. the Democratic nominee is Jack Trammell about whom I know nothing. back to the search engines.

  9. For America June 11th, 2014 at 00:12

    This may have saved the Republican Party from committing suicide via joining fat-cat corporations & Dems pushing amnesty for cheap labor and votes respectively.

    More about the growing Republican rift here:

    • arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:13

      you mean the way Sharon Angle, Richard Mourdock and Christine (I am not a witch) O Donnell saved the Republican party? please proceed.

      • For America June 11th, 2014 at 00:22

        The Republicans were not about to commit political suicide then as they are/were contemplating before Cantor’s loss. It will be interesting to see if the establishment Republican party heeds this clarion call of the people.

        • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 00:43

          Listen, Sparky, one tea party primary victory doesn’t equal a mandate of the people. Make no mistake, everyone wants you out of power, and the only reason your boy won is because people of both parties can vote in Virginia primaries, and Democrats voted for the tea nut to make it easier for him to lose in the general election. We’ll see how it plays out, but it’s been a winning strategy so far.

          • For America June 11th, 2014 at 01:40

            Poor little sparky, barking when he should be sleeping.

            Lol, if this was part of some Dem plan, wouldn’t they have nominated someone better than afterthought to go against Brat? Also, the idea that a majority of Dems would go out of their way, in the rain no less, to vote in a Repub primary, again, in order to support the election of a no-name afterthought candidate kind of stretches the bounds of credibility.

            In contrast, Brat had the support of many within the Tea Party, such as Mark Levin, Laura Ingram, and more. Thus, it is more than likely that these people were motivated to vote in this primary.

            • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:31

              laura ingram??? now I concede to you – she is evil you just say baaahhh.

            • Linda1961 June 11th, 2014 at 08:08

              Mark Levin and Laura Ingram (did you mean Laura Ingraham?) are political pundits, not politicians. They’ve aligned themselves with the teabaggers, so of course support Brat, but outside the teabagger bubble, they have no influence.

            • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 11:10

              BWAHAHAHA!!! Yes, you go on believing that.

              • Epiphany Dh June 11th, 2014 at 18:51

                Oh yeah, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Rush etc. They have influence? Really? Is that why President Obama is on his second term? lol
                Not to mention their new DEMOCRATIC governor. Hmmm.

        • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:30

          clario??? wow, see them all in rapture as the bell tolls – dimmer and dimmer.

        • Shades June 11th, 2014 at 04:37

          Lindsey Graham thinks you’re confused.

        • Linda1961 June 11th, 2014 at 08:01

          Virginia has open primaries, so it’s possible that Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Brat in the primary, but will vote for the candidate they really support, Jack Trammel, the Democratic candidate.

    • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:29

      in the hole 100% – don’t stick your mouth out with dumb again!!!

  10. arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:12

    Here is some background info which I think will be useful for my fellow politics junkies as we chew on this stunning result and its possible impact on the 2014 general election.

    Mr. Cantor represents the 7th Congressional district. In 2012 he defeated his Democratic opponent E. Wayne Powell by a hefty margin of 17 points 58% to 41%.

    In 2014, the Democratic candidate will be Mike Dickinson who is already on the right wing radar. Back in February, Hannity had him on his show. Apparently Hannity was none too pleased that Mr. Dickinson said that Hannity as a political analyst was like your pet cat being an auto mechanic.

    I have to think that tonight’s result certainly caught the DNC unaware since the top echelons of Congressional leadership just don’t lose in the primaries. It remains to be seen now if this “safe” Republican seat is now up for grabs. Will this TeaParty candidate talk about legitimate rape or second amendment solutions, or assure everyone that he is not a warlock (witch)? Can the Democratic candidate who is a bit of a flame thrower, accomplish a 9 point improvement over the result from his predecessor as the Democratic nominee? Are there enough independents in the district who were comfortable voting for the safe, familiar incumbent Cantor in 2012, but in 2014 will think that the GOP nominee is too far to the right?

