Ann Coulter Strikes Back At Trump And Birthers, But Blames Liberals And Hillary For Promoting Them

Posted by | April 12, 2011 09:50 | Filed under: Top Stories

Ann Coulter gave a reasoned explanation of how insane the birthers are, but did so by asserting that conservatives don’t really believe them and it’s the liberals, including Hillary Clinton, who have promoted them (via Mediaite). So, while the fringe right is knocking itself out, it’s really the fault of the Hillary Clinton campaign which started it, claims Coulter, and the liberal media that keeps talking about it. If only these horrible liberal media outlet would leave the nice, sane conservatives alone, and not keep talking about this “conspiracy theory that won’t die on the Internet” and is heard “exclusively on liberal stations.” Oh? Trump promotes his birther theories only on liberal shows? Hillary Clinton is the one who is responsible for this?

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By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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