Trump Mania Sweeps The Donald Clear Of Challengers In Republican Presidential Candidate Poll

Posted by | April 15, 2011 18:14 | Filed under: Top Stories

by toma

Okay, how many of you were betting that an NBC reality show regular would race into the Republican presidential candidate lead? Who figured a billionaire dark horse “Birther” would run circles around “serious” candidates Romney, Huckabee and Palin? Don’t look at me.

Here comes Public Policy Polling’s latest survey:

Every month, PPP polls Republican primary voters nationwide about their preferences for the GOP presidential nomination. Almost every month, the top four candidates have been in a statistical tie, with various candidates jockeying back and forth for slim leads. But for the first time in three months, when Mike Huckabee had a ten point lead over Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin, PPP has found a candidate who puts serious distance between himself and the rest of the field: Donald Trump.

Trump leads with 26% over Huckabee’s 17%, Romney’s 15%, Newt Gingrich’s 11%, Palin’s 8%, Ron Paul’s 5%, and Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann’s 4%.

Holy bird’s nests. How did Donald do it? He’s free to be even whackier than his rivals:

23% of these voters say they would not be willing to vote for a candidate who stated clearly that Obama was born in the U.S. 38% say they would, and a 39% plurality are not sure. Among the hardcore birthers, Trump leads with 37%, almost three times as much support as anyone else.

When you’re a business billionaire and TV show personality who cares nothing of politics, what’s to lose? You can pound the issue to death. If you win, you win. And if you lose, you go back to your real life and pocket jillions. What a hoot!

Note: the GOP is the serious adult party.

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Copyright 2011 Liberaland
By: toma

Foul-mouthed blogger.

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