Point And Click Democracy

Posted by | December 19, 2007 11:15 | Filed under: Top Stories

We will never bring democracy to other countries at the point of a gun. Rather, it will be the point and click of mouses that will win the hearts and minds of those who have suffered brutal regimes. An MIT physics teacher is an Internet star because his unique presentations are available on YouTube. It is the accessibility of Professor Walter H. G. Lewin that has an Iraqi teacher gushing:

“You are now my Scientific Father. In spite of the bad occupation and war against my lovely IRAQ, you made me love USA because you are there and MIT is there.”

Note that he doesn’t love America because we invaded his country and removed a dictator. His feelings for this country are in spite of that. He loves America because of a natural, organic event that has evolved as a result of cyberspace, something no government can or should control. The New American Century will have its greatest success because of the technological revolution, not because of a military one. The ability to turn on a computer, tune, in, and drop old ideas for new ones is what will change the world. During the Summer of Love we said, “Make love, not war.” We are now approaching the summer of our political discontent as yet another political season ratchets up with candidates trying to out-God and out-hawk each other. Forget sending military hardware. Send computer hardware. That is what will change the world and what will bring down despots. And save lives, including those of Americans who will no longer need to fight unnecessary wars.

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Copyright 2007 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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