My Radio Guest Says Liberals Are Mental Cases

Posted by | January 9, 2008 23:31 | Filed under: Top Stories

The sad part is, he’s a practicing shrink and people actually to go him for counseling. Imagine you seek emotional help and some guy with a a degree on his wall tells you you’re messed up because you’re a liberal. Among Lyle Rossiter’s beliefs about liberals:

Of special interest, however, are the many values about which the modern liberal mind is not passionate: his agenda does not insist that the individual is the ultimate economic, social and political unit; it does not idealize individual liberty and the structure of law and order essential to it; it does not defend the basic rights of property and contract; it does not aspire to ideals of authentic autonomy and mutuality; it does not preach an ethic of self-reliance and self-determination; it does not praise courage, forbearance or resilience; it does not celebrate the ethics of consent or the blessings of voluntary cooperation. It does not advocate moral rectitude or understand the critical role of morality in human relating.

And here’s what he thinks liberals care about:

What the liberal mind is passionate about is a world filled with pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice.

And the cure:

The liberal cure for this endless malaise is a very large authoritarian government that regulates and manages society through a cradle to grave agenda of redistributive caretaking.

Let him have it.

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Copyright 2008 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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