Do You Know We Caught A Terrorist Last Week? Why Not?

Posted by | April 1, 2014 14:49 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Opinion Politics Top Stories

Robin Pennacchia knows, and also knows why you don’t know.

Being that it is part of my actual job, I tend to read a lot news. A wide variety of it, from many different sources. So, when something important happens, like the girl who played Stephanie Tanner on Full House goes to pick up her dry cleaning, or the FBI arrests someone for terrorism, it is usually something I find out about very quickly. However, I somehow managed to not hear a single word about Robert James Talbot, Jr. being arrested for terrorism last week. Which is weird because usually, when the FBI arrests someone for terrorism, it ends up all over the damn news…

But Robert James Talbot, Jr. gets arrested for terrorism and I don’t see a thing about it until days later, until this weekend when I happened upon this article from the Southern Poverty Law Center. So weird! In fact, most of the other articles I’ve been able to find are from local Texas news sources. Very few national outlets have even bothered with the story…

Talbot is a white, radical right-wing conservative who was arrested by the FBI on charges of “attempted interference with commerce by robbery, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and possession of an explosive material.”

He set up a Facebook page, “American Insurgent Movement” in order to recruit five or six like-minded folks for what he called a “a Pre-Constitutionalist Community that offers those who seek True patriotism and are looking for absolute Freedom by doing the Will of God. Who want to restore America Pre- Constitutionally and look forward to stopping the Regime with action by bloodshed.”…

Now, call me crazy, but I have a feeling that if Talbot had been, instead, a Muslim man plotting to blow up Christian churches, that this is something that would have made the news cycle, in pretty heavy rotation. Despite the fact that two people with a similar ideology once committed one of the most tragic incidents of terrorism on U.S. soil, it is highly unlikely that other like-minded folks–like Larry Klayman and friends–will be put on the do-not-fly list anytime soon.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Aneesh

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