Wingnut Of the Day: Sally Kern

Posted by | June 30, 2009 10:35 | Filed under: Top Stories

I was thinking of a feature called “Wingnut of the Week,” but they’re coming at us so fast and furiously that “Wingnut of the Day” seems more appropriate.  Welcome back to Liberaland, Sally Kern, the Oklahoma state legislator who said last year that homosexuality is our biggest threat, “even more so than terrorism or Islam.”

Kern’s latest venture into wingnuttia is the “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation For Morality”.  Here

are some of the WHEREASES

WHEREAS, “It is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand” (John Adams); and




WHEREAS, “Our Constitution was made only for a Moral and Religious people” (John Adams); and




WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and


WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and




WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of Prayer; and


WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;

So the premise is that the good Christians who founded this nation are being disregarded by a new era of immorality led by the gays, the abortionists and a president who doesn’t promote clean and pure living.

BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, humbly call upon Holy God, our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer, to have mercy on this nation, to stay His hand of judgment,and grant a national awakening of righteousness and Christian renewal as we repent of our great sin.


Here’s what Kern said last year when she went on her gay-fearing tirade (h/t Think Progress).


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Copyright 2009 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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