Romney: “I Can’t Let My Campaign Be A Surrender To Terror”

Posted by | February 7, 2008 12:03 | Filed under: Top Stories

So, you quit the race and fear-monger at the same time. Mark Halperin at Time had it first. Introduced at CPAC as “the conservative’s conservative” by Laura Ingraham. Are you kidding me? A guy who was pro-illegal immigrant, more pro-gay than Ted Kennedy, pro-choice, pro stem cell research, and anti-NRA? The guy who said, “I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.” And these people have the audacity to attack John McCain and call him a “liberal” or, worse, a Manchurian Candidate?

This nasty screed attacking liberal judges and unions, making fun of France, and hitting all the right-wing talking points, implying that it’s the conservatives who are the principled, family values people having to fight off attacks on our culture (from liberals, obviously) is exactly why he has no business being president of a UNITED States of America. Romney picked easy targets for applause lines like Ahmadinejad, Putin and “radical jihadists” (red-baiting, anyone?), sure to get hoots and hollers from the Kool-Aid® crowd. Oh, and of course he talked about how brave our soldiers are and how their numbers were depleted by Clinton. Wait a minute! How long has it been since Clinton has been president? If it’s true that our military was decimated by Clinton, why didn’t the Republican who followed him rebuild it? Romney’s speech was a disgusting display of fear-mongering, playing the old “elect them and we’ll get attacked” canard. And then he said he has to get out now to stop Hillary and Barack, and he “can’t let (my) campaign be a surrender to terror.” So if you stay in the race that means you’ve surrendered America to terror, by allowing a Democrat to be elected? Sickening.

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Copyright 2008 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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