Mirrors Hurt

Posted by | March 30, 2009 18:41 | Filed under: Top Stories

The attacks have begun because of my piece on the new “Fox Nation.”  At Lucianne.com I’m ridiculed as being a “whiner” and as someone who “looks as goofy as his opinions.”  Good one. Attack my appearance because you don’t like my opinion.  At American Conservative Daily the response to me pointing out Republican hypocrisy is, “We are doing what you….taught us to do.”  That’s only a slightly more mature way of arguing by saying, “No, you are.”  According to this guy, I’m “unhinged.”

And the commenters don’t particularly see it my way:



The role of president is ‘above Obama’s paygrade’. Apparently dictator is not. I have always liked you Alan, but until you put away your idealogy and your partys talking points, nothing you have to say impresses me. I consider myself to be a moderate independent and frankly your president is scarying me.



Poor Colmes. He has never been able to make a legitimate well reasoned argument for any of Obama’s policies and now he want’s us to leave his president alone. Makes us sound like bullys on a playground. Come on out Colmes and play with the big boys, grow up. Your president is an arrogant power mad twit and you’re living vicriously through him by adopting him as your new best friend. You are still as pathetic as ever and I do not miss you on Hannity.



Poor old Alan is the same light-weight he was when Hannity carried him


The Thinker:

Alan, we have given him a chance. Two months is enough to determine if a guy has a clue what he is doing.



If he’s your president, please take him and find another place to destroy. Please leave the United States of America alone!


And these are some of the kinder comments.  Many of them revolve around saying my side attacked Bush, someting I actually predicted in the article itself.  Remarkable to me is the level of vitriol directed at Obama just two months into his tenure, and the pass they seem to give the previous administration which left us with this mess in the first place.

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Copyright 2009 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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