How Extreme Is Kentucky’s Newest Senator? More Than He Admitted During The Campaign

Posted by | November 22, 2010 18:41 | Filed under: Top Stories

Kentucky Senator-elect Rand Paul downplayed his opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and other extreme positions during his Senate campaign, but now more is coming out about what he believes. In a 2009 interview with 9/11 truther Alex Jones, Paul compared President Obama to Hitler and said health care reform would lead to martial law. (via Think Progress)

Paul casually compared President Obama to Hitler. “I think times of crisis is when we have to worry the most about things. You know, Rahm Emanuel, who’s chief adviser to President Obama, said ‘let no good crisis go past without allowing government to grow, these are our chances for government to grow stronger and for more security at the expense of liberty.’ And it’s happened before. When you have severe crisis, that’s when sometimes strong leaders arise. You had the money destroyed in Germany in 1923 and out of that chaos came Hitler who promised that these awful people were the ones doing this to you and we need to round them up and put them in camps. And the liberties just went out the window. But people actually democratically voted in a Hitler. And I worry about that again in our country.” Later in the interview, he jokingly asked if Obama supporters were wearing “brown shirts,” a reference to the Nazi’s paramilitary units.

Paul warned that individual mandate in Obama’s health reform legislation could lead to “martial law.” He also delved into a long conspiracy theory about vaccines. “Well I mean, the first sort of thing you see with martial law is mandates, and they’re talking about making it mandatory. Um, I worry because the last flu vaccine we had in the 1970s, more people died from the vaccine than from the swine flu. I think you have to use your brain but I think every individual should be able to make that choice.”

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Copyright 2010 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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