Karl Rove Endorses O’Donnell After Calling Her A Liar

Posted by | September 16, 2010 17:36 | Filed under: Top Stories

By Yashwanth Manjunath

It seems like it was only yesterday (maybe because it was…) that when asked about Christine O’Donnell, Karl Rove was telling people how:

“It does conservatives little good to support candidates who at the end of the day — while they may be conservative in their public statements — do not evince the characteristics of rectitude, truthfulness and sincerity of character that the voters are looking for.”

Rove was undoubtedly referring to O’Donnell’s difficulties paying her college loans and her use of campaign funds to pay for her rent, behaviors that certainly do not qualify as “truthful.” O’Donnell might even be in some legal trouble for her use of her campaign funds, but if anyone can relate to her politically-related trouble with the law, it’s Karl Rove.

Rove certainly made news with his statements. Not only because he found himself at odds with other conservatives like Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, but who knew that conservatives want rectitude, truthfulness, and sincerity out of their leaders? Why do they keep supporting Republicans then? The good news for Republicans is that Karl Rove has demonstrated his “sincerity of character” by walking back his earlier criticisms of Christine O’Donnell while on with Martha Maccallum of Fox News.

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