    It is going to be fun watching the GOP try to defend a seat that everyone assured us was the epitome of a safe Republican seat. All the polls pointed to an easy Cantor victory. Where is that skewed poll guy when you need him?

    • For America June 11th, 2014 at 00:20

      To be fair, both parties have their share of cringe-worthy moments, but the Republicans have to be extra careful because the media will always attack them while sheltering Dems.

      For example, Clinton’s most recent gaffe pleading poverty because the Clinton’s struggled to by yet another mansion for her Seat in NY. The media has been much more forgiving with her, than say if Romney would’ve made a similar comment.

      Also, while you mention the “legitimate rape” comment that Romney never stated, but was repeatedly made to answer for – it was the same media that by and large never made Obama answer for his rather unpopular, even among many so-called pro-choice Dems, of supporting live birth abortions.

      Make no mistake – both sides have their gaffes, but the left has media protection.

      • arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:36

        Mr. Obama never supported live-birth abortions. If you are going to attempt the “both sides do it fairy tale”, at the very least try finding an example that is accurate.

        The talking point about the liberal media is getting really old. There is no protection. The camera and microphones record the words and deeds of Democrats and Republicans alike. It is not the fault of the media that the words of some Republicans are so completely repugnant to the American electorate.

      • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 00:40

        Those bills that Obama voted no on while in Illinois were wrapped in much more far-reaching restrictions than outlawing live birth abortions. You tea party whackos can’t tell the truth about anything, can you? And you wonder why the country hates the tea party.

      • fahvel June 11th, 2014 at 02:28

        reading your gibberish is disheartening – go back into the rabbit hole till winter.

        • Linda1961 June 11th, 2014 at 07:53

          I stopped after the first paragraph, because he repeated the myth that the media shelters Democrats, but attacks Republicans.

      • Shades June 11th, 2014 at 04:35

        The “liberal media” zombie lie, it’s eating your brain.

      • granpa.usthai June 11th, 2014 at 05:45

        sniff, sniff, that biased ‘liberal’ media – godless commie socialist that hate living in a government that allows far less restrictions on the press than most. sniff, always favoring the leftie democrats, never ever giving a fair break for USA republicans, sniff, sniff, people ought to be willing to ignore the ‘liberal’ media and vote for poor little oppressed republicans so they will “feel” like everything is fair, sniff,….brawwwaaaa!!!
        -and you do nothing deadbeat lazy azz overly pampered privileged class just can’t understand why AMERICANS are becoming fed up with the whiny crybabies? – search (have your mommies too) political policies, majority rule, substance, vision, leadership, teamwork and honesty – or – look for someone on the Republican side who has the abilities of a ‘community organizer’ , someone with a vision beyond ‘failed policies of the past must work this time’ – someone who has the ability to pull America together as a team (WARNING: many AMERICANS such as myself are finding it much much harder to believe such a person will ever have a (R) behind their name in the USA ever again) someone who wants to built America, not destroy, someone who has substance, loyalty to our allies, understands EQUAL RESPECT in foreign affairs …(could POTUS Obama be (R) POTUS for 8 years if he were to use the name Barry?)
        -it’s not about the color of your WHITE skin
        -IT’s ABOUT POLICY!

    • arc99 June 11th, 2014 at 00:33

      CORRECTION: my information was faulty, Mike Dickinson will not be the nominee of the Democratic party. that will teach me to review stale source material before posting. my apologies to all. the Democratic nominee is Jack Trammell about whom I know nothing. back to the search engines.

  11. OhioGene June 11th, 2014 at 09:10

    and so many thought tea was dead? Would appear that “many” had fluffy thinking.

    • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 11:26

      Tea IS dead. This is just the body twitching and convulsing.

  12. OhioGene June 11th, 2014 at 09:10

    and so many thought tea was dead? Would appear that “many” had fluffy thinking.

    • Jimmy Miller June 11th, 2014 at 11:26

      Tea IS dead. This is just the body twitching and convulsing.

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