Navy SEAL: Dead Soldiers’ Families Should Have Been With Bergdahl In Rose Garden

Posted by | June 7, 2014 19:50 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories War & Peace

Marcus Luttrell, a Navy SEAL who wrote Lone Survivor about his Afghanistan hardships says public opinion has turned so drastically against Bowe Bergdahl that, “Heaven help that kid if he’s not a deserter.”

Luttrell told Anderson Cooper he has a great deal of sympathy for Bergdahl’s situation. He agreed that the swap could send the dangerous message that taking American soldiers hostage could be rewarded, and said he could understand the fear in Bergdahl’s eyes in the video released by the Taliban…

Luttrell said that if Bergdahl really did desert, “he should be tried,” and admitted he wasn’t a big fan of the celebratory Rose Garden announcement because they didn’t have the families of soldiers who died looking for Bergdahl.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

26 responses to Navy SEAL: Dead Soldiers’ Families Should Have Been With Bergdahl In Rose Garden

  1. Stan Ubeki June 7th, 2014 at 19:58

    It has been denied by the defense dept that any soldiers died on a mission dedicated to finding Bergdahl. Soldiers did die on other missions whose secondary purpose was to find him, but that is always the secondary purpose when a pow is in enemy hands.

  2. Stan Ubeki June 7th, 2014 at 19:58

    It has been denied by the defense dept that any soldiers died on a mission dedicated to finding Bergdahl. Soldiers did die on other missions whose secondary purpose was to find him, but that is always the secondary purpose when a pow is in enemy hands.

  3. jasperjava June 7th, 2014 at 20:28

    “public opinion has turned so drastically against Bowe Bergdahl”

    That’s if you base “public opinion” on the screeching ravings of right-wing radio blowhards and their mindless followers.

    The vast majority of the REAL American public sympathize with Bergdahl, and are happy that he is home from his ordeal.

  4. jasperjava June 7th, 2014 at 20:28

    “public opinion has turned so drastically against Bowe Bergdahl”

    That’s if you base “public opinion” on the screeching ravings of right-wing radio blowhards and their mindless followers.

    The vast majority of the REAL American public sympathize with Bergdahl, and are happy that he is home from his ordeal.

  5. Prusak359 June 7th, 2014 at 20:31

    Just because you are a Navy Seal doesn’t mean that you are not a jack ass. And surviving a failed military mission doesn’t make one a hero.

    No evidence has been produced by the military which shows that any soldier died searching for Bergdahl. Two of the soldiers died at a different based in a mortar attack by the Taliban, The other 4 soldiers died 2-3 months after the search for Bergdahl ended and during a Taliban surge at the end of the Summer of 2009.

    Luttrell should shut his trap and get his facts straight.

  6. Prusak359 June 7th, 2014 at 20:31

    Just because you are a Navy Seal doesn’t mean that you are not a jack ass. And surviving a failed military mission doesn’t make one a hero.

    No evidence has been produced by the military which shows that any soldier died searching for Bergdahl. Two of the soldiers died at a different based in a mortar attack by the Taliban, The other 4 soldiers died 2-3 months after the search for Bergdahl ended and during a Taliban surge at the end of the Summer of 2009.

    Luttrell should shut his trap and get his facts straight.

    • fahvel June 8th, 2014 at 03:53

      the seals today are an exaggerated tv plot – once they were a real elite force to be avoided at all cost -now they are headliners – a shame for such an elite group.

      • bobby1122 June 8th, 2014 at 14:59

        Thank blabber mouth Joe Biden for putting them out there in the public eye.

  7. fancypants June 7th, 2014 at 22:28

    I enjoyed the movie lone survivor up until you stuck you foot out from under the tree you were hiding under that tripped the afghan goat boy. Some things are best kept in a book but you had to make a movie on how you got your partners killed. BRAVO

  8. fancypants June 7th, 2014 at 22:28

    I enjoyed the movie lone survivor up until you stuck you foot out from under the tree you were hiding under that tripped the afghan goat boy. Some things are best kept in a book but you had to make a movie on how you got your fellow soldiers killed. BRAVO

  9. Bob Waas June 7th, 2014 at 22:54

    The six guys from Bergdahl’s troop didn’t consider him to be a POW, but a deserter. It will be interesting to see what he has to say.

    • bobby1122 June 8th, 2014 at 15:04

      You are right.- For those who never served and political hacks- a POW is someone captured or shot down by the enemy in combat, a deserter is someone who sneaks away and looks for the enemy.. Bergdahl left his rifle, body armor and gear and left his guard post unmanned ( putting the whole unit in danger) – DESERTER.

      • mea_mark June 8th, 2014 at 15:16

        That may be what happened, but these are not established facts yet. Until that is proven his status as a POW is, what it was. The government may try and change what his previous status was for legal reasons, depending on what they find out. He will be known as a POW though that was returned at the time of his return, not a deserter.

        • bobby1122 June 8th, 2014 at 15:23

          2009 Pentagon report on his actions was classified- remains classified and Pentagon spokesman told reporters to file FOIA ( big stall tactic) while Obama’s spin team try to turn this scum Bergdahl into a victim.

          • mea_mark June 8th, 2014 at 15:40

            Probably classified till they get both sides of the story. It is hard to interview someone when the enemy has them locked up. Have you forgotten about due process of law. I swear, sometimes I don’t think people want to think.

            • bobby1122 June 8th, 2014 at 16:00

              The Pentagon report from 2009 was an investigation about his “going missing” – He was supposed to be standing guard duty. this plan now is to look for sympathy ploy so clown Obama team doesn’t look so bad.

  10. Bob Waas June 7th, 2014 at 22:54

    The six guys from Bergdahl’s troop didn’t consider him to be a POW, but a deserter. It will be interesting to see what he has to say.

    • bobby1122 June 8th, 2014 at 15:04

      You are right.- For those who never served and political hacks- a POW is someone captured or shot down by the enemy in combat, a deserter is someone who sneaks away and looks for the enemy.. Bergdahl left his rifle, body armor and gear and left his guard post unmanned ( putting the whole unit in danger) – DESERTER.

      • mea_mark June 8th, 2014 at 15:16

        That may be what happened, but these are not established facts yet. Until that is proven his status as a POW is, what it was. The government may try and change what his previous status was for legal reasons, depending on what they find out. He will be known as a POW though that was returned at the time of his return, not a deserter.

        • bobby1122 June 8th, 2014 at 15:23

          2009 Pentagon report on his actions was classified- remains classified and Pentagon spokesman told reporters to file FOIA ( big stall tactic) while Obama’s spin team try to turn this scum Bergdahl into a victim.

          • mea_mark June 8th, 2014 at 15:40

            Probably classified till they get both sides of the story. It is hard to interview someone when the enemy has them locked up. Have you forgotten about due process of law. I swear, sometimes I don’t think people want to think.

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