George Will Knows How Much Trouble His Party Is In

Posted by | March 7, 2011 10:27 | Filed under: Top Stories

by Stuart Shapiro

George Will echoes what I’ve been saying for months (you’re welcome George!).  Basically, his column discusses how the GOP candidates for president in 2012 that are getting all of the air time (specifically Gingrich, Huck, and Palin, who goes unmentioned) are going to so poison the American public against Republicans that any candidate that survives the primaries will be irreparably harmed.

If pessimism is not creeping on little cat’s feet into Republicans’ thinking about their 2012 presidential prospects, that is another reason for pessimism. This is because it indicates they do not understand that sensible Americans, who pay scant attention to presidential politics at this point in the electoral cycle, must nevertheless be detecting vibrations of weirdness emanating from people associated with the party.

I disagree with Will that Romney, who he mentions later in the column, is a viable candidate, but other than that he is spot on.  And the best thing is that there is nothing that the Republicans can do about it.

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Copyright 2011 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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